Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1701 Methods

Chapter 1701 Methods
"Yuanshi Dongxuan, this chapter of the Lingbao. Top-grade Miaoshou, ten times to save people..."

In the thatched house, Su Yi held a mahogany sword in one hand, made secrets in the other, stepped on the Tiangang Beidou Steps, and recited the Sutra of Savior. Three sandalwood smoke curled up on the incense table in front of him, and two white candles were as bright as beans. Behind the incense table was a white cloth covering the body. .

Behind him, filial daughter Xin Ruyin knelt before the case, her eyes half filled with blank suspicion, half expecting grief.

Behind Xin Ruyin, the confused ghost of Xin Long was still walking around, as if tireless. But what Xin Ruyin didn't notice was that with the sound of Su Yi's chanting, Xin Long's resentment was gradually dissipating.

At a certain moment, the yellow talisman that Su Yi had drawn and placed on the incense table not long ago suddenly ignited spontaneously in the absence of wind. Su Yi immediately picked up the burning yellow talisman with his peach wood sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Xin Long's wronged soul, and the yellow talisman It suddenly turned into a fireball and shot away, and Xin Long's resentful soul suddenly burned.

Xin Ruyin's eyes suddenly became anxious, but when she saw her father just standing there without any resistance, and his expression seemed to show enjoyment, letting the flames on his body burn, she suppressed her uneasiness and suspicion.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes, exorcises evil spirits and charms, protects life and body, has clear wisdom, peace of mind, three eternal souls, no loss of soul..." Su Yi pinched the secrets, recited the mind-purifying mantra, and walked to Xinlong. In front of the dead soul, he stretched out his hand and placed it between his eyebrows.

The latter's whole body was shaken, and the flames all over his body gradually extinguished. His eyes, which were originally cloudy and lifeless, gradually showed complex expressions such as confusion, surprise, fear, gratitude, etc.

He is sober.

He remembered everything, including how he was targeted by the Fu family because of a thousand-year-old herb and how he was killed. From the perspective of his ghost after his death, he also clearly "saw" how Su Yi appeared and how he destroyed everyone in the Fu family. Then he took away Fu Zigui and told him, "Originally I just wanted to save you, but now it seems that good people will fight to the end."

From the perspective of a ghost, Su Yi is simply a terrifying existence, and Xin Long can see at a glance that Su Yi is just a separated soul traveling around. He dare not imagine what kind of existence Su Yi is and how powerful he must be.

After regaining his consciousness, he didn't even speak to his daughter immediately. Instead, he immediately knelt down on the ground, touched his head to the ground and trembled with respect and fear: "Xinlong, the little man, thank the great immortal for his great kindness!"

"Daddy!" Xin Ruyin was surprised and happy, tears welling up in her eyes.

Su Yi smiled faintly: "I'm not a great immortal, you and your daughter can reminisce about old times." After that, he was about to go out.

Xin Long was very anxious when he saw this!
Unlike Xin Ruyin, Xin Long knew how terrifying Su Yi was, and Su Yi's actions of returning his body and awakening his sanity showed that this man was not a dehumanizing evil spirit, but a benevolent person with a chivalrous spirit. .

Xin Long has accepted the reality of his death, but he can't worry about his daughter!It was because he was concerned about his daughter's safety that he developed a strong obsession, and his resentful spirit persisted.

What's the use of meeting my daughter before reincarnation?It cannot solve the problem of my daughter at all.

This powerful and terrifying existence in front of him is his only hope!
"Great Immortal, stay here!" Xin Long shouted anxiously, "I beg Great Immortal to show mercy and save my daughter!"

Xin Ruyin was even more sad after hearing this. Even though her father was dead, the first thing she did when she woke up was still worried about herself.

Su Yi stopped and turned around.

"Great Immortal, my daughter was unfortunately born with the body of a dragon. Now she is barely surviving on spiritual herbs that are more than 500 years old. However, she only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and cannot stop the deterioration of the condition." Xin Long knelt down to Su Yi. The person on the ground begged bitterly, "The Great Immortal has great supernatural powers, please save my daughter's life! I am willing to use all my wealth during my lifetime as a reward. Even this soul is willing to be a slave and maidservant forever, and be driven by the Great Immortal..."

"Dad!" Xin Ruyin's eyes widened in shock, and her tears couldn't stop pouring out, "Dad, my daughter doesn't want you as a father..."

"Be obedient, good daughter, and kowtow to the Immortal!" Xin Long interrupted Xin Ruyin, "As long as you can survive, daddy is willing to do anything."


"No but, Ruyin, do you want your father to die in peace?" Xin Long shouted anxiously.

