Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1676 Xiao Zhen

An ancient ascetic said: Once a golden elixir is swallowed into the belly, from now on my destiny is determined by me and not by God.

For some worlds, forming a golden elixir is like an immortal.But in the world of mortals with strong aura, although the alchemy stage can be regarded as a mainstay among various sects in the world of cultivation, it is definitely not an immortal.

Even if he is not an immortal, his power in the Dan Formation stage has long been beyond the realm of human beings.When you reach the pill-forming stage, you can fly in the air and cross the void without the help of magic weapons, so the pill-forming stage is also called the soaring cloud stage.Moreover, during the Dantian period, you can release your spiritual consciousness and use your own Dantian to cultivate and practice magic weapons.For example, the power of the powerful talismans captured by Su Yi was only one-tenth of the original talisman, which can be seen from this.

For ordinary people, if they want to search the vast Lanzhou inch by inch, even ten years may not be enough.But for the great supernatural monks like Wanjia Patriarch and Li Huayuan, most of them had been searched in just a few hours.

The ancestors of the Wan family used the patrolling spirit detection array to encircle a large area of ​​points containing spiritual power in the array. Li Huayuan then released the spirit detection rats to detect the abnormal places marked on these array plates one by one. The spirit detection rats would see what they saw. Things were fed back to Li Huayuan from a distance, and the two of them decided whether they needed to conduct a second investigation in person based on the actual situation.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to detect any points containing spiritual energy fluctuations in most areas of the mortal world. As soon as the ancestors of the Wan family swept away the formation, the two of them immediately changed an area very quickly.

Occasionally, if the array plate shows abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations, Li Huayuan immediately releases the spirit rats to investigate, while the two of them continue to explore the next area.In most cases, these abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations are magic weapons, talismans, spiritual herbs and other treasures that have somehow wandered into the mortal world. Some items actually caught the eye of Li Huayuan and were brought back by him by controlling the spirit-detecting mouse. , made an unexpected small fortune.

Sometimes the spirit-detecting mouse will encounter casual cultivators or people from the Black Evil Cult. At this time, the Black Evil Cult members who received the instructions immediately released their evil energy to the spirit-detecting mouse and showed the Heisha Cult tokens. The scene was seen through the spirit-detecting mouse. Li Huayuan naturally didn't bother to pay attention to them.

But the casual cultivators were not so lucky. Li Huayuan was a bit gentler. He used illusions to force the truth out of the casual cultivators he went to investigate. After eliminating suspicion, he left without harming these people.

But the ancestor of the Wan family is much more violent. Whenever he goes to investigate the casual cultivators, he will directly use soul searching methods, then seize their storage bags, and then kill them with one palm!
Along the way, at least more than 30 unlucky monks died at the hands of the Wanjia Patriarch, and seven or eight of them were members of the Black Evil Sect. If the Wanjia Patriarch did not do this intentionally, even a dog would not believe it.

After searching Lanzhou for most of the time, there were still no results. The ancestor of the Wan family became more and more irritable. He had already released the transmission talisman twice to inquire about the situation of Wangshui Kingdom and Fenghejian Xiao Family.But the news from both sides disappointed him.

The former told him that everything was calm. Because the Xiao family was adjacent to Huadaowu, they were very respectful to the Wan family ancestor's request and agreed to temporarily close the two entrances and exits of Fenghe Stream and temporarily prohibit all outside monks from entering. There is nothing unusual about the side.

Seeing that the ancestor of the Wan family was so anxious, Li Huayuan also took the initiative to ask about the situation in the Zijin Kingdom. Naturally, there was no news.

"Fellow Taoist Wan, please be patient. The remaining area has complex terrain and many casual cultivators. Maybe the Hehetu people are hiding here." Li Huayuan smiled and comforted, "If there really aren't any, then they are probably Even if they are blocked in Fenghe Stream. In short, even if we set up a dragnet, these people will not be able to escape even if they have wings."

Li Huayuan understood very well why the ancestor of the Wan family was anxious.Although the immortal girl is very attractive to both of them, even if they can't get this thing, Li Huayuan is just happy in vain.

But the Wanjia ancestor is different. The magic weapon that Master Qingyan has cultivated for him because of his special physique and special skills is related to the hope of the Wanjia ancestor to further his cultivation. Now that this thing has been snatched away, if he can't find it, To this group of people, just this loss is enough to make the ancestors of the Wan family feel heartbroken.

"Hmph, when I find these rats, I won't be able to eliminate the hatred in my heart unless I pull out their muscles and bones!" Although the ancestor of the Wan family looked slightly pale, he still said with hatred.

Fenghejian, Xuankong Mountain.

