Chapter 169

2 million, is it a small number?

Now you go to the streets of Hong Kong Island and pay 10,000 yuan to find a gangster and ask him to kill someone. Most of them are rushing to do it.

2 million, you can find two hundred punks, let's have a big street fight!
Liu Jianming killed Ni Kun, how much did Mary give him?

50,000 yuan!
2 million, can kill forty Ni Kuns!

Of course, the account is definitely not calculated in this way, but the reason for saying this is that the name that 2 million cannot make Ah Wei break through the bottom line of morality is obviously really very important.

Looking at the entire Hong Kong Island, there are only a handful of people who have a big background and want Su Yi to die.

At that point in time, who had an intersection with Su Yi and who had the motive to act, but temporarily canceled the killing, who was it?

In fact, through Awei's reaction, plus Su Yi's own thinking, he has already come up with that name.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and patted Ah Wei on the shoulder, saying: "Brother Wei is really trustworthy and moral, no wonder everyone loves to do business with you."

"Since Wei Ge's moral bottom line is so high, I don't want to be too reluctant." He changed the subject, "Well, I won't ask, I just pretend I don't know about it."

"..." The expression on Awei's face froze.

"Step-brother," he said with a serious face, "the person who is planning your idea is too insidious. If you don't catch him, I'm afraid you will suffer in the future."

"Damn the baby is upside down," Su Yi said, "It's better to leave some suspense in life."

"Hahaha, that makes sense!" Awei laughed dryly, "But after all, it's a matter of life and death, so it's better to be more cautious. In this way, step-brother, we hit it off right away. For you, my moral bottom line can be lowered a little bit, one hundred How about 500,000?"

Su Yi smiled and looked at him.

"1 million!" Ah Wei looked like his heart was bleeding, "It's OK, if it's not, then..."

In the middle of his speech, Su Yi started waving his hands, but the second half of Awei's sentence became: "No, no, I'll drop it a little more, 800,000? How about it? Tearful wholesale sale, step-brother!"

"700,000! The real last-buy price!" Seeing that Su Yi smiled and said nothing, Awei lowered the price again.

"Okay, there's no need to surrender anymore." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, Step-Brother is really refreshing!" Awei was overjoyed and said impatiently, "Then it's settled, the price is 700,000..."

"You misunderstood me." Su Yi stopped him from speaking, "I will not buy your news, because I have already guessed who this person is."

Awei was stunned.

Su Yi said: "You ask such a high price, how many people in Hong Kong Island are worth that much? There are even fewer people who want to kill me, I can guess it after thinking about it."

Awei slapped himself hard, covered his heart, his heart hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe.

"I should have asked for less!" He regretted endlessly, "Blame me, too greedy! It's a loss, it's a big loss!"

"But I'm very grateful for the news about you, Brother Wei." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "I also admire your strength, Brother Wei. By the way, do you have a VIP here? Can I become a member?"

"What do you mean?" Awei was still immersed in the previous mistakes, annoyed and heartbroken.

"It's a special VIP." Su Yi explained with a smile, "I'll pay 500,000 to buy out all my information. In the future, you can't provide others with my information. If someone asks you about me or wants to harm me, You must tell me immediately."

Awei was stunned.

He looked at Su Yi like a god.

"It's okay..." He murmured blankly, his lips trembling, his pupils dilated, and his face flushed, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

"Step-brother, you are such a genius!" Awei seemed to see a lot of money pouring into his pocket.

"Then can you give me a discount?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"1 million!" Awei stretched out a finger to offer the price, "Step-brother, I'll charge you a wholesale price, which is definitely the lowest in the industry. Except for you, other bigwigs who are at the same level as you need at least 2 million to start! How about it? Interesting enough?"

Su Yi had a half-smile, and everyone on the road said that the number would help Ah Wei to ask for money, so he really deserved his reputation.

"I'll give you 2 million!" Su Yi suddenly said, "1 million more is the advance payment for something I ask you to do."

Awei cheered up immediately: "Step-brother, what are you doing?"

"It's very simple." Su Yi said lightly, "The person who wanted to spend money to kill me before, if he asks you to kill me again, you will kill him for me directly."

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Awei: "I'm talking about the behind-the-scenes mastermind, not some cat or dog below."

Awei's expression suddenly became cloudy, he stared at Su Yi for a long time, and suddenly gritted his teeth: "5 million!"

Su Yi glanced at him, turned around and left.

"Don't stop, step-brother, you have something to say! Four hundred and eight hundred thousand—no, four hundred and five hundred,800,000, how about it? The industry's lowest, step-brother...Okay, okay, my last buyout price, four hundred and 500,000! Step-brother , it is really difficult, and if one is not good, I will be in bad luck!"

Su Yi paused, turned around and said, "I'll give you 4 million, but I want you to completely eliminate my troubles!"

"The family is rich?" Awei widened his eyes in horror, and took a breath, "Isn't this too cruel? It will shorten my life!"

"I have to pay more!"

"..." Su Yi looked at him quietly, "It doesn't have to be so extreme, I only want people in the club."

"[-] million!" Awei gritted his teeth, "I'll pay you some money and give it to you as a friend."

He stretched out his hand and looked at Su Yi with piercing eyes.

Su Yi smiled.

The hands of the two were tightly held together.

"make a deal!"

Su Yi ordered the two younger brothers to watch Chang Mao, then took the rest of the people and Ah Wei downstairs, went to the bank to withdraw money and gave it to Ah Wei, which was a final decision.

"Beforehand, if that person didn't ask me to kill you, I won't refund the money." Awei took the money and added.

Su Yi smiled lightly: "It's not convenient for him to do it himself, he will definitely find you."

Awei looked at him deeply and said, "You really guessed who it is. Step-brother, you can't guess it without my reminder, why don't you give me a consolation prize and treat me to a meal?"

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, his phone rang.

Su Yi smiled and waved to Awei, walked aside and picked up the phone.

"Come out for a chat?" Big D's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Eight o'clock, have the backbone?" Big D said.

Su Yi looked at his watch and said, "It's too late, see you in 10 minutes."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi spread his arms and said to A Wei: "Sorry, I can't treat you to dinner, I have an appointment."

"Can I eat by myself and pay your bill?" Awei asked.


(End of this chapter)

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