Xin Ruyin shook her head vigorously with tears welling up in her eyes.

Su Yi shook his head to stop them from continuing the conversation, and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. You are just a remnant soul, what do I want you to do as a slave? I have heard about the dragon's roar body for a long time, but I have never seen it with my own eyes, so I may not have it. There is a way to solve it. But since we have met, we might as well take a look. Miss Xin, please reach out."

Xin Long was overjoyed when he heard this: "Ruyin, hurry! Go quickly!"

"Yes, Daddy!" Xin Ruyin wiped away her tears, walked up to Su Yi and bowed sincerely: "Thank you, Great Immortal!"

After saying that, he stretched out his wrist generously.

Although she saw that Su Yi was also a monk in the Qi training stage, she always believed in her father and knew that her father's calling him "Great Immortal" was not unreasonable, so she also changed the title accordingly.It was of course a very dangerous and shameful thing to let a stranger hold her pulse without any defense, or even let him explore her body later, but she still chose to believe her father rather than disobey him. Will.

Su Yi didn't bother to dwell on a title. He stretched out his hand to pinch Xin Ruyin's wrist, and used a force of Qingqing to explore his body carefully.

The power of capturing greenness traveled along Xin Ruyin's body for several weeks, and the latter's face turned red with embarrassment.

This is not just a simple pulse check, but it is no different from her being naked and even posing in various poses to show Su Yi her body in all directions.

Even though she had always been calm, it was difficult for her to accept such shame.

"Ruyin, doctors are benevolent, great immortals are not ordinary people..." Xin Long saw that his daughter was in embarrassment, and as an old father, he felt uncomfortable, but compared to these, the survival of his daughter was the most important.

"Dad, my daughter knows." Xin Ruyin took a deep breath and quickly regained her composure.

After a while, Su Yi finally let go of his hand. Xin Ruyin felt relieved and hurriedly took half a step back, bowing his head respectfully and waiting aside.

Seeing Su Yi frowning and contemplating, the father and daughter did not dare to speak to urge him, but their hearts were raised and they were extremely nervous.

The dragon's body...

According to the original plot setting, this dragon's body belongs to a special kind of spiritual body. It is a male body that gave birth to a female body by mistake, that is, it is full of yang energy but reincarnated into the feminine body of a daughter.If you practice forcefully, the meridians will gradually become misaligned and shrink, eventually leading to death.

In fact, Su Yi has never understood that there are many women with strong yang energy. If they are strong in yang energy, they have strong yang energy. They can be called extremely yang bodies. Why are they the bodies of dragons?What does this physique have to do with Long Yin?
But today Su Yi vaguely understood.

Dragon Yin's body is indeed an extremely yang body, and it is a single yang body.As the saying goes, if there is only yin, there will be no birth, and if there is only yang, there will be no growth. Regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl, if there is only yang without yin, or only yin without yang, it will be impossible to live.The difference is that if the extremely yang body is born in a male body, it may be stillborn before birth.But if you are born in a female body, because women are born yin, this cannot be changed, so there is a very small chance that they will survive.But even if he survives, he won't live long.If there is a spiritual root, it is also an extremely rare mutant spiritual root - the fog spiritual root.

This kind of mutated spiritual root is not the mutation of two spiritual roots, but the mutation of a single water attribute heavenly spirit root. Its cultivation speed is faster than that of the normal heavenly spirit root.
But the faster you practice, the faster you will die.It took Xin Ruyin more than a year to reach the twelfth level of Qi training. Then the body of Dragon Roar broke out and the meridians withered and became disordered. She stopped practicing. In the next ten years, her cultivation gradually deteriorated to the current level of Qi training. Nine floors.If her father hadn't been searching for the thousand-year-old spiritual grass to keep her alive, she would have died long ago.

In fact, there is a very strange point here. Why does this Duyang physique produce water-attributed fog spirit roots?

But if you understand the principle of extreme yang producing yin, it is not surprising.

The fog forms clouds in the sky. As the saying goes, the dragon roars and the scenery clouds arrive. This may be the reason why the dragon roar body got its name.

There's no point in trying to figure out how the name came about, you have to solve the problem.

However, in terms of Bagua, Yin Yang and Five Elements, Su Yi's theory is still very solid.In the Maoshan Taoism, there are many ways to solve the problem of Duyang not being born, but they can be summed up into two categories - one is to reconcile Yin and Yang so that Yin and Yang complement each other, and the problem is naturally solved.

There is a way to reconcile it. Just find something that is the most dark and cold in the world. Although this thing is rare in the world, it still exists. At least it must be in the ice sea of ​​Bingfeng Qinyu, and there is another Dragon Song in the original plot. Titian Qin'er relied on the ice phoenix to resolve the dragon's roaring body.

