Chapter 193
As most people expected, Oura Kuro didn't last long.

The uncles came to the door in person, but they were rejected by Big D.

Su Xiaohe, the new noble master under Big D, said to his uncles: "Brother, Big D said that this year, the dividends of the uncles will be doubled, and there will be red envelopes for filial piety during the festivals. Next year, the dividends will only be a lot more. "

The passionate uncles suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Where is big D? Why didn't he come to see us?" Chuan Bao frowned, "Gao Lao was killed by someone, Long Gen disappeared, Da Puhei said that big D demon swallowed his territory, big D made such a big move, he Do you still have uncles like us in your eyes?"

"Big, big D brother said, uncles just need to collect the money, listen to the radio, play mahjong, and other things, don't worry about it." Master Su said with a smile.

"What do you mean!" The old ghost frowned, "He wants us to retire to the elderly?"

"Big, big brother D said, uncles have worked hard for the society all their lives, so it's time to rest!"

"Fuck, tell Big D to come out! He clearly doesn't take us seriously!"

"Where's Big D? What do you mean by hiding?"

The uncles became excited again, but Master Su kept smiling and whispering to them, but refused to budge.

After more than [-] minutes of arguing, an uncle received a call from Ourura.

He softened.

No one knows what method Big D used.

The uncles looked at each other, each with a heavy heart.

The society has completely escaped their control.

What will happen in the future, no one knows.

It doesn't make any sense to go on.

Each of them has mixed feelings.

"I told you that you can't choose the big D, is it okay now?" The old ghost sneered, "I chose a white-eyed wolf!"

"Made, choose again and blow him down!" Fei Hua gritted his teeth.

"Are you elected as the talker to pick a lady? This one won't work and another one?" Shuang Fandong shouted, "Another election? Don't say that Big D won't agree, who will obey us in the future?"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. Could it be that you just watched Big D messing around?" Leng shouted irritably.

"Two years, bear with it, at least he will give you more money..." Big Snake said.

"Do you really think that Big D will step down easily in two years?" The old ghost couldn't help but sneered. We are farts!"

This sentence made the uncles even more worried.

"Two years? Two years later, who knows what will happen?" Chuan Bao muttered with a dark face, and walked out first.

"It's just this old bastard who took black money from Big D to make it like this, and now he still wants to leave?"

Several uncles had already rushed forward eagerly.

The scene immediately became chaotic.

Of course, Hutchison Big D's actions couldn't be hidden from the other two clubs.

Ni Yongxiao was keenly aware of Big D's ambition and danger, and immediately summoned his men.

However, he did not express his concerns. Instead, he kept his composure and repeated the Tai Kok Tsui incident.

"Big D is busy with his own people now, I think it will be difficult for him to pull out his hand for a while, I think it's okay to try." He smiled and said to the three big guys under him, "But I'm just a suggestion, I can't do it." Do it, you decide."

That night, Wen Zheng and Gandhi led the younger brother to attack and take down all the venues in Tai Kok Tsui, and even entered Jordan.

He Liansheng was in a chaotic period where old and new powers alternated, and as expected, they were beaten powerless and completely defeated.

"Achen, are you really not going to do anything?" Mary came to Han Chen after receiving the news, her eyes were a little anxious, "Gandhi and Wenzheng's power has grown again, as you have seen, and Heji himself is in chaos, as long as you are willing to fight , you can take the territory with ease!"

"Why didn't Ah Xiao do such a good thing, instead, Wen Zheng and Gandhi were cheaper?" Han Chen said with a smile, "Anyway, Ah Xiao doesn't move, and neither do I."

Facts have proved that Han Chen's patience is right.

Big D barely managed to integrate the inside, and was about to refine the team through external expansion, and lay down a territory, using tangible benefits to appease the hearts of the people.

The actions of Gandhi and Wen Zheng were exactly in his favor.

He immediately summoned his men and horses, and killed them in a mighty manner.

There are many people and few people, Gandhi and Wen Zheng were beaten to the ground, stealing chickens and losing money, not only lost all the territory they occupied these days, but also lost a lot of their original territory.

The two bosses were in a state of desperation, but facing the big D who brought the whole society to attack, they lacked the courage of hard steel, so they proposed negotiations in desperation, wanting to succumb.

Big D ignored it and continued to fight!
By this time, Ni Yongxiao had already determined what Big D was thinking. This person was ambitious and couldn't get along with him.

While asking Han Chen to send people to Tsuen Wan to make trouble, and Ni Laosan to lead people to help Wen Zheng and Gandhi stabilize the situation, he quietly asked Chen Yongren to contact A Le secretly.

The big D followed his word, and the place he built was exactly as he said. He called all the big bosses and distributed dividends according to the shares. Those who were unwilling to participate were directly bought out with cash, even including several uncles.

Having tasted the sweetness, some bosses and uncles suddenly became less hostile towards Big D.

Stimulated by interests, the undercurrent in Hutchison seems to have calmed down a lot.

Big D made persistent efforts and continued to lead people to fight in Mong Kok.

The two associations are fighting, and the police will not sit idly by on such a big matter.

Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang teamed up again and summoned Ni Yongxiao and Big D to the police station for tea.

The police wanted stability, and Ni Yongxiao didn't want to fight now, but they couldn't convince Big D in the end, and during the time Big D was in the police station, his younger brother was still sweeping the scene outside and was not affected at all.

In just a short time, Ni Yongxiao received the "bad news" that two venues were robbed.

"It can't go on like this!" Lu Qichang found Su Yi, and said seriously, "Big D is a lunatic, now he is determined to fight, and the higher-ups have a lot of opinions on this."

"It really can't go on like this." Su Yi also nodded.

He is keenly aware of Big D's actions to divide the loot while beating and stabilizing people's hearts. If Big D continues to win, Hutchison's boss and uncle will taste more sweetness, so he will suppress his dissatisfaction with Big D and let Big D D really took the position of the speaker.

This is not what he wants to see.

"By the way, you told me to keep an eye on Ale before, and now there is news." Lu Qichang said suddenly, "Ni Yongxiao sent someone to contact him!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately: "Ni Yongxiao wants to clean up Big D!"

There is only this one explanation, otherwise he doesn't need to contact Ah Le.

"He wants to use Ah Le to deal with Big D?" Lu Qichang frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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