Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1677 Urgent

She Qing's soul is undoubtedly powerful, and now Su Yi's physical body is completely a burden to She Qing.

If he didn't want a physical body and came and went without a trace, the current crisis wouldn't exist at all.

Sometimes Su Yi even wants to give up his physical body, take advantage of She Qing's ability to go anywhere, and travel around the mortal world to specifically find techniques suitable for She Qing's cultivation, and then turn to ghost cultivation.

If he had taken this route, he would have taken off long ago.

But he dared not.

His body is the bottom line of his life. He doesn't dare to give up easily, and he doesn't want to become an inhuman monster.

Even though he is quite inhuman now.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he wouldn't even want She Qing to get out of her body easily again.Although the Evil Demon Technique can dissolve the power of absorbing green, it allows the power of absorbing green to condense the evil elixir in the body, so that the physical body is not corroded and assimilated by the power of absorbing green.But this is not a panacea that can cure the disease once and for all. Not only does it have great hidden dangers, it also has the embarrassment of a "little horse-drawn train" in the face of the majestic power of photography.

In the past few days, Su Yi had been using the power of capturing green frequently, and the "production capacity" of the evil evil art could not keep up at all, so the power of capturing green was already "queuing up" in Su Yi's body.Su Yi could only suppress it now, and had no other choice.But he has made up his mind to try to calm down for a while after this crisis, to take good care of his condition and improve his cultivation.

Of course, this is all for later, now Su Yi still has to face the current crisis.The good thing is that by searching Xiao Tan's soul before, Su Yi got a lot of information about the Xiao family, and the idea of ​​how to use the Xiao family's teleportation array to leave has gradually taken shape in his mind.

Just to be on the safe side, he decided to confirm it from the mouth of Xiao Zhen in front of him to see if he could get more useful information.

In fact, the most direct and simple way was to kill Xiao Zhen in front of him and search for his soul, but Su Yi forcibly suppressed his surging murderous intention and impulse.

First, he had to try to avoid killing people with She Qing. The more She Qing killed, the more powerful he became. He had to guard against the slightest signs of danger, lest he eventually turned into an emerald skull.

The reason why he killed Xiao Tan as soon as he arrived was because after Su Yi teleported here, he happened to hear Xiao Tan's arrogant and proud words. For such a person who was not ashamed to kill his savior but was actually proud of it, Su Yi was sure I will be disgusted from the bottom of my heart.This disgust made She Qing have murderous intentions, so Su Yi couldn't help but indulge a little bit and directly kill people to search for souls.

Secondly, from the memory of Xiao Tan's sinful life, this Xiao Zhen didn't have any serious evil intentions except for his deep thoughts. Moreover, he risked his life to come to Xuankong Mountain for his granddaughter. Su Yi couldn't bear to treat a man who risked his life for his family. People start.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhen seems to be sensible. It depends on whether he will cooperate next.

"Are you really willing to do anything?" Su Yi asked expressionlessly.

These words gave Xiao Zhen hope to live, and he said excitedly: "Through fire and water, senior!"

"Very good, tell me everything you know about Xiao Gong, the head of the Xiao family, and Xiao Ping, the eldest elder!" Su Yi paused, then deliberately made his tone sound sinister, "You don't seem to be Fool, you should know what I want to know. Whether you can survive depends on whether what you tell me next is of any use."

Xiao Zhen was startled, his mind was running rapidly, and his heart was suddenly filled with surprise and fear.

The surprise is because he really has a glimmer of hope of survival, and the fear is because if he really reveals the secrets of the family head and the first elder to this person in order to survive, then he will become a traitor to the Xiao family!

Once this matter is discovered by the master's family, his entire family will be implicated and will be beyond redemption!
Would you rather die than surrender?Or do you want to become a traitor to the Xiao family in order to survive?

The two choices did not make Xiao Zhen too entangled.

If you can't survive, nothing will happen.

He also knew very well that he couldn't take any chances and talk nonsense.This person didn't tell himself clearly what to say, but the secret that was "useful" to this person would definitely not be something everyone knew, or it would just be a hearsay.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Senior, I am just a branch of the Xiao family, and my knowledge should be extremely limited! But I happen to know a secret about the great elder. I also learned about this by chance. It is absolutely not true. There will be mistakes!”

What Su Yi didn't expect was that Xiao Zhen actually told a secret that might be useful.

After Xiao Zhen finished speaking, he looked at Su Yi with a worried face, fearing that Su Yi would be dissatisfied or go back on his words.

