Chapter 1700
On the other side of Jinma City, there is an ordinary mountain forest.

This mountain forest was originally planted with a kind of tea tree that contains spiritual energy. Drinking the spiritual tea here can make people clear-sighted and happy physically and mentally. The dignitaries of Yuanwu Kingdom have always liked this spiritual tea.

But starting more than 20 years ago, all the tea trees in this mountain forest suddenly withered and died overnight, and some very bad legends spread. In the end, people in Jinma City stayed away from this mountain forest. No one talks about the magical spiritual tea that once existed.

More than 20 years have passed, and some ordinary trees have grown in the original magical forest, but other than that there is nothing else in the forest, so this place is still rarely visited by people.

On this day, a flying boat fell from the sky, and a young man in white jumped out of the flying boat. His eyes flashed with green light, and he looked at the bare mountain forest in front of him with great interest.

This person is none other than Su Yi's Shaqing Little Soul Puppet.

In order to avoid trouble, Su Yi used Qian Huan's disguise method to pinch his face on the road and changed Fu Zigui's original appearance. He didn't like his original luxurious and high-profile dressing style, so he deliberately removed it from his storage bag. He took out a plain white robe and put on it.

Su Yi learned from Xin Long's memory that his cave was in the forest in front of him.

More than 20 years ago, Xin Long, who lost his beloved wife, came here with his infant daughter. He discovered that there was a trace of spiritual veins under the mountain forest full of spiritual tea trees, so he dug a cave here and settled down.

As for the withering of the spiritual tea tree and the overgrowth of ordinary trees, it is just an illusion.Not to mention ordinary people, even practitioners in the Qi training stage can't see it.

Even the foundation-building monks would not be able to see any clues unless they came down to take a closer look. This shows that Xin Long's formation skills are really brilliant.

But in Su Yi's eyes, the big formation in front of him naturally had no secrets at all.His eyes could even see through the layers of formations, and he could see the two girls playing in front of the hut in the formation, and the young woman writing something in front of the window of the hut.

Su Yi casually fired a burst of spiritual power, and the formation was immediately triggered. The three women in the hut were simultaneously alerted, and they looked up in the direction of Su Yi.

The two girls outside the house were only at the first or second level of Qi training. They were both a little panicked. They looked at each other and hurried back to the door of the thatched house.At this time, the young woman who was originally in the house also walked out.

The young woman's movements exuded an elegant and calm temperament, quiet, elegant, and generous, and the other two girls were obviously her maids.It's just that the beauty of this young woman can only be described as average, not even as beautiful as her two maids.

But some women's charm never comes from their appearance, and this young woman is obviously such a woman.

She is Xin Ruyin, the target Su Yi is looking for on this trip.

"Miss, I'm neither the master nor Mr. Qi..." one of the maids said in a panic, "We have never had a cultivator visit here. How could someone suddenly trigger the restriction?"

"Could it have been accidentally touched by someone passing by?" Another maid guessed.

"That's not good. Wouldn't it mean that outsiders know that there is a cave here?" The maid from before was still very scared. "The master said that there is chaos outside, and murders and treasure grabbing happen at every turn..."

"Xiaomei Xiaolan, you two go back to the house first." Xin Ruyin said calmly.

"How can this be done?" A maid immediately raised her chest, "We are maids and you are the young lady. How can there be any reason for us to hide when you come forward? If you want to leave, you have to leave! Right Xiaolan?"

The frightened maid's eyes rolled wildly: "Is it... right? Miss, do you want to send a transmission note to the master and Mr. Qi? Let them come back?"

"No, let's ask who the visitor is first." Xin Ruyin held the array disk in her hand and sensed that the person outside the array had not left yet, so she knew that the person who came was not accidentally violating the restriction, but was really here to visit.

"I wonder which fellow Taoist is here? What's the reason?" She passed the array restriction and clearly transmitted her voice outside the array.

"But Miss Xin Ruyin?" Su Yi's gentle voice came from outside the formation.

"It's the little girl."

"Today I passed by Baichi Mountain and came across a group of monks who were robbing treasures and killing people. I took care of this group of monks and found that a fellow Taoist named Xin Long died tragically on the spot."

As soon as these words came out, the three women in the formation suddenly turned pale.

The two maids screamed and covered their mouths in fear, but Xin Ruyin just turned pale, swayed, and pursed her lips without making a sound.

"I know a little bit about the means of transcending ghosts. Seeing that this fellow Daoist Xin is still obsessed with the wronged soul, I did a little research and found out about you, Miss." Su Yi didn't lie, "I think it's really pitiful to be a father. , he collected his body and brought his soul, and came here to report his funeral to you, Miss."

