Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 362 0376 Sacrifice!

Chapter 362 0376 Sacrifice!

"I guess you're not an actor either!" Wu Zhiguo sighed and frowned.

He was slightly silent, and continued to ask: "Who else is your accomplice in the headquarters?"

As soon as these words came out, both Su Yi and Li Ningyu subconsciously held their breath!

The whole room seemed to be quiet!

Although he was well prepared, Su Yi's heart almost jumped out of his throat at this moment!
This is the moment to decide his fate!

"There is an accomplice..." Wang Tianxiang said weakly.

Su Yi's heart has sunk to the bottom!

He knew that maybe in the next moment, everyone's attention would focus on himself as Wang Tianxiang said his name.

If he can't make Wu Zhiguo believe that Wang Tianxiang is just biting people and avenging his personal revenge, and if he can't get rid of the suspicion, then all his pretense of being crazy, shitting and peeing in the early stage will become a joke!

"His accomplice is me."

At this moment, Li Ningyu said quietly.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Wu Zhiguo and Su Yi were stunned, even the weak Wang Tianxiang looked over in astonishment.

But at this moment, Su Yi felt cold all over his body, and all his luck disappeared completely with this sentence.

If there was a 90.00% chance of Wang Tianxiang confessing, then at this moment, with Li Ningyu's opening, the possibility of him confessing Su Yi, the thrush, has become [-]%!
Wang Tianxiang has always spared no effort in dealing with the underground party. He hates the underground party even more than he hates the Zhe Peng people.

Li Ningyu rushed to take over the identity of an accomplice for Su Yi, what would Wang Tianxiang think of this?
He would think that maybe Thrush has been instigated by the underground party long ago!

Especially at this moment, when he thinks back to the scene where Su Yi intercepted Li Ningyu's intelligence, he will be very sure that Su Yi's heart has already flown to the underground party!

Then if he confesses Su Yi again, he will have no psychological burden!

Because Su Yi has changed from a robe to an enemy!

Su Yi slowly closed his eyes, losing all his luck at this moment, instead he calmed down miraculously.

He didn't blame Li Ningyu for doing bad things with good intentions, because Li Ningyu said that he was ready to die for him.

How could he blame someone who wanted to die for him?
"Are you his accomplice?" Wu Zhiguo looked at Li Ningyu incredulously, as if meeting her for the first time, "Aren't you an underground party? When did you become a military commander?"

"Double agent, is it weird?" Li Ningyu smiled lightly, "Wu Zhiguo, I can tell you everything you want to know, but the premise is that you let Wang Tianxiang go first, as long as you let him go, I will tell you everything. Including the tiger, including the military control station in Wugong City, and even the secret mission of the 201 special envoy, Old K, and a senior secret spy who has been in Yancheng's Nanjing Garrison Headquarters in Zhe Peng for many years!"

She was trying her best to seduce Wu Zhiguo, and she also sent a message to Wang Tianxiang - don't confess to Bai Xiaonian, I can die for you and save your life!
According to common sense, Wu Zhiguo would feel like he had found a treasure at this moment, and he would talk to Li Ningyu with full expectation.

And it is really possible for Wang Tianxiang to save his life.

If it really develops according to Li Ningyu's idea, I'm afraid Wang Tianxiang will not refuse.

Who would really want to be a shameful traitor if they could walk out alive and not betray?
But in fact, as soon as Li Ningyu finished speaking, Su Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Li Ningyu had no idea what Wu Zhiguo really wanted to know!
Everything she said had nothing to do with Wu Zhiguo, and Wu Zhiguo would not be interested in what she said at all.

Wu Zhiguo now only cares about who is the actor, and only cares about his performance tasks.

Li Ningyu's temptation is so great, not only won't Wu Zhiguo lose his composure, but it will make Wu Zhiguo doubt her.

Too much too!

Sure enough, Wu Zhiguo showed a playful smile and said, "Are you willing to make such a big sacrifice for Wang Tianxiang? Who are you, Wang Tianxiang?"

"He is my lover and my comrade. I don't want to see him suffer, let alone become a traitor and be cast aside by others." Li Ningyu said in a low voice.

clap clap clap...

Wu Zhiguo applauded: "It's a very convincing statement... But, Li Ningyu, I don't believe you."

"Why?" Li Ningyu asked.

"Because I know very well that even if the old ghost changes again, he will not rebel..." Wu Zhiguo smiled complicatedly, feeling a little emotional.

"However, your motives for doing this are very doubtful." Wu Zhiguo looked thoughtfully, then looked at Wang Tianxiang, "Perhaps, Director Wang, can you explain to me? Why did you save you, the old ghost of the underground party?"

Su Yi clenched his fists unconsciously.

