Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1769 Join

Chapter 1769 Join
After practicing Dayan Jue to the third level, the ability to capture green has actually been strengthened a lot.It's just that because of the power of She Qing itself, this kind of sublimation, which is equivalent to earth-shaking sublimation in others, is not so noticeable in Su Yi.

Moreover, the role of Dayan Jue in She Qing is more important in terms of technical support. Now Su Yi can refine more than 700 soul threads, control She Qing more precisely, and develop some abilities that he could not do before.

For example, the "communication server", such as the internal gill net that can be pierced by the swallowing soul.

Most monks in this world don't pay much attention to the cultivation of the soul. How powerful the soul is is completely up to chance, and it is very Buddhist.When encountering a monk like Su Yi, whose soul is comparable to the late Nascent Soul, and who has the ability to instantly deliver a fatal blow to the soul, he basically has no power to fight back.

The reason why it was so hard to defeat the foundation-building monks before She Qing, and had no choice but to run when he saw the pill-forming monks, is because Su Yi only dared to use a little bit of the power of She Qing to fight against the enemy, and after killing the enemy, he had to immediately find a way to suppress it. , which is equivalent to tying up his hands and feet with only a small amount of force; secondly, because he is like a rough-skinned and thick-flesh savage beast who has no strength but does not know how to use it, and even suffers from it.The only grip he could use, the Qing Qing, was so timid and frightening.

Later, when he faced four knotted pills in Yuanwu Kingdom, the Sheqing Little Soul he refined was also very weak, so he had no choice but to run away.Strictly speaking, it was not until this time that this little Qing Soul, condensed from hundreds of soul threads, was "carried" with extremely yin thunder and wind-powered ice flames, and could ignore restrictions and hidden dangers, did it represent Su Yi's current true power. Combat strength.

Of course, it would be another matter if She Qing's deity had full firepower regardless of sacrifice.

And a very embarrassing fact is that - due to the drag of the physical body and the realm of mana, the combat power of She Qing Xiaohun is much higher than that of Su Yi himself.

Su Yi is now at the level of perfect foundation building. If he only relies on his physical ability, even if he transforms into a phoenix body, it is basically impossible to defeat a pill-forming monk.Su Yi will have to adapt to this embarrassment for a long time to come.

Han Li didn't know about Su Yi's embarrassment. In his opinion, Su Yi could easily destroy the Danjie monk with a single soul. How could he respond with his own action?
This is also the understanding of normal monks.

With Su Yi's participation, Han Li's original clone Quhun no longer existed, and Zhang Tie finished playing soy sauce and went offline early.But Han Li is still stronger than before, because he practiced basic skills earlier than before, joined Yellow Maple Valley and practiced Dayan Jue earlier than before, and received more high-quality resources.

"Thank you, Senior Su, for saving your life!" Han Li, who had come back to his senses, hurriedly flew over and thanked Su Yi with a clasped fist in his face with gratitude on his face.

"What's going on?" Su Yi made a move out of thin air, and the storage bag of the dead pill-forming monk flew into Su Yi's hand, along with a spirit beast bag.

Su Yi's consciousness entered it, and dozens of colorful bugs appeared, and he didn't know what species they were.

"People from Spirit Beast Mountain?" Su Yi frowned.

"No, it's from the Yuling Sect." Han Li sighed, feeling a little depressed, "I killed a monk from the Yuling Sect who lost his body before, and he had some gold-eating insect eggs on his body. These two pills are specifically for these. The eggs came to me specifically."

Su Yi looked at the storage bag of the alchemy monk and curled his lips slightly, is this guy so poor?
He casually threw the storage bag and the spirit beast bag to Han Li.

Han Li was surprised and happy. This was the storage bag of the Danjie monk.

"This...isn't this appropriate, Senior Su?" He hurriedly put the storage bag away and said.

Su Yi chuckled and said, "Just keep it if I give it to you. What are your plans next?"

Han Li adjusted his expression and sighed: "The demonic way invaded. If I stay in Yellow Maple Valley, I can't practice with peace of mind. I can't even take care of the medicine garden, so I can only leave. I originally found that the terrain here is complicated, and there is still a spiritual vein that has not dissipated. I thought it was quite suitable for me to live in seclusion, but I didn’t expect that people from the Yuling Sect would come to my door and corner me in a desperate situation. If it weren’t for the seniors, I would be in danger this time.”

"Now the entire Yue Kingdom is the territory of the devil," Su Yi said, "You either have to go back to Yellow Maple Valley, or you have to stay away from this place of right and wrong."

