Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 389 The water is deep, you can't hold it

Chapter 389 The water is deep, you can't hold it

The person in the photo is really Senior Brother Lin.

Now it can be basically confirmed that Su Yi's guess is correct.

Brother Lin planned this elevator accident in order to get closer to Wumei, and wanted to achieve the goal of being a hero to save the beauty.

As a result, Su Yi also got on the elevator, and his plan got out of control.

When he realized something was wrong, he withdrew decisively.

But it was still too late, he didn't expect Su Yi to guess his existence, and quickly locked him from the surveillance at that time.

"This man's name is Lin Jing, and he's an employee of a securities company." Da Liu said on the phone, "He rented a house in another building in your community yesterday, and moved in that night after signing the contract. The monitoring shows that he went to the 15th floor of your building [-] minutes before your accident, and stayed in the stairwell after going upstairs. When the elevator accident happened, he walked out of the stairwell, as if he wanted to communicate with you. "

"But at this moment, the elevator fell sharply. After Lin Jing stayed there for a while, he ran downstairs from the stairwell."

"The police asked him why he went to that building, and his explanation was that he had an old classmate named Guan Juer, who was one of the girls trapped in the elevator with you, and he was looking for her."

"Now there is no evidence that he tampered with the elevator. He has neither motive nor time for committing the crime, and his explanations for his actions are also plausible. After the police have questioned you, if there is no further evidence Pointing at him, and there is no evidence that he is targeting you, he should be released directly."

Of course the police will not find any evidence.Su Yi shook his head.

And Senior Brother Lin was indeed not targeting him.

Although Su Yi knew very well that this time he just encountered an innocent disaster, and he not only ruined Lin Jing's good deeds, but also stole his fruits because of a blessing in disguise.

But he was still very upset.

No matter how many benefits there are, he is also passive, and he has fought hard to get back. It can't change the fact that he is only a short distance away from death.

If Su Yi's character was weaker, or his mobility was weaker, what would happen to him now?
You can't count on anything when you are a big man, at least you will lose points in front of Wumei.

So the benefit is Su Yi's own efforts, and it has nothing to do with Lin.On the contrary, Lin brought Su Yi's troubles and dangers.

One yard owned by a yard!
Su Yi was very displeased with Senior Brother Lin's slanted style of acting.

You're right about chasing girls, but you create danger first and then act as a hero to save the beauty, isn't it cheap?

"Then, did this person surnamed Lin explain that Guan Juer is on the 22nd floor, why did he stay in the corridor on the 16th floor for so long?" Su Yi asked.

"He said he remembered it wrong." Da Liu said.

This is an excuse... There is really no way to prove that he is lying.

"Okay, I know about this." Su Yi replied.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi thought about it, narrowing his eyes slightly.

He has no way to use his background to influence the police's decision. Apart from breaking the law, he has nothing to do with Senior Brother Lin.

But Su Yi doesn't intend to leave this matter alone. He has to teach this person a lesson, let him know that he must pay the price for doing something wrong, instead of just fooling around and getting over it.

The police invited Brother Lin to assist in the investigation, and he should come to the hospital for questioning soon...

Thinking of this, Su Yi put away his phone and pushed the door out, and came to the next room.

In the ward at this time, the father and daughter of the Qu family were surrounding Andy, whispering something, and on the other side, the three girls from 2202 were also talking while standing in front of the window.

Seeing Su Yi Qu's father waving his hand casually, he turned his head away, slightly arched his body to talk to Andy.

Qu Xiaoxiao turned her back to this side and did not see Su Yi.

Su Yi went straight to Qiu Yingying and the others.

"Mr. Bai."

"Brother Yang."

The three girls greeted each other.

Su Yi smiled and nodded as a response, then looked at Guan Juer, and asked directly: "Miss Guan, do you know Lin Jing?"

The three girls were taken aback.

"Lin Jing..." Guan Juer thought for a while, "If the Lin Jing you mentioned is the same as the person I know, then he should be my high school classmate, he is one year older than me, and he belongs to the literature club. President, we all call him Senior Brother."

"That's right." Su Yi said, "Then Lin Jing knows your specific address, or is there a way for him to find out your specific address?"

