Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 388 Shocked, the suspicious person was actually him

Chapter 388 Shocked, the suspicious person was actually him

"Mr. Bai, I have heard about what happened this morning. I have entrusted relevant departments to conduct a detailed investigation, and I must give you a satisfactory answer. In addition, your father also knows about this matter. While he is worried about you, he is very concerned about you. The performance of saving lives is very appreciated.”

"Understood," Su Yi said to Da Liu who called, "I hope you will focus on investigating whether this incident may be manipulated by someone."

"Do you suspect it is artificial?" Da Liu pondered, "Then do you have any doubts?"

"No," Su Yi's mind flashed the faces of the five actors one by one, "but I want to focus on investigating suspicious people who appear in places they shouldn't be."

"What do you mean?" Da Liu didn't understand.

"For example, they don't live in our building, but appear in our building." Su Yi said, "Or people who just moved to our building are also fine."

"Okay, I will report your suspicions to the relevant departments. In addition, some private media took photos of you and posted them on public social platforms. Because of the relationship between five girls, this matter has a trend of becoming popular. Your father and his My friend, I agree that your appearance should not be exposed too much, so I decided to deal with this incident coldly and avoid traffic attention. I told you this incident to remind you, for the sake of your own safety, you should pay extra attention to your exposure in the future .”

"I understand, the corresponding price." Su Yi smiled lightly and hung up the phone.

At this moment, Su Yi was still in the hospital. He not only received a call from Da Liu, but also Yao Bin. He didn't know where the news about these two came from, so well informed.

Yao Bin wanted to come to see Su Yi, but was stopped by Su Yi.

It's okay, nothing to see.

The reason why Su Yi doubted that the elevator accident was not an accident was because it was too small.

It just so happened that the elevator cable broke, so did the safety gear, and it just so happened that an electrical short circuit caused an ignition, and then everything happened to be right by Su Yi's crow's mouth.

What's more, in such a serious accident, the six people survived miraculously and unscathed.

With so many just right odds, it's harder than winning the lottery, right?
But Su Yi just happened to meet him!

Su Yi believes in coincidences, but he doesn't believe that there are so many coincidences in this world!
He had some guesses in his heart, but this still needs to be confirmed.

At this time, Guan Juer, Qiu Yingying, and Qu Xiaoxiao were all calling their parents in the wards behind them.

Qu Xiaoxiao pretended to be pitiful with a whiny voice, sometimes she said she had a headache, and sometimes she said she was going to make a will, but there was a playful look in her eyes from time to time.

Guan Juer's voice was pretending to be flat, and he kept saying that it was all right, but he couldn't help wiping away his tears.

Qiu Yingying didn't care about 21, and cried out of breath on the phone.

Andy is also calling Tan Zongming. It was her first day to go to work in Shengxuan Group today, but now that she looks like this, she must not be able to go.

Tan Zongming was surprised and asked Andy who was present in the elevator at that time.

Andy told the truth.

Tan Zongming pondered slightly, and said, "Then I have to call him to express my thanks."

"I've already thanked him," said Andy, "and I don't think it's necessary for you to thank him for me."

"He and I are also considered friends. As a friend, we should know that this kind of thing happened, and we should give him some condolences, right?"

Andy smiled and said, "That's right, he's right next to him, do you want me to give him the phone?"


So Andy found Su Yi and handed him the phone.

Su Yi walked far away and said, "Mr. Tan, what advice do you have?"

"Brother Bai, it's a little too much fun this time." Tan Zongming said with a smile, "Aren't you trying too hard?"

"Do you suspect that I directed this play?" Su Yi was startled, then laughed dumbly, "It's true, I have vested interests, if I were you, I would also doubt myself."

Tan Zongming laughed straight: "Anyway, Brother Bai, it's good that you are fine. But today Andy was going to meet with me, but he had to postpone it for a day. Brother Bai, how can you compensate me? Do you have to invite me to dinner? "

Su Yi sighed.

It seems that Tan Zongming has decided in his heart that he directed the play, and now expresses his dissatisfaction in a joking tone.

"It's really not me." Su Yi didn't want to be misunderstood, "I have asked someone to investigate, and now I also want to ask you, the five of us, do you know if there is anyone else in Ode to Joy this morning besides me?"

