Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1709 Siege

Su Yi is not a desperado who wants money rather than his life. If there is a chance to turn hostility into friendship, he will never mind pretending to be a grandson.

But the question is, is Wandashan willing to give up the essence of wind?

Will Fu Ming give up revenge just because he pretends to be a grandson?

Will these united alchemy monks give up on Qin Yu because of his forbearance?
The answer to these three questions is – no!
So since we are destined to be fatal enemies, what is the difference between offending and not offending?
Evacuating Zhao Wuwei's store is just to recover a little interest first, where is this?
That is to say, Su Yi was afraid of making too much noise and provoking the old Yuanying monster. Otherwise, if he could brainwash Sun Hao, couldn't he also brainwash Wang Hao, Li Hao, Zhang Hao and Situ Hao?

Qian Huan didn't know what Su Yi was thinking. He was just frightened and felt like he was on a crazy pirate ship.

At the beginning, the enemy was the foundation-building monk. How long has it been now?The enemies in Hehe Tu are already formed with pills, and there are more than one formed pills.

The situation is so serious that the young master actually went to rob the shop of another Danjie monk. If this continues, it won't be long before Hehetu's enemies are upgraded to Nascent Soul monsters.

No, I have to give the young master a good advice, I can’t let this go on!

Qian Huan was worrying about gains and losses when the teleportation array turned on, and an old man appeared in the teleportation array in front of him.

After experiencing the dizziness caused by the turbulence in the space, the man woke up and saw Su Yi's appearance clearly. He immediately knelt down with an excited thud and said, "Sun Hao pays homage to the young master!"

"Get up!" Su Yi smiled and used his magic power to help him up, and said kindly: "Sun Hao, you have made great contributions to our harmony plan!"

"Sun Hao doesn't dare to take credit!" Sun Hao was excited, "My subordinates are just doing things according to the Young Master's instructions. Without the Young Master's strategizing, even 1 Sun Hao would not be able to accomplish such a huge event!"

It must be a huge disaster... The corner of Qian Huan's mouth on one side twitched a few times.

"From today on, you are our Hehetu member!" Su Yi said sternly, "Sun Hao, I promised you that I would cure your fundamental injuries so that you can start practicing again. Now, I am the one who fulfills my promise. time!"

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag, and two jade slips flew out of the bag, flying towards Qian Huan and Sun Hao respectively.

The latter took it with excitement and anticipation, while the former had a puzzled look on his face.

"Young Master, this is..." Qian Huan asked in confusion, why does he still have a share?
"Let's take a look first and then talk." Su Yi smiled.

After the two of them bowed respectfully to Su Yi, they placed the jade slip on their foreheads and began to investigate.

At this time, Fu Xiaozhuo came down from upstairs and stood quietly behind Su Yi.

"The Marrow Cleansing Sutra of the Book of Changes, this..." Qian Huan had just finished reading the general chapter of the exercise, his face turned red instantly, and he looked at Su Yi in disbelief, his eyes were shocked and moved, "Young Master, this exercise... Is it really possible to regenerate a broken limb and regenerate a broken limb?"

"Would you know if you try it?" Su Yi chuckled, but his expression was extremely determined.

It is true that this is an ordinary martial art, but Bodhidharma who created this martial art is not an ordinary person, and its effect has been verified by Su Yi.After he and Ning Caichen improved it, it incorporated the part of the wood-attribute basic cultivation technique that absorbs spiritual energy into the body, making it more efficient and effective in repairing missing parts and regenerating broken limbs.

There is no shortage of ways to regenerate a severed limb in the world of cultivation, but it either requires extremely rare and expensive heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or it requires extremely superb methods and a huge consumption of mana. In short, it must be achieved at a huge price. .

Qian Huan is not willing to replace himself with a puppet prosthetic limb, nor is he willing to use the cruel method of replacing limbs with the magic way. He plans to find the treasures of heaven and earth after he has the ability to build a foundation, even at the cost of making his cultivation backward. Let your broken limb recover slowly.But it was hard to say how long it would take. He was already prepared to spend seven or eight years or even more than ten years.

But now that he has the I Ching Marrow Cleansing Sutra, he is confident that his legs will grow back within a year or two!

Without reading the following content, Qian Huan was sure that Su Yi would never lie to him or exaggerate.His face was full of emotion and he clasped his fists at Su Yi: "Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

"You deserve this." Su Yi said.

He looked at Sun Hao, who looked shocked, and said: "Your situation is more serious. Your injuries are a rupture of your Dantian and severed meridians. The reason why you can survive until now is because you have successfully built the foundation and cultivated it. Secondly, because you must have taken a lot of miraculous medicines over the years."

