Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 326 Suspects

Chapter 326 Suspects

Gu Xiaomeng couldn't die anymore!

It is impossible for anyone to survive if they are wrapped around their necks by wires and hung motionless from a crystal lamp.

Gu Xiaomeng hanged on the crystal lamp above the tea table in her room, and Su Yi saw this scene as soon as he ran in.

She was wearing silk pajamas and the saffron woolen overcoat she wore when she met Su Yi last night.

At this moment, her pretty face was horribly dark red, her tongue was half stuck out, and her eyeballs protruded like dead fish, covered with bloodshot eyes.

Her body and limbs were bent, and her ten fingers were as stiff and pitch-black as dry chicken feet.

Her two calves and two forearms were all covered with dark red corpse spots, and her neck was twisted into a strange angle.

The air was filled with a foul smell, and one could see a pool of golden water stains on the coffee table, as well as a lump of semi-dry stool, obviously caused by Gu Xiaomeng's incontinence before his death.

Su Yi was not the first to come. When he entered the room, Jin Shenghuo and Zhang Yiting had already arrived. They were also watching this scene in surprise, unable to say a word.

Just when Su Yi was full of shock, Li Ningyu ran in from the door.

She was still in her pajamas and her hair was disheveled.

Standing at the door and seeing this scene, she shook her body.

"Ugh..." A heart-piercing cry of despair came from her throat, and Li Ningyu sat paralyzed by the door.

Su Yi hurried forward to help her.

At this moment, Wu Zhiguo and Wu Tian also arrived.

The last one to come in was Wang Tianxiang.

His face was gloomy, his sharp eyes swept over everyone's faces, and finally locked on Takeda.

He walked quickly to Wu Tian's side, and whispered something in his ear, Wu Tian gave him a surprised look.

Su Yi noticed this scene, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart!
After he was woken up by Wang Tianxiang and went to Gu Xiaomeng's room, the latter did not leave, but took the opportunity to search Su Yi's room.

Although Su Yi saw it, he didn't stop him - he was really shocked by the news of Gu Xiaomeng's death, and couldn't care about anything else.

"Ahem..." Takeda coughed a few times.

His face was pale, and he seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

He raised his arm, waved it, and said, "Grab it first."

"Yes!" Wang Tianxiang looked serious, and bowed at attention.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi felt even worse.

Sure enough, what happened next proved how accurate Su Yi's sixth sense was.

Wang Tianxiang clapped his hands, and immediately two guards walked in.

He walked up to Su Yi with a solemn expression, and said, "Secretary Bai, I'm sorry, but you may have to come with me!"

Su Yi's heart sank.

He is not afraid of things, but he is afraid of such unreasonable things!
He knew very well that he was taken away at this time because it must have something to do with Gu Xiaomeng.

Wang Tianxiang suspects that he killed Gu Xiaomeng?


It must be so!

Su Yi can be sure that he didn't kill Gu Xiaomeng, but who would believe it?who knows?

Will Wang Tianxiang listen to his explanation?
If Su Yi denies it, will he be sentenced?

This is what Su Yi is most worried about!
But no matter how worried Su Yi was, the reality would not be influenced by his emotions.

Wang Tianxiang winked, and two guards immediately stepped forward and grabbed Su Yi's arms. Wang Tianxiang took the opportunity to search Su Yi's body quickly, from head to toe, searching very carefully, and even pinched Su Yi's egg, as if It's like hiding something there.

"What do you mean? What do you mean! Ah!" Although he knew why, Su Yi still struggled and roared pretending to be confused and frightened.

At this moment, Li Ningyu also reacted, and suddenly pushed the two guards away vigorously, and opened his arms like an old hen to block Su Yi.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!" She roared with tears in her eyes, "Wang Tianxiang, what are you doing? Why are you arresting people indiscriminately?"

"Section Chief Li!" A hint of impatience flashed in Wang Tianxiang's eyes, and his voice rose sharply. He stared at Li Ningyu's eyes and said word by word: "At this time, it's not the time for you to get angry. I have Bai Xiaonian to kill Gu Xiaomeng." evidence of!
"You said Xiaobai killed Xiaomeng?" Li Ningyu shook his head in disbelief and cried, "How is this possible? How is it possible!"

"Facts are facts!" Wang Tianxiang said flatly, "Don't worry, if he is innocent, I will never wrong him."

"Who knows?" Li Ningyu sniffed suddenly, wiped away the tears on her face, and stared at Wang Tianxiang firmly, "I know your method, Director Wang, the person in your hands, nothing will happen Son, the skin of the dead will peel off too! I know that Xiao Bai doesn't show much respect to you, but if he falls into your hands today, how can he be any better?"

"Section Chief Li! The matter is of great importance..." Wang Tianxiang said loudly.

But only halfway through, he was interrupted.

"Death, of course, is of great importance!" Li Ningyu said unequivocally, "But I seriously doubt your suspicion of Xiaobai's motives, and I also seriously doubt that you will take the opportunity to avenge yourself!"

"What qualifications do you have..." Wang Tianxiang was furious.

But Li Ningyu didn't give him a chance to speak at all, but looked directly at Wutian.

"Chief Takeda!" she shouted, "How did Xiaomeng die? You can't listen to Director Wang's words! If she was killed, then everyone in this building is suspected, including me and Director Wang! Is it fair for you to let one suspect arrest another suspect? Is it reasonable? Isn’t it absurd?”

These loud words made everyone look at Li Ningyu in surprise.

Everyone knows that Wang Tianxiang is a dog of Wutian, but now, Li Ningyu is questioning this in person, for the sake of Su Yi.

They were not only surprised by Li Ningyu's boldness, but also surprised when the relationship between Li Ningyu and Su Yi became so good?

Just because Su Yi scratched Jin Shenghuo's face for Li Ningyu last night?

Wu Tian turned around slowly, his eyes were piercing, and he swept across Li Ningyu, Su Yi and Wang Tianxiang in turn.

"I will personally supervise this case." He said slowly.

Su Yi was still taken down.

It's just that the person who escorted him changed from Wang Tianxiang's subordinates to Zhe Peng Xianbing.

He was kept in a makeshift dungeon in the basement.

It was damp and musty here, dark and dark.

Su Yi sat in the dark, until now his brain began to regain his composure.

Gu Xiaomeng was killed, and he was suspected of being the murderer. His situation was undoubtedly extremely bad.

Why is Wang Tianxiang so sure that he is the biggest suspect?
What evidence did he find in his room?
Is the evidence really found, or is it framed?

Also, why did Wang Tianxiang insist that Gu Xiaomeng was killed by him?
Judging from the scene, Gu Xiaomeng clearly died by hanging himself...

It is actually very difficult to forge the scene of the suicide.

One after another, mysteries exploded in Su Yi's mind, making it impossible for him to make a correct judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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