Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 200 2 years later

Chapter 200 Two Years Later

Two years later.


Su Yi stood by the building, overlooking the entire Victoria Harbour.

Two years of career as a big boss gave him a more calm and prestige temperament.

He grew a beard, and he looked much calmer.

He lived for more than [-] years, and a tenth of his life was spent in this scene. He was a little confused, whether he was Su Yi or Luo Ji?

"I don't know the real world, how long has it passed?" He was thinking ecstatically.

As soon as Lu Qichang came out of the corridor door, he saw Su Yi's figure.

He looked around vigilantly, and strode towards this side.

"It's the rooftop again, why do you always like to ask me to meet on the rooftop?" Lu Qichang complained loudly before the person arrived.

"Did I ask you to go to the basement?" Su Yi turned around, "I'm an undercover agent, but it's not that I can't see the sun!"

"You still know that you are an undercover agent?" Lu Qichang said angrily, "Who on the road doesn't know you and Liansheng Guitouluo now? The most territory, the most younger brothers, such a scene, you might as well be a full-time boss."

"Isn't it just that the number gang dinosaur didn't say hello to you, so why are you so stingy?" Su Yi smiled, "That bastard secretly sold white powder in my place, and even bought my younger brother. I won't deal with him, it's my face Where to put it?"

"You're a policeman! Do you really think you're a club boss?" Lu Qichang frowned, "So many people saw the plane beheading people on the street and asked you to hand them over but you refused, what do you want me to do?"

"The plane is now controlling the whole of Tsuen Wan for me," Su Yi said, "You arrested him, who helped me take care of so many scenes? Besides, didn't I take the blame for you?"

"Stop coming!" Lu Qichang rolled his eyes, "You know that's not what I want!"

"Then which one do you want?" Su Yi asked, "If it wasn't for me, would you have mastered so many smuggling and trafficking channels? If it wasn't for me, would you have mastered all the lists of all the people on my site? If it wasn't for me , can you handle so many vicious cases so beautifully in the past two years?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Lu Qichang stretched out his hand and made a stop motion, "As soon as you say it, show me your credit, I know you have done a lot, step-brother!"

"Satisfy you!" Su Yi said unhappily, "Heji has more than [-] young and Dangerous boys, and now I have more than [-], nearly half of them! Jimmy and Liu Jianming's current business is all legitimate businesses such as logistics and construction. , their younger brothers are almost all conscientious. So many young and Dangerous boys have been rehabilitated, the Governor of Hong Kong should give me a gentleman of peace badge!"

"When I become Governor of Hong Kong, I will definitely think about it seriously." Lu Qichang pointed at Su Yi and said.

"You can die if you don't brag?" Su Yi shook his head in disdain.

"Hey, show me some respect, how can I be your boss!" Lu Qichang shouted dissatisfied.

"Yes, sir!" Su Yi saluted crookedly, "Is this okay?"

"You can't even salute..." Lu Qichang muttered, "Big D died in prison, did you do it?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I've heard about this matter, it was Long Gen who asked someone to do it."

"Dragon root?" Lu Qichang frowned.

"It's him." Su Yi nodded: "Is the person who did it called Bo Zai?"

"Chang Jianbo." Lu Qichang said.

"He is Long Gen's younger brother, and he has been with Long Gen for seven years." Su Yi said, "Big D kidnapped Long Gen twice, and Long Gen specially sent him into the cell to kill Big D. It should have been done a year ago, But I have never found an opportunity, and it has been delayed until now.”

"You already knew?" Lu Qichang stared.

"I know shit! Do you think I'm a god?" Su Yi said angrily, "When Big D died, I asked my subordinates to find out."

"If I catch the dragon roots..." Lu Qichang looked at Su Yi.

"Catch it." Su Yi shrugged, "This old guy has always held a grudge against me. If I choose the speaker, he will definitely object. It's best to catch him so that he won't make trouble."

"There are still five days left before the election, are you sure?" Lu Qichang asked, "I heard that Guan Zisen wins over Huoxenu and Shiye Su, and wants to connect with him; there is also the one who is very popular recently. Dong Guanzai also publicly stated that he would stand for election, and his former boss Da Puhei and Yutoubiao are said to support him."

"Guanzisen is a waste!" Su Yi waved his hand, "Dongguanzi... this guy has some strength, but that's all."

"That's true." Lu Qichang looked at Su Yi, "The leaders of Hutchison Ninth District, you have four of them, Tsuen Wan is Airplane, Jordan is Datou, Tai Kok Tsui is Jimmy, Portland Street and Happy Valley are Liu Jianming, and then In addition, you have laid down the Causeway Bay, five pavilions, such a strong strength, and you are not the one who is talking about it."

Su Yi smiled, and said lightly: "In the past two years, I have fed more than [-] million yuan and Guanzisen more than [-] million yuan, and I have spent [-] million yuan! Is the money wasted? "

Lu Qichang nodded deeply when he heard the words: "What I admire most about you is that you are really willing to spend money. No wonder your younger brothers have become big bosses and are still loyal to you."

"They are loyal to me not only because of my generosity." Su Yi said.

"Let's get down to business." Lu Qichang said, "We only met half a month ago, you took the initiative to ask me out this time, you didn't mean to chat with me, did you?"

"Of course not." Su Yi said, "I just want to say hello to you in advance. Guan Zisen and Dongguan Zai know that they can't choose me, so they will definitely play dirty tricks. I plan to strike first."

"Murder again?" Lu Qichang raised his eyebrows.

"You don't need me to make a written application?" Su Yi teased.

"Forget it." Lu Qichang sighed, "Every time there is a change of office, how can there be no bloodshed? I hope this is the last time, and I hope it is really like what you said. You, a talker, can continue to do it."

"One more thing." Su Yi said, "Ni Yongxiao, you have to watch for me. This guy has been testing me for the past two years, and I wonder if he knows that I killed Ni Kun."

"Probably not." Lu Qichang shook his head, "But he must be right to suspect you. Who told you to act so monstrous, and you got rid of the big D A Le in one fell swoop, and helped him up with a puppet, making and remembering himself as the Supreme Emperor? Are you like this? Insidious, everyone doubts you."

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "Anyway, you help me keep an eye on him. I don't want him to play tricks at the critical moment and cause me to fail."

"Don't worry, he doesn't have time to talk to you." Lu Qichang said, "If there are no accidents, Ni Yongxiao will also clean up Gandhi and Wen Zheng in the near future."

Su Yi was startled for a moment: "He's doing it now?"

"I got a tip, so it shouldn't be wrong." Lu Qichang said.

"Why do I think that he is also afraid that I will make trouble for him, so he chooses to do it at this time when I am choosing the speaker?" Su Yi asked suspiciously.

"I think you're thinking too much." Lu Qichang rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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