But now that Su Yi had dragged him onto the pirate ship, there was no reason to kill him.

He smiled and punched out a spirit sacrificial brand, which sank directly into Xiao Zhen's body.

Xiao Zhen couldn't avoid it, and he didn't dare to hide it. He could only let it get into his heart.His face suddenly turned pale, and his lips trembled as he was about to speak.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a restriction." Su Yi chuckled, picked up the animal skin in his hand, and tore off the last page with a "tear" sound.

He had read the contents of the animal skin, but he didn't recognize a single word in it.But the characters on the last page were different from the characters on the previous page. From Xiao Tan's memory, Su Yi learned that the characters on the last page were a very rare ancient character, and Xiao Zhen happened to understand this kind of character.

From the original plot, Su Yi learned that the words on the last page were a kind of Qi condensation technique that even the Lian Dan monks could hide. They were derived from one of the nine changes of the wind, "Hidden Wind Transformation". "Adapted into a Qi-condensing technique suitable for human cultivation.

Although Su Yi couldn't read the words, he memorized the above content, so even without the last page, he would be able to copy it in the future.

He threw the last page to Xiao Zhen who was kneeling on the ground and asked, "Do you recognize it?"

Xiao Zhen didn't know why, so he hurriedly picked it up tremblingly, identified it carefully, and replied: "I recognize it, this is a breath-containing technique, it looks quite magical..."

That's right.

"After practicing this breath gathering technique, no one will be able to see the restrictions on you." Su Yi said lightly, "Don't try to resolve it, otherwise you will die."

Su Yi did not scare him at this point. The soul sacrifice brand allowed Su Yi to pay attention to what Xiao Zhen was doing at any time. Once Xiao Zhen wanted to refine it, Su Yi could detonate the brand with a thought, and the power of absorbing greenness would explode instantly. Xiao Zhen will definitely die suddenly without any resistance.

Xiao Zhen's face was full of bitterness: "Junior dare not..."

He breathed a sigh of relief. This person put a restraint on him, and at least he could survive, but he was afraid that he would be controlled by this person from now on.

"Your granddaughter has water and wood spiritual roots?" Su Yi asked again, "If there is no future in the Xiao family, take her to Huang Maple Valley to find a monk named Han Li. He will arrange a future for your granddaughter."

"This..." Xiao Zhen was shocked and ecstatic. He couldn't believe it, but he hoped it was true.He betrayed the Xiao family. This is always a huge hidden danger. Once detonated, it will be irreversible!But if he could find a way out for his granddaughter outside the Xiao family, it would not only satisfy his wish but also keep her away from the Xiao family, which would definitely be what he wanted most now.

But is this true?How could this man be related to Huang Maple Valley?
Unfortunately, before Xiao Zhen had time to ask anything, Su Yi's figure gradually faded and disappeared.

"Senior?" Xiao Zhen tried calling again, but no one responded. He waited for a while before confirming that Su Yi was really gone.

He relaxed all over and collapsed on the ground. Only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat. He had even forgotten the pain of the wound just now.

Recalling what had just happened, he felt unreal.Looking back carefully, he couldn't tell whether this was a blessing in disguise or a misfortune.

However, this anxiety about gains and losses disappeared immediately after he entered the cave and found some good healing elixirs and some top-quality magic weapons that were somewhat decayed but still functional.

He feels that overall, he has made a profit.

The most valuable things in the cave were the animal skin and a small bag of spiritual stones, which were all swept away by Su Yi.

Tengchong Town is one of the nine towns of Xiaojia in Fenghe River. It is located on the main transportation road and extends in all directions.

In the guest room of an inn, Su Yi, who was meditating on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and the green light in his eyes slowly dissipated for a long time.

A protective formation was arranged in the guest room, and Fu Xiaozhuo was guarding the bed.There are some exquisite dishes and fine wines on the table not far away, all of which are local characteristics.

The first time Su Yi Yin Shen returned, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped. Fu Xiaozhuo felt something and hurriedly saluted Su Yi.

"Is there anything unusual?" Su Yi asked casually.

"Qian Huan and the young master are in the room next door, and they also ordered some dishes and wine. It's calm now, and no one noticed us." Fu Xiaozhuo replied hurriedly, paused, and then said worriedly: "But just now Qian Huan said A friend sent a message saying that two other groups of monks came to the restaurant. I heard them discussing that the Xiao family has temporarily closed the entire Fenghe Stream, prohibiting anyone from entering or exiting. Young Master, is this coming for us?"

