Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1768 Shop

Chapter 1768 Shop
What's Su Yi's name?
A name that made the ancestors of Yue Kingdom and Yuanwu Kingdom change their expressions upon hearing it.

The Six Demonic Sects were fine. They only knew that Su Yi was a nuisance and used the Ice Phoenix Pit to kill two Nascent Souls, but he himself was nothing special.The reason for this impression is that in order to take credit, the two ancestors of Tianque Castle and Spirit Beast Mountain greatly weakened Su Yi's role in the destruction of the seven major sects. They even described Su Yi as The tools used by the two of them were the two biggest contributors to the destruction of the seven major sects.

In order to confirm this, even the ancestors of the Yan family also shared some of the credit.Therefore, after these three families took refuge in the magic way, their status was much higher than before, and the benefits they received were almost doubled.

But what the facts are, Ancestor Linghu and Fairy Lin have the most say.As the main culprit for the destruction of the seven major sects, they were only afraid of hating Su Yi until their teeth itched with hatred.

Under such circumstances, wouldn't Chen Qiaoqian be seeking death by borrowing Su Yi's name?

This depends on Patriarch Linghu and their plans and ambitions.

Reminiscent of the incident in the original plot where the Linghu Ancestor lowered his face and asked Han Li for help, Su Yi felt that this person must have a lot of ambition and ambition.

Chen Qiaoqian obviously thinks so too, otherwise she would be upright and would rather break than bend. If she ran to mention this, she would be slapped to death.

In fact, compared to the original plot, the current situation of Yellow Maple Valley is much better.

In the original plot, the five factions left their homes to join the Nine-Nation Alliance after making extremely painful sacrifices. They were only assigned a very barren territory and were forced to participate in the war with the grassland people.

After Su Yi participated, Huang Maple Valley at least retained its original territory and received help from Yuanwu Kingdom.Although the current war situation is anxious, from Su Yi's point of view, if there are no accidents, this war will soon subside. After all, the Six Demonic Sects have occupied almost the entire Yue Kingdom's territory, and even the Blood Forbidden Land has been taken. , with such a big harvest, there is no need to gnaw on this difficult bone.

Huang Maple Valley and Hidden Moon Sect are also in urgent need of recuperation, and the original three major sects of Yuanwu Kingdom are even less likely to want to continue fighting.

The reason why the fight seems to be getting more intense now is because the Six Demonic Sects need time to digest the newly acquired territory and resources, and they need time to establish a firm foothold. If they don't send people to entangle the Hidden Moon Sect and Huang Maple Valley, these two sects will definitely send people to harass them. Destruction will cause greater losses to the Six Demonic Sects.In this case, just send people to continue the attack, so that these two factions have no time to worry about other things, so that they can digest it peacefully in the rear.

When the demonic path is digested, there will be no need to continue this war.

Of course, only Su Yi can see these situations clearly from a high-level perspective. Chen Qiaoqian is a low-level pawn in the game. For her, the future is uncertain, which is why she is so anxious and pessimistic.

After considering these things clearly, Su Yi was basically relieved. He believed that Chen Qiaoqian would most likely be welcomed by Ancestor Linghu, because the latter was extremely insecure at this time and urgently needed the support of stronger forces.

There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests.The seven major sects have become a thing of the past, and the Blood Forbidden Land has also fallen into the hands of the devil.Su Yi's initial commotion had overdrafted the foundation-building pill materials in the Blood Forbidden Land in advance. Now these materials are all divided between the Hidden Moon Sect and Huang Maple Valley, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Maybe Linghu Ancestor doesn't need Su Yi to do anything for him yet, but Chen Qiaoqian helping Hetu open a store is like Su Yi sending a friendly ambassador. This is a very good start.

"I agreed to this matter. You can go directly to your ancestor to talk about this matter." Su Yi said, "I will block your memory again and pretend that I met you when I was living in Lu Liangzhi and admired your memory. Ability and person, so I found you again this time. After a while, I will unseal your memory again."

Chen Qiaoqian was surprised and happy, and quickly thanked her.

If this can be done, as long as Su Yi's intimidation remains, her status in Huang Maple Valley and the Chen family will be irreplaceable and unshakable.Moreover, the Chen family will also benefit from her, and she can be regarded as helping the family.

The most important thing is that Su Yi also has needs in this area. Everyone gets what they need and everyone is happy.

"After the store opens, in addition to the commission for large transactions in accordance with industry regulations, I will give you another [-]% of the dry shares." Su Yi said.

"Qiaoqian doesn't dare..."

"You deserve this, no need to refuse." Su Yi waved his hand to interrupt her. If you want the horse to run, you have to give it grass. He has never been vague and stingy in this regard.[-]% of dry shares sounds small, but the number is definitely not small.Moreover, all the goods in the store are sold by Su Yi. Chen Qiaoqian is equivalent to the manager of the store. She also uses Su Yi's influence to protect the family... In short, Su Yi is very generous.

