Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1708 Sweeping the goods

Chapter 1708 Sweeping the goods
Tianxingfang City has been open for thousands of years, and no one has ever robbed a store. This is because Tianxing Sect has three Yuanying ancestors in charge. No matter who dares to take action, they have to consider whether they can escape from the Yuanying old monster.

The Zhao family's auction has been held for so long without any trouble. This is because the ancestor of the Zhao family is one of the three Nascent Soul ancestors of the Tianxing Sect, not to mention that the auction is personally hosted by Zhao Wuwei, a powerful pill-forming expert.

A junior in the Qi training stage robbed the Zhao family auction house in front of Zhao Wuwei. How ridiculous is this thing?
It's like an elementary school student went to the White House with a toy gun and snatched the nuclear bomb launcher from the president in front of him.

So when this absurd thing really became a reality and appeared before our eyes, everyone present was confused.

Including the two monks in the alchemy stage, everyone stared blankly at the smiling Su Yi on the stage, with expressions of seeing a ghost on their stunned faces.

As a result, She Qing's little soul escaped from Fu Zigui's body, disappeared with a smile, and everyone woke up as if from a dream.

Big deal!

The Zhao family auction was actually robbed!
"How dare you, a thief!" Zhao Wuwei roared with anger, and his eyes instantly turned red. In extreme anger and madness, he released the power of his alchemy stage without any reservation, except for the inscription on it. , all the monks present could not help but changed their expressions and groaned, and hurriedly used their magic power to resist.The two juniors in the Qi training period spurted out a mouthful of blood, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

Before anyone could react, Zhao Wuwei turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot, chasing after him.

It was only at this moment that the soulless body of Fu Zigui fell to the ground with a "pop" on the stage.

There was silence in the auction house, but it was soon broken by a roar of panic.

"No! Impossible!" Fang Ming, who originally had a look of disbelief on his face, released his spiritual sense to inspect the corpse on the table after She Qing's little soul escaped.

The moment She Qing's little soul escaped, Fang Ming understood that this descendant of the Fu family had long been killed by the green demon soul.

But he was a member of the Fu family after all, so he subconsciously wanted to confirm whether this person was still alive and see if there were any traces or clues left on the body.

But as soon as She Qing left, the magic power on his body became ineffective, his aura lost its cover, and he was completely exposed to everyone.

Fu Ming immediately sensed the aura of his favorite great-great-grandson Fu Zigui from the corpse!

He probed carefully in disbelief, and the next second he collapsed!

He reached the auction stage in one step, stretched out his trembling hand and touched Xuansun's cold face.

At this moment, his mind flashed back to the scenes he had spent with Fu Zigui.

Great-great-grandson rode on his neck and grabbed his beard. He was so happy when he showed off to him when he first developed spiritual power. He was careful to please himself because his talent was not as good as his brother...

All the pleasures he had enjoyed in the past, including making love with his grandchildren, had all turned into the most heart-wrenching pain at this moment.

"Zi Gui, Zi Gui... Do you know that you don't have to compete with your brother? Grandpa has long decided that you can only be the head of the Fu family..." Fu Ming said in a trembling voice, "You You don’t need to prove anything to me, Grandpa won’t tell you, I just hope you can make progress... Zigui..."

"Zi Gui!" He screamed in grief, his hair and beard spread out.

None of the other monks present dared to vent their anger at this moment, for fear of being angered by the elixir-forming monk who could explode at any time.

"Monster!" Fuming Ming finally stood up despite his grief. While putting Fu Zigui's body into a storage bag, he said in a voice that would make anyone shudder when they heard it: "Fu Mou swears, if I don't put you Cut the corpse into thousands of pieces, extract the soul and refine it, and remember it forever to never give birth to a child!"

The vows of practitioners are never made casually. There is a destiny that makes the vows come true.

For example, as Fang Ming vowed at this moment, if he really can't do anything to Su Yi, when it's time for him to have a baby, he will be backlashed by his inner demons, and he really won't be able to have a baby.

But on the other hand, if he really does what he said, when he conceives a baby one day, his perfect state of mind will actually help him and increase his probability of successfully conceiving a baby.

In other words, from the moment Fan Ming took the oath, it was absolutely impossible to reconcile the hatred between him and Su Yi.

Fu Ming took a step forward and disappeared into the venue.

