Chapter 199
"These days, everyone is thinking about making money, so it's getting harder and harder to make money." Su Yi said slowly while pouring tea, "Society is changing. I don't know how it was before, but I know that the society has changed. It’s getting worse and worse.”

He pushed a cup of tea in front of Chuanbao, and continued: "We have more than [-] brothers in Heji, but how much is the club's account flow? How much is the uncle's dividend every year?"

"I don't know the exact number." Su Yi said with a smile, "but I asked a little bit. If it's correct, Uncle Chuanbo's dividend last year was 800,000, right?"

"76." Chuan Burst corrected.

Of course, his real income is more than that, plus his own business, and the bribes from Big D.

"What about the year before last? What about the year before last?" Su Yi asked.

Chuanbo sighed: "I know what you want to say. In recent years, the harvest has indeed been getting worse every year. It's not easy to do it in a side door, and there are more and more younger brothers. The club supports so many people, so we take less And it should."

"No, no, that's not how accounts are calculated." Su Yi smiled and waved his fingers, "I started a company, and there were only two or three people in the beginning, and I could only earn tens of thousands of dollars."

"But when there are dozens of people, I can earn hundreds of thousands. The more people there are, the more I earn. There are so many boys in the club, we should earn more, why is it getting less and less? "

"80,000 people! How much money can a company with 800 people make a year? I guess it's definitely more than a society!"

"This 800-people company, like Uncle Chuanbao, how much does a veteran like Uncle Chuanbao get in annual dividends? I guess it is several times Uncle Chuanbao's current income!"

Su Yi looked at the thoughtful expression, and said, "It's because the police are giving us less and less food. Now the streets are full of young and Dangerous kids. As a result, everyone can't make money, and Hong Kong Island is messed up." It's smoky and messy, and sooner or later the police will lose patience with us, and if that happens, none of us will have anything to eat!"

"What are you trying to say?" Chuanbo asked.

"I just want to tell Uncle Chuanbao that times are different, everything is fake, only money is real." Su Yi said with a smile, "In two years, I can make Uncle Chuanbao earn tens of millions. Years later, you will immigrate abroad with the money, and you will be clean and comfortable in your old age.”

Chuanbao's face was cloudy, and he said after a while: "You just joined the club and want to be a talker, but you are not qualified enough!"

Su Yi laughed and said, "In the past two years, I plan to let Guan Zisen be the talker."

Chuan Bao's face was shocked, and he looked at Su Yi in surprise: "You don't worry?"

"That's why I want to ask Uncle Chuanbao to help me keep an eye on him." Su Yi said, "You are the most prestigious and powerful uncle among the uncles. You are at the top and I am at the bottom. Guan Zisen is in the middle, and he can't do anything. .”

Chuanbao was silent again, and after a while, he quietly said: "Are you really in collusion with Tiaozi?"

"How could it be?" Su Yi said with a smile, "I just asked someone to tell Chuck that Big D has become the talker, and sooner or later he will be killed. Chuck has nowhere to go, so I have to sell Big D."

"Big D is too domineering and doesn't leave any room for escape," Chuan Bao sighed, "I guessed that something would happen to him sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Among the uncles in the generation, I only found you, Uncle Chuanbao, and I will only recognize you from now on. Next, for all my business, Uncle Chuanbo, you will be divided into [-]% of dry shares, and you will be divided into dry shares every quarter. Bill, please!"

Chuanbao looked deeply at Su Yi: "The most stupid thing Deng Wei has ever done is to accept you into the club."

He stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Enjoy the cooperation, Aji."

"Happy cooperation." Su Yi smiled and held out his hand.

After Su Yi left, Chuan Bao sat down and drank tea for a while, then silently picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"That woman, clean up." He ordered with a blank face.

Early the next morning, Su Yi met Guan Zisen.

"Step brother." Guan Zisen stood respectfully in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi was having breakfast at this time.

Without raising his head, he sucked on a bowl of wontons.

He didn't raise his head until he ate the food on the table until there was only one steamed dumpling left, and looked at Guan Zisen.

"This steamed dumpling is for you." Su Yi said to him with a smile.

"Thank you step-brother! Thank you step-brother!" Guan Zisen was flattered, hurried forward to grab the steamed dumpling, threw it into his mouth, exaggeratedly chewed, and gave a thumbs-up: "Sweet! Step-brother gave it, it's so fragrant Already!"

Su Yi watched him finish eating with a smile, picked up the box containing the faucet stick, and slowly pushed it in front of Guan Zisen.

Guan Zisen's eyes lit up and he reached out to grab it.

But Su Yi didn't let go.

He looked into Guan Zisen's eyes and said with a smile, "Don't be like Big D, don't be like Ale."

A trace of fear flashed across Guan Zisen's eyes, and he nodded obsequiously: "I understand! I completely understand!"

Then Su Yi smiled and let go, stood up and said, "Jimmy and the plane will follow you in the future, they are very capable."

"I will not treat them badly, Step-Brother!" Guan Zisen swore.

Su Yi glanced at him and walked out the door.

At the gate, Jimmy and the plane called out stepbrother together.

Su Yi looked at them and said, "Be respectful to him, but if he dares to play tricks, don't be polite."

"Yes, stepbrother."

Three days later, the matter of Big D fermented, and everyone knew that this ass was not hot and the storyteller was finished.

The bosses from all walks of life immediately drove away the former big D's subordinates, and the situation created by the big D with the momentum of thunder collapsed instantly.

Not only that, but Tsuen Wan, run by Big D, became a piece of hot fat, and all the bosses wanted to take a bite. For a while, He Liansheng fell into chaos again.

Chuanbo, as the uncle with the highest prestige, stood up immediately, called all the uncles to discuss the matter, and demanded to re-elect the speaker.

After experiencing what happened to Big D, all the uncles realized that they couldn't choose another strong boss, so Guan Zisen, who was the weakest and best to control, became everyone's top choice.

Coupled with the strong support of the series, the matter was quickly settled.

Guan Zisen is in the top position!
This matter happened so quickly, and when the other bosses received the news, they were all stupefied.

They were still thinking about running for the speaker and getting a share of the action, but they didn't expect that it would end before they started canvassing.

Guan Zisen is greedy for money and lustful, everyone knows that he is a puddle of mud, so naturally they don't accept him.Da Pu Hei and Yu Tou Biao even clamored openly to make Guan Zisen look good.

But soon, they dismissed the idea.

The first thing Guan Zisen did when he took over the position was to give his territory, as well as the two areas of Tai Kok Tsui and Jordan, to Su Yi, Jimmy and Ji Ji respectively.

Of course, this is just a deception. In fact, these three lands belong to only Su Yi, and everyone knows this well.

There is no doubt that Guan Zisen is not without roots. Behind him stands the famous Ghost Head Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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