Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 175 Carefree

Chapter 175 Carefree
Jimmy was bored in the detention room.

From the time he entered the police station to now, he has been locked up here, no one pays attention to him, the police seem to have forgotten him.

He was a little anxious, and asked the guards several times, but the answer he got was two cold words-wait.

What are you waiting for?
Until when?
Nobody told him.

He was a little wanting to have a fit, but also a little humiliated and angry, and his mood was extremely bad.

In fact, every gangster will feel the same as Jimmy when he arrives at the police station.

On the outside, they are big bosses, with a group of younger brothers under their command, all-powerful, unrestrained and mighty.

But here, even a cleaner who sweeps the floor or an uncle who serves tea and water dares to scold them with a straight face.

That kind of disdain and disgust from the heart is simply undisguised.

At this time, the bosses are most unwilling to admit in the bottom of their hearts, but they have to admit that Hong Guoguo is in front of them, that is-no matter how beautiful they are, no matter how they try to hide it, in the final analysis, they are just Just a bunch of criminals.

The only difference is whether they were caught or not.

No one will feel comfortable or adapt to this kind of identity gap and personality humiliation.

Finally, when Jimmy could hardly bear to lose his temper, a police officer finally opened the door of the detention room with a key, and said to him expressionlessly: "Li Jiayuan, can you go?"

Jimmy was a little confused.

"Go?" He asked a little uncertainly.

"Why? Can't bear it?" The policeman looked at him, "Then you can continue to stay after explaining something."

Jimmy came back to his senses, glanced at the police officer, and walked out.

Followed the policeman all the way out, walked through the corridor to the office area, another policeman stopped him, took out a form and handed it to him: "Li Jiayuan, sign here."

Jimmy scanned the ten lines at a glance and found that this form was just an ordinary reporter registration form.

He signed his name, and the police said in a routine tone: "Mr. Li, the police express their most sincere thanks for your timely reporting to the police and saving the lives of citizens. I hope you can continue to trust the police and cooperate with the police and the people. Together, we will contribute to creating a prosperous and stable environment on Hong Kong Island."

You told a community leader to create prosperity and stability on Hong Kong Island?Talk about police-civilian cooperation?
Jimmy had a strange expression on his face, and he could hear the uneasiness and awkwardness in the policeman's tone.

So, why be so hypocritical?

"Can I go?" he asked.

"Of course, you can leave at any time." The policeman said.

Jimmy glanced at him, turned and walked out.

At this moment, he saw a police officer open the office door and come out, holding up a document and yelling at this side: "Who will handle Luo Ji's detention procedures?"

Luo Ji?

Step brother?

Jimmy shook his head and turned around.

"It's me, Sir Lu!"

A policeman raised his hand.

"This bastard is now going to sue Xiao Zhang for provoking him, insulting him, fishing for law enforcement," Lu Qichang said with a helpless look, "I just talked to him, this matter is private, but fortunately Xiao Zhang only has a nosebleed , It’s no big deal, his charge of assaulting a policeman is withdrawn, and he can rewrite the detention report with other reasons!”

The policemen were furious and expressed their dissatisfaction one after another. Lu Qichang hurriedly spoke out to appease everyone, and he didn't even look at Jimmy from the beginning to the end.

Jimmy turned and walked out thoughtfully.

But when he walked to the door and thought about it, he walked back again.

When Lu Qichang saw Jimmy approaching, he immediately shut up and looked serious, but he was relieved in his heart.

Su Yi wanted to see Jimmy, he wanted to lure Jimmy to see Su Yi by himself, it would be more natural, that's why the scene just now happened.

It was a good thing he didn't have to use another excuse to stop Jimmy before he walked out of the police station.

"Jimmy, what do you want to do if you don't leave after I let you go?" Lu Qichang asked seriously on purpose.

"I want to see Luo Ji." Jimmy didn't beat around the bush, but said straightforwardly.

Lu Qichang deliberately looked at him with scrutiny, and said: "According to the regulations, you can visit him, but you must be accompanied by the police."

"Okay." Jimmy said.

"Follow me." Lu Qichang took a deep look at him.

Three minutes later, Jimmy, who had gone through the visit procedures, met Su Yi in an interrogation room.

Su Yi sat in front of a table expressionlessly wearing a pair of handcuffs.

Opposite him, there is another blank chair.

"Step-brother." Jimmy's expression changed.

Su Yi nodded to him.

Jimmy glanced at Lu Qichang who was behind him, and the latter said: "If you have anything to say, you can talk now."

He didn't have the slightest intention of leaving to avoid it.

"Thank you." Jimmy said politely, and sat opposite Su Yi.

"Brother, can I help you?" Jimmy asked.

"Blowing chicken was shot black." Su Yi said.

This remark surprised Jimmy, who didn't know about it until now.

"A Le, Big D, Da Pu Hei, Gao Lao, Yu Tou Biao..." Su Yi announced the names of a series of restaurants, "They were all caught by the police."

"Hey! Don't scold the bald donkey in front of the monk!" Lu Qichang glared at him, dissatisfied.

Su Yi was expressionless, without even looking at him, and continued to say to Jimmy: "I beat up a cheap policeman, and they will definitely find an excuse to detain me for a few more days. The situation outside is very strange now. When I'm not around, You and everyone don't go out and run around."

"Understood." Jimmy nodded, "Do you want to find a lawyer?"

"Of course." Su Yi said, "Let the community lawyer come to me!"

After a pause, he glanced at Lu Qichang, and said, "The day you and I made a phone call after the show, do you remember?"

Jimmy's expression changed, and he immediately remembered what Su Yi said.

Su Yi specifically mentioned the phone call with him that day after the show, he still remembers it so vividly, how could he not remember it?

At that time, Su Yi had the backbone to hold the audience and handed the dragon head stick to Master Su, but as soon as the show was over, he immediately called Changmao, which caused the dragon head stick to still fall into the hands of Big D.

"I have an appointment with Guan Zisen," Su Yi said, "If he wants to come see me before ten o'clock in the evening, you can go and talk to him."

"About what?" Jimmy asked suspiciously.

"Talk about what I said on that phone call." Su Yi looked at Jimmy with a smile, "Ask him for me, does he want it? If so, what price does he want to offer?"

Jimmy showed a look of incomparable surprise, and his heart was shocked!

Wasn't it the faucet stick that was mentioned in the phone call?
Step-brother wants to give the dragon head stick to Guan Zisen?
Do not!

It was just a stick, step-brother actually wanted to ask Guan Zisen if he wanted to be the talker?
But isn't the person who is talking about Ah Le and Big D fighting?
Jimmy was so confused that he couldn't figure it out.

Su Yiruo looked at him meaningfully, and continued: "Help me see his attitude, and remember these four words - carefree and carefree."

(End of this chapter)

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