Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 410 Unpredictable People

Chapter 410 Unpredictable People
"Make a fuss?" Su Yi asked, "What do you think he wants to make a fuss about?"

"I don't know." Andy shook his head, "But if he didn't have another purpose, he found out about my background and where my brother is, why didn't he tell me?"

"How did the person on the phone explain Lao Tan's behavior to you?" Su Yi asked again.

Andy hesitated slightly, and said: "He said that Lao Tan wanted to use this to control me. He not only wanted to get my body and mind, but also wanted to control me and become his slave."

"Do you believe it?" Su Yi chuckled and shook his head.

"Of course I wouldn't rather trust a sneaky person who doesn't dare to show up, nor a friend I've known since I was a child." Andy said, "But no matter what I saw with my own eyes or what I thought about through analysis, I couldn't believe it. Let me put my 100% trust in Lao Tan again."

"This is where I struggle," Andy said sincerely to Su Yi, "Xiaobai, I came back to China alone. I thought that with Lao Tan as my backing, I would not be alone. But now it brings me the greatest fear The person in question is precisely Lao Tan, and I can feel that I seem to have become a chess piece, a tool. I have never encountered such a complicated situation, and I need someone to give me some guidance and help me out of this quagmire. And the only person I can think of who can help me is you."

"Because I saved you? And because you think I have this ability?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Andy shook his head: "More than that, the most important thing is that I have an inexplicable kindness and affection for you, and I always feel that you are someone who can be trusted. I am an orphan, and I have never trusted you except Lao Tan and my adoptive parents. Never have anyone, even them, taken me more than ten years to slowly accept them in my heart. But you are different, we have only known each other for a few days? I think you are very sweet! It is unbelievable, but it happens That's why I'm here to find you."

Su Yi looked at her for a while, and said: "If I don't know what kind of person you are, I will definitely think that what you said just now is a confession to me."

Andy asked suspiciously, "Is there any discrepancy in what I just said?"

Su Yi nodded: "In China, the expression of emotion between men and women is usually reserved, and what you said just now is a kind of reserved confession."

Andy was a little embarrassed: "OK, I apologize, and I declare again that I absolutely don't mean that to you, and I will never have that kind of emotion."

Su Yi shook his head, not continuing to give her such a statement would actually make people very upset.

Andy said a lot, and the situation was both complicated and simple.

There are actors making arrangements, using Andy as a pawn to plot against Tan Zongming.

From the current point of view, this guy used some information misunderstandings and deviations, as well as Andy's serious lack of security, to provoke Andy's distrust of Tan Zongming, and successfully buried a nail in Tan Zongming.

Who is this guy?How many people are involved?What are they trying to do?
Judging from the information that Su Yi has obtained so far, it is still very vague, but he is not as clueless as before, and he has roughly figured out the methods and routines of these people.

But there are still some doubts that need to be confirmed.

"You're right about one thing." Su Yi said, "The people who called you are indeed using you, and their targets are Lao Tan and me."

"You? And you?" Andy was a little surprised, "Do you know who he is?"

"Probably can guess a little." Su Yi looked at Andy, "Andy, you are a smart person, put aside all selfish thoughts now, don't even think about it from your own perspective, you come back to China with expectations Looking for Lao Tan, you originally agreed to help each other and achieve each other, why did you fall into this suspicious situation today?"

Andy was startled, and said: "I know what you want to say, it's because of that mysterious man's call. The distrust between me and Lao Tan is all thanks to him."

"That's right," Su Yi nodded, "They are infinitely magnifying your suspicion of Lao Tan, causing your conflicts, and then they will make a fuss about it until they give you a fatal blow and make you fall into their trap." trap!"

"But flies don't bite seamless eggs!" Andy frowned, "I know they have bad intentions, but I can't ignore Old Tan's suspiciousness!"

"Old Tan is not suspicious, I don't make a guarantee." Su Yi smiled, "But let me ask you Andy, do you think Old Tan will hurt you, or how much he can hurt you?"

Andy frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I have been with him for so many years, even though he has become very strange to me now, I don't believe how much malice he has towards me. He should just—— Just wanted me."