"But after the store opens, you must continue to do one thing for me - purchase spiritual objects of various attributes at any cost. Spiritual objects of various attributes can only be used in the Nascent Soul stage. The price is negotiable." Su Yidun said this. After a pause: "You can also reveal this news to Ancestor Linghu in advance."

"Yes!" Chen Qiaoqian hurriedly agreed.

"I'm going to teach you a spiritual technique. You can contact me in this way after this is done." Su Yi shot out a spiritual crystal and let it float in front of Chen Qiaoqian, "Also, if someone forces you to contact me, I don’t have to hold on to him, you can contact me directly, or you can directly inform him of this divine communication technique.”

"Yes, Qiaoqian remembered it."

After Su Yi exited his dreamland, Chen Qiaoqian's delicate face showed a look of surprise, and she cheered like a girl.

The next day, Chen Qiaoqian contacted Su Yi and said that the Linghu ancestor had indeed agreed to Chen Qiaoqian's request to open a shop for Su Yi, and also promised to block the trouble from the Zhao family of the Tianxing Sect for Su Yi.

His intention to ease relations is very obvious, even a little urgent.

In fact, these two factions are having a very difficult time now. Not only do they have to face pressure from the devil, but they also have to face the robbery of the three original sects of Yuanwu Kingdom.

Although the Yuanwu Kingdom is willing to get involved in this war, they also want to take the opportunity to swallow up these two factions. Even if they are worse off, they must set rules now and let the two factions sign an unequal treaty so that they can know who is Yuanwu. The true master of Wu Kingdom.

Both sides have a tacit understanding to narrow the contradiction within the scope of fighting without breaking it up, but the pressure faced by the two factions is still great.

Now that Huang Maple Gufang City has joined the Hidden Moon Sect, it has become more prosperous and lively. At this time, if Chen Qiaoqian opens a shop in the market of their two sects under the name of Hehetu, the original three major sects of Yuanwu Kingdom will definitely Ponder the meaning behind this.

Ancestor Linghu hoped that out of fear of Su Yi, their attitude towards the two factions would be softened.

As expected, Chen Qiaoqian's status soared, and she became the foreign affairs elder of Huang Maple Valley. She was exempted from the obligation to participate in the war, and from then on she concentrated on managing shops for Su Yi in Fangshi.

The store is also located in the most prosperous and conspicuous place in the city. The signboard with the three characters "Hehe Tu" was written by Ning Caichen himself and sent over together with the store's goods.

This is how Hetu, the big business name that will spread all over the human world in the future, set sail.

The goods in the store are all ready-made. In addition to the goods from the original Zhao family store, there is also Su Yi's income from killing people and selling goods.On the day of the store's opening, there were alchemy monks from the Hidden Moon Sect and Huang Maple Valley who came to support the store. It was very lively. The sales volume that day reached [-] spirit stones, which shocked the whole place.For Su Yi's shop, the difference between turnover and net profit is not too big...

Everyone in the secret realm also knew about the opening of the store, and everyone was very excited!
A force cannot just rely on leader plunder to maintain operations and increase income. This shop can be regarded as Hehetu's first serious source of income.

Hehetu has a lot of resources, including the spiritual grass in the secret realm, the extra magical weapons refined by Iron Dragonfly, the elixirs refined by Sun Hao, the spiritual talismans refined by pangolins, and the formations refined by Qian Huan and Xin Ruyin, and even It's a weird technique developed by Ning Caichen. These are stock resources that can be exchanged for spirit stones. Leaving them in their storage bags will only take up space and is of no use.Now that the store is open, they all want to exchange it for spiritual stones to earn some extra income for themselves.

After all, we are all practitioners with hands, feet and self-respect. We cannot just rely on Su Yi to support us and just be a hand-in-hand party.

Su Yi was too lazy to get involved in these worldly matters, so he directly became the shopkeeper and handed over the power of the store to his personal housekeeper Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian suddenly became the boss of the Hehetu store. She was also very interested in this and even took the initiative to communicate with Chen Qiaoqian through Su Yi Sheqing Xiaohun.

For this reason, Su Yi even specially refined a little Qing-Zhao Soul, and gave it only one instruction - when two parties who have the Spirit Sacrifice Brand or are both skilled in the Qing-Zhao Divine Skill want to contact each other, they do not have to go through Su Yi. I, directly regard this little soul of Sheqing as a dial-up relay server to achieve the purpose of communicating with each other across the air (note).

