Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 185 I'll be fine

Chapter 185 I'll be fine

What is Ale?
Ale is the newly elected speaker of He Liansheng, what do you think he is?
As soon as the words of cross-talk came out, everyone's heart skipped a beat. Everyone realized that cross-talk was going to cause trouble.

"Small explosions, what do you mean!" the old ghost shouted angrily.

"What do you mean? I still want to ask you what you mean!" Chuan burst into a sneer, "Since you chose Ale as the speaker, did we have a smooth affair?"

"The dragon head stick is lost, Brother Wei is dead, and Big D is also cornered by you, I don't understand, what's so good about him, you have to choose such a broom star?"

"The faucet stick is lost, it's Big D who did it himself! I think he was the one who did Wei Ge's death!" The old ghost yelled sharply, "What's the matter with Guan Ale?"

"He is the talker now, and he made a mess before he came to power. Do you think it's none of his business?" Chuanbao shouted, "Although he was very nervous during the previous elections, how can there be so many people this time?" What? You still say it has nothing to do with him? Old ghost, how much benefit did you take from Ale?"

"Don't fart! I chose Ale out of public interest!" The old ghost blushed, "Ale is sincerely doing things for the club, he promised that as long as he is elected, he will lead the club into Tsim Sha Tsui! "

"Which person doesn't say that he is doing things for the club? Could it be that he is doing things for himself?" Chuan sneered, "Tsim Sha Tsui? Let's talk about it if we can get in! I also said that I shot into the moon!"

"Now that you have chosen everything, what do you think? Are you unconvinced?" the old ghost asked.

"Ale can't do it!" Chuan Bao waved his hand, "He has bad luck, ability is not good, and he has no strength yet. It doesn't matter what he wants. He will only cause trouble for us! I propose to re-elect the speaker!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar!
Police headquarters.

Xu sir silently looked at the information Lu Qichang handed over, tapped the table rhythmically, and said in a deep thought: "That is to say, the two clubs are going to fight, if we don't care, there will be chaos tonight?"

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng looked at each other and nodded together: "Yes."

"Are you planning to stop them?" Sir Xu asked suspiciously, "In the past, didn't you always let them fight and then come out to clean up the mess? Why are you so troublesome this time?"

"Normally, it should be handled this way." Lu Qichang said, "Because we stop them once, but we can't stop them the second time. They must fight, and we can't waste police force to blockade every day."

"But this time it's different," he continued, "Ah Huang and I agree that Ni Yongxiao took the opportunity to make troubles, just to take advantage of the civil strife in Heji and consolidate his position, not really to expand his territory. In this way In other words, timing is very important to Ni Yongxiao. Once tonight is over, the best timing will be missed for him, and there is no need for him to fight again."

"So as long as we get through tonight, they won't fight anymore," Huang Zhicheng added. "If we stop them today, it is tantamount to stopping a large-scale street fighting."

"Why do you think you'll be fine after tonight?" Sir Xu didn't understand.

"Because after tonight, He Ji's affairs will be settled, and everything will be settled." Lu Qichang said slowly, "Xin Ji just died two big bosses, and Ni Yongxiao just came to power again. If He Ji is stable, He is asking for trouble and humiliating himself if he dares to provoke He Ji, so after tonight, he will definitely not do it."

"I know Deng Wei is dead." Xu sir stared at Lu Qichang, "Big D must be very restless at this time, and you still said that the dispute with the reporter will end tonight?"

"Yes, Sir Xu." Lu Qichang said affirmatively.

Xu sir looked deeply at Lu Qichang, and said slowly after a while, "Okay, I trust your judgment and agree with your action this time."

"For this operation, the two of you are jointly operating and cooperating with each other. I don't need to say more about how to do it." He continued, "I will name it as the temporary commander-in-chief, but you two will be fully responsible for the specific operations, understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Very well, Achang will stay here first, Ahuang, you can prepare first!"


After Huang Zhicheng left, Sir Xu asked, "What happened to Deng Wei's death?"

"Big D did it." Lu Qichang said with a red face, "Luo Ji told me the news immediately, but it was too late."

"It's really him!" Xu sir slammed the table hard, "This guy is too arrogant!"

"That's right, it's a pity we couldn't catch him." Lu Qichang sighed.

"It's not your fault." Xu Sir frowned and waved his hands. "These guys know how to protect themselves. Maybe they memorize the legal provisions better than you, and they are more than enough to take the judicial examination."

"Is the dragon head stick also in his hand?" Xu sir asked.

"Yes." Lu Qichang nodded, "Luo Ji has confirmed."

"It seems that he wants to pull Ale down and take the stage by himself." Xu Sir frowned even tighter, "Do you think he can succeed?"

"Ah Le doesn't know anything until now, he has no chance." Lu Qichang shook his head and said, "Things are unstoppable, the only thing I can do is to try my best to stabilize the situation and reduce losses. Now all the leaders of Hutchison I caught them back, and by the time they go out, Big D must have taken care of everything, and A Le will have no way to recover, so he can only accept his fate, and this civil strife in Heji is over."

Xu sir's brows loosened, and he let out a long breath and said with a smile: "You made a beautiful move in chess. It seems that sending you to Tsuen Wan is definitely the right choice."

Lu Qichang smiled and said, "It's you who gave me the chance, sir."

Xu sir shook his head with a smile, and said, "So, as long as there is no chaos tonight, there will be no chaos?"

"Yes, tonight is very important." Lu Qichang nodded, "I plan to release the big D first, and the other big bosses will continue to be locked up."

"Big D must be very touched if he hears you say that." Xu sir said, "But this guy is out of his mind, how can you guarantee that he won't mess around?"

"I can't guarantee it." Lu Qichang said frankly, "Xu sir, but I think he has already got what he wants, so he shouldn't mess around."

"Can Luo Ji stare at him?" Xu Sir asked.

Lu Qichang shook his head: "Luo Ji beat up a brother who acted with me in the police station before, I will lock him up for a few more days, and I am more inclined not to let him participate in this turmoil, one is to protect him, and the other is that if Luo Ji is in , I am afraid that Big D will be more unscrupulous and let him do some dirty work."

Xu sir nodded thoughtfully: "In this case, you can make up your own mind."

Lu Qichang heaved a sigh of relief, but on the surface he nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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