Chapter 176
Jimmy left without knowing what mood he was in.

As soon as he went out, Lu Qichang asked him with a dazed expression: "What kind of riddle are you playing? What do you want to trade with Guan Zisen?"

Su Yi looked at the camera in the corner, then at the pickup on top.

"It's all closed, I closed it myself." Lu Qichang understood and said.

"What do you think of Guan Zisen?"

Su Yi asked.

"As far as I know, this man is a bad gambler, and he is also lustful." Lu Qichang said. Don't dare to let it go, it's not as good as his big brother Long Gen."

"Then what do you think will happen if Guan Zisen is the speaker for two years?" Su Yi asked.

Lu Qichang was taken aback: "How is this possible?"

"It depends on human effort, why is it impossible?" Su Yi said.

"Wait, I'm a bit messed up." Lu Qichang frowned and rubbed his temples.

After a while, he spoke again: "Why did you let Guan Zisen be the speaker?"

"Because I just joined the club, I'm sure I won't be able to be the talker this year, so I can only choose the one who is best for me." Su Yi explained, "Whether it's Ale or Big D, whoever will do it?" I won't feel better about talking about it."

Although Su Yi is well-known and has joined the club, he is a newcomer after all. Even if all the obstacles are cleared, it is impossible for him to be the speaker. Therefore, he has no place in the election of the speaker this time. .

Su Yi has always been aware of this.

A Le is ruthless, and Su Yi has always been very jealous; although Big D cooperates with him, Su Yi is very clear that he is only temporarily suppressing Big D. An arrogant and self-centered person like Big D will sooner or later overwhelm Su Yi. So Su Yi is not comfortable with these two people being the talkers.

"The rest of the people who are qualified to be the talkers are the leaders of several other districts. But first, I don't know the others well. I have only dealt with Guan Zisen. If he can really rely on me to take over the position, it is impossible for him to get rid of me."

Su Yi said earnestly: "When the time comes, I will give him money and a name, and he will become my safe haven, allowing me to develop steadily for two years and lay the foundation. Two years later, I will be promoted smoothly."

Unable to be the talker, Su Yi didn't give up either, he chose to settle for the second best, he hid behind the scenes and introduced a "spokesperson".

Once the spokesperson is selected, he will still be the emperor behind He Liansheng.

It is said that it is a spokesperson, but it is actually a puppet.

The one who is suitable to be a puppet and who is also qualified to choose a speaker, Su Yi thinks about it, and there is only Guan Zisen, a bad gambler.

This person is greedy for money, lustful, cowardly and excessive in gambling, and his faults are too easy to handle.

Lu Qichang looked at Su Yi for a long time, and asked, "When did you think of this method?"

Su Yi smiled, but did not answer the question.

In fact, knowing the plot, he had formed such a vague idea in his heart as early as the first time he met Guan Zisen.

It's just that many things need to be done and promoted step by step to truly clarify the situation, make the plan concrete, and finally determine whether this goal can be achieved.

To put it simply, he had a goal for a long time, and then slowly figured out a way to push things forward with this result.

He seems to have a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, but everything he does is to promote Guan Zisen to become a puppet in the end.

"Guanzisen..." Lu Qichang murmured, with a complicated expression on his face.

Who would have thought that Su Yi would aim at this person who no one would notice?


"What about Ale and Big D?" Lu Qichang asked, "These two are fighting to the death for the talker, how do you deal with them?"

"Who do you think would win without me?" Su Yi asked.

"Unless Big D is willing to kill the net, he must be the loser!" Lu Qichang said with certainty.

His vision is still very precise. In fact, for Big D, the situation after Su Yi's participation is more dangerous than his situation in the original plot.

The reason is simple - the leader sticks to him.

This thing is a bomb, except for the talker, whoever takes it will be the target of public criticism. Su Yi has a deep experience in this.

Big D holding a faucet stick can indeed make Ah Le disgusting, but Ah Le is righteous and has the status of a talker. If he really wants to give an order to tear apart his face with Big D, the whole and Liansheng want to get rid of Big D. The big guy who tore off a piece of meat.

"Even if you are added, Big D will still lose." Lu Qichang looked at Su Yi, "Deng Wei and those uncles are the ones who really have the final say on Liansheng. They want to balance, and Big D has no chance at all."

"That's not necessarily true." Su Yi smiled, "Uncles have to balance, why?"

"In order to be able to control the club's personnel power forever," Su Yi asked himself and answered, "Except for Deng Wei, who wants to be the Supreme Emperor, why do other uncles want this right?"

"Because as long as they have the rights, the society will give them dividends every year." Su Yi continued, "What they are afraid of is that if there is a powerful boss who becomes the talker, if they don't want to give them money, they will not give them money." There is no other way, so they always choose the less powerful ones, because the less powerful ones have to rely on them, and they dare not cut off their dividends."

"But there are not a few uncles who speak for Big D this time. Aren't they afraid that Big D won't give them dividends after he takes over?" Su Yi asked again.

"Big D must have promised them more! And as far as I know, Big D has given them money." Lu Qichang said.

"Money touches people's hearts, and there is no shortage of short-sighted people anywhere." Su Yi said with a smile, "so sometimes money can turn the situation around. In fact, this time, if Deng Wei hadn't focused on suppressing the big D, Long Gen would have accepted it. Money doesn’t matter, big D really has a great chance of being selected. Balance? In front of money, any balance may be broken!”

"That's true, but what's the use of talking about it?" Lu Qichang frowned, "With Deng Wei around, he will definitely not let this kind of thing happen!"

"What if there is no Deng Wei?" Su Yi said leisurely.

Lu Qichang was shocked and stared at Su Yi.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "You still want to do something to Deng Wei."

This time Su Yi no longer denied it.

"This is the smallest price we can pay." He said flatly, "Big D looks reckless and arrogant, but he is not out of his mind. He can't see hope. At most, he will scream on the surface, but sooner or later he will ask Ah Happy to compromise."

"Only when Deng Wei is dead can Big D see hope, and he will really dare to fight Ale." Su Yi said, "If the two of them fight, they will both be hurt, and I will have the opportunity to help the official. Master Sen."

Lu Qichang was terrified when he heard that, he waved his hands and said, "Aji, the higher-ups must be stable, Ale and Big D fighting, definitely not what the higher-ups want to see..."

"I don't want the higher-ups to see it either." Su Yi interrupted him with a smile, "So something went wrong, and I asked you to arrest both of them in the police station."

Lu Qichang was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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