"Yes, what the young master said is absolutely correct!" Sun Hao came back to his senses and replied hurriedly. He hesitated slightly and then said: "Young Master, my subordinate is injured and cannot perform any exercises..."

He paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Back then I discovered that ancient monk's cave and kindly informed Zhao Wuwei that this old thief wanted to share it with him. Who knew that he actually treated me as cannon fodder and asked me to draw out the restricted poisonous fire? It caused my Dantian to rupture and my meridians to be severed!"

"I have tried every means over the years to resolve this poisonous fire. It is hidden in my broken Dantian and broken meridians. As long as I practice a little bit, it will break out! Not only will it make me miserable, but it will also endanger me. life!"

"This poisonous fire is indeed overbearing, but it is not ineradicable." Su Yi said, "You accept this technique first, and after I take the time to help you get rid of the poisonous fire in your body, let Qian Huan help you restore your meridians first, so that you can Reluctantly running the I Ching Marrow Cleansing Meridian will slowly repair your injuries."

If he hadn't been sure that he could absorb the poisonous fire in Sun Hao's body, how would he have boasted about healing people's injuries in Haikou?

Although Sun Hao was forcibly used by Tianxing Zongfang City this time, he was not someone who would burn bridges. After confirming from his memory that there were no major problems with his character, he decided to collect all the disciples as compensation.

Sun Hao is the first player to deposit money in Hehetu, and he is also the most mediocre member so far.

"Thank you so much, sir!" Sun Hao was ecstatic and excited.

"Fellow Taoist Qianhuan, please take care of me!" He respectfully saluted Qianhuan again.

"From now on, we will be fellow disciples, so you don't have to be polite." Qian Huan said politely.

"Xiao Zhuo, take Sun Hao to settle down." Su Yi ordered Xiao Zhuo, "By the way, tell him the rules and introduce our basic situation."

"Yes, Young Master!" Fu Xiaozhuo agreed, and then nodded to Sun Hao, "Fellow Taoist Sun, please come with me." "Don't dare to address me as a senior Taoist!" Although Sun Hao also used to build foundations, now he only practices As a middle-level Qi monk, he did not dare to be disrespectful to the people around Su Yi.

After the two of them walked out of Su Yi's yard one after another, Su Yi waved his hand and a green vortex appeared in front of him.

"Qian Huan, please inform Xin Long and his daughter immediately that the ancestors of the Fu family have learned about Fu Zigui's death. It will only be a matter of time before they are found using the methods of the alchemy monks." Su Yi said sternly, "They must take action immediately You have chosen! Even if you don’t join us, you must escape from Yuanwu Country as soon as possible.”

Qian Huan hurriedly said: "Master, actually the Xin family father and daughter have made a choice to join us and Hetu, but they still have to settle the two maids who have been serving them, and it seems they have to say goodbye to a friend..."

"You tell them that if they don't want to harm anyone, they should immediately cut off all ties with everyone and erase all traces of contact. It is best to advise their friends and maids to leave Yuanwu Kingdom to hide from the limelight and hide in front of the Danjie monks. Don't take any chances!" Su Yi said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll send the message right now!" Qian Huan obviously knew what was going on and hurriedly responded.

After a pause, Qian Huan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Sir, have you been distracted enough to get rid of the pursuers?"

Back in time not long ago——

After Su Yi removed all the auction items in front of the two Danjie monks, Fu Zigui's puppet body was destined to give up.

He teleported out of the venue before Zhao Wuwei and Fang Ming had time to react!
The upper limit of Sheqing Xiaohun's teleportation is ten kilometers, so even if he teleports out, he is still within the scope of Tianxing Zongfang City.

Almost at the moment when he appeared in the outside world without any cover, silver arcs suddenly flashed in the air. In an instant, Su Yi was wrapped in a silver thunder net. Trapped in it!
magic weapon!

Su Yi recognized at a glance that the silver thunder net was actually a magic weapon!
He immediately teleported again without even thinking about it. Almost as soon as She Qing Xiaohun teleported out, the silver lightning net suddenly tightened, but was completely restrained!
This time Su Yi just teleported out of Fangshi's protective formation.

"Stay!" With an angry shout, a hand with flashing thunder light smacked out of thin air from an attic not far away!
A bolt of silver thunder fell out of the air and struck She Qing Xiaohun instantly, so fast that Su Yi had no time to react!
The moment this silver thunder hit She Qing Xiaohun, the latter's figure froze slightly, but the next second it got rid of the paralysis and teleported away from the place!

Almost at the moment when his figure disappeared, a silver-haired old man shot up and stood at the position where Su Yi disappeared, with extremely fast speed.

