Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 380 0404 Fan Shengmei's desperate situation meets life, and Qu Xiaoxiao is shocked and

Chapter 380 0404 Fan Shengmei's desperate situation meets life, and Qu Xiaoxiao is shocked and secretly
MINT bar.

Flickering lanterns, psychedelic music, men and women writhing wantonly, screaming one after another, unbridled hormones...

Here is heaven, here is hell.

Here is enjoyment, here is depravity.

For Fan Shengmei, all of the above are combined.

Just a second ago, she thought this place was heaven and enjoyed, but when the male partner who invited her here hugged the other two beauties, it turned into a degenerate hell.

Especially when the man and the two women were shaking the sieve together, but she was sitting on the other side of the table like a fool, so embarrassed that she couldn't sit or stand.

Fan Shengmei is not well.

"Hey? Xiao Fan, what are you doing sitting there? Let's play together!" The man greeted her without knowing what to say.

What is it when she is Fan Shengmei?Like these three women, bar atmosphere group?

Fan Shengmei was about to explode with anger, but it was hard to get angry.

He forced a smile on his face and said, "Boss Lu, you guys play first, don't worry about me, I'll go to the bathroom."

After finishing speaking, he quickly got up and walked out.

This scene was watched by Qu Xiaoxiao not far away.

"What are you looking at, Xiaoxiao?" Yao Bin leaned over and asked loudly while twisting his body, "Do you know that girl?"

"Did you forget? You met her, the eldest sister of our neighbor." Qu Xiaoxiao said with a playful smile, "It looks like she was teased by someone. It's so embarrassing... From such a distance, I can't help but stare at her." Goosebumps."

Yao Bin said cheerfully, "Then don't watch it! Let's play our game, why bother with her?"

"That won't work." Qu Xiaoxiao picked up her bag and got up, "I'm also a neighbor anyway, I can't just leave him alone."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the direction where Fan Shengmei left.

"Hey! Xiaoxiao! Xiaoxiao!" Yao Bin didn't stop Qu Xiaoxiao, and was about to chase after him, but was stopped by an acquaintance who insisted on clinking glasses with him, so he had no choice but to give up.

When Qu Xiaoxiao chased after Fan Shengmei, the latter was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom cursing, saying "rascal" and "bastard" faintly.

Qu Xiaoxiao cleared her throat and said, "Tonight is nothing interesting. They are all insiders. Everyone knows everyone. There won't be any surprises."

Fan Shengmei immediately said: "I think it's pretty good, the DJ tonight is quite interesting."

"Come on!" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, "On an occasion like tonight, you only recognize the clothes but not the person, and the beauty is used to tease you!"

Fan Shengmei felt a stab in her heart, she couldn't help but sneered and said, "What about you, beauty?"

"I'm not a woman tonight, I'm here to meet people." Qu Xiaoxiao said indifferently.

She simply pointed out: "Sister Fan, the man next to you is surrounded by fresh and tender young ladies, and he probably can't take care of you. If you want to leave, call me and I will arrange it for you. I won't let you It’s too ugly to walk alone.”

Humiliation and anger flashed in Fan Shengmei's eyes, her chest heaved violently a few times, she forced out a smile, and said, "First, please don't call me sister! Second, he and I are just ordinary friends! Third, I haven't played yet." Have fun, I will leave by myself when I am done playing!"

After all, he walked out without looking back.

Qu Xiaoxiao was stunned, she watched Fan Shengmei leave in disbelief, and it took a while to realize that she was very happy.

"This eldest sister, being so neglected by others, I'm kind enough to help her and show off with me?" The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin!"

She thought it was okay, but she didn't expect to meet an even more angry person as soon as she went out.

As soon as she came out of the bathroom, Qu Xiaoxiao saw a man standing affectionately in front of Fan Shengmei holding a bouquet of flowers, while the latter was covering his mouth with his hands, his eyes full of surprise.

"Shengmei, I really didn't expect to run into you here. This is my first day in Shanghai. God is destined to let me meet the goddess in my heart! Please accept this bouquet of flowers, nothing else It means that it simply represents my admiration for you."

Fan Shengmei's heart exploded with beauty!
For her, Wang Baichuan's appearance was too timely.

When it was most difficult for her to step down, he was like a prince charming, miraculously appeared with flowers, and saved himself from embarrassment and embarrassment.

Especially in full view, she enjoys the attention, like a princess.

The most rare thing is, how beautiful is Wang Baichuan's words?
Just sending flowers as an admirer, asking for nothing else, the goddess in my heart...

