Chapter 192
Jimmy received a call from Guan Zisen in the middle of the night.

"Big D wants to recruit me!" Guan Zisen's voice on the other end of the phone was panicked, "Uncle Long Gen was arrested by Big D, he sent someone to take over my place, I can't help it..."

Jimmy, who was in a daze, woke up instantly and got up!

It's night, Big D integrates the pavilions in the eight districts, unifies and wins together!

Gao Lao, the leader of Tuen Mun District, got into a car accident and was burned alive in the car. All his lands were taken over by people sent by the big D, and his former younger brothers either surrendered or were scattered.

The original storyteller, the leader of Shatian District, was blowing his chicken. Without any obstacles, he was easily taken down by Big D. This is because he relied on Big D for food, and everything he had was given by Big D.

Under the threat of Big D, Long Gen made a phone call to Guan Zisen, so Big D successfully took over all the entertainment venues under Long Gen's name in the Bolan Street area and Wanchai area, but Guan Zai Sen did not dare to check it out, so he took it with him. A few younger brothers withdrew in desperation.

The leader of Kwun Tong, Yu Toubiao, cooperated with Big D in an all-round way, sending people out of the territory and joining Big D's camp.

Ah Le's Jordan was taken over by Huoxun, and some land in Tai Kok Tsui was handed over to Big D.

The leader of Yuen Long has been working in Lisboa. His subordinates were bought by Big D some time ago, and the whole Yuen Long was successfully taken over by Big D.

In this way, plus Big D's own territory, the territory of the eighth district, is all controlled by him, leaving only Dapu.

Overnight, the situation took a turn for the worse, and Big D completely controlled everything!
After Dapuhei got the news, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and called all his uncles overnight.

He himself took Dongguan boy, called all the brothers, and stood around him all the time, so he felt more at ease.

He knew very well that something happened to all the bosses, and there was no reason for Big D to let him go!

This night, the entire Hong Kong Island was shocked!
Absolutely generous!

No one expected that the day after Big D took over, he completely integrated the entire He Liansheng!

Although Dapuhei's power is still complete, everyone knows it, even Dapuhei himself knows that it will be a matter of time before he is swallowed by the big D.

Everything he's doing now is a desperate struggle, in vain.

The uncles assembled urgently overnight, all in shock and anger.

In the Ninth District Pavilion, every district has the business of the uncles, and now playing D to swallow everything is equivalent to swallowing their business as well.

How can they stand it?
What's more, Big D's actions are basically subverting and winning together, ignoring the authority of his uncles!

Before dawn, the uncles were filled with righteous indignation, waving their arms and rushing to Tsuen Wan.

They are going to ask Big D for an explanation!

For such a big event, the police naturally received the news.

Lu Qichang was shocked when he found out about this.

He didn't know whether to be outraged or grateful.

Big D has integrated He Liansheng, which means that the most powerful club boss on Hong Kong Island in the past ten years has been born!
The more than [-] younger brothers under him all listen to him. With such a man's order, the whole Hong Kong Island will tremble under his lust!

The emergence of such a powerful club boss on Hong Kong Island is definitely not allowed or tolerated by all parties!

When such a thing happened, someone would definitely be held accountable for it. Lu Qichang, the person directly in charge, would definitely not escape being reprimanded and questioned.

Fortunately, such earth-shaking changes didn't cause much trouble, except for the death of a tall man.

If there is no major disturbance, it means that things can be suppressed and there is still room for maneuver.

Lu Qichang didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly summoned his subordinates overnight to discuss countermeasures.

Someone proposed to bring back Big D to buy time for Hutchison's other bigwigs to react and join forces, so that they would have the confidence and strength to challenge Big D.

This is undoubtedly the most simple and crude method, but it is not feasible.

First of all, what is the reason to catch the big D?

Big D has been detained twice in a row. Strictly speaking, the police’s detention has some problems in terms of procedures and legal principles. If it happens a third time, as long as Big D makes a fuss, the police will definitely be in trouble.

Everyone could have guessed that Gao Lao's death was definitely related to Big D, but the driver who caused the accident turned himself in and took all the blame, so he couldn't bite Big D at all.

Secondly, once the big D is arrested, it means that the police will take the initiative to create conditions for the civil unrest in Heji, which is not in line with the "stability" policy of the high-level.

In the end, Lu Qichang knew very well that Su Yi had single-handedly facilitated the situation where Big D was in the top position, but is this situation expected by Su Yi?

Su Yi is not a god, he can't count everything.

So when Lu Qichang told him the news, he was completely shocked.

"This is amazing!" He was dumbfounded and praised sincerely.

He realized that he really underestimated the big D, who completely subverted and won the game overnight. In terms of doing things, who can compare with the big D?

"But he is really looking for death." Su Yi shook his head, "If I didn't intervene, he could still live for a year or a half, but now...even if I can survive for a month without me, it's him Fate!"

"What do you mean? Do you think someone is going to kill him?" Lu Qichang frowned.

"He touched the cheese of everyone in Heji, who wouldn't want to kill him?" Su Yi asked back.

"But he took care of everyone!" Lu Qichang said, "There is only one Da Puhei left, but I don't think it will last long."

"Fixed?" Su Yi had a half-smile, "Except for one Gao who was completely dealt with by him, who else was dealt with by him? It's just a temporary surrender."

"Big D is too anxious." Su Yi shook his head, "He should boil the frog in warm water, but he worked hard at the same time, trying to solve all the problems at once, and the result was to kill himself."

Reform never happens overnight.

It can be as small as a company or an association, as large as a country or a race.

Big D wants to integrate all the strengths of Liansheng, the idea is absolutely correct, and after being integrated with Liansheng, as long as D speaks for himself, it can be predicted that everyone will get more benefits than before .

But this needs to be proved by facts, and it needs to be put in front of everyone in order to be convincing.

The reality is that Big D forcibly pressed everyone's heads, took away everyone's people and territory, and kept saying that he wanted to make more money for everyone, but in fact he strengthened his own power and controlled the lifeblood of others.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents. If Big D does this, everyone will feel resentment towards him.

Now everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak out, but they have to bow their heads under the eaves.

However, if a reformer cannot represent the interests of the vast majority of people, he will definitely face a fatal weakness-death!
This is a weakness that everyone can see.

Bright, sparkling, dazzling.

Everyone can imagine that as long as the big D is killed now, everything will return to normal.

So, how can big D not die?

(End of this chapter)

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