Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 333 Connectors

Chapter 333 Connectors
When Su Yi entered, Wang Tianxiang was sitting on the sofa reading a book leisurely, and there was still a cup of hot tea on the tea table.

He didn't look like a prisoner at all, he looked like he was on vacation.

But seeing Su Yi, he was really surprised.

"Secretary Bai? Why is it you?" He sized up Su Yi, his eyes lingering on Su Yi's severed finger and wet crotch.

With a solemn expression, Su Yi pointed to his ear and to the sky.

Wang Tianxiang's eyes flickered, she understood, and said slowly: "I pulled out the bugs."

Su Yi looked at him deeply, and said: "The stone path is slanted in the far upper Hanshan Mountain."

Wang Tianxiang was startled, with a dazed expression on her face: "Is there someone in Baiyunsheng? Secretary Bai is so elegant, why did he come to my place to meet poetry?"

"Don't worry, I'm not sent by Wutian to cheat you," Su Yi said, "With your mind, you must be able to guess that Wutian will execute Zhang Yiting if he says to punish you. How can he play such tricks when he deals with you?"

"Why can't I understand what Secretary Bai said?" Wang Tianxiang asked with a puzzled expression, "What are you talking about?"

Su Yi sighed, raised his left hand, pointed to his pants, and said, "When life and death are at stake, every second is precious, crow, are you really planning to waste time on mutual suspicion?" ?”

"A crow?" Wang Tianxiang's face changed, "You call me a crow? Are you a military commander?"

He stood up abruptly, backed away in horror, and shouted in horror: "Come on! Come on! Help! Help!"

As he retreated, he grabbed the teacup on the table and slammed it at Su Yi.

Su Yi just dodged lightly, then dodged, and then looked at Wang Tianxiang expressionlessly.

"Help! Help!" Wang Tianxiang yelled in horror and ran to the bedroom.

Just then, the door was knocked open.

Zhang Li rushed in with his gun, watching the scene vigilantly.

Wang Tianxiang's eyes lit up immediately, and he pointed at Su Yi as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and hurriedly said to Zhang Li: "Quick! Grab him! Control him! He's a military spy! Quick! Go and report to Chief Takeda!"

The second monk Zhang Lizhang couldn't figure it out, he looked at Su Yi suspiciously, and asked, "Secretary Bai, what's going on?"

This is also a fine person, with a calm face on the surface, but the gun in his hand is safe.

Su Yi sighed suddenly and said, "Forget it, let's go, he doesn't want to help us."

"Zhang Li, Bai Xiaonian is definitely a military spy, catch him quickly, and you can still redeem your crime!" Wang Tianxiang shouted sharply.

Zhang Li looked confused, looked at this, then at that, and finally his eyes fell on Su Yi's face, and said, "Secretary Bai, explain?"

"Are you stupid?" Su Yi scolded directly, "You believe whatever he says? How the hell did you forget that you offended him to death? Do you still believe him?"

"Then he..." Zhang Li was at a loss.

"Even if I'm from the military commander, I didn't say a word to him when I walked in, how did he know that I'm from the military commander?" Su Yi said angrily, "He just doesn't want to help us, he just wants to watch us die!"

Zhang Li glanced at Wang Tianxiang, hesitantly said: "Didn't you say that you are holding onto him?"

"I said it." Su Yi said impatiently, "but it's not a fatal thing. This guy would rather die than help us. I said Zhang Li, how did you offend him? Let him hate you so much? "

Zhang Li looked at this, then at that, and asked Wang Tianxiang hesitantly: "Director, it's about time, let's open the skylight and speak honestly, and you should stop playing Jiang Gan's trick of stealing books."

"Yo, that's fine. I know that Jiang Gan stole books, so I don't think I have any ink." Wang Tianxiang had been watching from the sidelines since the beginning of the conversation between Zhang Li and Su Yi. At this moment, he couldn't help smiling and clapping his hands.

The door opened, and two guards walked in, each holding a gun, and the muzzles of the two black holes were pointed at Su Yi and Zhang Li respectively.

Su Yi was only slightly taken aback, then suddenly realized.

But Zhang Li was completely stunned.

He watched helplessly as a guard approached vigilantly and took away the gun in his hand, and began to search him before he reacted.

"It's enough, you two bastards are eating inside and out!" He cursed in horror.

The guard gave him the butt of his gun directly at his mouth, and said with a sneer, "You are the one who eats inside and outside! Zhang Li! We have always been the director's people!"

Zhang Li groaned when he was beaten, but he knelt down directly to Wang Tianxiang, and said in a trembling voice: "Director, Director, I am... forced to do so, Director! Please let me go, please look at me after so many years For your sake, let me go!"

Wang Tianxiang smiled sarcastically, took out a gun from his back waist, loaded it, opened the safety, and pointed it at Zhang Li.

"You two go out first." He ordered.


Two guards went out.

"Bai Xiaonian! This is all Bai Xiaonian's idea! Director, it's all Bai Xiaonian's fault!" Zhang Li trembled incoherently.

He felt the threat of death, and at this moment he hated Su Yi to death in his heart, and until now his mind was in a daze, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"The stone path on the cold mountain is slanting." Wang Tianxiang looked at Su Yi.

"Jiang Feng Yuhuo is facing Mianmian." Su Yi said solemnly.

"Where did the guest come from?" Wang Tianxiang said.

"The light boat has passed Ten Thousand Mountains!" Su Yi replied.

These four lines of poems are the emergency communication code left by the eagle.

The eagle left Su Yi this set of joint codes because he was worried that something would happen to him, and Su Yi would become a broken kite, so he told Su Yi that if he died, only those who could match the four lines of the poem would be able to believe Su Yi.

Only Eagle and Boss Dai knew these four poems, and they were extremely confidential.

The eagle is the only person who knows the identity of the crow, and also the only contact person of the crow, so Su Yi guesses that the crow also knows this set of codes.

It now appears that he guessed right.

"Are you a thrush?" Wang Tianxiang looked at Su Yi as if he was meeting Su Yi for the first time.

"I am Thrush." ​​Su Yi said calmly, "Hello, Crow."

At this moment, Zhang Li, who was kneeling on the side, was stunned, his brain was completely exhausted.

Wang Tianxiang raised her chin to Zhang Linu: "Is there anything else I want to ask?"

Su Yi shook his head.

Zhang Li seemed to realize something, and his expression changed drastically.

But the next moment, a bullet directly passed through Zhang Li's head.

There was still fear and unwillingness in his eyes, and he fell into a pool of blood, dying in such a daze.

In fact, his death was already doomed from the moment he became Su Yi's dark son.

A person who is so easy to be used by others, who is so easy to be bought by money, and has so many secrets, if he doesn't die, who will die?

Two guards barged in again.

Wang Tianxiang ordered: "Go ahead with the notification, everything will remain as usual, and take it easy, Chief Takeda."


Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, and he couldn't guess that Wang Tianxiang never went out, but in fact all the conditions of the two buildings were under his control.

"You really surprised me..." Wang Tianxiang looked at Su Yi with a little emotion, "I have too many questions in my heart for you to answer, but what I want to know most is why are you so sure that I am a crow ?”

 Originally posted yesterday, sorry, I didn't get home until midnight last night.Today's Mother's Day, I wish all mothers a happy holiday, and don't forget to give gifts to mothers.

(End of this chapter)

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