This mountain is mysterious and strange. Because of the Dream Stone, the mountain forms illusions and boundaries of different sizes and shapes. The environment and terrain in the mountain are very complex.Even the Xiao family themselves dare not say that they have completely explored this mountain.Therefore, there are still some secret places in this mountain that no one has ever set foot on, waiting for the lucky ones to discover them.

Xiao Zhen is such a lucky man.

Xiao Zhen is a descendant of a side branch of the Xiao family. Like Han Li, he has four attributes of mixed spiritual roots.He is over 50 years old this year and has only reached the eleventh level of Qi refining stage.

In fact, this is the normal cultivation speed of miscellaneous spirit roots. Han Li's cheating life is a special case.

Xiao Zhen knew very well that he would never be able to build a foundation in this life, and his son's talent was even worse than his, with a five-attribute miscellaneous spiritual root.But his newborn granddaughter is different. Xiao Cuier has two spiritual roots!If such a talent is born in the direct line of the Xiao family, they will be treated as a treasure from the day they are born and receive special attention.

It's a pity that he is just a branch of the Xiao family. No matter how talented his granddaughter Xiao Cuier is, she can only receive an extra subsidy of one low-level spiritual stone every month.The subsidy for this piece of spiritual stone was obtained by the great elder Xiao Ping for the children of the branch in recent years. There was nothing before.

Unless Xiao Cui'er is promoted to the thirteenth level of Qi training before the age of 16, she will be rewarded with a Foundation Building Pill by her master.Before this, the little granddaughter had to be self-sufficient in all her cultivation resources.

Xiao Zhen regards his granddaughter as the hope for his family's turnaround. He hopes that his infant granddaughter can help his family achieve class transcendence and no longer be oppressed and discriminated against by direct descendants.Therefore, he did not hesitate to take risks in Xuankong Mountain himself to find resources for his little granddaughter, hoping that she could win at the starting line.

A "veteran Qi training period" like Xiao Zhen has many means of survival and extremely rich experience.He has been stranded in Xuankong Mountain for four or five months, escaping countless dangers and obtaining some reasonable resources.

He originally planned to accept it as soon as it was ready, but unexpectedly, at a trade fair, he accidentally got a small book of ancient proverbs. There was a map in the book. The address marked on the map was in Xuankong Mountain!

Xiao Zhen happened to understand this niche ancient saying. As if he had found a treasure, he immediately took a picture of this unknown book, and then according to the map location marked above, he found a secret hidden at the very remote border of Xuankong Mountain. Enchantment.

There is a cave in this barrier that has been abandoned for many years. It took Xiao Zhen half a year to rely on his rich experience in formations to break the ancient restrictions in this cave.Just when he was filled with joy and just breathed a sigh of relief, a magic sword came out and penetrated his chest from the back!

Fortunately, Xiao Zhen deviated from his body as soon as he sensed the danger, thus avoiding the fate of having his heart pierced.

The moment he fell to the ground, he knew that he had been seriously injured and had lost [-]% to [-]% of his strength. He feared that he would be in danger if he faced an unknown enemy again, so he simply used the Breath Condensation Technique to pretend to be dead, hoping that the enemy would not take the last hit. , he accidentally attacked and killed him.

Maybe the enemy was really careless, or maybe the person who attacked was very confident in the effect of his attack. In short, this person really didn't come to check Xiao Zhen's situation. After taking back the magic sword, he showed up with a proud smile.

"Xiao Zhen, Xiao Zhen, no matter how cunning you are, didn't you still fall into my trap and work hard to make me a wedding dress? Hahaha... Do you really think you are lucky enough to have this opportunity? Bah! Don't even think about it, why? There happened to be an ancient proverb book that only you could read at that fair? If I hadn’t carefully arranged it, how could such a coincidence happen in this world? Hahaha!"

The attacker's ecstatic laughter resounded throughout this small space. Xiao Zhen, who was pretending to be dead, was shocked and angry when he heard this familiar voice. He almost lost his mind and leaked his breath!
He knows this person!
This person's name is Xiao Tan. More than ten years ago, he took action in a conflict and saved this person's life.Since then, this man has always been a benefactor, treating him with great respect and enthusiasm.Although Xiao Zhen is a well-mannered person, he will inevitably lose some of his wariness towards a person who respects him as his savior and inadvertently leak some of his unknown habits and secrets to this person.

For example, he knows that niche ancient saying, or he has a lot of research on ancient forbidden formations... By deducing the cause from the effect, Xiao Zhen instantly understood that he had been plotted by Xiao Tan from the beginning to the end!

