Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 387 Tuotun saves 5 golden flowers

Chapter 387
The emotions of despair and fear shrouded everyone's heart in this small elevator car space!

First, the elevator fell, and before he survived to catch his breath, the elevator caught fire again.

It was driving people to death!
Everyone was completely devastated, even Andy.

It's just a smart woman to say a thousand things and ten thousand things.

There is great terror between life and death, and those who can overcome it are warriors.

But among these six people, only Su Yi is the real warrior.

"Cough cough cough..."

I don't know what is burning underneath, emitting an unpleasant and pungent smell, thick smoke is billowing, everyone is coughing, tears are streaming down, and they can't speak for a while!

If you wait any longer, you will die.

Can't sit still!
"Ahem! Turn on the flashlights of your mobile phone! Hurry up!" Su Yi roared.

Regardless of whether they could hear them or not, he took advantage of the firelight, held his breath, jumped up suddenly, put his feet on the handrail in the elevator, and firmly grasped the elevator ceiling with both hands.

After scanning around but unable to find anything like buckles, Su Yi punched hard, directly and violently removed the cover on the ceiling, and opened the emergency exit on the ceiling.

The hot and cold air was convective, and thick smoke billowed out from here. The five girls who had been dizzy from choking breathed like fish out of water.

Fan Shengmei and Andy turned on the flashlight of their mobile phones almost at the same time and aimed at it.

And Su Yi didn't care about other things at this time, and struggled to climb out of the car.

When he stood on the top of the car, he saw the elevator door in front of him at a glance, and Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief—his judgment was not wrong!

If the safety gear of the elevator breaks, the elevator car will definitely fall to the ground and fall into the elevator pit.

Because the floor of the second fall was not high, and the hydraulic buffer was installed in the elevator pit, several people were able to escape unscathed.

Therefore, Su Yi judged that if the elevator door was forcibly opened when the elevator car sank to the bottom, there must be a solid reinforced concrete wall outside the door.

Only by climbing to the top of the elevator can you see the elevator door of the basement garage!
His judgment was correct.

At the critical moment, Su Yi didn't dare to procrastinate, so he hurried forward two steps forward, struggling to open the elevator door from the middle.

Billows of thick smoke roared out of the doorway.Su Yi threw his upper body outside the door and shouted loudly.

His cries echoed in the empty garage, but there was no response.

Su Yi originally wanted someone to come to help, but seeing no one, and the time was urgent, he had no choice but to go back again.

The good thing is that it doesn't look like the fire is getting bigger, and there is a vent for the billowing smoke, so that the five women below will not choke and can't breathe.

But I don't know how long this situation can last, maybe it will become irreversibly bad in the next moment, after all, everyone is roasting on the fire now.

Su Yi jumped down again from the emergency exit, and the elevator shook again when he landed, causing the five girls to scream in panic again.

"I opened the exit, I will help you, go out one by one!" Su Yi said loudly, "Don't worry, you can all go out!"

At this time, such a firm guarantee will undoubtedly make people feel more at ease.

"Andy, you go up first!" Su Yi followed closely, "I'll help you up, and you stand on the top of the elevator to respond!"

Among the five beauties, only Andy is the most stable, and because of regular exercise, he is also strong enough.

Although Fan Shengmei is the strongest, she is not as reliable as Andy at this time.

Andy's brain reacted very quickly, and he immediately understood the deep meaning of Su Yi's arrangement, and immediately said without hesitation: "Okay!"

"Come on, hold my shoulder and step on my hand!" Su Yi stood beside the handrail and directed.

Andy supported Su Yi's shoulders, stepped on Su Yi's hands and climbed up.

Women seldom climbed up the climb, and Andy swayed when he was halfway up, hugged Su Yi's head tightly in fright, and poured facial cleanser, so bored that Su Yi spoke in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, hold on to the wall, you won't fall, there is me."

Andy was calm in the end, calmed down quickly, let go of Su Yi's head, leaned on the wall, and continued to climb with the other foot, stepping on the elevator handrail.

Su Yi raised his hands slowly while commanding: "Try to grab the ceiling."

"I can't reach it!" Andy yelled.

While Su Yi was speaking, he had put Andy's foot parallel to the handrail, so that she could keep her balance and stand in mid-air.

"Step on my shoulder!" Su Yi said.


"Ah what, hurry up!" Su Yi urged.

Both of Andy's legs were trembling, but he still gritted his teeth, supported the wall with one hand, pressed Su Yi's head with the other, and stepped on Su Yi's shoulder with the other.

