Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 324 0326

Chapter 324 0326 (two in one)

"Stinky bitch, what do I usually do to you, huh? You hurt me at such a critical time! You unfamiliar white-eyed wolf..."

"Jin, let me go!"

"I'm not loose! You stinky and shameless bastard, I can't beat you to death..."

"Ah... come here! Come here!"

"Scream! I told you to scream again! You nearly killed me half my life, and you still have the guts to scream? I..."

When Su Yi opened the door and went out, he saw Jin Shenghuo tearing Li Ningyu's hair at the door of his room, cursing and slapping Li Ningyu's face.

When Su Yi came out, he happened to see Zhang Yiting also push the door out.

There were hurried footsteps in the stairwell, and someone was running up.

"Hey! Jin, stop!" Su Yi only glanced at it, and immediately screamed, and Piapia ran over.

While running, he didn't stop talking, and shouted in a panic: "Stop it, you, stop hitting! Jin! You are not a man's thing, I..."

Shouting that Su Yi had already run up to the two of them, he stepped forward to tear Jin Shenghuo apart, but Jin Shenghuo turned around and pushed Su Yi's chest, cursing: "You two chairs are dead to me, It's none of your business here!"

Su Yi instinctively stood firm and even fought back, but he didn't do anything, and Jin Shenghuo pushed him to stagger and hit the railing of the stairs, screaming "Ouch" in pain.

Immediately, he also groaned anxiously: "The surname is Jin, you dare to push me? I will fight with you!"

When he went up, he scratched Jin Shenghuo's face, causing four blood marks on Jin Shenghuo's face.

The four nails of Su Yi's right hand were immediately filled with Jin Shenghuo's skin tissue and fat.

"Ouch!" Jin Shenghuo covered his face in pain, and Li Ningyu took the opportunity to break free from Jin Shenghuo, with disheveled hair, in a panic.

Su Yi hurried forward and pulled Li Ningyu back, and said anxiously, "Sister Yu, are you alright?"

Li Ningyu's eyes were red with tears, her face was pale, she gritted her teeth and just shook her head without speaking.

Seeing that her cheeks were red and swollen, Su Yi immediately yelled: "Your face is swollen! Oh my god! The surname Jin is so cruel!"

"Master Rabbit! You shrew!" At this moment, Jin Shenghuo jumped up and yelled at Su Yi, his face full of resentment.

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, I'm afraid of you?" Su Yi directly went up to him not to be outdone.

"Stop! Stop me!"

Seeing that the two were about to be torn together, Zhang Yiting grabbed Su Yi who was jumping straight up, and Jin Shenghuo on the other side also rushed to Wang Tianxiang who was upstairs and pushed aside.

"Master Rabbit, there are you without me today!" Jin Shenghuo shouted angrily.

"You bastard, come on! I can't scratch you to death..." Su Yi hopped back.

"Shut up! Shut up! What's wrong!" Zhang Yi was very angry.

"Is it plausible? Ah? Is it plausible?" He cursed angrily, "When is this, and you guys are actually fighting? What does it look like?"

"Commander!" Jin Shenghuo pointed at his face angrily, "Look at Bai who scratched me! He's a shrew!"

"Who are you scolding? You curse again!" Su Yi stared at him and shouted, "Useless bastard, you actually hit a woman, what are you!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Yiting's face was ashen, "Who dares to say another word, I will pull you all out and kill you!"

This warning finally took effect, and both of them stopped talking angrily.

Wang Tianxiang, who had been watching coldly, sighed, and said, "Director Jin, it seems that you provoked the matter, explain?"

Jin Shenghuo looked unhappy, looked left and right, pointed at Li Ningyu and snorted coldly: "What am I explaining to me? I'm making trouble? It's this stinky woman who came to me to show off! Otherwise, I will beat her ? Humph, I'm still afraid of getting my hands dirty!"

Wang Tianxiang looked at Li Ningyu.

Li Ningyu blinked, and tears fell.

She wiped away her tears, and said coldly: "I'm the one who is cheap, but I won't do it in the future."

After speaking, he pulled Su Yi to turn around and walked towards his room, then slammed the door hard.

In the corridor, only Jin Shenghuo, Wang Tianxiang and Zhang Yiting were left looking at each other.

Diagonally opposite, Wu Zhiguo was leaning against the door of his room and looking towards this side, he had no intention of coming over from the beginning to the end.

After a while of silence, Wang Tianxiang sighed and looked at Zhang Yiting: "Commander, what do you think about this?"