The three girls looked at each other, realizing that something was wrong.

"Senior Brother Lin and I haven't seen each other since we graduated from high school. It's been more than four years." Guan Juer's expression became tense, "Recently, I made a girlfriend and managed to get into a group of high school classmates. This group seems to be established by him. He called me yesterday and asked me to attend the class reunion this Friday, and I didn’t know that he also came to Shanghai.”

"However, I didn't tell him where I live, and he certainly won't know where I live." Guan Juer said with certainty, "Except for my parents, only you know my specific address, even my company's Nobody knows I live here unless someone looks at my entry file."

"None of my classmates in high school know that I live here, so as long as Senior Brother Lin doesn't interact with you and doesn't ask my parents, he definitely can't know where I live!"

Speaking of this, Guan Ju paused, and asked: "Mr. Bai, how do you know Brother Lin? Why do you know him?"

This is what Qiu Yingying and Fan Shengmei want to know.

"The police checked the surveillance and found that Brother Lin happened to be in the corridor on the 16th floor of our building when we had an accident in the elevator." Su Yi explained, "He arrived 10 minutes in advance, and then he has been waiting there , Coincidentally, our elevator broke down on the 16th floor."

The three girls were horrified when they heard this, and their eyes widened.

"No way! How could such a thing happen?" Qiu Yingying said in horror, "No, what exactly does this mean?"

"Could it be that the police suspect that this man surnamed Lin tampered with the elevator?" Fan Shengmei gasped and asked in disbelief.

"This, how is this possible? Why is Senior Brother Lin on the 16th floor?" Guan Juer couldn't believe his ears.

The movement here attracted Andy's attention.

Qu's father flirts with her business in a very quack manner, which makes Andy very uncomfortable.

In fact, she dislikes this kind of social networking for the purpose of expanding contacts, or making friends. If it wasn't for Qu Xiaoxiao's face, she would have bid farewell to Qu's father.

Now the surprised looks of the three girls here just gave her an excuse to get away.

"Something seems to have happened over there." She interrupted Qu's father, "I'm sorry, I have to go and have a look."

"Of course, of course!" Qu's father was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly said, "Please feel free."

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Andy smiled and walked over here immediately.

"I'll go too!" Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly caught up.

Father Qu was a little embarrassed, shrugged and walked over.

"Say what?" Andy asked.

"Andy, Brother Gangyang said a very scary thing..." Qiu Yingying immediately learned it vividly.

"Xiao Guan, are you sure that Senior Brother Lin doesn't know your address?" After hearing this, Andy was keenly aware of this strange point.

"I, I'm not sure..." Guan Juer stammered, "Could it be my mother told him?"

"What are you waiting for, call to confirm immediately!" Fan Shengmei hurriedly urged.

"Oh!" Guan Juer hurriedly took out his cell phone to call his mother in a panic, and double-checked the question in front of everyone.

Finally she put down the phone and said: "My mother said that she hasn't seen Brother Lin for several years, and she hasn't told anyone my address, neither has my father."

After a pause, Guan Juer said: "Could it be just a coincidence? Could it be that Senior Brother Lin lived on the sixteenth floor?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "The police found out that he did move into the Ode to Joy Community yesterday, but the house he rented is not our building, but Building 16."

"Building 16 is still far from our place." Qiu Yingying said, "Then why is he running to our place?"

"This is the problem." Su Yi sighed, looked at Guan Ju'er, trying to see him, "This brother Lin told the police that he came to find Miss Guan."


Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

The scalp is numb, incredible!

"Actually, the police now have no evidence to prove that Brother Lin has done anything to the elevator." Su Yi said, "He has neither motive nor time, so maybe he really has nothing to do with the elevator failure. But the time and place where he appeared are too far away." It was a coincidence, and the police said that when our elevator fell sharply, Brother Lin took a look at the elevator door on the 16th floor, and then ran away in a panic."

"Run away?" the girls Qiqi asked in disbelief.

"Shouldn't it be the first responder to call the police?" Fan Shengmei said, "Why is he running away? Doing nothing, or is he guilty?"