It was a long time after he left that someone gasped for air, looking frightened. Everyone looked at each other, feeling like they were surviving a disaster.

"Everyone, something happened in the store, and this auction is over." Old Man Sun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, clasped his fists, looked around and said coldly, "Our store is now closed for self-examination. Please follow me and leave, but everyone's entrance The field token will still be valid next time."

Even if he didn't say anything, no one would dare to stay.With such a big thing happening here, who knows what the Zhao family will think?
Only by staying away from right and wrong can we stay away from danger. Everyone is eager to leave now. If something happens later and they can't leave, it will be extremely unlucky.

As soon as Old Man Sun finished speaking, everyone immediately responded. The group of people followed Old Man Sun to the front door. After exiting the door, they immediately hurriedly went their separate ways. In the blink of an eye, the building was empty and they disappeared without a trace.

Old man Sun stood outside the door looking solemnly and looked around. He saw people from nearby shops standing on the street looking this way.

"Old man Sun, what happened?" the familiar shopkeeper across from him asked curiously.

"Take care of yourself and stop meddling in other people's business!" Old Man Sun said coldly before returning to the shop.

Before entering, he saw Xiao Ping, who was next door, leading a maid out. After looking at him, he nodded with a solemn expression and hurried towards Fangshikou.

Old Man Sun closed the door, then took out the array disk and activated the protective array.

This formation was personally refined by the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Zhao family. Even a pill-forming monk could not easily break it. As the guardian of the Zhao family's secret shop, it was natural for him to have the formation disk in his hands.

Of course, it was Zhao Wuwei who refined the main formation disk. He only held the second-level formation disk in his hand. He had the right to activate the formation, but he did not have the right to close the formation or release the formation.

In other words, after this formation is activated, unless Zhao Wuwei rushes back or an old Yuanying monster comes, no one from the outside can come in, and no one trapped in the formation can get out, including Sun Hao.

But it doesn't matter, Sun Hao didn't plan to go out in the first place!

After activating the array, Old Man Sun went straight to the first row of shelves, used the large-capacity empty storage bag Su Yi gave him, and began to "sweep" the shelves frantically to clear the shelves!

In the blink of an eye, the first row of shelves filled with all kinds of high-level spiritual talismans during the Qi training period were all taken away by him, leaving no one behind!
Then came the second row and the third row... Old man Sun was like a hard-working little bee, rushing between all the shelves. Wherever he passed, there was a vast expanse of white like wind and lingering clouds!
The Zhao family's secret store is not the only store of the Zhao family. The real big store of the Zhao family is the six-story building next to Tianxing Pavilion. This is just the secret store where the Zhao family holds auctions, but the auctions are not held every day, and the auction venue is in the store. The backyard, front yard and shop front are Zhao Wuwei's private property, and Old Man Sun usually guards and sells the goods for him.

The main customers of Zhao Wuwei's shop are monks in the Qi training and foundation building stages. The categories they sell are quite diverse, such as formations, materials, magic weapons, elixirs, talismans, exercises, spells, etc., everything that monks can use Everything you need is basically available here!

For Su Yi, this place is like a grocery store, with at most [-]% of the things he can use or take a fancy to.But if you don’t like it or don’t need it, you can sell it for spiritual stones!
All the goods in this store are worth at least more than 30 spiritual stones!
The large-capacity storage bag Su Yi gave was only half filled when it was full. Fortunately, there are also storage bags for sale here, both large and small. Now they are all put to use.

"Zhao Wuwei, I don't believe you don't feel bad when I vacate your shop! Haha! Hahahaha..." Old Man Sun became more and more energetic, and in the end his face was even ferocious, and his eyes were filled with the joy of revenge, as if he was crazy. .

It's a pity that every ten days he has to hand over the store's turnover to Zhao Wuwei, and he only handed in the accounts for the last ten days yesterday, so there is no spiritual stone stored in the store.

As for the spiritual stones obtained from the auction, they will be taken away by Zhao Wuwei as soon as each auction ends. Old Man Sun is only responsible for counting and temporarily storing them during the on-site transaction, and has no chance to get involved.

The resentment and grievances that Old Man Sun had suppressed for more than ten years were completely released today. Every time he emptied a shelf, the resentment in his heart eased a little, and his happiness increased a little.

In the end, he moved the entire store empty. Unable to forgive his resentment, he dismantled all the goods into parts and then piled them together and burned them!
He stepped open the door of Zhao Wuwei's room again, smashed everything inside to pieces, and finally untied his pants and peed inside.

