Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 365 0381

Chapter 365 0381
"The performance statement of the fourth act of "The Wind":
Task 1, a series of tasks - innocence.

Mission statement: Prove your innocence.

Show Status: Completed.

Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Mission 2, a series of missions - arresting murderers

Mission description: Find the real murderer who killed Gu Xiaomeng.

Performance status: 50% completed (guess the real culprit, but there is no complete logic for the process and method of committing the crime)

Performance evaluation: average +.

Task reward: 1 director points.

Task 3. Find out all the information about the woman in the basement.

Performance status: 76% complete.

Performance evaluation: average +.

Task reward: 1 director points.

Task 4, series of tasks - replace

Mission description: Pass information on behalf of Li Ningyu.

Show Status: Completed.

Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Task 5. Hide your identity (main task).

Show Status: Completed.

Performance rating: Amazing.

Task reward: 5 director points.

Task 6. Investigate Zhe Peng's plot to assassinate the senior general of the national army (main task).

Show Status: Completed.

Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Mission 7, a series of missions - the background of the crow
Mission Description: Investigate the background of the crow and dig out his story

Performance status: 87% complete
Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Task 8. Determine who is an actor.

Performance status: 100% complete
Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Task 9. Find the old gun
Show Status: Completed.

Performance evaluation: average +.

Task reward: 1 director point

Completion of the fourth act: 74.84%
Act 18 Performance Settlement: You received 41 total director points for the performance in Act [-], and you have accumulated [-] director points so far on this set.

"The Wind" film review group. "

""The Wind" performance statement:

Actor: Su Yi

Performance status: This performance has a total of four acts and 31 performance tasks, all of which have been completed
Performance mission effect settlement:

Get 1 amazing evaluation and get 5 director points (Note: Click to view the specific content of the show)

Get 12 excellent evaluations and get 24 director points (Note: Click to view the specific content of the show)

Get general + 12 evaluations, get 12 director points (Note: Click to view the specific content of the show)

Get 6 general evaluations and get 0 director points (Note: Click to view the specific content of the show)

Your performance evaluation score is the highest among the actors on the set, so you become the best actor on the set, and you will get extra points for amazing evaluation——5 director points.

Your total reward for this performance task: 46 director points.

Current level: professional actor (accumulated 152 director points)
Remuneration: 106 million (signature fee) + 46 (remuneration), a total of 152 million.

Note: This film has been declared for the 2689th Alpha Heavens Film Festival Rookie Film Unit. As the best actor of this film, you have been automatically nominated to apply for this year's Best New Actor Award. Please communicate with the director in time and pay attention to the follow-up awards Happening.

"The Wind" film review group. "

Standing in front of the mirror outside the exit of the studio, Su Yi got dressed, and first silently digested the news from the terminal.

Then, he started to daze.

Bai Xiaonian?
Su Yi?

Step brother?


All kinds of past flashed through his mind like a horse on a horse, and the memories that had really existed kept impacting his mind and subverting his self-cognition.

Su Yi thought sadly: It's hard to say who he is.

Of course he is Su Yi in reality, but isn't he the Bai Xiaonian who finally saved the old ghost and escaped from birth?
Isn't he the stepbrother who used to dominate Hong Kong Island?
He knew that he was playing someone else, but were those experiences and emotions fake?

He can't be really cold, so he can't really just treat it as an act.

He stood there blankly for quite a while before he managed to suppress the feeling of being torn apart.

When he walked out, a kind-looking middle-aged woman wearing glasses and business attire was standing outside the door and smiling at him.

"Director?" Su Yi was startled, and called out with some uncertainty.

This face is indeed the face of No. 032, but it is quite different from Director No. 032 in terms of temperament and attire.

Recalling the weird situation where a company had the same face when No. 031 was there, Su Yi really dare not say that this is No. 032.

"I'm not a director."


The woman smiled gently: "I am the director's personal assistant, you can call me Sister Ai."

"Sister Ai." Su Yi immediately hit the snake with a stick.

"Hey." Sister Ai's smile became stronger, and her voice became softer, "The director has been waiting for you for a long time, come with me."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Ai."

"So nice."


Sister Ai led Su Yi to an office on the second floor, and when she opened the door, a middle-aged woman with a high bun turned around.

Su Yi and Qi's sharp eyes met, and he immediately confirmed that this is 032.
"Hi director." Su Yi greeted with a smile and walked in.

Sister Ai, who was at the back, closed the door quietly, leaving only two people in the room.

No. 032 looked Su Yi up and down, and said slowly: "I have to admit, I underestimated you."

This is her first sentence.

The second sentence is: "Are you interested in becoming my follow-up actor? I appreciate your talent very much. If you follow me in the future, I will not treat you badly."

Su Yi thought for a while and asked, "Can I ask what you think of me now?"

No. 032 smiled and said: "You will become an excellent actor. I had prejudice against you before, it was because someone knew that I would compete for the rookie award in this scene, and they used the loopholes in the rules to temporarily insert two actors , one is you, and the actor who played Takeda. But both of you became professional actors after only three or four sets, so I suspect that you are here to gain qualifications, so I naturally don't like you."

I'm afraid it's more than that...

Su Yi is very clear that this must not be a complete explanation, because the attitude towards him before No. 032 is not just a simple prejudice.


"I'm fine now." Su Yi smiled, "I'm willing to be your co-star, and hope to have a happy cooperation with you in the future."

He didn't know what would happen if he refused?

Maybe it will bear some side effects, maybe not, he is too lazy to think about it, and he is too lazy to gamble.

Rejecting No. 032 may not be beneficial, but not rejecting No. 032 may not be harmful, so he has no reason not to agree.

