Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 318 The loser of the first round

Chapter 318 The Loser of the First Round

Li Ningyu's words caused everyone to fall into a brief silence, but soon Zhang Yiting looked at Gu Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, you can also talk about it."

"Me?" Gu Xiaomeng pointed at her nose, "I must be the little devil! Which one of you here is not a leader? Just me, a small staff member, you are all judges of Hades, so the little devil can only be me?"

"Then you are also a charming female ghost!" Jin Shenghuo laughed.

"Yo," Gu Xiaomeng looked at him with a half-smile, "So, Director Jin's soul was taken away by my female ghost? Does my sister-in-law know about this?"

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Jin Shenghuo blushed: "That's not what I mean—hey, isn't that a compliment for your beauty!"

"Ahem!" Zhang Yiting coughed twice with a smile, "Xiaomeng, don't be naughty, just talk!"

Although Gu Xiaomeng is arrogant and indulgent, Zhang Yiting still has to give him face, otherwise he just doesn't know the importance.

She became a little more serious, and said: "Who is a brat, I can't be a brat, the reason is what I just said, I'm a soldier! Can the underground party look up to me? Oh yes, let's talk about these three months Right? I’ve been drinking a lot for three months, if I were a brat, you don’t need to doubt me, I would have sold myself a long time ago!”

The crowd laughed again.

"That's true." Zhang Yiting shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and pouted at Jin Shenghuo, "Old Jin, tell me."

"Me? I don't need to talk about it?" Jin Shenghuo said with a smile, "I'm the chief of the Military Aircraft Division. If Chief Takeda makes me a kid, isn't that ambush the enemy in our hearts? This is too magical, no Reality, huh, huh, unrealistic."

He thought he was funny, but no one laughed, so he laughed a few times in embarrassment, and then said embarrassingly: "I haven't said much in the past three months, the main thing is to connect the past with the next, this little guy sees me every day, How many years have passed, and I haven't changed."

After Jin Shenghuo finished speaking, the scene fell into silence again.

This time the silence lasted for a long time, and Wu Tian, ​​who had been waiting to hear for so long, raised his head in surprise and looked at Wang Tianxiang.

"Go on, why did you stop?" Takeda asked in surprise.

"Ah? Me, me too?" Wang Tianxiang was a little surprised.

"You want to come, and Commander Zhang also wants to come." Takeda said indifferently, "For this game, only one referee is enough."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Tianxiang couldn't hide her astonishment, while Zhang Yiting's face was already darkened when he was moved.

He thought he was an orderer, but unexpectedly, in Takeda's eyes, he was also a dish on the table.

"Oh, ok, I'll come, I'll come too!" Wang Tianxiang said with a hurried smile, "I--I'm definitely not a brat, hehe, in the past three months, there are more than a dozen underground parties in my hands. , if I were a kid, I would also be a kid who only eats the souls of underground parties! I am a kid who is loyal to Huang Jun!"

Gu Xiaomeng was vomiting, and made a disgusted face at Su Yi who was opposite.

Su Yi showed a funny expression.

Wu Tian had a panoramic view of all this, he kept his expression on his face, and turned his gaze to Zhang Yiting.

Zhang Yiting said calmly, "If I were an underground party, then I must be Judge Cui who rewards the good and punishes the evil! Brat? You underestimate me, don't you?"

"You must be Lord Hades, Commander, how wronged the judge is?" Jin Shenghuo flattered, "We are all your little devils!"

Gu Xiaomeng vomited directly this time.

Jin Shenghuo was a little embarrassed, and said, "Xiaomeng, do we have any enmity?"

"Yeah, I'm wondering too, why do you always hate me?" Gu Xiaomeng said with a smile.

"You—" Jin Shenghuo was a little annoyed.

"Okay!" Takeda shouted loudly, telling him to stop immediately.

"Since all of you have stated the reasons why you are not a kid, then the first round of the game is over, and now we are entering the voting session." Takeda looked around with a strange smile on his face, "What do you think, whose statement just now, The most unbelievable? Please vote for one person, and you can't abstain! This time, start with Commander Zhang!"

After a pause, Takeda emphasized his tone: "I think it is necessary for me to remind you again that the person with the most votes will be punished by the game!"

This is the second time Wutian mentioned punishment, Su Yi's heart trembled, and naturally he didn't dare to take it as a joke.

He quickly deduced one result after another in his heart, with his head down expressionlessly, as if he was not interested in everything.

Zhang Yiting looked serious, thought for a while, and said, "I vote for Li Ningyu."

He didn't say a reason, and the scene was silent for a while after he finished speaking.

Wu Tian smiled, and raised his neck to Wu Zhiguo: "Continue."

"I vote for myself." Wu Zhiguo said casually.

"I'll throw gold into the fire." Su Yi followed closely.

"I vote for Commander Zhang." Gu Xiaomeng said with a smile, "Because I admire him the most!"

Zhang Yiting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed at her.

"I cast gold to make a fire." Li Ningyu said expressionlessly.

"No, why?" Jin Shenghuo was a little anxious, "Do I look like an underground party? Ning Yu, what are you doing with Bai?"

Li Ningyu smiled politely at him: "It's just a game, don't take it seriously."

"I vote for Rabbit...I vote for Bai Xiaonian!" Jin Shenghuo said angrily, looking very unhappy.

Finally, Wang Tianxiang rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I vote for myself."

Voting is complete.

Except for Jin Shenghuo who got two votes, everyone got one vote, so Jin Shenghuo lost this round.

If this result was completely within Su Yi's expectation, I'm afraid no one would believe it except Li Ningyu!

the reason is simple.

Zhang Yiting and Wu Zhiguo are in front of Su Yi, and the reason why they voted is not to be analyzed.

It is Su Yi's third turn to vote. Su Yi actually has no choice. He can only vote for Jin Shenghuo, because he only has a grudge with Jin Shenghuo, and he will not deal with it everywhere. If he does not vote for Jin Shenghuo, it is not in line with Bai Xiaonian's character , is completely unreasonable.

Next is Gu Xiaomeng, Su Yi guessed wrong here, he originally thought that Gu Xiaomeng would vote for Wang Tianxiang, because she didn't know why, she looked down on Wang Tianxiang, but she didn't expect that she would vote for Zhang Yiting.

When it comes to Li Ningyu, if Li Ningyu doesn't realize that Su Yi saved her before, then she is a fool!
Although she is still not sure who Su Yi is, she is sure that Su Yi will not harm her, so she will naturally maintain a tacit understanding with Su Yi and vote with Su Yi.

At this time, if Jin Shenghuo realized that it was wrong, he should vote for someone who had already voted for it.But because of his personal grievances with Bai Xiaonian, he was stupid and chose to vote for Su Yi.

So at the end of Wang Tianxiang, Wang Tianxiang, who was already a ghost, didn't need to offend anyone at all, she could pick herself out and end the first round of the game smoothly.

Kim made a fire and became the loser of the first round of the game.

He seemed to realize this problem belatedly at this moment.

She looked around in astonishment and became nervous.

"No, I... Takeda Commander, Commander, I..." He spoke incoherently, his hands and feet were at a loss, and his face turned pale.

Zhang Yiting was expressionless, while Wu Tian smiled and said: "I would like to admit defeat, Director Jin, accept the punishment."

"What punishment?" Jin Shenghuo forced a smile.

Takeda didn't speak, just smiled and clapped his hands, and immediately two Zhe Peng soldiers strode towards Jin Shenghuo.

(End of this chapter)

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