Chapter 409
Tan Zongming didn't want to make the plot deviate because of his appearance, so when he recommended the Ode to Joy community to Andy, he exposed his hidden intentions by using unintentional to intentional.

It happened that Tan Zongming met Bai Muyang who lived here again, and it happened that Bai Muyang and Andy moved in almost on the same day.

So Andy suspects that Tan Zongming's letting him live in Ode to Joy Community has something to do with Bai Muyang.

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

But there are too many coincidences in this matter, and the motive is not clear.

"You think Lao Tan let you move in because of me." Su Yi smiled, "If Lao Tan really has some purpose for me, if you tell me his intention now, wouldn't you have betrayed him?"

"He hasn't told me anything, how can I count on betraying him?" Andy asked suspiciously, "And I'm friends with him, and you and him are also friends. We discuss our mutual friends and count on buying him." ?"

Su Yi was startled, and said: "It doesn't seem to be too much..."

Andy was amused by Su Yi's statement: "It seems that you think this is betrayal."

"At least with your wisdom, you must be able to realize that if Lao Tan really asked you to move in because of me, he definitely doesn't want you to tell me like this." Su Yi said, "You have to admit that you are doing things that are not good for him, and You know that."

Andy was silent for a while, sighed, and said, "Okay, I've said that I'm honest, but I want to pretend that I don't have any moral shortcomings. This is indeed my fault."

"Yes, I came to ask you for help because I was betting on Lao Tan's risk, which I did not honor." Andy admitted frankly, "If it was Lao Tan before, I would never do this, but The current old Tan makes me feel strange and scared, I am worried that he will hurt me in some unexpected way, so..."

"Understood." Su Yi nodded, "You feel that he has concealed and harmed you in certain matters first, so you also let go of your emotional burden on him."

"That's right." Andy said, "If it's just my speculation about me moving into Ode to Joy, then about another thing, it can definitely prove that Old Tan is trying to do something to me."

As Andy said, he took out his mobile phone, opened a photo and showed it to Su Yi for him to see.

Su Yi just glanced at it and his heart skipped a beat.

In the photo, there are two people sitting opposite each other, and they seem to have a good conversation.

One of them is Tan Zongming, and the other is the singularity!
But this photo is not the cafe that Su Yi went to that day, but in a restaurant.

But that's not the point, the point is, the person who took the photo can capture Tan Zongming and Wei Wei's meeting this time, so what about the other meeting that Su Yi also participated in?

Will he be photographed too?

If it was actually photographed, does Andy know about it?
Su Yi looked at Andy calmly, waiting for her to continue.

"The man sitting opposite Old Tan in the photo is called Wei Wei, the boss of an import and export trading company." Andy said, "He has another identity, he is a netizen who has been with me for three years, and his online name is Qi point."

Even if Su Yi knew the truth earlier, he couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"What are you laughing at?" Andy asked suspiciously.

"It's hard to imagine that a rational person like you would do such an emotional thing to make friends with netizens." Su Yi said.

Andy thought about it, and smiled embarrassedly: "You say that, it seems that this is indeed the most irrational thing I have ever done."

"This photo was sent to me by the mysterious person who changed his number before." Andy continued, "I didn't know at the time that the person in the photo was Singularity, but when he sent this photo, he called me."

"He told me the identity of Singularity on the phone. I wondered why he knew about it, so I questioned him. The answer he gave me was that he learned about it through investigating Lao Tan."

"He said that Lao Tan knew that Qidian and I were netizens, and he also knew that Qidian knew that I had been wanting to meet with me since I arrived in Shanghai. He was afraid that I and Qidian would develop in reality because of our three-year relationship on the Internet. It became a relationship between a couple, so I met with Qidian in advance to prevent Qidian from coming to see me. After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone."

