Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 319 0320 Voting

CH 319 0320 Voting (two in one)

"No, what are you doing? Takeda Chief! Takeda Chief! My own people, what are you doing?"

Two Zhe Peng soldiers dragged Jin Shenghuo to the open space on one side, Jin Shenghuo panicked and screamed in fright.

And when the third Zhe Peng soldier came in with a whip and a basin of water, Jin Shenghuo's expression was finally filled with horror.

"Really? Fuck—no, Takeda! I was wronged, Takeda! What is this? Commander! Commander! Help!" He howled for help like a pig, his eyes widened and his cheeks trembled up.

"It's too noisy!" Takeda frowned and picked his ears.

A soldier immediately grabbed a towel, stepped forward and pressed Jin Shenghuo's forehead without saying a word, and stuffed the towel into his mouth.

"Woooo! Woooooo..." Jin Shenghuo struggled violently, but as a fat man who sits in an office all the year round, how could he be as strong as a well-trained soldier?
Two soldiers held him firmly, one left and one right, and the soldier holding the whip soaked the whip in water, shook it out of nowhere, then raised it high, and slammed it down on Jin Shenghuo's body.

"Woo——" Jin Shenghuo froze as soon as the whip went down, the veins on his face popped up, and the eyeballs felt like they were about to pop out!
When the second whip was pulled down, blood was already oozing from the place where the first whip was pulled down.

Jin Shenghuo screamed, and the fat all over his body shook.

The third whip went down, and Jin Shenghuo urinated directly.

It splashed all over the place.

Seeing this, Wutian couldn't help frowning and waving his hands. He muttered a few words in Zhepeng language. The three soldiers all said "Hi", and the one with the whip retreated to one side. , removed the towel from his mouth, and then backed away too.

Everyone present was silent, even Gu Xiaomeng, who had always been the most noisy, turned pale with fright at this moment.

No one thought that Jin Shenghuo, the director of the Military Aircraft Department, and Zhang Yiting were related, and Wu Tian would fight whenever he wanted, in front of everyone!

Three whips down, three blood slippers, almost killed half of Jin Shenghuo's life!
No one spoke at the moment, only Jin Shenghuo lay on the table, howling at the top of his voice like he was giving birth, his whole face was distorted in pain, his nose burst into tears.

Wu Tian's face was livid, he slammed the table and shouted: "Shut up! Be quiet! Otherwise, I'll whip you a few more times!"

Jin Shenghuo was quick-witted, and covered his mouth with a "snap", trembling violently, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

"Now, are there still people who treat this game with an attitude of indifference?" Takeda looked around, with a slightly ferocious expression and fierce eyes in his eyes.

No one spoke, and everyone's faces were solemn.

"Very good, I see seriousness and fear in your eyes." Takeda sneered and continued, "Keep your seriousness and fear, and then proceed to the second link."

"The first link is for you to defend yourself; the second link is for you to identify each other." He said slowly.

As his words fell, everyone's expressions changed!
Identify each other?

Isn't this just harming people?
"Of course, you can't harm people indiscriminately!" Takeda added with a smile, "Everyone must identify a person who you think may be a kid, but you must base it on his performance in the past three months, and you have to say that he is suspicious." If you come here, you must be well-founded! If your suspicion makes me feel that it is a random frame-up and random harm, I'm sorry, you will be punished!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

If you don't want to be beaten, you have to tell what's unusual about others in the past three months, and it must be the truth, otherwise you will be exposed on the spot!
Takeda is obviously determined to use this conspiracy to find other actors.

There are Zhe Peng soldiers outside, here, no one dares to resist Takeda!
If you want not to suffer, you must cooperate with his game.

And once everyone bites each other, Takeda can sit back and enjoy the benefits.

In the end, he will not let go of all the actors who were "bitten" out!
"This time, let's start with Director Wang." Wu Tian smiled and looked at Wang Tianxiang.

Wang Tianxiang's complexion was changing, and when she heard this, she subconsciously straightened her back, and hurriedly squeezed out a flattering smile and bowed her head repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

"The most suspicious person in the past three months..." Wang Tianxiang pondered slightly, and spoke slowly.

His eyes flicked across the faces of everyone present in turn.

Everyone held their breath almost subconsciously.

