Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 361 Confession

Chapter 361 Confession
No one paid any attention to the "trash" Su Yi.

Naturally, no one wanted to search his stinky crotch.

He shivered and curled up on the ground, looking terrified.

Even Shibuya, who was full of disgust, came aggressively and wanted to whip Su Yi a few times, but Wu Zhiguo stopped him.

"Don't touch him." He looked at Su Yi with disdain, "He urinates and poops, and he twitches at every turn... This man has a weak body and a weak mind. If you want to ask him anything, ask him directly, but he wouldn't dare to refuse." Say."

"I said, I said everything! I said everything!" Su Yi cried tremblingly.

"Bah!" Wu Zhiguo spit on Su Yi and turned his head away in disgust.

"Shibuya, bring some warm food to Director Wang, he is in good health and can hold on." Wu Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Hi!" Shibuya grinned, picked up the soldering iron in one side of the brazier, and pressed the red-hot soldering iron on Wang Tianxiang's chest.


"Uh..." Wang Tianxiang twisted her body like a drowning fish, screaming indescribably.

A smell of burnt flesh immediately filled the room, making people sick.

When Shibuya took off the soldering iron, a large piece of charred and roasted flesh stuck to the sizzling soldering iron, and was torn from Wang Tianxiang's chest.

"Ah... ah..." Wang Tianxiang screamed until his throat was torn apart, but he still refused to stop.

This kind of inhuman pain is really not something a human can bear.

Both Su Yi and Li Ningyu couldn't bear to look away.

Wu Zhiguo's face was also a little ugly, but he didn't stop.

"Director Wang, your body is all dirty, let me help you brush it!" Shibuya showed a cruel smile on his face, took a steel brush from the tool rack on one side, dipped it in salt water, After dipping it in chili water, he walked up to Wang Tianxiang with a smile, and brushed down on his bloody chest!

When it comes down, it's just a string of shredded pork.

"Ah..." Wang Tianxiang's eyeballs were about to pop out, and her face was full of veins.


one more time.

"I'll say it! I'll say it!" Wang Tianxiang yelled out with almost the last of his strength.

Shibuya was stunned, smacking his lips with unsatisfied intentions, then turned his head to Wu Zhiguo and said, "Mr. Hangwei, he gave in!"

Su Yi stared blankly at this scene.

This moment is his most dangerous moment, because Wang Tianxiang's surrender means that he may confess Su Yi at any time.

Su Yi may be exposed at any time!

It stands to reason that Su Yi should hate Wang Tianxiang.

But he couldn't hate it.

He witnessed the inhuman torture that Wang Tianxiang suffered, and he couldn't imagine, who could endure such torture?
There will never be anyone!
This is by no means a terrible punishment that humans can bear!
So, surrender is normal.

According to the enemy, if you recruit early, you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood.

It's pointless to resist and say nothing!
Because the enemy will use various methods to break through the lower limit to torture you, step by step they will turn you into a pool of rotten meat that you can't recognize yourself, and won't let you die...

No one can endure the seemingly endless torture!

At this time, to be able to have a good shot is really the happiest thing in the world!
Su Yi forced himself to calm down, he knew that the time had come to decide his own destiny!
He had a gun in his crotch.

But once this gun is taken out, Su Yi has no way out!
Even if he could kill Wu Zhiguo and Shibuya, would he be able to kill the Zhepeng military police guarding outside?

He could kill ten, but could he kill a hundred?
In this manor surrounded by zhepeng gendarmes, raising a gun to resist is definitely the worst way, it is a suicide attack!

So, he can't pull out the gun!

Therefore, Wu Zhiguo had to die violently!

Now he can only hope for Liu Ye's method to provoke Wu Zhiguo without revealing his identity, so that the hidden dangers in Wu Zhiguo's body will be detonated and he will be killed on the spot!
Su Yi was thinking about all kinds of possibilities. At this moment, he suddenly heard Li Ningyu say: "Captain Wu, I want to confess!"

Su Yi suddenly raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Li Ningyu.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Li Ningyu wants to confess?how is this possible?

Su Yi didn't believe it at all, his first reaction was that Li Ningyu wanted to do something!
She is lying to Wu Zhiguo, what is she trying to do?
Combining what I said to Li Ningyu before that Wang Tianxiang is from the background of the military command, combined with the situation I am facing, and the information that the underground party has yet to pass on...

The astonishment in Su Yi's eyes has turned into shock.

He faintly felt what Li Ningyu was going to do!


Li Ningyu is ready to sacrifice herself at this time!

Su Yi told her that Wang Tianxiang is a member of the military commander, and now that Wang Tianxiang is going to rebel, Su Yi may be betrayed in the next moment!

Li Ningyu knew very well that she would definitely not be able to survive, she was doomed, and now she could only hope that Su Yi would pass on the information.

Su Yi is her last hope, and she will never allow her last glimmer of hope to be shattered.

For this reason, she is willing to give everything, even if she sacrifices herself!

Besides, she was already ready to sacrifice, and she knew very well that she had to sacrifice if she didn't sacrifice. Unless she rebelled, she had no choice at all.

Her plan is also very simple, that is to pretend to use Tiger's information to attract Wu Zhiguo's attention, let him let go of himself first, and then find an opportunity to kill Wang Tianxiang, so that he has no chance to confess Su Yi!

Tiger is the No. [-] figure in the underground party organization in Wugong City, and Li Ningyu feels that the bait is definitely big enough.

It's a pity that what Li Ningyu doesn't know is that this Wu Zhiguo is not that Wu Zhiguo, he is not interested in tigers at all, he is only interested in actors.

Her plan was doomed to fail before it even started!

Sure enough, Li Ningyu didn't even have time to say anything, Wu Zhiguo waved his hand and said, "Section Chief Li, I'll talk about your matter later, I don't have time to talk to you now."

"What I'm going to talk about is about the tiger!" Li Ningyu said emphatically.

Wu Zhiguo looked at her suspiciously, and said, "I don't listen to anyone's business now!"

After finishing speaking, I stopped talking to Li Ningyu, and said to Wang Tianxiang: "Wang Tianxiang, tell me, what is your identity? What is your background?"

"I am an agent of the military commander lurking in the Bandit Suppression Headquarters, codenamed Crow." Wang Tianxiang said weakly intermittently.

"Crow!" Wu Zhiguo's eyes brightened, "So, the previous missions to encircle and suppress the military commander failed for various reasons, is it really your fault?"

"You, haven't you already guessed it?" Wang Tianxiang said weakly.

"Are you an actor?" Wu Zhiguo stared at him and asked.

"Actor?" Wang Tianxiang smiled bitterly, "I'm not, I'm not..."

(End of this chapter)

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