"It's very possible." Su Yi also felt shocked.Although there was no evidence, his intuition told him that the matter was most likely related to him.

It has to be faster!

"You continue to protect me. I'll come as soon as I go!" Su Yi took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, and remained motionless.

Fu Xiaozhuo knew that Su Yi was "out of body" again.She was very surprised and awed by this, and at the same time, a strong sense of trust also filled her heart, giving her a strange emotion.

After all, she was the only one who knew about the young master's "out of body experience", and she was specifically asked to protect him alone.Even Nie Xiaoqian and the young master didn't know, and the young master specifically told her not to tell anyone.

After She Qing came out of her body, Su Yi's physical body was an absolute weakness.Among the people, Fu Xiaozhuo had the highest cultivation level and was the person Su Yi trusted the most, so Su Yi only asked her to protect him.

It's not that he thinks Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian are untrustworthy, it's just that the less people know about their weaknesses, the better.

The Soul of Photographing Qing looked past many obstacles. In addition to the Xiao Mansion in the center of the main city, he soon also discovered a teleportation array in the Grand Elder's Mansion in the east of the city. Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly. .

The Xiao family has two teleportation arrays leading to Yuanwu Kingdom. He learned about this from Xiao Tan's memory.

But the difference is that the teleportation array controlled by Xiao Gong, the head of the Xiao family, is directly connected to the Xiao family headquarters of Yuanwu Kingdom's Tianxing Sect, and is a "public property" belonging to the Xiao family; while the teleportation array of the eldest elder Xiao Ping is private to her and is In order to compete for power with the family leader, she raised funds to refine and build it herself. The other end of the teleportation array is in a Xiao family shop in Tianxing Zongfang City, Yuanwu Kingdom.

This shop is also Xiao Ping's property.

This matter is not a secret, but it is definitely good news for Su Yi!After understanding the contradiction between Xiao Ping and Xiao Gong, Su Yi analyzed the two people's behavior through what they did. He felt that Xiao Ping knew how to assess the situation, had vision and ambition, and he was more inclined to contact Xiao Ping.Now that Xiao Ping still has a teleportation array, Su Yi is even more certain about this choice.

After confirming the existence of the second teleportation array, Su Yi did not rush directly to the Grand Elder's Mansion, but continued to search with his eyes.

He soon discovered a girl on the thirteenth level of Qi training living alone in an inconspicuous house on the other side of the main city.This girl is covered in pure wood-attribute aura, which is the aura unique to Tianlinggen. Moreover, she looks like she is only fourteen or fifteen years old, but she has already reached the stage of foundation building. Does this show how extraordinary her talent is?

He stared at the little girl for a while, memorizing her appearance, characteristics and aura, and then stopped paying attention to her.

This little girl is the secret revealed by Xiao Zhen - she is the daughter of the great elder Xiao Ping!

It's just that this is a secret, and no one in the Xiao family knows it.After Xiao Zhen accidentally discovered this secret, he hid it until now and never mentioned it to anyone.

It's a very despicable thing to threaten others with your loved ones. Su Yi has never done this before, and he doesn't plan to do it this time.

Besides, even if it is really used as a threat, who can guarantee whether it will be effective?

There are many cold-blooded people in this world who don't recognize their relatives.

The reason why Su Yi found the information disclosed by Xiao Zhen useful was that the girl's name was so familiar - Liu Yu.

Second, Su Yi probably guessed the reason why Xiao Ping wanted to hide such an outstanding daughter.He disdained using his relatives to threaten people, but if there was a secret about this matter that could kill Xiao Ping, then Su Yi would have no mental barriers.

Of course, although this kind of threat can make people weigh the pros and cons, it is ungenerous and despicable, and it is not necessarily safe.Therefore, this method is only Su Yi's alternative, and it is a trump card that may not be used at all.

Just when Su Yi teleported to the Grand Elder's Mansion and appeared in front of Xiao Ping, Han Li, who was meditating in a peaceful border town in Lanzhou, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the man who appeared in the corner with confusion. A naive mouse.

A clever mouse?

The next second, Han Li's expression suddenly changed, showing a vigilant look, and he stood up suddenly!

But before he had time to react, the door to the room where he had placed restrictions opened without wind. All restrictions were destroyed in an instant. An elegant middle-aged monk suddenly appeared in the room and pointed a finger at Han Li's eyebrows.The latter suddenly stiffened and his eyes became blank again.

"Are you a Hehetu person?" the elegant middle-aged monk asked with a smile.

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