In the end, Wang Tianxiang's eyes locked on Wu Zhiguo, with a sorry smile on his face: "Captain Wu, I offended you, the rules of the game are like this, and I can't help it."

Wu Zhiguo was stunned for a moment, but he wasn't too scared, but said with a sneer: "Wang Tianxiang, why don't you just play with me? It's been a day or two since we didn't fight each other. If you don't identify me today, It’s so weird! Don’t talk about Pian’ertang, it sounds disgusting, let’s just come to the real thing, I want to hear it, why am I so suspicious.”

"Captain Wu misunderstood me." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "I have always distinguished work and personal relationships very clearly. At work, I have always only dealt with things, not with people."

"Cut!" Wu Zhiguo sneered disdainfully, "What kind of grandson are you pretending to be?"

Wang Tianxiang smiled unabated, turned his head and gave Wutian a slight nod, and said: "Master Wutian, the reason why I said that the Wu brigade is suspicious is because of two things. And these two things are related to the suppression of bandits."

"Two months ago, I got the exact information from the underground party, so I ran to arrest people, but I didn't expect to be robbed by Captain Wu. It's nothing. After all, we are all colleagues. It doesn't matter who gets the credit, the most important thing." It’s about getting things done.”

"However, it should have been a matter of certainty, but the underground party already in the network actually escaped!" Wang Tianxiang sighed with regret at this point, "I'm unbelievable! Team Wu led the people inside The third floor and the third floor surrounded the stronghold of the underground party so tightly that no fly could fly out! But such a big man disappeared without any reason!"

"Afterwards, in a responsible manner, I asked Team Wu what went wrong. My original intention was to discuss the problem with him, so that I could use it as a warning in the future. Unexpectedly, Team Wu not only did not have any problems. Explain, and blame my dog ​​for meddling in the rat..."

Wu Zhiguo finally couldn't listen anymore, and said with a sneer, "What the hell are you talking about? That underground party was scared away by the second idiot from your secret service. Now you're putting the blame on me, and you're still beating me up?"

"Right or wrong, I won't argue with Team Wu anymore." Wang Tianxiang shook his head helplessly and said, "I have already written a written report on this matter and reported it to Commander Zhang and Chief Takeda. Whether it is right or wrong, I can't hide it from them. The insightful eye. Let me move on to the second doubtful point.”

"Half a month ago, I received the news that the anti-rape team of the military command was going to make trouble in Wugong City." Wang Tianxiang said, "It took me a lot of effort to get the target and action plan of their assassination. So I set up After finishing the trap, I just waited for them to throw themselves into the net. Unexpectedly, just when the fish was about to take the bait, Team Wu led his men to rush into my ambush circle and scared the fish away. The assassination team of this military anti-rape team never showed up again!"

"What the fuck!" Wu Zhiguo was furious, "Wang Tianxiang, you despicable villain who turns black and white! Do you dare to pat your conscience and say that what you say is the truth?"

Wang Tianxiang looked serious, raised a fist and said solemnly: "I dare to swear to Huang Jun, if I tell even half a lie, let Chief Takeda kill me right now!"

"I'm going to Nima!" Wu Zhiguo's eyes were red, and he was about to run around the table and rush over.

"What do you want to do? Rebellion?" Takeda shouted with staring eyes.

"Master Wutian!" Wu Zhiguo pointed at Wang Tianxiang, his eyes widened, "I told you about this last time, and you know what's going on! He led people to Mayor Chen's banquet to catch something The spy of the military command, the mayor Chen personally called me and asked me if my headquarters had any opinion on him!"

"Mayor Chen is Mr. Wang's most important person. He, Wang Tianxiang, went to other people's mansions under the banner of suppressing bandits to blatantly harass their guests and family members. Why does he think that others are fools? Doesn't he, Wang Tianxiang?" Did you retaliate because you were ashamed by Mayor Chen before? Why are you pretending to be selfless here?"

One person said the same thing, the public said the public was right and the woman said the woman was right, which made Takeda frown.

What is the truth, I am afraid that only the two of them know clearly.

Wu Tian was too lazy to give them two judgments, so he frowned and scolded: "Okay! Now it's the game session, not the court judgment! Director Wang's identification and suspicion of you are reasonable! If you have any opinions, you can do it when it's your turn." Tell him your doubts!"

"As for your explanation, I have already heard it, and I will naturally make a judgment! Now, sit down for me!"