At this time, he could jump up with this leg, but he just didn't dare to go up.

At this time, Su Yi didn't care about whether it was suitable or not, he just put his hands on Andy's butt - let's go!
Andy was pushed out by Su Yi amidst the exclamation.

The garden was full of spring scenery, and a branch of red apricot came out of the wall, and half of Andy's body was stuck out of the car roof.

It's much easier to climb up now.

Using her hands and feet, she climbed to the top of the elevator.

Looking at the door opening next to it, I was ecstatic!

It was only then that Andy realized that she had been brainwashed and held by human hands just now, and she, who had always rejected physical contact with people, was suddenly touched by people touching sensitive parts one after another, and she was suddenly terrified of embarrassment.

"Andy is on top to respond!"

But Su Yi didn't have time to care about her thoughts at this time, so he gave an order, followed by a sweep of his eyes, and locked on Fan Shengmei.

"Miss Fan, after you go out, go directly to the ground and meet people there!" Su Yi arranged.

Fan Shengmei is very strong, if she goes out directly, she won't panic, and she won't be so scared that she doesn't know what to do.

In this way, Su Yi sent people up from below, Andy responded in the elevator shaft, and Fan Shengmei took charge of the last link to pull people out, and the whole passage was opened up.

"Let Guan Guan and the others go up first..." Although Fan Shengmei was terrified to death, she still trembled.

"Listen to my arrangement, you are responsible for going out to pick up people!" Su Yi interrupted her unceremoniously and scolded, interlacing his hands and fingers under his belly and bowing slightly: "Quick, come on!"

Fan Shengmei didn't refuse anymore, she came to hug Su Yi's shoulders, and stepped on his hands to climb up.

It may be because of her weak legs, this big sister Fan is not as good as Andy, she directly hugged Su Yi's head and smashed her ears.

With great difficulty, he stabilized himself, leaning on the wall and stepping on the handrail while trembling.

Su Yi followed suit, raised his hands, and let Fan Shengmei step on his shoulders.

In the end, she held Fan Shengmei's ass with her hands, and walked——

It's pretty heavy.

Leave you!

It is up.

With Andy on the top, it was much easier for Fan Shengmei to climb to the top of the elevator. Although her sensitive parts felt numb and uncomfortable, she didn't have time to think about it at this time, and hurriedly climbed out of the elevator door on the basement floor trembling. At that moment, Fan Shengmei couldn't hold back her tears.


Su Yi continued to save people.

"Miss Qu, call 119 again as soon as you get out." Su Yi ordered, and bent down with his legs apart: "Come on!"

Qu Xiaoxiao came up without a word.

She was petite and agile, so she went up slowly and stepped on Su Yi's shoulder.

But she is too small to reach the ceiling.

Su Yi directly supported her buttocks and lifted her up. Andy, who was above him, stretched out his hand and hurriedly grabbed her hand, and pulled her up.

Seeing Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly climbed out of the elevator, Su Yi looked away.

"Miss Guan." He posed again.

"Let Yingying come first..."

"Don't refuse, hurry up!" Su Yi said impatiently.

Guan Juer hurried over with an "oh".

Su Yi followed suit.

But when he finally held Guan Juer's butt and lifted it up, Su Yi heard a "gu'er", and a heat wave came from the deep valley, accompanied by a bad smell.


Su Yi held his breath.

Guan Juer suddenly erupted with strength from nowhere, and jumped out of the elevator like a monkey climbing a tiger, and climbed to the ground again.

When Fan Shengmei pulled Guan Juer to go out, she found that the girl was blushing scary, but at this time she only thought it was scared or excited, and didn't say much.

In the elevator, Qiu Yingying was the only one left.

"Don't be afraid, you can do it." Su Yi encouraged.

"Brother Yang, you go first, I'll help you!" Qiu Yingying said.

"Don't waste time, come quickly!" Su Yi urged.

Get into position again.

Although Qiu Yingying still wanted to give in, she knew at this moment that she couldn't be bothered, so she hurried forward, stepping on Su Yi's hands.

Recklessly, he gave Su Yi another facial cleanser.

In the end, Su Yi grabbed his hips and snatched as usual, and let you go.

It was a very successful rescue.

In the end, only Su Yi was left. He didn't need anyone's help, he yelled loudly for Andy to leave quickly, and he also crawled out nimbly.

When he went out, Qu Xiaoxiao had just finished calling the fire department, and ran over and shouted, "How is it? How is it? Are you all okay?"