Even now, Su Yi's green-capturing power is the most yin power in the world, and it can suppress his dragon's roar body.

Su Yi's Fengli Bingyan can also suppress it, but before Xin Ruyin refines this fire, she will have to endure tremendous pain.

Then there is Su Yi's ice phoenix body, but currently the ice phoenix body is very weak and its effect is hard to say.

Another way is to let nature take its course, and the extreme yang produces yin.

The reason why Xin Ruyin has Wulinggen is actually a clear path guided by God. As long as she can follow this path to a certain extent, the Dragon Roar Body will actually shine in the later stage.

But the road to Duyang is too long, so long that it is almost impossible to survive until the day when Yin is born. This road is almost equivalent to a dead end.

Su Yi is not a person who gets entangled, especially not getting entangled with other people's affairs, but the reason why he has been thinking about it for so long now is because he has a vaguely whimsical idea. To be honest, this idea is even ridiculous, like a fantasy. Same.

But if it really works...

Su Yi looked at Xin Ruyin in front of him and shook his head to temporarily give up the idea.

If he really dared to express this idea, Xin Long would have to fight him even if he blew himself up.

But if his idea is really feasible, it will be of great benefit to Xin Ruyin and him.

The way Su Yi shook his head made the father and daughter in front of him feel chilled, thinking that this great immortal was also helpless against the body of Dragon Roar.

But the next second Su Yi's words took them straight from hell to heaven.

"It's too difficult to completely resolve this Dragon Roar Body, but it would be easy to just suppress it and let Miss Xin practice normally..." Su Yi said.

Xin Long was overjoyed when he heard this. He knelt on the ground again without hesitation, kowtowed like pounding garlic and begged: "Please the immortal to save the little girl! Please the immortal to save the little girl!"

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "It's okay to save people, but you might as well listen to what I have to say before making a decision."

"As long as the Great Immortal is willing to save my little girl, the villain is willing to pay any price!" Finally...Ruyin, why are you unhappy?"

Xin Ruyin looked at her ecstatic father and said sadly: "If it could be exchanged for her father not dying, my daughter would rather..."

"Don't say that! Our father and daughter were able to meet the Immortal because they were born in three lifetimes!" Xin Long was afraid that his daughter would say something that would make Su Yi unhappy, so he hurriedly interrupted her. He looked at Su Yi expectantly: "Great Immortal, I don't know what we should do before you are willing to save my little girl?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "I'm afraid you have misunderstood. I am not asking you to pay, but the way to save your daughter will make your daughter's life in my hands from now on. Unless one day her realm is higher than mine, or she finds me Help her suppress the Dragon Roar Body's replacement, otherwise, I can kill her with just a thought."

These words made the faces of the father and daughter in front of them freeze, and their excitement was immediately diluted.

Xin Long asked cautiously: "Great Immortal, I don't know the suppression method you mentioned..."

Su Yi simply turned his palm upward and cast a spell with the other hand. After a while, a prismatic cyan crystal was suspended in his palm.

"This is the imprint of the condensed power of my consciousness. You should be able to see it." Su Yi looked at Xin Long and said calmly, "This is the most sinister thing in the world. As long as it is placed in Miss Xin's Dantian, it will Not only can it suppress Miss Xin's Dragon Roar Body, but it can also allow her to practice normally."

"It's just that this brand will continue to be consumed by her, so she must rely on me to provide her with the brand regularly in the future. Once I cut off the supply of the brand to her, and her cultivation level is much higher than it is today, she will definitely die. ! In addition, I can control the brand placed in her Dantian and can sense it at any time. In other words, if Miss Xin chooses this path, you will have no privacy from me in the future."

Xin Ruyin's face was flushed at this moment. Before her father Xin Long could speak, she shook her head and said firmly: "I'm sorry, Immortal, Ruyin is not ungrateful, but there are some things that Ruyin considers more important than life!"

Su Yi nodded and said: "A woman's reputation is indeed very important, so I told you not to be too hasty to be happy."

Xin Long was silent for a while and asked unwillingly: "Great Immortal, I dare to ask... is there any other way?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded, "Thousands of years of ice jade will breed something called cold marrow, which has the same effect as my brand.

"Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade..." Xin Long smiled miserably.He tried every means to extend his daughter's life. How could he not have heard of Wannian Bingyu's name?

But this thing had only been seen in records in ancient books, and he had never even heard of it in reality.

As for the century-old ice jade, he once sneaked into a secret auction that could only be entered during the pill-forming stage. The fist-sized piece of ice jade was auctioned for a sky-high price of tens of thousands of spiritual stones, which made him sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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