"Then how bad do you think the caller will do Lao Tan?" Su Yi asked again,

Andy's complexion changed, and he said, "I don't know, but I think they've planned so hard, the plan must be huge! If Lao Tan gets the trick, I'm afraid the situation will be very dangerous."

"Okay, according to your current cognition and judgment, Lao Tan's evil towards you is to get you, but you are already prepared." Su Yi continued, "And the caller's evil towards Lao Tan is probably to destroy you. Lao Tan, but Lao Tan didn't take any precautions. If one of these two things must inevitably happen, which outcome would you be more unacceptable to?"

As if struck by lightning, Andy's face was cloudy and uncertain. It took him a long time to let out a long breath and said, "I understand what you mean, Xiaobai. Two evils are the lesser of two evils. I know which one I should choose."

"No, you don't know." Su Yi shook his head, "Andy, you don't understand who the enemy you are facing is, you don't know who they are, how and when they will attack, you have no idea. You want to confess this matter to Lao Tan? Then how do you know that this is not something that those people have been prepared for? It is even a response that you want to react?"

Andy hesitated: "If the situation is really dangerous, I can call the police..."

"The role of the police is to punish crimes, not to prevent them from happening." Su Yi said, "Even if the police find out the caller hiding behind his back, so what? What if the caller is ready to be exposed?" gone?"

"Will it be so complicated?" Andy had a headache. She always felt that Su Yi thought things too complicated. This is not playing Mission: Impossible. Is it that exaggerated?

"It's better to complicate things and be cautious than to regret after being careless." Su Yi said lightly, "Andy, you are just one of their links to deal with Lao Tan, and Lao Tan is not their only target , their target is me, and someone has already started to set an ambush for me. Now we are facing a situation where the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, and we know very little about them. So it is better for us to stay still than to be passive. You should also make fewer mistakes, otherwise it will not be easy to fall into the trap they set up and climb out again."

"As for your doubts about Lao Tan..." Su Yi looked at her, "Brothers stand against the wall to defend against their insults."

Andy's heart was ups and downs, he thought for a long time, then looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, and nodded slowly: "I listen to you."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Old Tan is very afraid of me. There is a lack of basic trust between me and him, but fortunately you are someone we all trust, so with you as a bridge, I can barely form an alliance with him. .”

"You trust me?" Andy's eyes flashed.

"Is there any reason for me not to trust a person who won't harm anyone at all?" Su Yi spread his hands.

Andy couldn't help laughing: "It doesn't sound like a compliment."

"It's not true." Su Yi said, "Andy, you know what you are looking for tonight. Also, don't show your cards to Lao Tan for anything you know now. I suspect that Lao Tan has already fallen into the urn. We kept a certain distance from him, but it helped to break the deadlock."

"Then what can I do?" Andy looked serious.

"The caller will still contact you." Su Yi said, "They will probably make a fuss about your life experience and your younger brother. At that time, they will try to meet you. Just remember, even if you lose your position again, you have to be the first Just let me know the time, and that's all."

"Before we figure out their plans and goals, it's best not to startle them. We have to counterattack when they are most complacent. During this period, even if they bear some heavy prices, it is necessary." Su Yi slowly Dao, with a serious face, "Andy, to deal with such enemies, we must kill them in one go! We must not give them a chance to survive, otherwise, there will be endless disasters!"

Andy was distraught.

Her background, as well as her lost brother since childhood, are her absolute weaknesses, but now, Su Yi tells her that someone will use her weaknesses to deal with her.

She didn't know who would be so vicious, and she didn't know who even someone like Su Yi was so close to the enemy, but she believed that Su Yi would not lie to her.

But she felt that coming to see Su Yi tonight was the most correct decision she had made recently.

At this moment, Su Yi received a text message.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, so late, who would send a text message?

Su Yi took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. He was startled for a moment, and then his face became serious.

Andy noticed Su Yi's emotional change, and couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

Su Yi squinted his eyes and stared at the phone, slowly said: "Someone's fox tail is finally exposed."

Andy didn't know why.