Han Li's face wrinkled up: "It seems that we can only run a little further. Yuanwu Country is probably not safe."

You Han Paopao...

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "If you have nowhere to go for the time being, come with me first."

"Where to go?" Han Li was startled.

"You'll know when you get there." Su Yi said with a smile.

Su Yi thought and drew a vortex out of thin air.

A teleportation array soon shot out from the vortex, and Han Li recognized it as a short-distance teleportation array.

Su Yi said while assembling the teleportation array: "We and Hetu opened a shop in Huangfenggufang City, and it is now managed by Chen Qiaoqian. If you are interested, you can make offerings."

"Shop?" Han Li was very surprised, "Then Ancestor Linghu and the others..."

"There is no deep hatred in the first place. Isn't it normal to turn enemies into friends?" Su Yi said casually.

The corners of Han Li's mouth twitched, didn't he have any deep hatred?

You killed two Nascent Soul Ancestors of the seven major sects, causing the Demonic Dao to take the opportunity to invade, and the entire Yue Kingdom fell. The disciples of Huang Maple Valley were killed and injured. You are the culprit. Now you say that you have no deep hatred?
"Let's go!" Su Yi activated the teleportation array and asked Han Li to come up.

Han Li hurriedly flew over and stood beside Su Yi obediently.

He didn't ask Su Yi where he was going, and he wasn't afraid that Su Yi would harm him.

"If you don't want to join the war and don't want to leave Yellow Maple Valley, you can ask Chen Qiaoqian to help you apply with Ancestor Linghu and let you come to our store to make an offering." Su Yi continued to chat with him, "In the future, if anything happens in the store, you can Do your best, and if nothing happens, just stay and practice."

"Is it really possible?" Han Li was overjoyed.

"Of course." Su Yi chuckled meaningfully, "I'm afraid you don't want to make this offering."

"As long as I don't participate in the war, I can do anything, let alone come to senior's shop to do something as a gift?" Han Li said without hesitation, "Senior doesn't need to pay me anything!"

"Ha ha……"

As the teleportation array was activated, the figure of one person and one soul disappeared into the teleportation array, leaving only an empty teleportation array, with the cyan vortex still spinning slowly next to it.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the vortex and grabbed it out of thin air. The teleportation array suddenly flew back into the vortex with a "whoosh", and then the vortex disappeared, leaving nothing in the place.

Not long after, a group of demon disciples came here to investigate.

"We clearly saw teleportation fluctuations, but why was there nothing?" These disciples, Monk Zhanger, were confused and finally returned in vain.

In the secret realm, Han Li felt a spiritual energy that was ten times richer than in Yellow Maple Valley as soon as he was teleported over, and his whole body felt refreshed.

He looked around, his expression gradually becoming dull, and then he began to be surprised.

"Senior, this is..." Han Li's voice began to tremble. "You can think of it as a place like the Blood Forbidden Land." Su Yi said with a smile, "It's just that this place belongs to Hehe Tu, and no one knows its existence except us."

Han Li was shocked!
"You actually have such a treasure?" His eyes widened and his voice broke, "Then why are you still fighting outside?"

He couldn't understand it at all.If he had such a place, he could stay here until he ascended to the immortal world unless forced!

What a good cultivation condition. You can practice in peace and quiet, and the wasteland over there that is overgrown and uncared for can be used for reclamation - hmm?

Han Li's expression was distorted, and he pointed at the wasteland with a trembling finger: "Then, those are all spiritual herbs? At least they are hundred-year-old spiritual herbs?"

"It seems that Xiaoqian has just been transplanted." Su Yi took a look and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "She doesn't seem to have any talent in this area."

It was not a wasteland, but a spiritual field. It was just that Nie Xiaoqian had made it look like it had been gnawed by a dog. The spiritual grass was also crooked, and many of it had withered due to poor transplantation. Han Li felt very distressed when he saw it.

"We may not have much else here, but the most indispensable thing is spiritual grass." Su Yi chuckled and looked at a figure rushing towards him not far away.

It was Li Feiyu who had just been notified by Su Yi.

"You fool!" Li Feiyu shouted happily before he arrived.

"Feiyu!" Han Li's eyes lit up and he hurried forward to greet him.

The two of them took action almost at the same time, punching each other hard on the shoulder. They both took half a step back, looked at each other, and laughed loudly together.

Su Yi promised that this was the happiest time he had ever seen Han Li.

The path to immortality is elusive, and this road often becomes lonelier the longer you walk on it.It is definitely a great pleasure to be able to meet again with the friends I first started traveling with.