Tan Zongming on the other end of the phone was slightly silent, and said: "If it weren't for you, Brother Bai, then the person who caused the trouble would be pure evil!"

Su Yi felt the same way, but it was also easy to explain.

He speculated that it was likely that an actor had used some kind of props to cause an elevator accident in order to get close to Wu Meilai, the hero who saved the beauty or something.

But the man didn't expect an actor to be on the 21st floor.

Because props have usage rules that cannot affect other actors, so when Su Yi gets on the elevator, half of the props that the actor has already activated will fail.

Then things got out of hand.

However, it is impossible for the director team to really let all Wumei be in danger, so the final result of this accident was shocking but not dangerous.

As for Su Yi becoming the biggest beneficiary, it is purely his luck that he is close to the water.His crow's mouth is likely to be a bad taste of the director team, or a side effect of props out of control?

Things should be like this, the situation should be like this.

Otherwise, it is difficult to have other explanations.If someone harmed Su Yi, it wouldn't be so harmful. Instead, starting from the identity of an actor, he helped Su Yi.

"The guy named Lin, Senior Brother Lin, what is his name Lin?" Sure enough, Tan Zongming said on the phone, "This guy also lives in Ode to Joy, but he is not in your building, but in another building. Before this guy In the group, they are clamoring to engage in a series of heroic rescue incidents to win hearts, if you really didn’t do it, it’s very likely that he did it.”

"It's very easy to verify. It depends on whether he was in your building when the incident happened." Tan Zongming said, "Brother Bai, if this is the case, you are very lucky, right? Win! Damn, it’s so sour, no, you still have to treat me to dinner!”

Su Yi smiled, and said: "Didn't you say that you are going to treat me to dinner today? How about this, I will call all five ladies together, and you will come to accompany me and refresh a wave of data, how about it?"

"Really? That's great!" Tan Zongming immediately regained his energy, "Then it's settled, Brother Bai? Hey, this call is not for nothing, follow Brother Bai to have meat to eat! Haha."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Wait for my notice."

"Okay!" Tan Zongming responded happily.

Back in the ward, the phone calls stopped, and the five girls were besieging a fat middle-aged man.

Su Yi listened for a while before he understood that this guy is the person in charge of the property.

Although the accident was most likely caused by the props of other actors, but the property manager couldn't get through the phone, and they came the latest after the accident, so they were definitely not innocent.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. On behalf of our company, I would like to express my sincerest apologies to everyone..." The middle-aged man laughed along with him.

"You don't need to apologize to us, see you in court!" Andy said coldly.

"Here, everyone is fine, and our company is willing to make some compensation to you. There is no need to do things so badly, right?" the middle-aged man said with a wry smile.

"Compensation? How do you pay for human lives? We almost died! Six lives, are you speaking lightly?" Fan Shengmei exclaimed angrily.

"This is murder, you guys are waiting to go to jail!" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, "You better keep your butts clean all the time, otherwise I will keep all the accounts for you this time!"

The face of the middle-aged man changed again and again, and finally said: "Ladies and gentlemen, everything is negotiable, we are willing to pay more compensation..."

"Extra?" Fan Shengmei's eyes lit up, "You double depends on whether we are willing or not."

"Stop talking nonsense with him!" Qu Xiaoxiao said impatiently, "We don't care about money, we just want you to get out of jail! Get lost!"

"Hey, how do you talk, little girl?"

"I'm just talking like that, what's the matter? You hit me!"

Seeing that a commotion was about to start, Su Yi coughed and walked over.

"Something happened, let's nail it, let's make it a nail, how to solve it." Su Yi looked at the middle-aged man and smiled slowly, "I know you want to get our understanding, make big things small, small things small, But we can't even see the minimum sincerity and apology from you, all we see is that you treat us as trouble."

"That's right! Brother Bai is right!" Qu Xiaoxiao immediately agreed.

Her title is updated quite quickly.

Su Yi looked at the middle-aged man with a gloomy face and said: "Even if you have an apology and sincerity, this matter will definitely go to court, let alone you don't. So this boss, I don't think you need to waste your time on us, or Go hire a better lawyer, try to shirk some responsibility and pay less compensation, this is what you should do, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Wumei looked at Su Yi speechlessly.

Good guy, as a victim, you actually give advice to the defendant, where are you standing?