How decent and comfortable is this?
How does it look like that Qu Xiaoxiao?
She acted as if I was aloof and wanted to bestow favors on you, making it seem like others begged her for help.

"Shengmei, you wouldn't be so cruel to reject me, would you?" Wang Baichuan said with a wry smile, "Don't blame me for being too Menglang. In fact, it's the first time I've given flowers to a woman. It's all because I can't help but want to give you something to express my feelings." Admiration, if I really offended the beauty because of this, then I would really be guilty of the worst."

"I haven't seen you for a few years, you've become more talkative, Bai Chuan." Fan Shengmei finally came back to her senses and said with a smile.

She tried her best to keep her attitude reserved, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet my old classmates here, why did you come to Shanghai all of a sudden?" she asked.

"The focus of business has shifted, so I decided to come to Shanghai to work hard." Wang Baichuan said with a smile, "tonight I heard from a friend that there are many business elites here. you are my only."

Fan Shengmei is 31 years old. She came here in a big storm. What hasn't she experienced?
It stands to reason that she would always sneer at such nasty rhetoric, but at this moment tonight, when it came out of Wang Baichuan's mouth, she was particularly moved.

"Then, shall we sit over there?" Fan Shengmei suggested softly, shyly dodging Wang Baichuan's excited and eager eyes.

"Okay." Wang Baichuan made a gentle gesture of invitation, and the two walked away talking and laughing.

Qu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded standing at the door of the bathroom.

She had a confused expression, until she returned to her booth, she still hadn't recovered.

Yao Bin saw that something was wrong with Qu Xiaoxiao, so he leaned over to ask her what was wrong.

Qu Xiaoxiao snatched the wine bottle from Yao Bin's hand and blew it all down in one go.

Yao Bin applauded and gave her a thumbs up.

"Why? Why? Ahhh..." Qu Xiaoxiao broke down and yelled, "Destroying the Three Views, too much! I am completely desperate for this dirty world!"

Yao Bin was amused: "What's the matter?"

Qu Xiaoxiao held back her inappropriate idleness, just wanted to vent, and immediately said: "My door-to-door is the mistress Xiaosan of the wealthy tycoon, who drives a Porsche 911; my downstairs is the little boy next to the rich woman, who drives a Porsche [-]." More than two million Phaeton top match; now even my neighbor, a fishing girl in her thirties, has caught Kaizi as soon as she makes a move, and it seems that she is still fascinated by that man. The sky is also driving a BMW Mercedes-Benz!"

"And me? The dignified young lady of the Qu family, a veritable rich second generation, but only deserves to drive a small broken Polo, live in a big room, and even invite friends to drink at home, and people report to the police!"

"Why? What's wrong with this world? Huh? Yao Bin? Tell me, why is this happening?"

Yao Bin sighed, and said, "Xiaoxiao, why is your eyesight not working after you came back from abroad?"

"What do you mean?" Qu Xiaoxiao pointed at Yao Bin with an uneasy expression.

Yao Bin said: "Just the woman opposite you, the one who called the police last night, do you know who she is?"

"Isn't it Tan Zongming's mistress!" Qu Xiaoxiao said disdainfully.

"Little San?" Yao Bin smiled, "He is Tan Zongming who specially invited back from Wall Street to take charge of the company! The annual salary starts from seven figures, and there is no bonus!"

Qu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded: "Really?"

"Why am I lying to you?" Yao Bin said, "If you don't believe me, go back and ask. Is her name Andy? She is a famous genius in the financial circle!"

Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't react for a long time, did she misunderstand this woman?
But it's not over yet.

Yao Bin hesitated slightly, and said: "There is one more thing, I didn't intend to tell you, but you misunderstood him too much, and you are neighbors upstairs and downstairs. In order to prevent you from offending him by not knowing the truth in the future, I Let’s get to the bottom of it with you too.”

Qu Xiaoxiao's gaze regained focus and was attracted by Yao Bin again.

"What do you mean?" she asked, "You won't tell me that that little boy is not a boy, but also some kind of bullshit?"

"He's not a badass at all!" Yao Bin said, "But he's not a Wall Street expert. But he's much better than a Wall Street expert!"

"Let me tell you this, if you really want to offend someone, I'd rather you offend that Andy, or even Tan Zongming, than you offend him."

"Are you kidding me?" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, not believing it at all, "That man's surname is Bai, right? He works as the financial director of a small broken company, right? I don't understand Andy, I don't understand this man. But if you find out clearly, you can't fool me!"

