Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 364 0379 End of this volume

Chapter 364 0379 End of this volume

Soon, the car was ready, and when going out, Su Yi suggested: "Captain Shibuya, when I was locked in the basement, I heard that there was also a female underground party locked up inside, that was thanks to you." Ah, I can't let it go! I think you should take it with you and show it to Lieutenant General Hangwei!"

"Yes, credit is not afraid of too much!" Shibuya suddenly realized, and hurriedly sent someone to take it.

It has now been determined that Lin Yingchun did not rebel. This respectable woman has survived all kinds of terrible and cruel punishments and persevered for her beliefs to the end.

Unfortunately, the guards soon dragged Lin Yingchun's body up.

She is dead.

"Made, the useless Chinese woman!" Shibuya cursed and waved his hands, "Get rid of her!"

Su Yi's heart was heavy, but his mouth said regretfully: "Blame her for being unlucky, and share your worries with Captain Shibuya."

The car was a small car, Shibuya sat in the passenger seat, Su Yi, Li Ningyu who was handcuffed, and another Zhe Pengbing sat in the back seat.

Under the anxious atmosphere deliberately created by Su Yi, Shibuya was afraid that Takeda would go to the front of Hangwei first and the villain would file a complaint first, so he immediately urged the driver to set off to the Gongchenqiao Concession.

When the car drove out of Baicaotang, Su Yi couldn't help but look back.

This manor, which has carried too many deaths, becomes more and more quiet, gloomy and chilling in the dusk.

Li Ningyu sat in the middle of the back seat, she looked at Su Yi secretly, she wanted to know Su Yi's plan, she was very cooperative.

Su Yi shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no need to do anything.

He looked out of the car window, the car did not enter the city, but took a shortcut to Gongchen Bridge, which was exactly what he wanted.

With one hand blocked by Li Ningyu and the back of the front seat, he reached into his crotch, quietly opened the safety catch of the gun, and took it out.

He quickly glanced at the environment in the car.

He poked the gun from behind Li Ningyu and pointed it at the head of Zhe Pengbing in the back row. Without any hesitation, he resolutely pulled the trigger!

Blood sprayed on the shattered glass!
Su Yi quickly moved his gun and pointed it at the front passenger almost at the same time as the gun was fired.

At this time, Shibuya was startled when he heard the movement and subconsciously turned his head to look back, and Su Yi's gun was directly on his forehead.

Pull the trigger, a headshot!
Without any hesitation, Su Yi pointed his gun at the driver's head and yelled, "Stop!"


The driver slammed on the brakes.

The strong inertia caused Su Yi to lean forward suddenly, but Su Yi had been prepared for a long time. He separated his feet and held the back of the driver's seat tightly with one hand, so he was not thrown out.

Before the car stopped, he pulled the trigger on the driver's head!

third shot,

The car pulled to the side of the road, hit a tree and came to a stop.

Su Yi stabilized his body, immediately stretched out his hand to open the car door, and said to Li Ningyu, "Get out of the car!"

Although Li Ningyu was shocked in his heart, he also knew that this was not the time to hesitate, so he immediately moved under the car.

Su Yi didn't pause, went to the passenger seat and opened the door, and searched Shibuya's body.

A pistol, and keys to the handcuffs.

He unlocked the handcuffs for Li Ningyu, then handed the gun to Li Ningyu, looked left and right, distinguished the direction, and said, "Come with me!"

The two didn't speak any extra words, one in front of the other, and soon disappeared into the dense forest by the roadside.

The sun gradually set, and one day passed.

An hour later, in a small town near Wugong City, Su Yi and Li Ningyu had already changed their outfits. They dressed up as peasant couples going to the market, and left the market with their agricultural products.

Safe for now.

Standing under a small hill on the side of the road, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The string that had been tense was only relaxed at this time, and for a while, both of them were a little tired.

"We can't go back to Wugong City." Su Yi said to Li Ningyu, "Now Zhe Peng must have found Shibuya's body, and we must be wanted. Sister Yu, you'd better contact your organization immediately, and then Transfer as soon as possible."

Li Ningyu asked, "What about you?"

"I have to withdraw too." Su Yi said, "Don't worry, I have a solution."

Li Ningyu was very emotional: "I really didn't expect that I could come out alive this time. The rest of my life after the catastrophe is really emotional."

She looked at Su Yi: "Xiaobai, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I hope to have a chance to repay you in the future."

"It's all about serving the country, so let's not talk about repaying it." Su Yi said lightly, "Compared to the crow and the old man, what I have done is insignificant at all."