He swore that this was the most satisfying pee he had ever had in his life!

Boom, boom!

Someone seemed to be anxiously bombarding the formation outside, but Old Man Sun turned a deaf ear.

Just when I was loading things into the storage bag, someone from the Zhao family came to check the situation, but Old Man Sun ignored them.

The young master told him that Zhao Wuwei would be lured away by him. If Zhao Wuwei came back, the young master would notify him as soon as possible, but the young master never contacted him.

He was not afraid that the Yuan Ying ancestor of the Zhao family would come, because he heard Zhao Wuwei say that that person was in seclusion, and unless something big happened to the Zhao family, no one would dare to disturb the ancestor's cultivation.

As long as the Zhao family's Yuan Ying ancestor doesn't come, even if there's a huge commotion outside, he won't be able to get in.

He took out a teleportation array in his spare time, arranged one end of it in the front yard, and then took out a total of 36 low-level spiritual stones and embedded them in the corresponding grooves of the teleportation array.

This teleportation array is also a product sold in the store. It is a short-range teleportation array, priced at about three hundred spirit stones.

After doing this, he silently recited Su Yi's name in his heart, bowed respectfully and said: "Sir, I have done everything according to your instructions, and I beg you to open the psychic channel!"

He said it three times in a row, waiting with anxiety in his heart.

At a certain moment, a cyan mark suddenly shot out from his Tianling Cap, slowly spinning, turning into a vortex in front of him.

Old Man Sun's face was full of excitement, and he hurriedly put all the storage bags filled with goods into the whirlpool.

This vortex is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much he puts in it, it can't be filled.

In the end, Old Man Sun put the remaining half of the teleportation array into the vortex, and then respectfully stood aside.

A huge roar came from the store's protective array, accompanied by an angry curse.

"Sun Hao, what are you doing? Why don't you open the formation? Are you looking for death?"

Old Man Sun recognized this voice. It was the voice of Zhao Wuwei's nephew. This boy had always ignored him and often insulted and abused him, which he always hated.But today, when he heard the words, he just sneered and stopped paying attention, letting him bark like a wild dog outside without paying any attention.

After a while, an indifferent voice was heard from behind the whirlpool: "Teleport."

"Yes, Young Master!" Sun Hao finally let go of his anxious heart.

Although he knew in his memory that the young master was absolutely trustworthy, and after doing all the important things for the young master, he did not need to take any risks and could directly reach the secret realm where the young master was located through the teleportation array.But it was a matter of life after all, so it would be a lie to say that he was not worried at all about the young master crossing the river and burning bridges or failing to fulfill his promise.

Well now, everything is going according to plan and has not deviated from the established track at all.

He activated the teleportation array with great excitement and anticipation. As all the spiritual stones embedded in the hexagonal teleportation array lit up in sequence, he disappeared instantly.

"Teleportation array? A teleportation array has been activated! Damn it! Sun Hao! What are you doing!" The furious voice outside the protective array sounded again.

Unless it is covered by a specific formation, the movement of the teleportation array can be sensed within a radius of several kilometers. The teleportation activated in the store at this moment makes people outside who want to come in almost crazy.

But everything was in vain, because Sun Hao teleported away along with the protective formation.

There was no one in the area covered by the formation, leaving only a cyan vortex still spinning slowly in place.

After a moment, a hand stretched out from the whirlpool and grabbed it out of thin air. The teleportation array left in place was immediately sucked in and dragged into the whirlpool by this hand.

The cyan vortex randomly and completely dissipated, as if nothing had ever existed.

The secret realm, in the front yard of Su Yi's attic.

Su Yi asked Fu Xiaozhuo to take all the transferred storage bags to his storage room on the third floor. Qian Huan was sitting on the side of him in a wheelchair, his face twitching and his eyes full of shock.

"Master..." When he spoke, his throat was dry and his voice was trembling. "Is what you just said true? Did you really rob the shop of a Tianxing Sect alchemy monk?"

Qian Huan swore that this was definitely the craziest and most outrageous thing he had ever heard in his life!
"Could this...I mean, wouldn't this offend the Tianxing Sect to death?" Qian Huan looked at Su Yi with a look of awe on his face.

"Didn't they offend me first?" Su Yi looked at him doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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