His coming to Xuankong Mountain was instigated by this person. He knew that the news about the trade fair was deliberately revealed by this person. He also knew the person who sold him the ancient proverb book and was his friend. At that time, the seller was still "seeking to For Xiao Tan's sake, I gave him a piece of spiritual stone at a discount.

Xiao Zhen was full of regrets. Now that he thought about so many strange things, he was blinded by greed and didn't realize it!
Fortunately, Xiao Tan didn't know that he was good at breath gathering, otherwise there would be no use pretending to be dead right now!

"Haha, lifesaver? Damn! If it weren't for the fact that you could refine the formation flag for me for free, I would have endured more than ten years of disgust and flatter you every day? Do you really think that you can be superior just because you saved my life?" Xiao Tan Deyi's voice got closer and closer.

Xiao Zhen quietly circulated his spiritual power, preparing to give Xiao Tan a fatal blow when he came to pick out his storage bag.

But at this moment, he heard Xiao Tan's frightened cry.


The last word was screamed out, full of fear and despair.After this sound, Xiao Tan's voice suddenly stopped, followed by a "pop".It was like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the space became calm again.

Although Xiao Zhen did not open his eyes, he felt a coldness spreading in the space. A cold and evil consciousness swept through his body, causing all the energy and blood in his body to freeze. The next second, it was difficult to The fear of containment suddenly filled my heart!
Xiao Zhen resisted the urge to jump up and run away, suppressing his fear and letting himself continue to pretend to be dead.

He could feel that the owner of this terrifying consciousness was standing not far away, probably next to Xiao Tan's body.He remained motionless and made no sound.

Maybe he was staring at me?

Xiao Zhen was extremely frightened, but he didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

Xiao Tan is at the tenth level of Qi training, which is almost the same as him.But this being killed Xiao Tan as soon as he met him. Now that he was seriously injured, he was probably unable to fight back.

Now he just hoped that this being didn't notice that he was pretending to be dead and left quickly after taking the opportunity in the cave.

But the more afraid of what, the more what.

Just as he was suffering second by second, a voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile made his heart sink to the bottom!

"If you keep pretending to be dead, you'll never have to wake up again."

All luck was completely shattered!

Xiao Zhen opened his eyes with bitterness in his heart. When he saw the "person" in front of him, his eyes widened in horror. The huge fear even made him forget to breathe.

This was a cyan figure, with a body that seemed real and illusory, with dense bloodshot threads squirming and spreading all over his body.A trace of evil energy emanated from his body, filling the space with a terrifying aura.

This cyan figure held a roll of animal skin in one hand, and held a black figure with a face full of fear and struggling in the other hand.

Xiao Zhen recognized it at a glance. The face of this black figure was exactly the same as Xiao Tan!
This is Xiao Tan’s soul!
This cyan figure not only killed Xiao Tan, but also captured Xiao Tan's soul!
This is a cruel method only used by demonic monks. Could it be that the cyan figure in front of him is a monk from the Sixth Sect of Demonic Dao?
Or maybe this cyan figure was released from the cave?

Xiao Zhen was completely desperate!

No matter what the possibility is, he is dead!
But he is not reconciled!
If he dies, who will protect his genius granddaughter?

The future of his family will be even more miserable and desolate than now!
The strong fear and desire for survival made Xiao Zhen kneel down to the cyan figure in front of him without even thinking about it.

He lay prone on the ground and begged for mercy in a trembling voice: "Senior, please spare my life! I am willing to do anything for you, I just want you to spare my life!"

When the cyan figure saw this, his expression showed a strange look.

Xiao Zhen, Xiao Cuier...

He looked at the animal skin in his hand again. There were words written on it that he couldn't understand, but recalling the original plot, this should be the demon clan's "Nine Transformations of Gale Wind" technique.

Unexpectedly, when I went into Xuankong Mountain to inquire about information, I met Han Li's chance NPC in advance by chance. What a coincidence.

This cyan figure is Su Yi’s green-photographing soul!
After learning about the characteristics and magic of Xuankong Mountain from Qian Huan, Su Yi immediately realized that if he wanted to find out as much useful information about the Xiao family as possible, Xuankong Mountain was definitely the most suitable place.

This place is closed and only the monks during the Qi training period are active. For Su Yi, it is absolutely safe.

The best thing is that the special terrain and features of this place provide great cover for the privacy Su Yi wants.For others, how to enter Xuankong Mountain and face endless barriers and illusions after entering may be a very headache.But for the Soul of Sheqing, any formation barrier or secret realm is a smooth road.

Because She Qing can pass through the realm of yin and yang to ignore any obstacles in material space, ignore spiritual energy, and teleport to wherever he wants to go!

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