"I see?" Zhang Yiting sneered, "What should I see? Is it up to me now? Ask your master!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yiting flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked towards his own room.

He fell hard on them.

Wang Tianxiang didn't feel embarrassed, she shook her head helplessly, and glanced at Wu Zhiguo who was opposite.

Seeing that the other party was just watching the excitement with a blank face, he walked to the side, picked up a medicine bottle from the ground, held it up and said to Jin Sheng: "Director Jin, Section Chief Li specially asked me for a medicine for bruises. Baibaodan wants to apply medicine to you, it's fine if you don't accept her kindness, why are you still beating her?"

"Good intentions?" Jin Shenghuo sneered, "Director Wang, if I slap you and give you a jujube, is that good intentions? What kind of big-tailed wolf is Li Ningyu pretending to be? She used to blame me for being blind, but now If I still can't see clearly that she is a coquettish fox, then I'm stupid!"

Wang Tianxiang was stunned, and nodded slowly: "Well, Director Jin has resentment in his heart, and it's human nature. However, as men, we should be more magnanimous."

"Greatness?" Jin Shenghuo sneered, "I didn't realize until today that I used to be too big!"

He pointed to his face: "What about Bai Xiaonian scratching me?"

"Why don't you find a chance to scratch it back?" Wang Tianxiang thought for a while and smiled.

"Yes, I figured it out! This man is unreliable to anyone!" Jin Shenghuo shook his head, "Director Wang, please rest, you and me, just treat it as being bitten by a dog!"

He turned around and went back to his room.


There was also the sound of closing the door on the opposite side, Wang Tianxiang looked up, and saw Wu Zhiguo on the opposite side also returned to the room and closed the door.

After a while of flying around, he was left alone in the corridor.

He glanced at Li Ningyu's room, hesitating slightly, but finally he took a deep look at Gu Xiaomeng's room, then turned and walked downstairs.

In Li Ningyu's room, Su Yi washed the towel with ice water and applied Li Ningyu's face.

Li Ningyu suddenly leaned over and hugged Su Yi, and said in a low mood: "Xiaobai, thank you."

"Why are you talking about that?" Su Yi sighed and patted her on the back, "Can I still watch you being bullied?"

"I think he was whipped today, and I have something to do with it." Li Ningyu said sadly, "I still felt a little guilty for him in my heart. I kindly helped him get the medicine, but I didn't expect..."

"I told you earlier, the surname Jin is narrow-minded, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, he is not a man at all!" Su Yi hated the iron, "You say you, and still go up to his cold ass?"

"I'm the one who committed the crime." Li Ningyu said.

"Oh, that's fine, don't think about it." Su Yi patted her on the back and pulled her up from his arms, "He hit you, and I scratched his face too, from now on , this person is considered disfigured, speaking of it, we will not suffer, and I will avenge you."

"Xiaobai, it's great to have you." Li Ningyu said emotionally with flushed eyes.

"Why are you talking about this?" Su Yi waved his hand, then frowned, and said angrily, "What's the matter with Xiaomeng? You are being bullied by Jin so much, and she doesn't even come out? With such a loud voice, I will Believe it or not, she can't hear! What did she do?"

"Forget it, don't talk about her." Li Ningyu shook her head.

"I know you're having a fight with her." Su Yi said, "I asked you two what's wrong, and none of you told me, but she didn't come out to take a look after you were beaten, isn't that too much?"

"Maybe she has something to do..." Li Ningyu forced a smile.

"What's the matter?" Su Yi dissatisfied, "What is more important than you?"

Li Ningyu looked at Su Yi, suddenly rubbed Su Yi's face affectionately, and said with a smile: "You take me seriously, how can others value me like you?"

"Isn't there still Mr. Liu?" Su Yi said.

"He, if only he was half as caring as you." Li Ningyu sighed.

"It doesn't matter if he is close or not," Su Yi snorted, "Isn't it enough to be close?"

Li Ningyu blushed: "Nonsense, see if I don't tear your mouth apart!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward to scratch Su Yi's creaking nest.

"Ouch, ouch! Hahaha..." Su Yi laughed while hiding.

Li Ningyu, however, was scratching his itch, winking at Su Yi, threw himself on Su Yi, pressed his lips against his ear and said in a low voice, "Keep laughing! How do you know it's a trap during the day? Who are you?"

"Hahaha...don't scratch Sister Yu, I was wrong, haha..." Su Yi couldn't stop smiling while thinking a lot.

He knew that Li Ningyu would definitely ask him about this matter. Li Ningyu had never found an opportunity before, but now he finally found an opportunity, so he naturally had to confirm it.

