Chapter 186
Chuanbo suddenly proposed to re-elect the speaker, making all the uncles realize that things have become complicated.

The old ghost, Tank, and Orochi strongly opposed it, while Leng Lao and Shuang Fandong firmly supported the serial bombing. Longgen, Shuaigou, Feihua, Dajiaoqiang, and Uncle Jian had ambiguous attitudes.

The party broke up badly.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Lei took [-] million to Chuanbao, and Chuanbao called Leng Lao, Shuang Fandong and Feihua, and gave them [-] each, and bribed them to support the re-election of the speaker.

The old ghost and others went to the police station again to see A Le, but were rejected without any surprise.

Not long after they came out of the police station, they were dragged away in a van by Ah Wei and others, pushing and shoving them.

At the same time, Mrs. Lei persuaded Longgen, Shuaigou, Dajiaoqiang and Uncle Jian to support Big D again by coercing and luring her.

So far, for the uncle's generation, either carrots, sticks, or carrots and sticks, everything has been settled.

At the same time, the police suddenly held an anti-riot assault drill, covering Yau Tsim Mong, Wong Tai Sin, Tsuen Wan and other administrative districts. For a while, the streets were full of heavily armed patrolling police.

The reporter interviewed Xu Yifan, the commander-in-chief in charge of the anti-riot exercise. He talked eloquently in front of the camera, saying that this was just a normal exercise, and the purpose was to test the operational efficiency of the police force in the face of emergencies.

In the Ni family villa, Ni Yongxiao frowned and turned off the TV.

"It's such a coincidence, could it be that the news leaked out and Tiaozi received the news?" Ni Laosan asked unwillingly.

Ni Yongxiao shook his head: "Probably not. The police have always waited for us to finish the fight before jumping out to be good people. When did they put up such a big fight beforehand? Besides, if we don't fight today, we can fight tomorrow, but what about them? ? Are you doing drills every day?"

"That seems to be a coincidence?" Gandhi shook his head resentfully: "What a pity!"

"Not today, but tomorrow." Han Chen said with a smile, "I can't escape from the territory, and the troubles of Heji can't be solved in a day or two!"

"Brother Chen is right!" Wen Zheng smiled and stood up, "It's rare to get together and it's okay, why don't I invite everyone to have a side stove together, how about it?"


"I'm OK!"

All the bigwigs responded one after another.

Ni Yongxiao also smiled and chatted with them relaxedly.

Even though it was an accident, until now, he still thinks it was a coincidence.

That night, Big D was released from prison on bail, and the first thing he did was invite all his uncles to the Backbone Restaurant.

Big D made a big battle, thousands of young and Dangerous boys surrounded the backbone, and all the uncles arrived, including the old ghost who was beaten black and blue and his face was swollen.

Big D held the faucet stick and walked in front of the uncles, glanced coldly for a week, and said: "Either get rich together, or hit the streets together! You can choose your own way!"


After a long time, Chuan Burst said solemnly: "I propose to dismiss Ah Le and choose Big D as the speaker!"

After all, the first one raised his hand high.

Leng Lao and Shuang Fandong followed closely and raised their hands.

Then came Longgen, Shuaigou, Feihua and Uncle Jian.

In the end, Tank and Orochi, with bruised noses and swollen faces, reluctantly raised their hands.

There was only one old ghost with a gloomy face, silent and motionless.

"Nine to one, pass!" Chuan burst into laughter and said, "Congratulations, big D, from now on, you will be the leader of this class."

Big D got the result he dreamed of. For some reason, he was not as excited as he imagined.

He stared at the dragon-headed stick in his hand with ecstasy, his eyes gradually blurred, and his expression was sometimes cruel and sometimes ferocious.

"Who helps me and who uses me, I know clearly in my heart." He said calmly.

Although the sound was not loud, it was still heard by everyone.

He looked around, smiled disdainfully, and said, "How good it is so early? Is it interesting to go around?"

"I will do things in the future, and you wait for the money." Big D sneered, "I guarantee that you will only earn a lot more than before! But you better remember it for me. If anyone dares to point fingers at me, I will Chop off his claws!"

Some of the uncles had unhappy expressions, some were embarrassing, and some were smiling, all of them were different.

"Let's go!" Big D's expression was indifferent, and he walked out without looking back.

Until a long time after Big D left, the whole room was still silent.

"Hehehehe..." Suddenly, the old ghost laughed nervously. He pointed at the skewer, laughing louder and louder.

"Did you see it? Did you see the string explosion? Is this the result you want?" The old ghost laughed so hard that tears came down, "He didn't pay attention to us when he first came to power, and he didn't respect us at all. You just wait and see. Let him shit and pee on your neck from now on! Retribution! Retribution! Hahaha..."

With a dark face, he said coldly: "If you have money, you can take it? Why do you care so much?"

Big D is on top!

The news was as eloquent as snowflakes, floating all over the city in an instant!

When Ni Yongxiao heard the news, he and his three bosses had just sat down and prepared to cook hot pot.

Xinji's head counts as one, and everyone is dumbfounded!
This was completely different from what they expected, and they couldn't figure out why such a reversal happened.

"Change things when people say they change them?" Gandhi sneered, "I don't understand it in this day and age!"

He glanced at Wen Zheng intentionally or unintentionally, but found that his little brother was also staring at him, and their eyes flickered.

Ni Yongxiao's face sank like water.

Big D suddenly came to power, and all his plans fell through.

The worse impact of this incident is that morality and rules are further broken, making the society atmosphere that has gradually faded become more intriguing and self-interested.

He Liansheng changed his orders day and night and let big D be the talker, which set a very bad start for all clubs and set the biggest example for all ambitious people.

The sudden situation made the hot pot meal tasteless. After the parties were over, Ni Yongxiao locked himself in the room, thinking hard about the cause and effect of the whole incident, and deliberated every step of the development of the situation.

In the end, he came up with a result that made him unbelievable and called it ridiculous——

The police are helping Big D.

"How is this possible?" He shook his head, decisively cutting off the idea.

At the same time, the fire bull who stayed behind in Jordan for A Le is sitting on pins and needles!
He thought he had found a good backer, but he didn't expect that his backer would fall so soon.

"Brother Le, Brother Le is dead." Master Su analyzed, "Big, big brother, you still have time to call Big D."

Fire Bull suddenly looked up at him.

"Big, Big D must be very happy to see Brother Le suffer bad luck." Master Su said, "But your reputation is completely rotten."

Huo Niu gritted his teeth and said, "The most important thing is being able to survive, reputation? I'm already in the club, what more reputation do I need?"

(End of this chapter)

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