Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 327 The woman in the basement

Chapter 327 The woman in the basement
The basement was dark, with no light coming in.

Su Yi sat in the dark thinking about things, unable to feel the passage of time, and completely isolated from the outside world.

He didn't know how long it had been, but he thought it must have been hours.

What are Takeda and the others doing during this time?

Asking someone else?
Or are you looking for conclusive evidence to prove that you killed someone?

Su Yi thought he was alone, but suddenly a weak woman's voice came from the next room, which startled him!
Is there anyone else in this basement?

Su Yi suddenly lost all the chaotic thoughts in his mind, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, and he listened intently to the sound.

A few minutes later, the weak female voice spoke again: "Water..."

There are really people!

How could there be another woman in this basement?
Moreover, Su Yi has been here for so long, and this woman has never made a sound. What's the matter?
Su Yi had a lot of thoughts, and suddenly slammed on the iron door like crazy, and shouted: "Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Help..."

He was yelling and yelling.

But no one responded for a long time.

He seemed to be forgotten in this dark basement.

Su Yi yelled for a while, then stopped.

One is that it is meaningless to do so, and the other is that the long-lost terminal finally sent a message again.

After one night, the terminal finally sent a performance order for the third act——

"Actor Su Yi, hello. Here is the performance notice from the crew of "The Wind" for you. Your participation in the third act of the crew has been confirmed. The notice is as follows:

30. Performance time: April 4, 20 years of the Republic of China

[-]. Performance venue: West Building of Baicao Hall in the west of the city

[-]. Performance role: current role, no change.

[-]. Performance tasks:
Task 1. Find out why you became a suspect (series of tasks).

Task 2. Find out the real cause of Gu Xiaomeng's death (a series of tasks).

Task 3. Find out all the information about the woman in the basement (series of tasks)

Task 4. Replacement - the second phase of the series of task selection tasks, replace Li Ningyu, and complete the work of information transmission.

Task 5. Hide your identity (main task).

Task 6. Investigate Zhe Peng's plot to assassinate the senior general of the national army (main task).

Task 7. Determine who is the crow (series of tasks).

Task 8. Determine who is an actor (mainline continuous task).

[-]. The purpose of the performance: to promote the plot.

Special Note: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to be absent from this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract and the consequences will be at your own risk.This performance information will not be notified unless it is temporarily changed.

Director 032"

In the third act of the performance, eight tasks were sent all at once!

While Su Yi felt the pressure, he was also completely relieved.

What I have to admit is that when the task was released, Su Yi had a sense of solidity with a clear goal, instead of being full of uncertainty like before.

There is actually a task to find out all the information about the woman in the basement?

Su Yi focused on this point.

Who is this woman and why is she locked up here?
Su Yi's mind was running fast, he groped behind the door, and put his face on the book-sized hole in the iron door.

"Who are you?" he asked.

No one answered.

"Can you hear me? If you can, just hum." Su Yi spoke again.

Still no answer.

Su Yi persevered: "I heard you right, you just wanted to drink water, right? If I can go out, I will definitely ask them to bring you water."

Still no one spoke, if it wasn't for the fact that there was such a person in the performance mission, it seemed that the voice Su Yi heard just now was a hallucination.

"Are you imprisoned by Wutian, or Zhang Yiting?" Su Yi was not discouraged, and continued to ask, "Are you an underground party? Or are you from Wudu?"

"Are you still alive? Do you have anything to say?"

"If you can hear it, talk about it. Maybe I'm the last living person you can meet. If you don't talk about it, you won't have another chance!"

Maybe it was Su Yi's last words that touched the woman in the basement.

The woman finally spoke.

"I remember your voice." The woman made a weak voice, "Your surname is Bai, and you are Zhang Yiting's secretary, right?"

Su Yi was stunned, a picture flashed in his mind like lightning, he couldn't help taking a breath, and said movedly: "You, you are the female underground party at the headquarters before?"

He thought of the bloody rotten flesh that was dragged out of the room by two spies when he went to find Wang Tianxiang!

He didn't expect that this female underground party was still alive!

Even though he looks like no one, he is still alive, and his life is so tenacious!
"Why are you here?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

Why was this woman transferred here?

Still being thrown in this basement and ignored?

"Hehe..." The female underground party smiled mockingly, "Why you are here is why I am here."

Something to do with catching old ghosts?

In other words, the exposure of the old ghost is related to this woman?
Su Yi thought quickly in his mind, and said, "Do you know why I was locked in?"

"Of course it's to catch the underground party." The female underground party said in a slight silence. "So, they think you're an old ghost?"

"Old ghost?" Su Yi deliberately expressed surprise, "Who is the old ghost?"

"Hehehe..." The female underground party gave a creepy smile, and said in a gloomy tone: "The old ghost is your nightmare, he hovers among you, he will be anyone among you! You are looking forward to dying soon! You will be devastated, your bones will be wiped out, and your souls will fall into hell forever, and you will not be able to rebirth! Death! Everyone must die! No one can live!"

Her stern curse echoed in the darkness, even if Su Yi's heart was like steel, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he heard it.

When the female underground party was gasping and unable to speak, Su Yi said indifferently: "Oh, you are just a brat hiding your head and showing your tail. But as far as I know, you did it." Traitor, if you betray this old ghost, even if he is a nightmare, it will be your nightmare, not ours."

"Death, you all have to all have to die..." The female underground party cursed indistinctly, and her voice gradually weakened. No matter how much Ren Suyi shouted, she never responded.

I don't know how long it took, Su Yi heard the sound of the iron fence above being opened, followed by the sound of messy and hurried footsteps, and a bean-sized light came.

Several guards came in with oil lamps.

After walking into Su Yi, I realized that all the people who came were from the Secret Service, Wang Tianxiang's subordinates.

The leader is none other than Zhang Li.

"Secretary Bai, Mr. Takeda is here to invite you, come with me." Zhang Li looked at Su Yi with unfamiliar eyes, and said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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