Li Ningyu's expression also became a little sad, and he said after a long time: "Xiaobai, don't be sad. Although their bodies perish, their souls will always be with us. The enemy will not understand that the old man and the crow are not a person, but a kind of Spirit, a belief!"

"Xiaobai, their sacrifices are precious and worthy of respect, but what you have done, Xiaobai, is the most difficult thing to do!" Li Ningyu suddenly took Su Yi's hand, "You have created an impossible Miracle!"

"I'm just afraid of death." Su Yi laughed at himself.

"You are not afraid of death," Li Ningyu looked at him deeply, "You are just afraid that no one will inherit the unfinished business. Xiaobai, you are a true patriot!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not as noble as you think."

The subject changed, and he said again: "Anyway, I'm very glad to meet you, let's stay here."

Li Ningyu said: "Xiaobai, have you ever thought about joining our organization?"

Su Yi was startled, then smiled and said, "Is it so direct?"

"There is no need for those twists and turns between you and me?" Li Ningyu looked deeply at Su Yi and said, "Xiaobai, Juntong is definitely not a good place! And you have always regarded us as scourges, although you have made great contributions this time , but no matter what, you saved me, the entire underground party organization in Wugong City, and the special envoy of the 201 chief, Old K, is an indisputable fact!"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Dai Li will know about this sooner or later. When they say that you have something to do with us, can you explain it clearly? What will you do if they deal with you according to the family law of the military commander?"

"Xiaobai, you should understand me. I don't say this to take advantage of others' dangers, nor do I want to threaten you with revenge. I'm just really worried about you!"

"I understand." Su Yi smiled, "You want me to go with you?"

"Yes." Li Ningyu nodded, "Xiaobai, come with me, I will try my best to persuade the organization to let you go to Yancheng, and you will live there in the future! Based on what you have done this time, I have great confidence ! Xiaobai, there is a paradise, you will definitely like it.”

Li Ningyu's attitude was sincere and sincere, making it impossible for Su Yi to say no.

But he knew very well in his heart that he would leave this world soon, and it didn't make any sense whether he joined or not.

Su Yi thought for a while, and said: "I'm going to Shanghai to do something next. How about this, you first develop me into an offline, just your personal offline, but it doesn't belong to your organization's internal staff, it's considered Outside."

"When I finish my work in Shanghai, you should also report my situation to your organization. Then, we will talk about this matter."

Li Ningyu shook her head and said: "Xiaobai, don't mention the matter of going offline. I'm not trying to use you for anything, I'm just worried about your safety in the military command, and I want you to stay away from all of this."

"But I should also pursue my due value." Su Yi said with a smile, "I know that sister Yu is doing it for my own good, but you don't have to keep me in a deep house, right?"

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, sister Yu, you don't have to persuade me anymore."

Li Ningyu pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Okay, then do as you say! When are you going to the magic capital?"

"If there is no accident, we should leave overnight." Su Yi said.

"Great." Li Ningyu breathed a sigh of relief, "If this is the case, then I will give you my first task offline."

He looked at Su Yi: "You want to publish a news about the sale of medicinal materials in the Chinese daily in the French Concession tomorrow morning. The contact address should be No. 32 Xiafei Road, and the contact person...just write Mucang."

Su Yi was startled: "What does this mean?"

"This is the secret signal to warn the special envoy, Old K." Li Ningyu did not hide it, "According to the old K's itinerary, he should be in Shanghai now. After I contact the organization, I will naturally send a warning to Old K through normal channels, let him Cancel your plan to come to Martial Arts City. And your publication in the newspaper is actually to ensure double insurance for passing on this information."

After a pause, Li Ningyu said with a smile: "Actually, I have a selfish intention, which is to use this information as a meeting gift from you to the organization. I hope that you and I can become real comrades one day sooner."

"As for Mu Cang... You asked me about the code name of Lao Qiang before, and I told you that there is no such person as Lao Qiang." She said, "But this code name is very good, and I think it suits you very well. Xiaobai, from now on, You are an old gun."

Su Yi's heart was shocked!

"I... am Old Gun?" He pointed at himself and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, from now on, you will be an old gun!"

At this moment, Su Yi's mood fluctuated.

It turned out that there really was an old gun.

Whoever brings out the intelligence of the underground party is the old gun!

In this way, Su Yi bid farewell to Li Ningyu with extremely complicated feelings.

This farewell, goodbye forever.

Su Yi quickly followed the safe evacuation route that Liu Ye said, found the people in the military command, and then rushed to the magic city overnight.