The reason why Li Ningyu wanted to speak when Su Yi was smiling was naturally to prevent eavesdropping.

"Oh, if you scratch me, I'll scratch you too!" Su Yi yelled, throwing himself on Li Ningyu, scratching her creaky nest.

"Giggle..." Li Ningyu also laughed exaggeratedly, "Don't make trouble, Xiaobai, sister is ticklish, don't... giggle..."

"The old turtle has been exposed, I didn't intend to find out from Wang Tianxiang!" Su Yi also whispered into Li Ningyu's ear, "They are hanging on to the old ghost, don't be fooled! I will help you, don't believe anyone!"

"Giggle..." Li Ningyu laughed exaggeratedly on purpose, but there was no smile in her eyes, full of thoughts.

"It's the other way around, Xiaobai!" She yelled, and threw Su Yi directly under her body, and began to scratch the soft flesh around Su Yi's waist.

"Hahaha..." Su Yi laughed out loud.

Li Ningyu leaned into Su Yi's ear and said hurriedly: "Since you have obtained my information, I will not hide it, but the matter is important, you must reveal your identity!"

Before Su Yi could scratch her, she giggled and yelled again: "Oh, don't touch my waist, Xiaobai, giggling..."

Su Yi leaned into her ear and quickly said: "The intelligence officer of the military command Wugong City Station, code-named Thrush! But this is just to show my sincerity, as long as you treat me as a Chinese with a conscience! I will not tell anyone about you !"

"Oh, don't move there, I'm a man, Sister Yu! Oh oh oh..." Su Yi suddenly yelled in a funny way.

The voice was exaggerated.

Li Ningyu was shocked by Su Yi's identity at first, but was disturbed by Su Yi's strange cry, she couldn't help blushing, glared at him, then quickly thought for a moment, leaned into his ear and said hurriedly: "I believe you Bai, but my information must be passed on.”

"Okay, stop screaming! Who told you to move my waist, don't you know that a woman's waist can't be moved?" She said loudly.

While talking, he pointed to his ear and gave Su Yi a wink.

Su Yi understood, thought for a while, and leaned into her ear.

While Su Yi was speaking, Li Ningyu also started speaking loudly to cover up Su Yi's voice.

"Don't worry, there are still four days, I will help you!" Su Yi lowered his voice, "Remember, no one can be trusted!"

When Li Ningyu finished talking nonsense loudly, Su Yi immediately said loudly: "You still said I moved your waist, so you also moved my waist? Don't you know the difference between men and women? You..."

Li Ningyu lay next to Su Yi's ear and said quickly: "Be careful Xiaomeng, she is not simple, she also knows my identity and threatened me, and it is because of this that the two of us fell out! And Wutian, last time I was invited to dinner at the Eight Immortals Building, Takeda said he was the Japanese Communist Party, but I didn't believe him..."

The news Li Ningyu confided was so shocking that Su Yi stumbled and paused in the nonsense he covered up in surprise.

But soon he returned to normal, suppressing the shock in his heart, when Li Ningyu started to speak loudly, he pondered slightly, and quickly whispered to Li Ningyu: "I will take care of it, remember, don't believe anyone, I will get back to you as soon as possible information."

Li Ningyu looked deeply at Su Yi, held Su Yi's hands, and nodded heavily.

"Okay, stop making trouble." She said loudly, "It's getting late, go back to sleep."

Su Yi knew that if he stayed for a long time, he would be suspicious, but he couldn't leave like this.

"Business" hasn't been said yet.

"Don't worry." He said loudly, "What do you think Mr. Takeda is trying to do today? You have seen it, his punishment is really fighting! It is a game, how do I feel that he is By playing games, for real? Sister Yu, do you think there is really an underground party member among us?"

What happened today is something that a normal person would feel is wrong, and it is related to his own safety and life. It is undoubtedly very inappropriate for him and Li Ningyu to contact each other in private. of.

Li Ningyu was startled, but also realized, secretly praised Su Yi's thoughtfulness in his heart.

"I don't know," Li Ningyu said, "but today's matter must not be simple. What kind of medicine is sold in Takeda Chang's gourd, after all, it has to be revealed. Xiaobai, don't be too nervous, we are not afraid The shadow is slanted."

"Oh, Sister Yu, you are so naive, you think being upright is all you need? You can't stand people who are not upright, and they will try their best to harm you..." Su Yi sighed, and began to chatter.

Next, the two pretended to chat about this topic for a while before Su Yi took the initiative to say goodbye and left Li Ningyu's room.

(End of this chapter)

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