Su Yi raised his head and showed her an apologetic look: "I can't share this news with you because it involves a girl's privacy."

Andy was even more curious, but he had no choice but to say, "It's okay."

Su Yi seemed to be a little emotional, saying: "People's hearts are unpredictable..."

Andy stayed for a while, then said goodbye and left.

Early the next morning, Su Yi was washing up when he received a call from Qiu Yingying.

On the phone, Qiu Yingying was very anxious: "Brother Yang, come up quickly!"

"What happened?" Su Yi asked.

"It's Guan Guan! Guan Guan's stomach hurts so badly that he can't even get out of bed! Please take her to the hospital immediately!" Qiu Yingying said hurriedly.

Su Yi looked at himself in the mirror, straightened his hair a little, and said calmly, "I'll come up right away."

When Su Yi went up, everyone on the 22nd floor was at 2202. It was the time when everyone was going to work in the morning. Qiu Yingying made a noise with her loud voice, which finally alarmed Andy and Qu Xiaoxiao.

When Su Yi arrived, Andy was instructing everyone not to surround Guan Juer, and to open the windows for ventilation.

In addition, she also suggested: "I suggest that it is best to call 120 and ask them to send an ambulance. It is the morning rush hour, and Xiaobai will drive Xiaoguan to the hospital. There is a high probability that he will be stuck on the road."

"Andy is right, I will call 120 now!" Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

"Don't!" Guan Juer yelled hastily, "I don't want to take the ambulance, don't call!"

"Now is not the time for you to be willful!" Qu Xiaoxiao ignored her at all and directly dialed 120.
Guan Juer was in a hurry: "Xiao Qu, please don't call 120, I am very afraid of ambulances, if an ambulance comes, I won't even go if I am killed!"

"Hey, why are you so stubborn, little girl? Why?" Qu Xiaoxiao stared, "You are hurting like this, why are you still playing with your personality?"

"Anyway, I don't take an ambulance!" Guan Juer was firm.

At this moment, Su Yi had come to him.

"How's it going?" he asked.

"Brother Yang, you're here!" Qiu Yingying rushed over in surprise, and took Su Yi's hand, "Look at Guan Guan!"

When Su Yi saw it, his face was pale, he was clutching his stomach in pain, and there were still teardrops on his eyelashes.

"I suspect it's acute appendicitis or something." Andy said succinctly, "Since Xiao Guan doesn't want to take an ambulance, let's take her to the hospital, Xiao Qu, you can plan a road that is not blocked, and find the nearest one, if possible." The hospital performing the operation can contact the traffic police to help clear the way if necessary."

Guan Juer's eyes widened, and he looked at Su Yi for help.

Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, coughed lightly and asked, "Xiao Guan, how do you feel now?"

Guan Juer immediately said: "Okay, it's much better, it doesn't hurt so much anymore."

"Where does it hurt, can you show us?" Su Yi asked.

Guan Juer pointed to the position of the left abdomen.

"It's not the appendix, it should be a problem with the colon." Su Yi said immediately.

"Brother Yang, have you ever studied medicine?" Qiu Yingying asked in a daze.

"This is basic common sense." Su Yi said, "It may be the onset of colitis. It hurts suddenly for a while. If it is relieved now, the problem is not serious. There is no need to call an ambulance or use any traffic police to clear the way. I If you know how to go, you can get to the hospital the fastest. Just follow Xiaoguan, you should go to work, you don’t have to follow. If there is any situation, I will tell everyone in time.”

"That's right, it's good to have Big Brother Bai, you all go to work, I'm not that serious." Guan Juer hurriedly responded.

"It looks much better?" Fan Shengmei touched Guan Juer's face in doubt, "Just now I rolled in pain and fell to the ground, but it scared the little earthworm and me."

"Sister Fan doesn't hurt so much now." Guan Juer said.

"Well, it seems like a false alarm." Qu Xiaoxiao also heaved a sigh of relief, "Then there will be a hero named Lao Bai to save the beauty."

Turning her eyes, she smiled and looked at Qiu Yingying: "Xiaoqiu, I don't know, will you be jealous of Xiaoguan? She is your best girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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