Chapter 170
"When we went upstairs, my step-brother stepped first with his left foot."

In A Le's office, Datou looked solemn and spoke in a soothing and solemn tone.

A Le and Huo Niu looked at him expressionlessly.

"Why does step-brother step on his left foot?" Datou looked at Ale, "Brother Le, my idea is this, the reason why step-brother steps on his left foot is because the left is the most respected since ancient times, which shows that step-brother He is a person who values ​​rules very much, which is worth learning from, he..."

"Big head," Ale suddenly smiled and interrupted the big head.

"Brother Le, what is it, what do you order?" Datou hurriedly stopped and asked with a smile.

"You have been talking for 10 minutes since you came in, and only then did you talk about your boss taking you from entering the door to going upstairs." Ale smiled and said, "Do you know how precious my time is?"

Da Tou's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he nodded with an apologetic smile: "I know, I know."

Ale stood up, walked in front of the big head, suddenly moved his face closer, and looked into the big head's eyes.

His head was sweating profusely, and his Adam's apple couldn't stop rolling.

"For A Ji's sake, I won't argue with you today." A Le said softly, "Get out and explain the matter to Huo Niu."

"Yes, Brother Le!" Datou trembled.

A Le glanced at Huoxing, turned and left.

Fire Bull came over angrily and said, "Big Head, what tricks are you playing?"

"Brother Huo Niu, I just want to make it clear, there is no other meaning." Datou was frightened for a while, and kept wiping his sweat.

"Come out and talk to me, don't bother Brother Le." Huo Niu shook his head, "I'm warning you, big head, don't stop talking, don't blame me for not trying to save face for ghost head!"

"Understand! Understood!" Datou wailed with a shock in his heart.

There are two 10 minutes left, how can we survive?
In the slow-moving car, Huang Zhicheng looked at his watch while absent-mindedly listening to Lawyer Liu explaining the ins and outs of a transfer.

What Lawyer Liu said was of course nonsense, and Huang Zhicheng didn't really want to hear it.

When the time came to [-]:[-], Huang Zhicheng parked the car at the door of a company called Dazhong Watch Shop.

He deliberately sighed, shook his head and said, "It seems that Lawyer Liu still doesn't regard me as a friend, and uses such words to perfuse me, treating me as a fool?"

"How could it be, Sir Huang?" Lawyer Liu smiled with a standard formula, "I have always respected all officers of the police force."

Huang Zhicheng smiled at him and said, "It's my fault that I went to the doctor in such a hurry, forget it, get out of the car."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you," Lawyer Liu said, "But it's really nice to meet you, Sir Huang."

After finishing speaking, Lawyer Liu smiled at Huang Zhicheng, shook his neck at Chucky, and the two got out of the car, one on the left and the other on the right.

In the car, Huang Zhicheng's expression immediately calmed down, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he scanned the surroundings vigilantly and quickly.

Then, a man wearing a peaked cap and a mask was reflected in his pupils, and he was walking towards this side with a paper bag in his hand.

When he was about five meters away from the blowing chicken, he suddenly raised the paper bag.


Three consecutive shots were fired, and Chuiji fell to the ground screaming.

Lawyer Liu was so frightened that he immediately squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

In the next second, the crowd was in a mess!
Huang Zhicheng stared at this scene dumbfounded, but didn't react for a while.

When he came back to his senses, the gunman had already mixed into the crowd and disappeared without a trace.

He was smart, got out of the car in a hurry, took out his gun, looked around vigilantly, and approached the blowing chicken.

Chuiji was shot twice, one in his left arm and one in his left shoulder. At this time, half of his body was covered in blood, rolling all over the ground, screaming, and his voice was full of fear.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Huang Zhicheng saw the situation clearly and heaved a sigh of relief.

At least not fatally.

After Liu Jianming finished shooting, he quickly rushed into the crowd and got into the shopping mall across the road.

As he walked briskly, he took off his coat and threw it into a trash can, straightened the T-shirt inside, and then turned the shoulder bag that was originally inside the coat to the front.

He threw away the peaked cap, took out a hooded textile cap from his shoulder bag and put it on his head, and stuffed the paper bag containing the gun into it, and took off his sunglasses and put on a pair of short-sighted glasses.

When he came out from the back door of the shopping mall, he had become like a student boy who just came out of an Internet cafe. No one would have imagined that this seemingly harmless and slightly dull boy would just shoot people in the downtown area. .

Liu Jianming quickly stopped a taxi, casually told the driver an address, and then began to observe the rear through the rearview mirror.

It wasn't until the car turned three or four intersections that Liu Jianming was sure that no one was following him, and he was completely relieved.

"Go to Port Lane Street instead." He ordered the driver, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and his mood suddenly became very happy.

Because he didn't realize until then that the one he shot was the person who had previously talked with Liansheng.

In less than half a month, he first killed Ni Kun, the leader of Xinji, and then snatched Heji's leader stick from the big brother, and now he is the former talker of the shooting and Liansheng.

He is only a fledgling, but what he does are all earth-shattering events!

He is proud of himself.

Especially when he has figured it all out, some previous entanglements have been completely let go.

Because whether it was killing Ni Kun or just shooting and blowing chicken, in fact, his boss Luo Ji instructed behind the scenes.

Luo Jicai really turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain.Calling him Guitou Luo outside is simply wrong, it should be called Yan Wang Luo.

As a young and Dangerous boy, he is most afraid of following the wrong person. Now that he is following such a big man whom he admires, what reason is there to be half-hearted?

Liu Jianming rolled up the window and let the cool breeze blow on his face.

He hummed happily, his fingers tapping lightly on his lap.

Tsuen Wan Police Station.

"Li Jiayuan, according to your testimony, you overheard people saying that there were a few young and Dangerous boys sneaking around with a foreign skilled girl to open a room. You were worried that they would be unfavorable to that girl, so you went to check and found this The woman was unconscious in the bathtub, and all the young and Dangerous boys escaped, right?"


"Then how do you explain the name Luo Ji was engraved on the victim's lower body with a dagger?"

"Why should I explain? What's none of my business? Is it wrong to act bravely?"

"Jimmy, don't think we don't know, Guitou Luo is your boss!"

"So what? Is it against the law? Young and Dangerous can't do good things? Okay, as long as you sign a ban to me, I won't do it in the future!"

Jimmy sneered and looked at the opposite policeman.

The policeman was about to get angry, but was stopped by the police officer behind him.

The police officer stepped forward, stared at Jimmy and said with a smile: "Jimmy, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other. We are inevitably surprised that you suddenly become so sympathetic, so I will ask you a few more questions."

(End of this chapter)

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