After hearing these words, the two maids were so frightened that they burst into tears.

Xin Ruyin's face was still expressionless, her lips pursed slightly, but the nails of her ten fingers were embedded into the flesh of her palms.

"May I ask my friend's name? Where is the Immortal Mountain?" Xin Ruyin's voice was slightly trembling, but she still seemed calm.

"Su Yi, I'm from the country of Yue." Su Yi said, "I wonder if your father has ever told you about a man named Qian Huan? He is my friend."

"It turns out he is an old friend of my father's, that is Senior Su." Xin Ruyin's voice stabilized again, "Senior, could you please wait a moment? The little girl freshened up a little and then came to greet you personally. I apologize for any rudeness. "

Xin Ruyin and Su Yisu didn't know each other, and she claimed to be bringing her father's body to attend the funeral. A normal person would be suspicious and wary.Su Yi was well aware of Xin Ruyin's procrastination, but he didn't point it out. He just responded and took time to look at the scenery with his hands behind his hands.

In the formation, the two maids were crying together.

"No, definitely not! The master is so powerful, how could he die? The man outside must be trying to trick the lady into opening the door! Miss, you must not be fooled!" Xiaomei cried.

"If something really happened to the master... maybe it was the bad guy outside who did it! He took the master's body to deceive the young lady, and maybe he just came to eradicate it! Miss, let's run away and find Mr. Qi!"

"No! I have to confirm whether daddy is alive or dead!" Xin Ruyin's face turned pale, but she still maintained her composure, "If the person who came was really well-intentioned to report the funeral, but I, as a woman, was scared away, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

"But what if..."

"Nothing goes wrong, I must take this risk." Xin Ruyin said, "Xiaomei Xiaolan, you go from the back mountain to find Mr. Qi."

"No, what will you do when we leave, Miss!" Xiaomei said anxiously.

"After all, this is my place. If I make some arrangements, no matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to hurt me for the time being." Xin Ruyin looked at the two of them, "You two go to Mr. Qi's place and wait for my news. If everything is okay or the matter is still there, If there is room for change, I will find a way to send a transmission note. But if I don't send a message, it means that the enemy is strong, and Mr. Qi's arrival will not help. From now on, you can follow Mr. Qi and live a good life. He has a kind heart and will definitely I won't treat you badly." "Miss..." Both maids burst into tears.

"Come on, don't let me get distracted again." Xin Ruyin urged to drive them away.

After a stick of incense, a large wave of waves appeared in front of Su Yi, and a passage slowly opened. Xin Ruyin's figure appeared at the end of the passage. She was dressed in plain clothes, with green hair hanging down on her head. She did not apply makeup, and bowed to Su Yi with a calm face.

"Junior Xin Ruyin, pay your respects to Senior Su."

Su Yi sighed slightly, patted the storage bag, and a blood-stained white cloth bag came out of thin air. Su Yi used the Art of Controlling Things to control it and slowly landed in front of Xin Ruyin.

"This is the remains of Fellow Daoist Xin, Miss Xin, I offer my condolences to you," Su Yi said.

Xin Ruyin stared at Su Yi blankly, biting her lower lip, and a trace of bright red blood flowed down her delicate chin.

She would rather Su Yi deceived her with sweet words, proudly said "You have been fooled", and then attacked and killed her.

That way at least maybe my father is still alive.

But Su Yi's attitude told her that all this was true, without any deception or reversal.

She was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, opened the bag with a wave of her hand, looked inside, and immediately closed her eyes after taking it in.

This time she remained silent for longer before opening her eyes. There was no light in her eyes and no expression on her face.

She carefully put her father's body into the storage bag, slowly knelt down to Su Yi, and touched her forehead to the ground.

"Unfilial daughter Xin Ruyin, I would like to thank you, Senior Su, for your great righteousness and returning my father's body!" She prostrated on the ground and said calmly, "I beg you, Senior, to move to your humble abode and allow this little girl to thank Senior for your great kindness."

Su Yi used his spiritual power to help Xin Ruyin get up and said, "That's fine, let's talk after we go in."

"Senior Su, please!" Xin Ruyin stood up slowly and made another seal, causing the formation passage to expand again to show respect and sincerity.

Su Yi nodded and walked in.

Soon the two arrived at the thatched house.After Su Yi sat down, Xin Ruyin served tea.

"Senior Su, you said before that my father's ghost was still alive when he died, and you also brought his dead soul with you, but is that so?" Xin Ruyin asked.