Farewell to everything in Wugong City, including some secrets.

For example, how did Gu Xiaomeng die?

There are various indications that the real person who killed Gu Xiaomeng was Wang Tianxiang, but now that Wang Tianxiang is dead, all the truth may never be seen again.

However, Su Yi came to Shanghai this time not only to evacuate Wugong City, but also for another secret.

That is the assassination of the senior general of the Guojun by the Zhe Peng people in the performance mission.

Before, Su Yi got the names of four people from Wang Tianxiang, and also learned from the dead Zhang Li that the Takeda Society had wanted to send him to Shanghai to participate in an assassination operation.

Combining these two pieces of information, Su Yi guessed that the location of the assassination of General Guojun was in Shanghai.

1941 4 Month 23 Day.

Su Yi arrived in Shanghai just after four o'clock in the morning. When he arrived, he immediately rushed to the Chinese Daily in the French Concession, and hurriedly published the advertisement for the sale of medicinal materials.

Then immediately contact the Juntong Demon City Station, waiting for the other party's contact.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, someone called Su Yi at the front desk of the hotel where he was staying to find him, and they arranged to meet him on the river bank behind the hotel at seven o'clock in the evening in code words.

When Su Yi arrived, it was already dark.

Soon a man with a bowler hat and a scarf covering half his face arrives.

After the two exchanged the secret code, someone introduced him as the deputy major of the intelligence department of the Modu Military Control Station, surnamed Ming.

"Wugong City has already reported your matter to us." Adjutant Ming said, "We also know that you came to Shanghai to investigate the plot of Wugong City's Zhe Peng Intelligence Section Chief Takeda to assassinate the Guojun officer. .I can tell you responsibly that your direction is right!"

Su Yi suddenly lifted his spirits and asked, "Are you also investigating this matter?"

"That's right." Adjutant Ming said, "We found the Wutian Society, and those who arrested them have interrogated them. We found that these people who came from Wugong City are all outsiders. They are just supplementary personnel for the assassination plan and are responsible for the follow-up. Complementary alternatives. So it’s still not clear who Takeda is going to kill.”

"Can you check from our side?" Su Yi asked, "Who are the officers in Modu from our side?"

"That would be too difficult to check." Adjutant Ming sighed and shook his head, "We have asked the troops, and there are quite a few officers who came to Shanghai secretly, and some even came here privately."

Su Yi's eyebrows frowned into a Sichuan character.

"In this way, I have four names here, namely Hao Dingcheng, Long Yaoliang, Zhang Wenqing and Zhang Guoshun," Su Yi said, "help me find out the identities of these four people first."

"Is it the real name?" Adjutant Ming asked, "Apart from the name, is there any other information?"

"I don't know if it's true or not." Su Yi shook his head, "Other information...they suddenly got a lot of money recently."

"It's not easy to check..." Adjutant Ming wondered, "It's okay if it's a real name, but if it's a fake name, then don't get your hopes up."

Su Yi said: "Go ahead and try."

Adjutant Ming arranged a place for Su Yi. Su Yi thought he would have to wait for a long time, but unexpectedly, Adjutant Ming came in the middle of the night.

"These four people have been found!" Adjutant Ming's expression was a little excited, but also a little dignified, "These four names are all real names!"

"Who are they?" Su Yi was also excited.

"Four first-class soldiers from the first battalion, third company, and second platoon of the 88th regiment of the 524th Division of the Guojun Army." Adjutant Ming looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi frowned slightly, and said, "Who are they going to assassinate?"

He didn't know Guo Jun's troop number.

"You don't know which army this is?" Adjutant Ming looked at Su Yi suspiciously, "If you knew this army, you would never ask such a question!"

Su Yi's heart moved, and he said, "I really don't know the number of the troops."

"Then you should know, who was the one who fought in the four-line warehouse four years ago?" Adjutant Ming said quietly.

Su Yi's heart trembled: "You mean, they want to assassinate Xie Jinyuan, Commander Xie?"

Adjutant Ming nodded slowly.

The living room clock rang three times.

At this time, it was already three o'clock in the morning on April 41, 4!
 This volume is over, and there are still some things that have not been explained, such as Gu Xiaomeng's death, there will be a simple review later.There is still the last time, which is actually two hours before Xie Jinyuan was assassinated. It can be regarded as an easter egg that has been hidden in this volume. Adjutant Ming is also an easter egg... The foreshadowing was revealed when the names of the four people were revealed, but everyone Didn't notice... Koko

(End of this chapter)

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