Su Yi can keep it running as long as he supplies energy to the little soul of Sheqing regularly, and the content communicated through the little soul of Sheqing will be stored and archived in the memory of the little soul of Sheqing. Su Yi can come and see it anytime he wants. "Soul Search" check.

Or as long as Su Yi pays attention, he can directly monitor or even participate in the communication between the two parties.

Su Yi originally planned to hire another She Qing Xiaohun who would specialize in transporting goods, so that he would not have to bother him to transport resources and goods through the air.But unlike just transmitting sounds through the air, transmitting goods requires the ability of She Qing himself. After several attempts and failed, Su Yi had to give up the plan of this fully automatic logistics system.

After having the call server, Nie Xiaoqian simply started the store business remotely. Chen Qiaoqian would naturally be dissatisfied with the addition of a "Supreme Emperor" above her head, but as Nie Xiaoqian was someone close to Su Yi, she did not dare to offend her. After thinking about it, she even deliberately made friends with him. , the two girls soon became like sisters.

Not long after, Hehetu's first qi training period auction was successfully held. All the members' inventory and supplies were auctioned, and they all made a lot of money.

And Hehetu gradually became famous in the low-end market because of Tie Dragonfly's magic weapon, Qian Huan and Xin Ruyin's formation.Nie Xiaoqian is ambitious and has already picked some spiritual herbs that are hundreds of years old from the secret realm, and plans to also open up the high-end market.

But this needs to be controlled within a certain scale, and it needs to be done step by step, so as not to make people too jealous, otherwise it will cause big trouble.

On this day, Su Yi received an unexpected message for help, which came from Han Li, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Senior Su, help me..."

Without saying a word, Su Yi sent out the little soul of Qing to travel through the past. Han Li was his irreplaceable tenant and nothing could go wrong.

Not to mention that Han Li still had Su Yi's soul-nurturing wood and twenty three-qun spiritual ginseng.

After arriving at the place, Su Yi discovered that the place he was in was actually in the Black Wind Mountain Mineral Veins, which was also the former Black Mountain Secret Realm!
The violent roar and the swaying formation all highlighted Han Li's precarious situation.

Outside the formation, two alchemy monks, one on the left and one on the right, were attacking the formation. There were also some broken magic weapons outside the formation, which seemed to be Han Li's previous set of flying blades, as well as the one given to him by Su Yi. The talisman of Master Jinguang.

I don't know where Han Li collected this formation. It was quite powerful and could actually block the fierce attack of two pill-forming monks.

But it looks like it won't last long.

The green vortex slowly disappeared behind She Qing Xiaohun. Han Li, who looked very embarrassed, saw Su Yi's face filled with joy: "Senior, save me!"

"Green Demonic Soul!" One of the two alchemy cultivators outside the formation recognized Su Yi. His expression changed drastically. Without saying a word, blood appeared all over his body. He actually used the Blood Escape Technique and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Another ugly-looking pill-forming monk did not leave. Instead, he was frightened and manipulated the magic weapon to smash the formation again.

Perhaps because Han Li was distracted, and because the formation had just reached the end of its life, the formation was immediately shattered by this blow, leaving Han Li and She Qing Xiaohun completely exposed in front of this ugly pill-forming monk.

The latter was overjoyed, and with a ferocious smile on his face, he controlled his magic weapon to cover Su Yi and Han Li and smash them down hard.

She Qing's little soul disappeared instantly. Before leaving, he grabbed Han Li and threw it aside.

Han Liren launched his flying boat in mid-air and hurried away without looking back.

He didn't want to abandon Su Yi and run away. He believed that Su Yi would have no problem dealing with a Danjie monk.

The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that he would be affected by the war and lose his life, and furthermore, he was afraid that it would affect Su Yi's performance.

But the screams coming from behind quickly made him stop, and he turned around to look at this scene in astonishment.

The little soul of Sheqing penetrated directly into the body of the pill-forming monk and swallowed his soul in one mouthful without waiting for the latter to react. Then countless soul thread spikes pierced the soul and turned it into a honeycomb!

This is the secret attack technique of spiritual consciousness created by Su Yi after he practiced the Dayan Jue to the third level. It doesn't even have a name. This is the first time that this secret technique has been shown!
The intense pain caused the pill-forming monk to scream wildly. Almost at the same time, his chest was pierced. She Qing Xiaohun pinched a sizzling heart and took a step out of his body, leaving only empty space behind him. Kezi's body quickly turned into a white ice sculpture and quickly fell downwards!
The body fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Not far away, Han Li stared at this scene in stunned silence.

A monk who was in the early stage of forming pills was instantly killed by Su Yi's little green soul as soon as he came face to face with him!
Not to mention that he didn't expect this achievement, Su Yi himself didn't expect it.

Note: Thanks to book friend He Bichujian for providing inspiration and suggestions.

(End of this chapter)

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