Andy looked at Su Yi seriously: "Although I doubt the purpose of that mysterious person calling me, I have to admit that Lao Tan is really suspicious! He shouldn't know the existence of this person called Singularity! But not only did he know, he even made an appointment with Singularity before I met Singularity! If the truth is what the mysterious man said, it means that Old Tan has been monitoring me and even stealing my Privacy, and then use these to achieve the purpose of controlling me! This is terrible!"

Su Yi was stunned when he heard this.

No wonder Andy would take the initiative to make an appointment with Singularity.

This is a test, to test whether the mysterious person is lying to her, and to test whether Lao Tan will really prevent Singularity from meeting her.

Sure enough, Andy continued: "I was afraid that I would blame Old Tan by mistake, so when I was chatting that night, I asked Qidian's last name, and he told me truthfully that his surname was Wei, so I made an appointment with Qidian online. We met the next day, but three hours before the meeting the next day, Singularity rejected me. He not only rejected me, but also told me not to contact me in the future, and then deleted my friends and blocked me gone."

"So far, I'm completely sure that the mysterious man didn't lie to me. At least, he didn't completely lie to me. Old Tan is indeed invading my privacy, controlling my life, restricting my freedom, and deceiving my trust."

Andy was very calm when he said these words, as if he was describing other people's affairs as a bystander.

"My trouble now is, should I have a showdown with Lao Tan? Or should I call the police? Or can I further contact or even cooperate with that mysterious person?"

She looked at Su Yi and said: "Xiaobai, you are one of the few wise men I know who can understand the world and understand human relationships. I hope you can give me some opinions and suggestions, tell me, who should I trust, what should I trust? How to do?"

Su Yi looked at Andy calmly, his eyes were calm.

He was sure that Andy was not telling the truth.

Because all her previous words showed that "Tan Zongming is not credible", but the last question she asked for help included "who should I trust".

This shows that she has concealed some things about Tan Zongming, and Tan Zongming is not untrusted by her as she described.

So what is the content of this part of the matter?

"Singularity, Wei Wei." Su Yi suddenly said, "I know this person."

"You know?" Andy frowned.

"Yes," Su Yi nodded, "Old Tan dragged me to meet this person at noon yesterday, but I didn't have any contact with him."

Andy stood up in surprise and looked at Su Yi, speechless for a while.

Su Yi could tell that Andy's surprise was not feigned, that is to say, she didn't know about it at all.

But Su Yi felt that he was right to be honest.

Now it's up to me to be honest, it's better to show Andy a lot better after a while when someone shows Andy the photo of him meeting Wei Wei in that cafe.

Su Yi didn't know if there would be such a photo, but he didn't want to gamble.

The establishment of trust is not easy, but the collapse of trust often stems from an unnecessary lie.

"Have you seen the Singularity, or are you with Lao Tan?" Andy looked at Su Yi incredulously, "Then did you know that he was my netizen?"

Su Yi nodded: "I know."

"Old Tan told you?" Andy asked.

"Yes." Su Yi said, "He was very confused about whether he should stop Qidian from meeting you, so he asked me for my advice just like you tonight, and I almost missed my lunch with Yingying because of this. It's a pity Unfortunately, he didn't follow my advice."

Andy was shocked by the news, and it took him a long time to figure out the logic behind it.

"In other words, you already knew that he had more than friendship for me?" Andy asked in a deep voice.

"My fair lady, gentlemen are so sweet." Su Yi said, "I don't think this is something heinous. And about the singularity..."

Su Yi smiled lightly: "I don't know where his source of information is, but he prevents you from meeting Singularity. It may not be as bad as you think. A person who gives up meeting you because of a little temptation or threat is really Is it your friend? Lao Tan will help you filter out such a netizen who has deceived you for three years and has a bad character. Even if the motive is not good, at least the result will be good, right?"

"Of course, I'm not trying to excuse Lao Tan." Su Yi continued, "I will not comment on the relationship between you and him, and I will never participate. I just want to say, everything you have told me so far , Lao Tan is not as unforgivable as you said."

"On the contrary, the mysterious person who called you was blatantly sowing discord between you and Lao Tan. Have you ever thought about why he did this?"