"I couldn't believe it when Master said you were coming!" Li Feiyu was very excited, "You're good, you've already established a foundation!"

"You are not bad. It seems that you have embarked on the path of cultivation. Congratulations." Li Feiyu has already started practicing. He is very talented in this area. The first stage of skin training has almost reached perfection, and the effect is very remarkable.Han Li saw this and was sincerely happy for his friend.

"Feiyu, please take Han Li to visit our home and introduce him to everyone." Su Yi said.

"Don't worry, Master, leave it to me!" Li Feiyu agreed and couldn't wait to pull Han Li away, "Let's go, let's take you to meet your sister-in-law first!"

"They're younger siblings!" Han Li corrected, turned around and apologized to Su Yi with a smile, and then followed Li Feiyu.

Su Yi chuckled and disappeared in a flash.

Early the next morning, Han Li, who had a drink with Li Feiyu last night, came to see Su Yi early in the morning.

"Senior, the three-qu spiritual ginseng has been cultivated. They are all thousand years old." Han Li said, "The upper limit of this thing is so high. If you continue to cultivate it, it will not have much effect."

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag and took out thirty one-foot-long jade boxes.Place them neatly in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi grabbed one of them out of thin air. As soon as he opened the jade box, the rich spiritual energy rushed to his face. Just smelling it made him feel refreshed.

"Not bad." Su Yi nodded with satisfaction, "How is the soul-nurturing tree?"

"Food!" Han Li said excitedly. He patted the storage bag again and took out a blood-colored jade box that looked like a small coffin. He opened it and showed the contents to Su Yi.

Inside is a small tree half as tall as a man, with dense branches and leaves, exuding a strange and soul-stirring aura.

"Soul-nurturing tree!" Su Yi couldn't help but cheer up, "Not bad, good, Han Li, you helped me a lot!"

"This is the opportunity given to me by senior, I am just trying my best!" Han Li said hurriedly, "Senior, I have been traveling around a lot these days, so many spiritual plants have been delayed in their growth, and the soul-nurturing trees have not been buried for a long time. Now, I just pour a little spiritual fluid every once in a while to keep it active."

Su Yi nodded and said: "Although I am not in a hurry to get this thing, the sooner I cultivate it, the more reassuring I will be."

After a pause, he looked at Han Li: "Han Li, what do you think of my place?"

Han Li is also a smart man. After experiencing the initial shock when he came to this secret realm, he came to his senses and understood what Su Yi meant.

If Su Yi didn't regard him as one of his own, Su Yi would never have brought him to such an important place.

But our own people are also divided into distant and distant relatives, and at the very least they must have a "status."

Li Feiyu is Senior Su's disciple. Qian Huan and others whom Li Feiyu took him to visit yesterday are considered Senior Su's disciples. Who do I think he is?
Collaborator?younger generation?

In fact, Han Li knew very well how important he was to Su Yi, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to run over to save him as soon as Su Yi asked for help.

Based on the relationship between him and Su Yi, he should have been one of his own for a long time.

Although he didn't dare to trust others easily after what happened to Mo Juren, he still trusted Su Yi very much, whether it was Su Yi's attitude towards Zhangtian Ping or Su Yi who saved him without saying a word this time. He was very grateful and relieved to Su Yi.

This time Su Yi extended an olive branch, which was exactly what he wanted.After becoming "one of our own", the trust between both parties will definitely be sublimated again, which is what everyone wants to see.

The most important thing is that Han Li wants to stay in this secret realm!
When he brought up the fact that the soul-nurturing tree had not been buried for a long time, he was implicitly turning to this topic, but Su Yi didn't want to hold it up deliberately, so he simply pointed it out directly.

"This is definitely the most coveted cave secret realm for cultivators!" Han Li said without hesitation, "If you can, you can practice here for the rest of your life without leaving! Senior, I wonder if I can stay here?"

"That's what I mean by inviting you here." Su Yi nodded and said, "I can trust your character, and we have known each other for a while. I think Feiyu should also tell you what kind of organization Hehetu is. Passed. I intend to recruit you to become our fellow Taoist, Han Li, what do you think?"

"This junior is asking for more!" Han Li said solemnly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Okay, then you are one of us."

He waved his sleeves and took away a Sanqu spiritual ginseng, and then said: "You should have understood that most of our people here have their own strengths. From now on, you will be responsible for all the planting and maintenance of spiritual herbs in Hetu." It's most suitable, and all the spiritual fields will belong to you. But the place is so big, and it's hard to hide your miraculousness in this area from everyone..."

(End of this chapter)

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