His face was full of astonishment, and his eyes nearly popped out.

As we all know, Lei Lei has always restrained all kinds of ghosts and demonic means. The blue demon soul just now was undoubtedly within the range of Lei Lei's restraint. His Silver Sky Divine Thunder clearly hit the cyan demon soul. Why was the opponent not affected at all?

Little did he know that Su Yi's Green Soul was refined by the Extreme Yin Thunder. The fact that it could stiffen up a little showed that the quality of his Silver Sky Divine Thunder was not bad.

Although the silver-haired old man was shocked, he immediately chased after him without saying a word!

He flew into the sky like a shooting star without using any magic weapon. This was an ability that only the Danjie monks had. It was obvious that he was a Danjie monk.

Almost the moment he caught up, an afterimage passed by the place where he had just disappeared and disappeared into the city.

It was only then that other merchants in Fangshi who sensed the movement went out to investigate one after another, and everyone was shocked.

"The ones who just flew out are the two seniors Xiao Dongli and Zhao Wuwei, the ancestors of the Xiao family, right? What happened?" someone asked in surprise.

"Who knows? They seem to be arresting someone? I just saw a flash of green light. Two Danjie seniors are taking action, it must be no small matter!"

While everyone was talking about it, they heard a roar of grief and anger coming from the Zhao family's secret store. Following the ancestor of the Fu family, Fang Ming, soared out of the secret store. He rushed out of the market without concealing his coercion and attacked the two previous people. Chase in the direction where the pill disappeared.

The onlookers in the market looked at each other in confusion. Now even a fool could guess that something big had happened.

Outside Fang City, the little soul of Sheqing kept teleporting forward at high speed, but it could only teleport ten kilometers at most at a time. Soon, the two pill-forming monks behind it caught up!
A piece of white jade formation disk suddenly flew out of Zhao Wuwei's body. He held the formation disk in one hand and made a seal with the other. Immediately, four formation flags shot out, passing the silver-haired old man in front of him very quickly, and swept the young She Qing soul further ahead. shrouded in it.

His white jade formation disk is his natal magic weapon.At the elixir-forming stage, the refined natal magic weapon is not only extremely powerful, but it can also be directly stored in the body for cultivation.

Zhao Wuwei's magic weapon is called "Hundred Formations Diagram". As the name suggests, this treasure contains one hundred types of formations, and any one of them can be instantly activated with his thoughts.What he has inspired now is the "Smoke and Misty Formation" which has the best trapping effect among the hundreds of formations.As soon as this formation emerged from the place where Su Yi was, it immediately turned into vast expanse of waves. The undulating water waves were covered with thick mist. That area of ​​the world was like an independent landscape crashed into a crystal bottle. A faint blue shadow was constantly being covered. Waves rise and fall.

This scene made the two pill-forming monks cheer up. Zhao Wuwei hurriedly fired a few spells to strengthen the trapped formation with the Hundred Formation Diagram magic weapon in his hand, and rushed over quickly. He stood not far from the silver-haired old man, and the two Everyone looked towards the formation.

"This demon soul is weird. It can escape from my Silver Sky Thunder Net and is not afraid of thunder!" The silver-haired old man said solemnly.

He is Xiao Dongli, the ancestor of Xiao family's elixir formation, and he is a rare Leilinggen monk.Unlike Su Yi, who is a fake spiritual genius, he is a real genius.

"Is this happening?" Zhao Wuwei was startled, and hurriedly fired a few more spells, and eight more phantoms of formation flags flew out from the white jade formation disk, forming a huge golden cover outside the misty formation.

"Coupled with this golden light barrier, it should be foolproof." Xiao Dongli nodded, excitement flashed in his eyes, "Junior brother Zhao is so lucky. I didn't expect this demon spirit to go to your secret shop and let you take the lead. Afterwards, Junior Brother Zhao can take the lion’s share of the credit.”

Xiao Dongli, Zhao Wuwei and Wan Dashan, the three alchemy monks, had already agreed on how to divide the profits if they succeeded. That's why Xiao Dongli said this, but his words not only did not make Zhao Wuwei, who always puts interests first, happy, but the latter His face was as black as the bottom of a pot and turned purple, which made Xiao Dongli quite strange.

"Why is Junior Brother Zhao unhappy?" he asked curiously.

"This bastard stole all the items from my auction!" Zhao Wuwei said angrily through gritted teeth.

"Impossible!" Xiao Dongli didn't believe it at all, "You personally take charge of your auctions every time. I just saw Junior Brother Fu enter your secret shop with you. Even if this demon soul has great abilities, he can't Maybe I could snatch your things in front of the two of you, this is ridiculous and absolutely impossible!"

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