"No matter what the reason is, this is a scumbag!" Qu Xiaoxiao had a ghostly expression on her face.

"This person is too suspicious." Andy frowned. "Even if he has nothing to do with the elevator, he is still a threat to Xiaoguan."

"That's right, it's scary to think about it!" Qiu Yingying said.

"Senior brother Lin is under the control of the police now." Su Yi said, "The police should come to question later, I think the most important thing for us is to find out one thing, how did this senior brother Lin know Miss Guan's address? "

"Yes! We must figure it out!" Qiu Yingying said immediately, keeping Guan Juer's arm.

"Do you think this elevator accident was man-made?" Andy suddenly asked Su Yi.

Su Yi pondered slightly, smiled and shook his head, "No."

After a while, the police really came to ask about Lin Jing.

Guan Juer, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, immediately raised his own question - how did Lin Jing know her address?
She explained the situation to the police, which immediately attracted the attention of the police. The police immediately called back to the police station and asked colleagues in the station to ask Lin Jing.

The two sides were connected in real time, and Lin Jing's answer was - listening to what a high school classmate said.

This lie was quickly exposed under repeated questioning by the police.

Lin Jing changed his words, saying that he heard Guan Juer's mother muttering unintentionally, and the latter was muttering unconsciously, and she might not even know it.

He also said that he met Guan Juer's mother on the street. Guan Juer's mother didn't see him, and he didn't say hello. address.

Just say it's a coincidence, right?
This answer is so far-fetched that no one will believe it at all.

The police, who were just here for a formality, immediately paid attention to Lin Jing's suspicious situation.

He asked about the situation in detail again and took notes before leaving in a hurry.

Before leaving, the police told everyone to keep the phone on and it is best not to leave Shanghai in the near future so that they can be contacted at any time.

As soon as the police left, everyone discussed Lin Jing's matter again.

In fact, there was no reason to discuss it, but Qiu Yingying and Qu Xiaoxiao had a big brain hole, and speculated that some of them might be like telling a horror story, which made everyone shudder after hearing it.

Lin Jing could never explain clearly to the police that the reason why he knew that Guan Juer lived in Ode to Joy was because he knew the plot.

As long as he can't explain this clearly, he will always be suspicious, and his purpose of coming to Ode to Joy will always be risky.

Su Yi only needs to grasp this core loophole, and he will definitely make Lin Jing feel like dying.

After a lot of busy work, it wasn't until after three o'clock in the afternoon that everyone had time to disperse.

Qu Xiaoxiao wanted to go home with her father, and Andy decided to go to Lao Tan to discuss something, so after Su Yi and Wu Mei agreed on the time and place for lunch in the afternoon, they had a fight with the three girls in 2202. Take a taxi and rush back to Ode to Joy.

At the same time, in Qu's father's luxury car, he asked Qu Xiaoxiao questioningly: "Didn't you say that this young man surnamed Bai is just a grassroots? Why doesn't he look like me?"

"Of course it's not like..." Qu Xiaoxiao sighed, and immediately started to tell her father.

The more Father Qu listened, the more frightened he became. At the end, his expression became very serious.

"I have a good relationship with Tan Zongming, but he is unknown in the business world..." He said slowly, "I probably guessed his identity!"

He looked at Qu Xiaoxiao and pointed to the sky with a solemn expression.

Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened.

"No way?" Qu Xiaoxiao said in disbelief.

"No? That's too good!" Father Qu said firmly, "As for the reason why he is so low-key—hehe, it may be that the background cannot be seen, or it may be other reasons. Do not ask."

Qu Xiaoxiao's eyeballs rolled straight.

Father Qu took a look at her and warned, "Be respectful to this Mr. Bai. His water may be very deep. Xiao Xiao, you are still young, so you can't grasp it."

At the same time that Su Yi and Tan Zongming "joined forces" to organize a five-dollar dinner, Zhao Qiping on the other side also just had a bone-setting surgery by cheating.

Exhausted physically and mentally, he looked at himself in the mirror and pinched his teeth in pain.

"One surgery costs me so much fan value. I perform dozens of surgeries every day... What a crime, when will this be the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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