Wang Tianxiang was silent for a moment, then quietly said:

"I probably know why."

"Oh?" Wu Zhiguo smiled, "Then I have to listen to Chief Wang's advice."

As soon as Li Ningyu's expression changed, she was about to interrupt again. At this moment, she suddenly saw Su Yi winking at her cryptically, and then shook her head.

"I also know that there is someone very wrong," Wang Tianxiang continued, "This person hides it very deeply, but he is really wrong. I overheard him talking about actors..."

Before the words finished, Wu Zhiguo's face changed drastically!
He rushed to Wang Tianxiang almost with a bang, and couldn't wait to ask, "Who is this person?"

Last actor!
The last actor hides too deeply, he can't find it no matter what!
He suspects that the last actor is not a key figure in the plot, but a marginal role.

Or someone who has an important status but doesn't have many dramas!
As for Bai Xiaonian, he had already ruled out his suspicions!

Especially after this Bai Xiaonian peed on his crotch twice and pulled his trouser pocket once.

Wang Tianxiang gasped weakly, licked his lips for a while and said, "I want to live! You have to promise to let me go!"

"Okay!" Wu Zhiguo agreed without hesitation, "As long as you don't lie to me, as long as you tell me everything you know, I promise, I will let you leave alive!"

"Ho ho ho..." Wang Tianxiang smiled weakly, "Sincerely, Captain Wu, you talk empty teeth, how can I believe it? I don't beg you to let me go now, at least you let me go first and give me a painkiller injection." , give me some more water? I feel like I'm dying..."

He tilted his head almost in a state of collapse, breathing heavily.

Wu Zhiguo saw that his condition was really worrying, he squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then turned his head and told Shibuya: "Let go of him first, and pour him a glass of water."

"Thank you, thank you." Wang Tianxiang smiled with relief.

Seeing that the situation was going in the direction she least expected, Li Ningyu was very anxious.

At this moment, Su Yi was staring at Wang Tianxiang in a daze.

Li Ningyu doesn't understand, it's all like this, why is Su Yi still indifferent?
Wang Tianxiang was let go, and he was almost supported by two Zhe Peng soldiers and placed on a chair.

He leaned his whole body on the table, panting heavily, as if he couldn't even sit still.

A Zhe Peng soldier came over with a jar of water, he picked it up tremblingly, his teeth chattering, touched the mouth of the cup with a "thump, thud, thump", and drank the jar of water until there was not a single drop left. .

"Can we talk now?" Wu Zhiguo, who had been watching coldly, said lightly.

"Say, of course I want to tell." Wang Tianxiang smiled, "I can't stand the torture, I can only confess."

He turned his head with difficulty, looked at Li Ningyu, then looked at Su Yi, finally turned his head, looked at Wu Zhiguo, smiled weakly and said: "In the past, when I sentenced those underground parties, I was thinking, they are stupid. Not stupid? It was broken and tortured to the point where it was completely useless, so it was too stupid to recruit..."

"Others, they were simply tortured to death without opening their mouths."

"I was thinking at the time, if I got to this point one day, I would either confess from the beginning, or I would die to the end."

Wu Zhiguo looked at him blankly, with impatience gradually showing in his eyes.

"Today, I finally understand what those underground parties think." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "Today...I plan to carry it to the end today, but I really can't take it...It hurts so much, I I can't bear it! I can't bear it for another second!"

His voice trembled: "The red-hot iron was pressed on my flesh, and it was so hot that my feces and urine came out... The steel brush brushed my ribs one by one...I really can't bear it!"

"I finally understand those underground parties." Wang Tianxiang looked at Wu Zhiguo and said tremblingly, "Why are they so stupid? Their stupidity is because of their beliefs! Their beliefs do not allow them to do nothing or go to nothing If you bear it, you will betray!"

"All the pain they endured was because of their faith! So even if some of them finally rebelled, the doctrine they believed in should not be blamed on them, because they have paid enough for their faith!"

"Wang Tianxiang!" Wu Zhiguo interrupted him, "You have paid enough for your beliefs! There is a limit to everything, and you have done your best! Now, let's get down to business!"

"Okay, okay..." Wang Tianxiang said a little anxiously just now, and now he was gasping for breath. He forced a smile and said, "I also feel that I have done my best, Team Wu, do you know what I think now?"

Wu Zhiguo frowned, and asked impatiently, "What do you think?"

Panting, Wang Tianxiang stretched out two fingers and said, "Two, two things! I'm thinking about two things!"

"First, I am not as good as those underground parties that I have interrogated, even those traitors who finally confessed."

After a pause, he continued: "Second, they are worthy of their am I."

