Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 323 "Empty City Plan"

Chapter 323 "Empty City Plan"

After everyone finished drawing the picture, it was already 10 minutes later.

At this time, the time was approaching midnight, and everyone's faces could hardly hide their tiredness. Jin Shenghuo and Wu Zhiguo persisted even more with injuries, and their faces were both pale.

The soldiers received all the pictures drawn by everyone in front of Takeda, and Takeda patiently checked them one by one.

After reading it, he frowned, his eyes showing a little disappointment.

This made Su Yi, who had been observing him, suddenly look changed.

Takeda didn't get what he wanted?
"I will announce the losers of this round tomorrow." Takeda pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Everyone must arrive here on time at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

Everyone was a little surprised, everyone was ready for Takeda to do something, but who knew that he held it high and hung in the air, and suddenly stopped the game.

Wu Tian rubbed his temples, leaned on the back of the chair wearily, and said, "Director Wang, let everyone go to the room to rest."

Wang Tianxiang didn't realize it for a moment, she was stunned for a while before she realized it, she hurriedly got up and bowed, and said, "Yes, Chief Takeda!"

Immediately straightened up, looked around, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please follow me upstairs."

No one spoke, everyone looked different, followed Wang Tianxiang upstairs, only Wu Tian and Zhang Yiting were left at the scene.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yiting said: "Master Takeda, all the guest rooms on the second floor are equipped with monitors. I set up the monitor room in the east end room on the first floor..."

"Commander Zhang." Takeda interrupted him, turned his head and smiled at him, "All the work here will be taken over by the Zhepeng Gendarmerie. You just have to enjoy the game and you'll be fine."

The gloom in Zhang Yiting's eyes deepened, and he said in a deep voice, "But you didn't say that before you came here! Takeda Chief, are you now suspecting that I might be a ghost?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows?" Takeda said, "Commander Zhang, I have my plan, and I have wronged you for the time being!"

Although his tone was gentle, his expression was beyond doubt.

Zhang Yiting looked deeply at Wu Tian and said, "Master Wu Tian, ​​Wang Tianxiang is unbelievable! He is not as simple as you imagined!"

Wu Tian's expression changed, he looked at Zhang Yiting carefully for a while, and said with a smile: "I will remember Commander Zhang's advice."

"That's good." He stood up, turned around and walked to the second floor without saying anything.

In this manor, he, Zhang Yiting, is a polished commander. Facing Wutian's strength, he has no room to resist at all.

There are a total of six rooms on the second floor, which are in the shape of a zigzag and surround a circle.

Su Yi was assigned to a room in the northeast corner, with Jin Shenghuo on his left and Gu Xiaomeng on his right.

The stairs are next to Li Ningyu's room opposite, and Zhang Yiting's room is arranged on the other side of the stairs.

Wu Zhiguo's room was sandwiched between Gu Xiaomeng and Zhang Yiting.

"It's getting late, Secretary Bai should go to bed early," Wang Tianxiang said with a smile after sending Su Yi to the room, "At [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, the guards will come to wake you up, so you can sleep at ease and don't have to worry about getting up late. "

"I didn't expect Director Wang to manage the logistics, and he is also a good hand." Su Yi said.

Wang Tianxiang smiled: "It's just hard work. See you tomorrow morning?"

After Su Yi nodded to signal, Wang Tianxiang led the people out and closed the door gently.

The expression on Su Yi's face slowly faded away, and he let out a long breath.

As he looked around the furnishings in the room, he checked them carefully.

Without any accident, he found bugs installed in the living room, bedroom, and even the bathroom.

And different from the original plot, the bugs are installed very secretly, either under the carpet, or inside the wall, or just in the receiver of the telephone, in the light socket, under the water tank switch of the urinal, these hidden and imperceptible places.

If it weren't for Su Yi's experience on the Hong Kong Island set, it wouldn't be easy to detect these bugs.

It must have been done by an actor!
Zhang Yiting?
Or Takeda?

The nominal owner of this manor is Zhang Yiting, but in fact it has been occupied by the Zhe Peng people, so the only ones who are suspected of installing bugs are these two people.

Su Yi didn't hide his rummaging for the bug, because it was a normal operation.

If he doesn't care about anything carelessly, it will be suspected of trying to cover up.

After checking all the rooms, he poured himself a cup of warm water from the thermos, then sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and reviewed everything that happened just now.

About half an hour later, at about [-]:[-], Su Yi heard Wu Zhiguo singing.

The sound came from the balcony outside.

"I'm originally from Wollongong, and when I talk about yin and yang, it's like turning my back on the universe. The late emperor went to Nanyang for three invitations, and the three-point alliance with Dongwu to destroy Cao Wei..."

Su Yi suddenly lifted his spirits and opened his eyes suddenly.

In the original plot, this singing is the secret signal for the connection between the old ghost of the underground party and the old gun.

Now Su Yi has basically confirmed that the old ghost is Li Ningyu.

Could it be that Wu Zhiguo is the same as the original version, he is still an old gun?

But his and Li Ningyu's rooms are not next to each other...

Zhang Yiting and the corridor were separated in the middle, he was singing on the balcony, and it just attracted Li Ningyu's attention, so what?
Su Yi thought about it, and was about to stand up and walk towards the balcony.

If Wu Zhiguo sang operas to meet people, then this person would definitely appear on the balcony!

Whether it's Li Ningyu, you can tell at a glance.

Just when Su Yi was about to pass through the living room, his expression suddenly changed and he froze in place.

As long as you are an actor, you must know that Wu Zhiguo sang this piece of "Empty City Strategies" for the sake of connection.

So when Wu Zhiguo sang this scene, in addition to attracting people who would connect with him, he would definitely attract actors as well!
If Su Yi appeared on the balcony at this time, Takeda, who had already been confirmed as an actor, would definitely notice!
At that time, Takeda will conclude that Su Yi is either an actor or has another identity.

Almost careless, it's too dangerous!

Su Yi was afraid for a while, in this predicament, he really couldn't relax at all, and couldn't make any mistakes.

A small negligence, or a lack of thinking, may lead to a complete loss.

He picked up the thermos on the side, returned to the side of the sofa, and filled his cup with hot water.

This was done for bugs, otherwise Su Yi would not be able to explain why he suddenly moved around when he heard Wu Zhiguo singing.

Just as Su Yi was about to sit back on the sofa, he suddenly heard arguing in the corridor.

It sounds like Li Ningyu, and Jin Shenghuo?
What's going on here?

His complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and the thoughts in his mind were changing rapidly.

Finally he got up and walked out the door.

It is no problem to hear the quarrel and watch the excitement.

Especially when one of the parties in the quarrel is an enemy and the other is his good "best friend", if he pretends not to hear, it will be abnormal.

When Su Yi was about to walk to the door, Wu Zhiguo's singing stopped abruptly, obviously he also heard the quarrel.

 Happy holidays everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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