"You are more courageous than I imagined." No. 032 praised authentically, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, No. 031 and I are both new directors who can only direct realistic themes and have no more than five officially released films. Just like you actors, you also need to accumulate evaluation points to be promoted, so we really need a newcomer actor to assist us in completing the promotion and filming tasks."

"The difference between me and No. 031 is that I only choose a newcomer actor I am optimistic about, let him join the group, and I will train him personally. And No. 031 is to cast a wide net, shoot some experimental films or practice films that cannot be released, and spread them widely." Net, pile up a group of professional actors, and then finally gather these actors together, let them compete like raising Gu, and the one who wins will become his helper. You are just one of his many investments."

"I'm not saying bad things about him, but a fact." No. 032 said, "And I said the ugly things first, following me doesn't mean you're absolutely safe, because my rights are limited, I'm just a conductor, not a composer Home, the fate of actors, I can only guide, not dictate."

"The actor I had my eyes on before was killed by you this time. Alas, he is actually outstanding, but you are even better. You have seen through him, but he has never been able to see through you..."

"You mean, Wu Zhiguo?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"It's him." No. 032 nodded and admitted.

"He died on the set, what will happen in reality?" Su Yi asked in a slight silence.

"He died too." No. 032 looked at Su Yi and said seriously, "Don't take chances, thinking that death on the set is not a real death, that is impossible!"

"Of course, death isn't absolute, but at least if you don't become a first-line lead, you won't have a chance to be reborn! So, Su Yi, try to live on, and don't make fun of your own life!"

Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, he nodded slowly, and asked: "Then those people who went crazy in reality?"

"They're also actors." No. 032 said flatly, "They can't distinguish between reality and acting, and they're insane."

Su Yi couldn't help frowning and said, "Doesn't the company care about this? You are so developed, it's impossible for you to be helpless in the face of actors' mental problems, right?"

"It's really easy for the company to solve." No. 032 said, "But why does the company treat them? They're going crazy if they can't even become professional actors and officially gain fans. Waste of resources on waste?"

Su Yi was silent.

"Think the company is cold-blooded?" No. 032 asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "Natural selection, survival of the fittest, there is nothing to say. If you choose actors like me, and those who wish to take the bait, then there is nothing to blame. The way is your own No matter what the result is, you can’t blame others.”

No. 032 nodded appreciatively: "Yes, that's it! Every actor selected by the company must sign an agreement in advance. If the selected person refuses to sign the contract, he will not even have the chance to act! This is indeed a high mortality rate." career, but the benefits and risks are directly proportional. The cooperation between the company and the actors is an exchange of equal value, which is fair."

It's not fair, Su Yi also boarded the boat.

He shook his head and didn't want to discuss this issue any more. He changed the subject and asked, "Isn't the company afraid that we will reveal the truth about the company in reality?"

"Don't forget the confidentiality agreement you just signed when you joined the company." No. 032 said deeply, "I advise you not to try the power of this agreement! The consequences are absolutely unbearable for you!"

Su Yi nodded slowly.

"You just said, what do you mean by officially harvesting fan points?" Su Yi asked.

"This "The Wind" is the first film that can be officially released as a professional actor, right?" No. 032 explained, "After the film is released, every audience who has watched this film will choose from it. Choose your favorite actor and actress, and if the audience chooses you, then you will get 1 fan value."

"If you have more than [-] fans, you can open the actor mall on the terminal. There are some very good performance props, places for further training, and all kinds of things you can think of and can't think of for sale!"

"Of course, some things are bought with fan points, and some things can only be bought with the director's share. For example, the Takeda you met this time, the props he used, there are only two channels to get them. The first The channel is to spend 1000 director points to buy. The second channel is to get a perfect and three amazing performance task evaluations in a movie, and this item will be rewarded."

"Then when will this movie be released?" Su Yi continued to ask, "Can I see the finished movie?"

"This is the most important thing I want to tell you today." No. 032 looked serious, "I have already sent you a message on the terminal, our film is going to compete for the Best Newcomer Film Award, so we will announce it here It premiered at the Alpha Heavens Film Festival last year, when the time comes, you have to go to the premiere with me and watch your debut show together."

"I have high hopes for this film. I hope to win one of the Rookie Director Award and Rookie Film Award! And your performance impressed the film critics, and they gave you a high score of 46 points. You I also hope to win this year's Best New Actor Award!"

"According to the time in your world, the opening ceremony of the film festival will be held in seven days." No. 032 continued, "It stands to reason that during these seven days, I should familiarize you with many rules and explain some common sense, lest you make jokes at the premiere. "

"But one of the film critics in the film critic group watched you and Takeda's performance, and hoped that the two of you can participate in a TV series shot by one of his juniors." Director No. 032 spread his hands helplessly, "I can't refuse, because I can't offend the film critics." The members of the regiment, so I have already agreed for you."

"But don't worry, I've read about it. This drama is a modern urban drama. There's nothing to fight and kill. The theme is emotion, so it's safe." No. 032 looked at Su Yi, "The most important thing is that this new director is very Dafang, he will directly give you a prop as a signing fee!"

"It's not a one-time item, but a permanent item. Although it's just the lowest chance item, it's still very rare."

"Is that so..."

I can't refuse again...

"When does this scene start?" Su Yi asked.

"Tomorrow." No. 032 said, "Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, you have to come to the company. His shooting time for this scene may take a few days in real time, and the span is relatively long, so it's best to start early, so that you don't miss the first shot." Screening."

"Actually, this is an opportunity for you to sharpen and grow. You don't seem to be very good at emotional dramas, right? Just take this opportunity to exercise. As a professional actor, you should try to make up for it." Your own shortcomings, otherwise you will suffer a lot in future competitions."

(End of this chapter)

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