Me too……

Wu Zhiguo watched him just about to speak——


Wang Tianxiang suddenly roared and exploded!

He jumped up, threw himself on Wu Zhiguo, and bit Wu Zhiguo's neck hard!
Then the two fell to the ground together!
This scene happened extremely suddenly!

No one could have expected it at all!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Tianxiang, who was so weak that he couldn't even speak, threw Wu Zhiguo to the ground!

"Ugh..." It wasn't until Wu Zhiguo howled in pain that everyone came to their senses!
Su Yi's hot blood surged up with a "swipe", drowning his whole body in an instant. From the time Wang Tianxiang used an actor to seduce Wu Zhiguo, he vaguely realized something, but seeing this scene with his own eyes, he was still shocked. Nothing can be added!
He got up almost immediately to help Wang Tianxiang!

But at this moment, Shibuya rushed forward and kicked Wang Tianxiang hard on the head!
Su Yi, who had already got up, stopped in an instant, and stood in place with force.

Shibuya kicked three times in a row, roared and pulled Wang Tianxiang's hair, and punched him hard in the face several times, Wang Tianxiang let go of the pain, and was thrown aside by Shibuya .

His mouth was full of blood, and there was a piece of flesh in his mouth.

"Ahhh... bastard! bastard!" Wu Zhiguo clutched his neck and wailed bitterly.

"Pfft!" Wang Tianxiang spat out his flesh and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Baga!" Shibuya was strangely angry, and drew his gun at Wang Tianxiang.

"Don't! Don't shoot!" Wu Zhiguo shouted hastily.

He hated Wang Tianxiang so much in his heart, but he knew that killing Wang Tianxiang now would only make him cheaper!

Only when Wang Tianxiang was alive did he have the opportunity to slowly concoct this person and let him confess everything he wanted to know!
Hearing Wu Zhiguo's call, Shibuya subconsciously looked back.

At this moment, Wang Tianxiang suddenly got up with the last of his strength.

"Long live Huaguo!"

He screamed and sprayed blood, and ran to the stove where the soldering iron was burning.

Shibuya was taken aback, and subconsciously thought that Wang Tianxiang was about to resist grabbing the gun or something, so he took a step back.

But he soon found out that Wang Tianxiang ran to the stove, his expression changed drastically, and he ran after her!

But the room is not big, and it is only a few steps away, so how can there be time?
Wang Tianxiang walked to the stove in two or three steps, grabbed the red-hot coal in the stove, and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation!
Shibuya arrived and grabbed Wang Tianxiang by the collar.

Unexpectedly, Wang Tianxiang's eyes were wide open with anger, and black smoke was coming out of his mouth, but he suffocated into the furnace.


He stuffed his whole face into it, and the flesh was burning!
Although he was picked out by Shibuya the next moment and thrown to the ground, his face was completely inhuman.

Su Yi's eyes were about to burst, and at this moment, hot tears burst out of his eyes!

His chest is about to explode!
Shibuya frantically pressed Wang Tianxiang's head with one hand, pinched his cheeks with the other hand, and shouted angrily: "Spit it out! Spit it out!"

"Woo... woo..." Wang Tianxiang struggled violently, his eyes were so burned that he couldn't see, but Shibuya had an illusion, as if Wang Tianxiang was still staring at him angrily.

A witty Shibuya let go subconsciously.


The next moment, Wang Tianxiang swallowed the charcoal.

Soon, Wang Tianxiang's neck was completely burned.

His limbs also went limp, completely motionless.

Shibuya slumped on the ground, looking at the motionless Wang Tianxiang, with endless confusion in his eyes.

Wu Zhiguo ran over madly holding his bleeding neck. He looked at Wang Tianxiang's body in disbelief, and suddenly slapped Shibuya hard!
"Bastard! Trash! Damn you!" He yelled angrily!

He swayed, feeling dizzy.

The teary-eyed Su Yi suddenly raised his head to look at Wu Zhiguo, gritted his teeth and said, "You're a waste! You're a waste! You're a waste even if you have the advantage!"

Wu Zhiguo looked at Su Yi in a daze, but hadn't reacted yet.

"You're an idiot, you're self-righteous, but you're not bullshit!" Su Yi gritted his teeth and cursed every word, "You are simply an imbecility, if I were you, I would kill you with a headshot, you are like a dog, you deserve to be tricked! Pooh!"

Wu Zhiguo looked at Su Yi in a daze, and suddenly pointed at Su Yi with wide eyes.

The next moment, his face suddenly flushed red, showing an expression of incomparable pain.


He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, then stared at his eyes, stiffened all over, and fell straight backwards.

His body fell heavily to the ground.

Then, no more life!
Blood slowly flowed out from his seven orifices.

(End of this chapter)

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