"I am fine."

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Wumei said that she was fine.

Everyone is fine except that the clothes are dirty and a little messy.

At this time, the aftermath of the rest of his life suddenly came to the fore.

Qiu Yingying burst into tears with a "wow".

Guan Juer, who had never dared to look at Su Yi, curled his lips and cried too.

Fan Shengmei also shed tears, walked over and hugged the two girls in her arms, comforting them.

"The elevator is still on fire, let's go further away." Su Yi suggested.

"Yes, yes, it might explode!" Qu Xiaoxiao said in shock.

We walked a little further together, and by this time we could already hear the sound of the fire truck outside.

"Thank you, you saved us." Andy was the first to regain his composure and walked up to Su Yi
Sincerely thank you.

"Yes, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, we would have been burned to death!" Qu Xiaoxiao said pitifully with tears in her eyes.

In the face of life and death, the little demon girl who is not afraid of the sky is also terrified.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai." Fan Shengmei hastily thanked the two girls in her arms.

"Just don't blame me for my crow's mouth." Su Yi laughed at himself.

He is still quite depressed when he mentions this matter. There is definitely something wrong with this matter.

The five girls were stunned for a moment, and then all burst into laughter.

This smile can't stop.

Su Yi is also laughing.

With this crisis and this smile, the relationship between the six people is rapidly warming up and getting closer.

"Ah!" Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.
She pointed at Su Yi and said, "I suddenly remembered that Mr. Bai touched all the buttocks of our five women on the 22nd floor!"

As soon as these words came out, the smiles of all the girls froze on their faces.

The atmosphere quickly became awkward.

Qu Xiaoxiao winked at Su Yi strangely: "Mr. Bai, you've touched her everywhere, so shy, you have to be responsible to us."

"You're going to die, Qu Xiaoxiao!"

The girls were so ashamed that they immediately gathered around to fight with Qu Xiaoxiao.

Qu Xiaoxiao exaggeratedly yelled and dodged, and they gradually opened up the distance between them and Su Yi.

Su Yi cleared his throat and turned around as if nothing had happened.

As expected of a little goblin, one word made my brother so embarrassed that he couldn't get off the stage.

Hmph, but it's not in vain that I support Su Yi with my buttocks...

1 minutes later, fire engines arrived at the scene.

Then 120 and the police also came and surrounded the scene.

Then there was a circle of people eating melons on the third floor and the outer three floors.

In the end, it was the property and security that were long overdue.

After a lot of noise and confusion, the doctor who came with the ambulance did a simple examination on the six people. Except that everyone had more or less tiny skin abrasions, the rest was fine.

However, out of caution, the doctor advised everyone to go to the hospital for further examination.

The police came to ask about the situation.

Wumei recounted the previous situation in a hurry. In addition to complaining about the elevator and the property, the most talked about was Su Yi's rescue of them.

It can be heard that they are indeed very grateful to Su Yi.

A fire official said with emotion: "You guys, what a fate! The elevator fell from the [-]th and [-]th floors and caught fire again. As a result, the six people were fine."

A man wearing glasses next to him quickly took a photo, and then sent a short newsletter - "The Elevator Plunged from a High Floor and Fired, One Man and Five Women Survived Miraculously, Just Because They Did This Kind of Thing".

The fire in the elevator was not big, and it went out quickly.

Su Yi and other six people were also taken to the hospital.

During the period, the property manager came to apologize profusely, but everyone was very angry.

"We don't accept an apology, you guys are murdering!" Fan Shengmei said angrily, "This broken elevator breaks down frequently, and you always try to fix it! You don't take our residents' lives seriously at all!"

"Stop talking nonsense with them." Andy said, "Just wait for the lawyer's letter! And the elevator company! Wait for the police and the judge to communicate with you, we don't want to contact you now!"

"I will definitely make you pay the price!" Qu Xiaoxiao said bitterly.

Surviving a near death made everyone hold their breath.

Not to mention them, even Su Yi.

After a while, the ambulance rushed out with six people and went straight to the hospital.

In the hospital, the six of them were filmed and tested, and it was finally confirmed that everyone was fine.

The fire and police also brought news.

The persons in charge of the property management company and the elevator company have been invited to the police station for investigation. After a joint on-site investigation by the police and the fire department, it was preliminarily concluded that the elevator accident was caused by a short circuit caused by a circuit failure, which caused the elevator to run out of control and lose power. Then the line catches fire.

It was an accident.

 Khan, fell asleep last night...

(End of this chapter)

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