Yao Bin said seriously: "I'm not joking with you. What you see are superficial phenomena. I can't say too much about the specifics. I can only tell you that it is best not to provoke Bai Muyang! If Tan Zongming provokes you, I will make a big deal of it." I beg my family, I can help you. But if you offend Bai Muyang, I'm sorry, no one can handle it!"

Qu Xiaoxiao was surprised and suspicious: "How do you know his name is Bai Muyang? You know him? What does he do?"

"Don't ask." Yao Bin shook his head, "Anyway, just don't mess with him. Also, if I tell you these things, you pretend not to know, just pretend that I never told you. Don't tell anyone, and don't confront him, or you'll sell me, and the consequences will be serious!"

"You haven't told me, do you know him?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked.

"That's right." Yao Bin said, "I just ran errands for him."

"You, run errands for him?" Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe her ears.

She knew very well in her heart that although Yao Bin has always been responsive to her requests, it is because he has that kind of thought for her, otherwise, with Yao Bin's family background, it would be the other way around for the two of them to curry favor with the other!

In Shanghai, there is no one of his generation who is qualified to let Yao Bin run errands for him!
"Anyway, I'll make it clear to you. Actually, I shouldn't have said this." Yao Bin said, "It's fine if you know it yourself, but don't tell anyone, and don't act like you know it. I beg you."

Qu Xiaoxiao became more and more confused: "You haven't told me for so long, what is the origin of this Bai."

"Xiaoxiao, I really can't tell you." Yao Bin smiled wryly, "It's you, I'm sure I won't tell anyone else! I'm only telling you because you misunderstood him, otherwise I'll tell you too. Do not say."

The more Yao Bin hides, the more Qu Xiaoxiao scratches her heart.

"As for it? So mysterious?" Qu Xiaoxiao probed, "The owner of his car is the wife of the chairman of the Bao Group. Could it be that he is the illegitimate son of the chairman of the Bao Group?"

"He has nothing to do with the Bao Group. Bao is not as good as Tan Zongming. Do you think I will be afraid?" Yao Bin said, "Let me tell you the truth, the information I gave you on the owner of the car is fake. The information of the owner of the last owner who bought his car was directly transferred to you, the purpose is to prevent you from being curious about him, but in fact, the information has nothing to do with him!"

"Okay, you Yao Bin, how dare you lie to me with fake information?" Qu Xiaoxiao pointed at him with staring eyes.

"Who knew you were interested in Bai Muyang?" Yao Bin cried out in agony, "I can't say, he is a person, and I don't know why, I don't want people to know his identity and strength, especially the people around me. any solution?"

Qu Xiaoxiao gave Yao Bin a hard look, but actually her heart was full of shock.

This kind of shock was ten times, a hundred times more shocking than what Andy's identity gap brought her!
She remembered her father's first impression of Bai Muyang, saying that Bai Muyang did not have a certain background and status, so he would not have that kind of look.

Looking at it now, Jiang is still old and hot, and my father's vision is correct.

But what happened to Qiu Yingying's understanding of Bai Muyang?

"You tell me what Bai Muyang is doing, and I won't pursue the fact that you lied to me with fake information." Qu Xiaoxiao said to Yao Bin with sideways eyes.

"Then you should pursue it." Yao Bin said, "Xiao Xiao, if I could say it, I would have said it long ago. I have never hidden anything from you. It's not like you don't know about it, but I really can't say anything about it. Don't embarrass me, it's useless to embarrass me."

"Cut! Virtue, who is so rare, if you don't say it, don't say it!" Seeing that there was nothing to ask from Yao Bin, Qu Xiaoxiao had to give up.

But I was very depressed.

She has always claimed to be very accurate in judging people, straight to the heart, and she has always been proud of it, but today, she missed two people in a row, especially in front of her little follower Yao Bin, how embarrassing is this for her?

She was wrong about Andy, and Bai Muyang was wrong too, but she couldn't be wrong about that girl who is a prostitute, Fan Shengmei, right?

"That woman, is she someone who can't be offended?" Qu Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and said to Fan Shengmei who was not far away.

Yao Bin couldn't help laughing: "You can't hide everything in your neighbors, can you? Xiao Xiao, you are called a snake shadow."

"Crap your size!" Qu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, but it was true that she was a little timid to ask this question. "I don't care, you give me a good try on this girl, see if she is a hooker, and then give me an accurate word!"

Seeing Yao Bin's troubled expression, Qu Xiaoxiao pointed at him with staring eyes: "Don't refuse! It's your compensation for lying to me, hmph!"

After all, he picked up his bag and left.

"where are you going?"

"go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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