In this world, generally speaking, after death, the soul of a person will be directly taken away by the light of reincarnation. A few monks will seize the body of others by chance. To seize the body, they need to use secret methods to condense the soul before death, so that the soul will not be affected by the light of reincarnation. It can be sensed, but under normal circumstances, most monks cannot predict their own death, or even if they do, they cannot find a suitable person to seize the body, so the seizure of the body is very rare.

As for those who turned into ghost cultivators and stayed in the world, there were only a handful of them, because ghost cultivating techniques were even rarer than body and spirit training techniques.

There are actually very few cases of people like Xin Long who did not have time to use secret techniques to condense their souls before death, but still have their souls lingering to meet their families after death, because generally speaking, such souls are beaten by the enemy on the spot when they are formed. If it is dispersed, it is impossible for it to still exist in the world; in addition, even if the innocent soul does not disperse for the time being, it will disperse sooner or later. For example, if Su Yi ignores Xin Long’s innocent soul, it will soon dissipate on its own. This is all for this world. The rules dictate it.

Of course, nothing is absolute. Demonic monks have special methods of extracting souls, confining souls, and refining souls. They can force the souls of the dead to stay in the world for their own use.But all these techniques are very cruel to erase the original consciousness of the dead soul and turn it into a puppet that can only obey orders.

This is what Xin Ruyin suspected about Su Yi before, and it is also something that he must ask clearly as soon as possible.

If Su Yi made his father's dead soul into a puppet, then needless to say, Xin Ruyin would definitely fight for Su Yi.

Su Yi took out the jade bottle containing Xin Long from the storage bag without hesitation and uncorked it.

Seeing is believing, why say more?

Xin Ruyin is also a monk at the ninth level of qi training. With her eyesight, she can naturally see that the confused soul in front of her has no trace of any sacrifice.

But seeing her beloved father become like this, Xin Ruyin, who had been suppressing her great grief, could no longer bear it. Tears burst into her eyes, she covered her mouth, her body shook violently, and she cried silently.

Father is dead.

The person who shielded him from the wind and rain became like this.

Her sky is falling.

"Your Majesty can't stay like this for long." Su Yi's low and soothing voice sounded from the side, "Miss Xin, you have two choices, or you can seal your Majesty's ghost first, and in the future, you can enlighten your mind and find the skills to turn it around. Cultivate the ghost path, but in this way, your father will forever lose the possibility of reincarnation. If you cannot transcend the ghost path, your soul will completely disappear and disappear in the world."

Su Yi's words attracted Xin Ruyin. She turned her head away to wipe away the tears on her face, and then turned her head and looked attentive.

"There is another option, which is to let him reincarnate." Su Yi said, "Your relationship as father and daughter is over in this life, but Fellow Daoist Xin can at least be reincarnated as a human being. There is a high probability that a cultivator will continue to be a cultivator when he is reincarnated. The path to immortality is elusive, and maybe your father will be reincarnated in the future. The possibility of the women’s association meeting again under another identity.”

"Senior Su, after death, will there really be an afterlife?" Xin Ruyin asked quietly.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded affirmatively.

"Although I can't bear to leave my father, I will never let him turn into a ghost cultivator." Xin Ruyin's eyes filled with tears, "If there really is an afterlife as the senior said, I hope that my father will not have someone like me again, who will only be a drag. His daughter, I hope he can be unrestrained and immortal."

Her chest rose and fell slightly, and after she calmed down she bowed to Su Yi again: "Senior Su is so kind to me, and I will deeply appreciate it. This little girl has nothing special, but she is good at formations. If you don't dislike me, senior." , the little girl is willing to use a set of the inverted Five Elements Formation that her father was most proud of during his lifetime as a reward, please accept it, senior."

Su Yi waved his hand: "It's easy, but it doesn't have to be like this. But since you have decided to reincarnate your father, you still have two choices. You have also seen his current appearance. If you don't care, it will only take a few days, but it will take as long as a few days." Otherwise, it may be a few months, and he will exist in such a hazy state. If you want him to spend more time with you, you don't need to do anything."

"But there is another way. I have a way to resolve his resentment, transcend his obsession, and make him temporarily sober. You two, father and daughter, have seven days to talk about old times and say goodbye, but after seven days, he must Embark on the road to reincarnation..."

Before Su Yi finished speaking, Xin Ruyin kowtowed excitedly and said: "I beg you, senior, to help my father wake up. This little girl is very grateful..."

(End of this chapter)

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