The middle-aged man looked at Su Yi for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

"Okay, this gentleman's words are not pleasant, but he is telling the truth, and he can speak quickly." He said, "Then according to what you said, we each use our own methods, and we will see the court."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

The middle-aged man looked around for a week, his eyes were cold, he turned and left.

"What kind of attitude! You careless about people's lives without even a little bit of guilt! You should sue them to death, sue them for bankruptcy, sue them for life in prison, and save them from harming others again!" Qu Xiaoxiao said unwillingly.

Everyone looked at each other.

"What?" Qu Xiaoxiao noticed everyone's embarrassment.

"Xiao Qu, it's about disregarding human life, not about..." Qiu Yingying reminded.

Qu Xiaoxiao laughed: "Of course it was on purpose, why don't you have a sense of humor at all? Don't you? You don't think I really don't know this, do you?"

She answered without any flaws, except for Su Yi, everyone else really thought that she made a mistake on purpose.

"Director Bai, now that we have finished dealing with the matter for the time being, shall we still go to work?" Qiu Yingying asked.

"Don't you want to go?" Su Yi looked around and said, "The follow-up of this matter is still troublesome. I need to find a lawyer and cooperate with the police investigation. I think it concerns all of us. It is best to spare this day. All of us Try to settle this matter as much as possible, so as not to cause trouble in the future."

"I agree!" Andy nodded, "This saves the most time and effort."

"I also agree." Qu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Brother Bai made the most secure arrangement."

Qiu Yingying gave her a vigilant look, and said, "I agree too, Brother Yang!"

I have always been embarrassed to call him a title, so I called him directly.

No one present couldn't see Qiu Yingying's careful thinking, and they couldn't help being a little bit dumbfounded.

"We have lived and died together." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you ladies have no other arrangements today, I would like to invite you all to have dinner together in the afternoon to celebrate our safe escape this time. I don't know if you will appreciate it what?"

"Okay, I'm fine." Qu Xiaoxiao was the first to respond.

"I'm fine too." Qiu Yingying said, "But I can't let you treat me, let's AA."

Fan Shengmei, who was about to speak, was a little embarrassed and shut her mouth.

"Why don't we girls have an AA together, please." Andy suggested, "Although the grace of saving lives cannot be offset by a single meal, we still have to express our gratitude after all."

"That's right, that's a good suggestion!" Qiu Yingying immediately nodded her head.

Just as Guan Juer was about to speak, he didn't know what to think of, his face blushed, and he lowered his head again.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Actually, it's not my treat. It's a big dog who heard about our experience. In order to express his condolences to me, he kindly sponsored our meal. He is very rich and rarely Treat, I think we should not be polite to him."

"You mean, it must be Lao Tan, right?" Andy asked doubtfully.

"It's him." Su Yi said.

Andy smiled, spread his hands and said, "Then I have no objection, he is indeed—a big dog."

Andy was a little embarrassed to say the last three words, and couldn't help laughing.

"Old Tan? Tan Zongming?" Qu Xiaoxiao realized who they were talking about.

"Yes." Su Yi said, "He is my friend and Andy's boss. I wonder if you would mind getting to know him?"

"Of course I don't mind! Who cares who is a fool!" Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes are bright, "This is a big capitalist. It is difficult for ordinary people to see him, let alone eat together!"

"It's good to meet new friends." Fan Shengmei said reservedly, "President Tan's name has long been known to me."

It's just that the excitement and joy she tried to hide in her eyes was seen through by Su Yi at a glance.

In fact, Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were not very happy, they didn't really want to have dinner with people they didn't know.

But seeing that everyone agreed, they were too embarrassed to say no.

"What do you want to eat?" Su Yi asked, "Chinese food? French food? Japanese food?"

Andy said it didn't matter, Qu Xiaoxiao said it was fine.

In the end, Fan Shengmei and Qiu Yingying chose French cuisine.

And so it was settled.

Not long after that, Qu Xiaoxiao's father came, greeted Qu Xiaoxiao warmly, and even came to Su Yi to express his gratitude.

Speaking of finding a lawyer, Father Qu immediately took care of everything, telling everyone not to worry, he will definitely find the best lawyer in Shanghai.

At the same time, Su Yi received a call from Da Liu, telling him that he sent a photo to Su Yi and asked Su Yi if he recognized this person.

"This man doesn't live above you, but he happened to be there when your accident happened."

(End of this chapter)

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