Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 334 Candid

Chapter 334 Candid
Based on the settlement stage of the last performance task, Su Yi judged that one of them must be "pretending to be loyal" based on the fact that Wu Zhiguo and Wang Tianxiang were facing the arrest of military spies and their success was on the verge of failure.

At that time, he guessed that Wu Zhiguo was a crow, but he guessed wrong.

If Wu Zhiguo is excluded, there is a high probability that it will be Wang Tianxiang!
This is just one of them.

From the derivation process of the conclusion, Wang Tianxiang actually has many things that are very doubtful.

Looking at Wang Tianxiang's "historical achievements", as the chief of the Secret Service, although this person has achieved "remarkable" and fruitful results, most of them are aimed at the underground party and the Central Command, while the gains from the Military Command are almost the same. , On the contrary, there will always be some controversial incidents.

This is one of them.

Second, as early as before the eagle had evacuated, Su Yi knew that there must be a well-informed military spy lurking in the headquarters, and this person's ability to obtain information was still higher than that of the commander's secretary.When Takeda founded the Takeda Society, this person was able to get information, and Su Yi's investigation of who had sneaked into his home also benefited from this "powerful person".

Later, Liu Ye clearly told Su Yi that this person was called Crow, which kind of confirmed Su Yi's guess.

In fact, there are not many people who are so capable and capable in terms of intelligence. It is nothing but Wang Tianxiang, Wu Zhiguo and Jin Shenghuo. Combining the "first" reason, it is easy to find that Wang Tianxiang is the most suspected in this suspicious point.

So although it is not 100% sure that Wang Tianxiang is the crow, Su Yi is at least [-]% sure that it is him!

With such a high probability, you can definitely gamble.

Su Yi had to find a helper, because he only temporarily used his superb acting skills to stabilize Takeda, and pressed the short pause button for the countdown to his death.

Once Takeda has any doubts about him, Su Yi will be forever lost!
He is a little secretary with no identity, no background, and no strength. It is impossible for him to fight against Takeda.

Zhang Yiting was unreliable, the only helper he could think of was the crow, and it could only be the crow.

Although Su Yi knew very well that even a crow might not be reliable.

Even comrades-in-arms in the same trench, in order to protect themselves, it is not uncommon for them to kill each other with black knives.

If the appearance of Su Yi makes the crow feel a great threat, then Su Yi believes that the crow will kill him without hesitation!

If it was Su Yi, he would do the same.

In fact, Wang Tianxiang's previous performance made Su Yi suspect that he really found the wrong person.

Wang Tianxiang's acting is too similar!

Not only did he not admit that he was a crow, but he even called for help, calling for someone to catch Su Yi!

At that time, if Su Yi couldn't hold his breath at all, he was afraid that the result now would be either he was shot to death, or he was tied to the execution rack again.

Fortunately, he was sure of his own judgment and looked at the status quo based on the results, so it was easy to see that Wang Tianxiang was acting——

You are all crows, how bad is your mental quality?Will be scared to run in by a person who blew himself up?

If Wang Tianxiang really didn't want to recognize Su Yi, the thrush bird, he could calm down and stabilize Su Yi, and then find a chance to take down Su Yi in one fell swoop. There was no need to take such risks as before.

So Su Yi saw through Wang Tianxiang's seeming timidity at a glance at the time, but in fact the purpose of probing was to speak directly to Zhang Li, you and me, revealing all about his current situation and purpose.

Wang Tianxiang is naturally a very smart person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get along so well in the headquarters as an undercover agent, with great power.

One is honest and honest, and the other is exquisite, so Wang Tianxiang immediately saw through the delicate relationship between Su Yi and Zhang Li.

Not only that, but he also thought of the incident that Su Yi saved Zhang Li's life two months ago, and guessed that the two had a tacit understanding and had been acting.

In addition, he was ordered by the eagle to find out that Gu Xiaomeng had invaded Su Yi's house.

Etc., etc……

Summarizing all kinds of information, Wang Tianxiang has basically confirmed that Su Yi is not lying.

He is another nail placed by the military commander in the headquarters - Thrush!
But what Wang Tianxiang couldn't understand was why Huamei guessed her identity?
It shouldn't be...

"Because you warned me yesterday." Su Yi gave the answer lightly—although it was not correct, it was an absolutely standard answer.

"I suspected that you were the crow from various sources of information above." Su Yi said, "When I went to find you yesterday, you warned me with that female underground party, so I was even more sure it was you. You have been You are a cautious person, if you are not a crow, if you do not suspect that I am a thrush, you don't need to tell me that at all."

Wang Tianxiang was thoughtful: "Then what do you think is the purpose of me telling you those words?"

"Test." Su Yi said, "You saw that I had contact with Li Ningyu, so you tested me."

Wang Tianxiang's eyes paused.

This detail was keenly captured by Su Yi, and he immediately confirmed that Li Ningyu's identity had actually been exposed in front of Wang Tianxiang!
He knew that even Wang Tianxiang, who could find out when Wutian formed the Wutian Club, how could he not know that Wutian had arrested Li Ningyu's boyfriend Liu Linzong?How could he not know that Wutian had contacted Li Ningyu alone?
With these doubts, how could Wang Tianxiang not pay more attention to Li Ningyu?

"Why should I test you because you have had contact with Li Ningyu?" Wang Tianxiang continued to ask.

"Why do you ask knowingly?" Su Yi sighed, "Crow, be direct!"

"Okay!" Wang Tianxiang smiled, "Then I'll be more straightforward. Do you know that Li Ningyu is an underground party?"


Su Yi remained motionless, and said calmly, "I know."

"When did you know?" Wang Tianxiang continued to ask.

"Yesterday." Su Yi said.

"Then you came into contact with her yesterday..." Wang Tianxiang had a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was deliberately drawn out.

"In order to confirm her identity," Su Yi said, "she approached me suddenly during this time, and I began to suspect her. I received information that the special envoy of the underground party was coming, and knew that we would soon block martial law. If Li Ningyu was an underground party , I must take this opportunity to pass on the news. So I deliberately approached her."

"Then are you sure?" Wang Tianxiang asked.

"I'm sure." Su Yining nodded, "She is an underground party, and I got the information she wanted to pass on!"

"What's written in the information?" Wang Tianxiang asked again.

"Tell Tiger quickly, the whereabouts of Special Envoy 201 have been exposed, and the Heroes' Meeting will be cancelled! Old devil." Su Yi said slowly.

A look of disappointment appeared in Wang Tianxiang's eyes.

Su Yi didn't know why he was disappointed, disappointed that he didn't lie?
"Why didn't you report her?" Wang Tianxiang asked lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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