Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 201 Murder

Chapter 201 Murder

In today's Hong Kong Island, if you talk about who is the most powerful, the most younger brothers, and the largest community leader, Luo Ji deserves it, and there is absolutely no dispute.

This is not only the result of Su Yi's one-hundred-million-dollar buy-through collusion with Guan Zisen in two years, but also the joint efforts of Su Yi's stepbrothers and younger brothers.

As early as two years ago, Su Yi revealed to the younger brothers that he would be the talker this year.

In the past two years, the younger brothers have also been preparing for this event.

In fact, now, Su Yi's Jimmy, Jifei and Liu Jianming all have the ability to be the talkers, but Jimmy and Liu Jianming are not here. Curb your ambition.

As for the opponents Guan Zisen and Dongguan Tsai, like Su Yi, none of the younger brothers under him took them seriously.

"Ah Tian, ​​I plan to let you take care of Causeway Bay."

In a restaurant with backbone, Su Yi sat at the same table with the first nine younger brothers, he smiled and said to Xu Tian: "You have done well in the past two years, I know you have been waiting for an opportunity, and now I will give you this opportunity, never Starting tomorrow, you will take over Causeway Bay."

Xu Tian was completely confused by this sudden surprise and didn't react for a long time.

"Congratulations, Ah Tian! You finally made it!"

"Ah Tian, ​​are you stupid to be happy?"


All the younger brothers congratulated him, and Xu Tian came back to his senses, his face was flushed, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Step-brother, thank you for giving me a chance! I promise not to embarrass you, I will be a good person... ..."


The younger brothers laughed together.

"No, no, it's about doing things well!" Xu Tian explained with a blushing face.

Su Yi was also overjoyed, and waved his hands with a smile: "Sit down! Sit down!"

"Come on, let's toast Brother Tian and congratulate him on becoming a boss!" Su Yi raised his glass and proposed with a smile.

"Don't, step-brother, you call me Xiaotian, or I'll die for you right now!" Xu Tian wailed.


Everyone laughed for a while, Su Yi slowly suppressed his smile, looked at the other four and said: "Big B, A Yao, A Wei, and A Xin. You four were with me at first, and now everyone else has become Boss, you still follow them to do things, have you ever blamed me for being unfair to you?"

"No, step-brother, absolutely not."

"Step-brother, it's because we don't live up to expectations."

"Jimmy and the others are capable, we are very convinced."

The four younger brothers hurriedly explained.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and said: "I know that some of you are sincere in saying that, and some are just perfunctory to me, maybe you are still scolding me in your heart."

He stared at the four little brothers for a long time, and the atmosphere froze to freezing point.

"Brothers, let's get together and break up." Su Yi suddenly said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, Guan Zisen and Dongguan Tsai have contacted you, come and confess to me tonight, I will save your life. "

"Bastard, who? Who will be the second or fifth son?" Xu Tian pointed at the four of them and shouted angrily.

"Ah Tian!" Su Yi stopped him, looked at the four people and said, "Two years ago, I gave Da Dong a chance, but he didn't want it, and I don't hope you don't either."

"Whether it's Dongguan Boy or Guan Zai Sen, do you think they have a chance?" Jimmy stared at the four of them and said in a deep voice, "Following them to death? You're so stupid!"

"Brother Step, I'll send some brothers to follow you, just in case." Liu Jianming said.

Su Yi waved his hand: "We'll talk about it after tonight."

Meanwhile, in a private room of a bar in Kwun Tong.

Guanzisen and Dongguanzai sat opposite each other.

"Dongguan boy, don't choose this year, support me Lianzhuang." Guanzi Sen said, "Next year, I will fully support you as the speaker."

Dong Guanzai sneered: "You said that if you don't choose, you won't choose? Lianzhuang? From He Liansheng to now, no one has ever been connected to Zhuang. Do you think the uncles will make an exception for you?"

"I've already convinced several uncles," Guan Zisen said. "Even Chuan Baoshuo said that it's best to maintain the status quo. I know that Da Pu Hei and Yu Tou Biao support you, but they can't vote."

Dong Guanzi's eyes flickered: "Let's see who has the strength!"

"The two of us fight, we will only take advantage of Guitou Luo!" Guan Zisen said, "You don't know how powerful he is, do you? How arrogant was Big D back then? He easily handles it!"

"If you're afraid, don't come out and choose!" Dongguan Tsai said disdainfully.

"I'm not afraid, I have self-knowledge!" Guan Zisen said sincerely, "Dong Guanzi, I can't beat him, and you can't beat him, but if we unite, it won't be certain who wins!"

"There is only one person to speak." Dong Guanzai said, "If you are willing to let me go, I will cooperate with you."

"Two-talkers!" Guan Zai said sternly, "We have defeated Guitouluo, let's talk to uncle together! How about it?"

Dong Guanzai stared at Guanzai Sen for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Get rid of Guitouluo!" Guan Zisen's eyes were full of cruelty, "Only by killing him will we have a chance!"

"Guitouluo has given you a lot of money in the past two years." Dong Guanzai stared at him and said slowly.

"So what?" Guan Zisen sneered, "I'm the one talking about it, and I deserve the money in the first place!"

"What do you want to do?" Dong Guanzai asked.

"I bribed his subordinates." Guan Zisen's eyes flashed with color.

Dongguan boy's expression changed: "Who is it?"

"I can't tell you that." Guan Zisen chuckled, "Anyway, I can track Guitou Luo's whereabouts now. I can also clearly know how many people are following him!"

"Then why are you looking for me?" Dong Guanzai said, "You can kill him yourself."

"Who am I relying on?" Guan Zisen sneered, "Fire Bull? Master Su? Don't be ridiculous! The two of them can't beat Guitouluo even more! Master Su was beaten out by Guitouluo two years ago! What about Fire Bull? If I hadn't taken him in, he would have been thrown into the street long ago!"

"In short, I will contribute information, and you will contribute your efforts! It is fair and reasonable!" He stared at Dong Guanzi, "In a word, do you want to do it?"

Dong Guanzi was silent for a while, before saying: "I can't just contribute, you have to help others, it should be Master Su, let him bring someone with me."

"Okay!" Guan Zisen gritted his teeth, "Then it's a deal! It's a long night and dreams, so we'd better do it tonight!"

"Just give me a call, and the younger brothers will be there anytime." Dongguan Tsai said.

"Do you have this?" Guan Zisen made a gun pose.

"Of course there is." Dong Guanzai said.

"That's good. I'll call now to confirm the situation!" Guan Zisen slapped his thigh and made up his mind.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, A Yao found Su Yi.


Without saying a word, he knelt down to Su Yi.

"Step-brother, I was wrong! I'm not human!" He cried bitterly.

Su Yi watched him cry for a long time in front of him, and then asked coldly: "Who contacted you?"

"Both Guanzisen and Dongguanzai approached me, and I finally agreed to Dongguanzai..."

(End of this chapter)

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