"I asked him, and he said it was a personal grievance between him and Lao Tan." Andy said, "He just discovered that I was about to be fooled by Lao Tan and deceived by him. Woman, so help me out."

Su Yi chuckled and said, "Do you want me to tell you, who is more trustworthy? From the current point of view, of course, Lao Tan is better. After all, Lao Tan is the real Lao Tan, but the mysterious man is hiding in the gutter The mouse can only hear its call, but cannot see it or catch it."

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused, and said lightly: "Andy, if it's just such a thing, with your character and wisdom, you would never come to me for help so late, you can make a judgment yourself."

"So, is there something else that makes it hard for you to say, or are you actually testing me now?"

As soon as these words came out, Andy's expression changed slightly.

"The first suspicious point about Old Tan you talked about is his motive for letting you move into Ode to Joy." Su Yi didn't ask Andy to answer anything, but continued, "When you were talking about this question, you used A little trick to mislead me. You deliberately throw out the flaws of your betrayal of Lao Tan to make me question you. You want to divert my attention and cover up your lie with a suspicious point to make me believe that you really do not understand the truth of this matter. .But in fact, you've already got proof of this, haven't you?"

Andy looked at Su Yi in surprise, speechless for a while.

Su Yi smiled: "Let me guess again, this matter should be confessed to you after he finished the board meeting, right?"

When Su Yi said the word "board of directors", it was tantamount to clarifying the matter.

Andy looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, and said slowly: "You are indeed the major shareholder behind Shengxuan's controlling stake!"

"I am." Su Yi said lightly, "and Lao Tan should have guessed it was me, but sometimes he thinks too much and never asks me about it. In fact, if he really asked me, I won't hide it."

"I'm giving you the right to vote on today's board of directors. In fact, I'm indirectly acknowledging my identity to Lao Tan." Su Yi continued, "He should have confirmed me because of this, so he talked to you and confided something in his heart, right?"

Andy looked at Su Yi and said slowly: "You are really the scariest person I have ever seen!"

"Scary..." Su Yi sighed, "Scary comes from the unknown. People are always full of fear of things they don't understand and don't know."

"I really don't know anything about you." Andy said, "I asked Lao Tan, and he also knows very little about you. I am very surprised about your friendship, but he seems unwilling to talk about it."

"Well, I admit, Lao Tan did tell me the reason for letting me move into Ode to Joy." Andy said, "He did it for you, because he suspected that you secretly bought the shares of Shengxuan and became Shengxuan Xuan’s largest shareholder. And he can’t be sure whether you have good intentions or malicious intentions, so he hopes that I can get confirmation from you.”

Su Yi shook his head, and said: "Since you have got the answer to this question, even if you haven't asked Tan Zongming to ask Tan Zongming about the remaining singularity question, you shouldn't be so hesitant."

"It's not because of this." Andy took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "Okay, Xiaobai, I admit that I meant to test you, and I apologize to you. But I came to you tonight, The main purpose is really to seek advice and help, testing you is just my temporary idea. My purpose is just to confirm your identity, and whether I have good intentions or malice towards Lao Tan. I have no other intentions. "

"I apologize to you, it was my fault, I'm sorry."

"Actually, what I'm really struggling with is my background." Andy continued, "I'm an orphan. One of the most important things I do when I return to China this time is to find out about my background. I have a younger brother. At that time, I was adopted by a different family from me. After I was taken to the lighthouse by my adoptive parents, I lost contact with him. I am also entrusting Lao Tan to investigate the whereabouts of my brother."

"It was only a few days after I returned to China. I knew that investigating this matter was not easy. It was like finding a needle in a haystack, so I was not in a hurry and asked Lao Tan to help investigate slowly."

"But the mysterious person on the phone told me that Lao Tan actually knew about my life experience a long time ago, and he also knew where my brother was!"

"But he just didn't tell me because he wanted to make a fuss about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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