Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 379 Misunderstood Baichuan Online

Chapter 379 Misunderstood Baichuan Online

After getting out of the underground garage, the two of them didn't communicate much, they walked in tandem.

It wasn't until Qu Xiaoxiao watched Su Yi start a black car that she came to her senses.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened.

She is not the type of Fan Shengmei whose knowledge of cars only stops at the brand stage. Although she doesn't know this car, she can still tell the difference between D-class cars from time to time.

Su Yi drove away very quickly. Qu Xiaoxiao didn't have time to take pictures, but she decisively wrote down the license plate number, then opened Yao Bin's WeChat, entered the license plate number and sent it to him, asking: "VW has a W12, What kind of car is the 6.0L D-class car? Can you help me look up the license plate number, whose name is it in?"

While it was running, she heard a thunderous roar of the engine from far to near, and then she saw a red Porsche 911 parked in a parking space not far away, and a person got out of the car, who was it not Andy?

"I'll go, auntie, let's hit the spot today!" Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes popped out, "There have never been ugly women next to a million-dollar car, but how many decent women can afford to drive this kind of car?"

Qu Xiaoxiao showed a sneering sneer on her face: "I said, why were you so arrogant yesterday? It turns out that she is the mistress of a rich man!"

After Andy left, Qu Xiaoxiao ran to take a picture of the car's license plate number, and then sent it to Yao Bin.

Said: "Yao Bin, guess who owns this car? It is the woman who called the police last night. I am almost dying of curiosity. Help me find out where this car came from? By the way, there is also the car just now. Check!"

After sending the voice, she started the car and was about to set off. At this moment, Yao Bin replied.

"Why did you check the first car? Did the owner hire you?"

Qu Xiaoxiao pressed the voice button and said: "I didn't provoke me, I didn't provoke me, I was just curious, I feel that my neighbors are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, they are really small monsters in the temple, Chiqian Wang Baduo."

Of course Yao Bin recognized Su Yi's license plate, because he was the one who issued the license plate.

Hearing Qu Xiaoxiao's explanation, he hesitated again and again, but still called Su Yi.

After talking about the situation, I finally explained: "My sisters definitely don't mean anything else, just curious, who thinks who drives such an expensive car and lives in such a dilapidated neighborhood? She not only checks yours, she also checks a Porsche. on."

Su Yi shook his head, and began to realize that driving this car was definitely a failure.

He thought it was a novelty for a while, and felt that few people would recognize this discontinued low-key luxury car, so he asked for it as a means of transportation.

But now it seems that this car is not very low-key.

But that's the end of the matter, but there is no need to change the car.

"Just tell her that the owner of the car is not me." Su Yi said.

Qu Xiaoxiao just check it out, and when the time comes, she will say that she borrowed the car.

As an actor, borrowing a luxury car to drive is not a big deal, is it?

As long as you conceal the secret of your new life experience, the rest doesn't really matter.

"Brother Yang, there's no need to be so low-key, right?" Yao Bin didn't understand why Su Yi wanted to hide this.

"It's always bad to be paid too much attention." Su Yi smiled, "Your sisters probably won't pay attention to me when they heard that it was a borrowed car?"

"Of course not." Yao Bin said.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Bin thought about it and acted out the whole set. Since he wanted to say that it was a borrowed car, he had to find out who the original owner of the car was.

So he asked a friend to check the two license plates.

In the afternoon, the news came back.

The owner of the Porsche 911 is Tan Zongming, a wealthy property tycoon in Shanghai, who really surprised Yao Bin, thinking that Qu Xiaoxiao is such a fairy neighbor!
Is this really hidden in the city?

He immediately sent the owner's information to Qu Xiaoxiao.Then he sent Su Yi's car owner information that he had prepared earlier, and then called Qu Xiaoxiao.

"Did you see what I sent you?" Yao Bin asked.

"Who is Tan Zongming?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked while reading the information.

"Big crocodile!" Yao Bin said, "The kind of crocodile that is very far away from you and me, compared to him, our two are nothing, if he raises his eyebrows casually, many companies in Shanghai will go bankrupt!"

"So hot?" Qu Xiaoxiao was a little depressed, "No wonder that girl is so arrogant?"

"I warn you not to mess with her!" Yao Bin said, "If she belongs to Tan Zongming, neither you nor I can afford to mess with her."

"Hey! She called the police to arrest me, okay?" Qu Xiaoxiao said unwillingly. The reason why she was depressed was also because of this, because she found that she couldn't afford to mess with this person. It seemed that she could only suffer from being dumb when she was angry last night.

"I'm too lazy to deal with these little threes and fours." She muttered, "What about the other one?"

"The other one is nothing." Yao Bin deliberately said lightly, "That car is a top-of-the-line VW Phaeton, and it costs more than two million. Look at the owner's information."

"Why is the owner of the car a woman?" Qu Xiaoxiao frowned, "Born in 1962—I'll go, she's already in her fifties, no, the driver is a man in his twenties."

"It may be a relative, or it may be borrowed, or it may be the driver." Yao Bin said, "What's so strange? Well, don't worry about it. I have a friend's bar that opens tonight. Would you like to come over?"

"Okay, I'll treat you tonight." Qu Xiaoxiao said without thinking, "You help me save the game, I'm glad I didn't drink last night, I'll make up for it today."

After hanging up the phone, Qu Xiaoxiao looked at the information of the owner of the Phaeton, and felt that something was wrong, so she searched the name of the owner on the Internet.

She really found it out—the wife of the president of the Bao Group!

"I'm going, can't I be next to a rich woman?" Reminiscent of Su Yi's "Shang Piao" status that Qiu Yingying said, Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and thunder rolled in her heart.

She looked at the bloated and aging body of the middle-aged woman on the screen of her mobile phone, then thought about Su Yi she saw in the elevator yesterday, and finally imagined the scene where the two were stripped naked and rolling together...

She almost spit it out.

"It's amazing! What kind of broken neighborhood do I live in? Either a mistress or a badass, shit!"

That night, Qu Xiaoxiao's friend's bar opened. Coincidentally, the owner of this bar is a friend of Fan Shengmei's friend, so Fan Shengmei also planned to go to the bar to "pinch the tip".

The so-called pinch point means to pinch the "tip point". To put it bluntly, it means to hook up with elite men.

Fan Shengmei is very keen to come and go to this kind of lively Vanity Fair. She dressed herself up happily, and triumphantly instilled in Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer the idea of ​​how good it is to find a high-quality man. She also looked forward to going to the bar tonight. to the point.

When she said this, the door was left open, but Qu Xiaoxiao happened to listen to her.

Qu Xiaoxiao felt like she had fallen into a den of filth!
Xiaosan, Xiaobailian, it's all right now, another girl has popped up!

Unable to hold back at the moment, she satirized Fan Shengmei a few words, and then walked away.

Just when Fan Shengmei was so angry with Qu Xiaoxiao, on the other side, Wang Baichuan managed to get an invitation letter from this bar, and went there full of expectations, intending to have an unexpected romantic encounter with Fan Shengmei.

(End of this chapter)

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