Under Wu Tian's scolding, Wu Zhiguo sat down angrily, but still stared at Wang Tianxiang with a pair of red eyes, gnashing his teeth, as if he wanted to eat him.

"Director Jin." Takeda smiled and looked at Jin Shenghuo who was still covering his mouth and trembling, "It's your turn. If you don't want to be the loser in this round, please behave yourself!"

Jin Shenghuo was still shaking violently, his face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked miserable.

Today he was completely humiliated. As a dignified chief, he was whipped in front of his subordinates and colleagues. The most embarrassing thing was that he peed on his pants.

At this moment, apart from fear, there was deep hatred in his heart.

He hates Takeda, hates this bastard, Zhe Peng!
He hates Bai Xiaonian, this indifferent second chair!

What he hates the most is Li Ningyu!
If Li Ningyu hadn't voted for him, how could he have become a loser.Being so humiliated?
Jin Shenghuo glared at Li Ningyu with resentment, and gritted his teeth.

Li Ningyu showed guilt, and sighed: "Director Jin, you can vote for me! If I can also be tortured to make you feel better, I am willing. Anyway, I hurt you, I am sorry you."

"Pretend! Pretend again!" Jin Shenghuo was unmoved at all, still gritted with hatred, "Why didn't I realize that you are a vicious and vicious woman before! Blame me for being so blind! I've been taking care of you in vain, yes You are so nice!"

Li Ningyu shook his head and said nothing, but looked sad.

"You little bitch..."

Jin Shenghuo gritted his teeth and wanted to curse again, but Gu Xiaomeng raised his eyebrows and interrupted him.

"Director Jin, you have a wrongdoer, you have a debtor, whoever hit you you go to whoever, what's the matter with taking your anger out on others?" Gu Xiaomeng rolled her eyes, "Yes, Sister Yu voted for you, Xiaobai Didn’t you vote for you too? Why don’t you scold him? Are we women easy to bully just by competing with Sister Yu?”

Su Yi sneered: "I told you earlier that some people are cowards who will never get hard!"

"Master Rabbit, I'm the master draftsman!" Jin Sheng got angry and stood up abruptly, but the wound was touched, and he cried out in pain.

"Okay, Director Jin!" Takeda said impatiently, "Do you want me to emphasize the rules of the game again?"

"No! No!" Jin Shenghuo trembled, and hurriedly said to Wutian with a smile on his face. "I will vote now, I will vote now..."

He straightened up, looked around, and finally landed on Li Ningyu, gritted his teeth and said, "I cast..."

Just when everyone thought he would be out of resentment and voted for Li Ningyu, Jin Shenghuo suddenly stopped talking and his face became cloudy.

He froze there, speechless for a while.

"Director Jin?" Takeda urged impatiently.

Jin Shenghuo came back to his senses, leaned on the table and sat back on the chair, lowered his head and said with a guilty conscience: "I, then I will also vote for Team Wu."

Everyone was stunned.

Especially Wu Zhiguo couldn't believe his ears.

"Who do you say you voted for?" Zhang Yiting asked.

"Captain Wu, Wu Zhiguo." Jin Shenghuo gritted his teeth and said bravely. He didn't dare to raise his head, and didn't dare to look into Wu Zhiguo's eyes.

"Old Jin, do we have no enmity?" Wu Zhiguo said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Old Wu." Jin Shenghuo dodged his eyes, "Xia Yuniang is married, so let's take care of myself!"

When he said this, everyone present was considered a smart person and immediately understood his intentions.

Each of the seven people present had to vote for a suspicious person, and the one with the most votes would be punished as the loser of this round of the game.

Jin Shenghuo won two votes in the last round and became a loser.

This time, if he votes for Li Ningyu, he can't guarantee that Li Ningyu will be a loser at all.

On the contrary, he has the possibility of continuing to be a loser.

So he suddenly reacted and woke up one second before voting.

The best way for him to avoid becoming a loser in the second round of the game is to follow suit!
Follow Wang Tianxiang and vote for Wu Zhiguo!
In this way, Wu Zhiguo will have two votes, and the probability of becoming a loser in this round will be greatly increased!

And Jin Shenghuo's probability of failure in this round will naturally decrease accordingly, so that he can pass the test safely.

(End of this chapter)

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