Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 414 The Sad Qu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 414 The Sad Qu Xiaoxiao
As soon as Fan Shengmei cried on the phone, Qiu Yingying immediately panicked.

"Sister Fan, Sister Fan, don't cry, we're here to find you right now, don't cry, we will help you if anything happens to Sister Fan..." Qiu Yingying was so anxious that tears came out.

"Thank you..." Fan Shengmei broke down in tears.

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yingying immediately anxiously said to Su Yi: "Brother Yang, something happened to Sister Fan's family. She said that only you can help her. I have always regarded her as my own sister. Can you help her..."

Seeing Qiu Yingying who was crying anxiously, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder everyone said you were a silly girl, you asked me to help you first without saying anything.

Although the phone was not on speakerphone, Su Yi could hear it clearly.

At this stage, did something happen to Fan Shengmei's family?

Su Yi feels that this matter is very strange...

He generally automatically regards any deviation from the original plot as man-made.

Although Su Yi didn't know what happened, but if this incident was really driven by human beings, then there is a high probability that Wang Baichuan directed this incident.

This kid has dirty hands...

Su Yi's thoughts changed rapidly, but he got up immediately and took out the car keys from the drawer without delay.

"Go." He snapped his fingers.

Qiu Yingying suddenly felt at ease in her heart.

While Su Yi was chasing the sunset in his Phaeton, on the other side, Qu Xiaoxiao came to his father's office with a freshly released project feasibility report.

She put the feasibility report of the GI agency project on the table, and proudly raised her neck to Father Qu: "Dad, you want the feasibility report."

Qu's father was a little surprised. He looked at a thick bound feasibility report, then looked at Qu Xiaoxiao, and blurted out, "Okay, we found the right method."

As soon as these words came out, Qu Xiaoxiao knew that Su Yi's guess was correct, and that her father deliberately threw out such a task before, it was a test for her.

She was proud of herself, but her face was calm, and she said: "Dad, leave professional things to professional people, don't you think I'm so stupid that I can do such trivial things by myself?" ?”

"Not bad, not bad." Father Qu said with a smile, "Those who work with their minds rule others, and those who work hard rule others. Xiao Xiao, this is the first lesson Dad taught you!"

Slightly pondering, Father Qu said: "Alright, since you are willing to do things, and you seem to be able to do things, Dad will of course fully support you. The people from the headquarters of GI Group who came to investigate have been in Shanghai recently. I will ask them to come to your company tomorrow." , you preach in person and see if you can convince them to agree to give you the agency. Is there any problem?"

"Of course no problem!" Qu Xiaoxiao was still a little guilty in her heart, but she absolutely couldn't admit defeat, "Dad, just wait and open champagne for me to celebrate!"

"Hehe, if you can really negotiate this project, don't talk about champagne, dad will give you whatever you want!" Father Qu waved his hands proudly.

"Hee hee, then I would like to thank dad in advance!" Qu Xiaoxiao said happily.

She doesn't care about any rewards. Since she was a child, she spent money like water, what has she never seen?

What she cares about is her father's attention and love for her.

"Okay, your time is very urgent, hurry up and go back to prepare, I won't keep you." Qu's father said seriously, "Xiao Xiao, relax, don't have any burdens, no matter whether you succeed or not, you will always be Daddy's daughter."

"I know dad, mua!" Qu Xiaoxiao blew a kiss, "Then I'm leaving?"

"Go, go." Father Qu smiled and waved his hands, "Remember to go home for dinner in the afternoon."

"Okay." Qu Xiaoxiao pointed to the feasibility report on the table, "Although it wasn't written by your daughter, it was also my painstaking effort. Dad, don't forget to read it."

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely watch it," Father Qu said.

Only then did Qu Xiaoxiao wave goodbye happily, and after walking not far away, Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that Yao Bin had an appointment with her tonight, so she couldn't go home for dinner, so she immediately turned back to tell her father.

She didn't lock the door when she just left, there was still a crack in the door, and when she was about to open the door to enter, she was surprised when she heard another person's voice inside!
"Dad, GI is such a good project, I should let it go. I am a brother who is benevolent enough, right? But Dad, let me remind you, this married daughter, the water poured out, give her three melons and two dates , I have no objection to providing her with enough food and clothing, but she is obviously playing with our company now, so don't get mesmerized by this girl."

This is the voice of her half-brother, Lianjie Qu!
Qu Xiaoxiao was furious when she heard this, what is three melons and two dates?

What is Qu Xiaoxiao when she is, a beggar?

Also, why is Qu Lianjie in his father's office?

She just came out of her father's office!

She was less than five meters away, and her father's office was at the innermost part of the corridor. If anyone went in, they would definitely bump into Qu Xiaoxiao. It was impossible for her not to see her!

What does this mean?
This means that Qu Lianjie was in his father's office just now!

He hid and kept eavesdropping on his conversation with his father!

But the father knew this, but he acquiesced to his son's eavesdropping and concealed it from her, Qu Xiaoxiao!

No wonder his father urged him to leave in such a hurry.

Qu Xiaoxiao was frightened and angry, and her heart was filled with the feeling of being cheated.

"Did you let this project come out? I'm ashamed for you when you say that!" Father Qu said angrily, "Look at your sister, and then look at you! If you are half as worried as your sister, I will Burning incense!"

After hearing this, Qu Xiaoxiao felt a little less depressed, and her father was finally able to calm down with a bowl of water...

But the next second, she didn't think so.

"Don't worry, Qu Xiaoxiao?" Qu Lianjie laughed loudly, without concealing his sarcasm, "It's not like I didn't tell you about the bad things she did abroad in the past few years. I still don't believe that your precious daughter is that kind of person. Later, I got someone to take pictures of the evidence and pass it on to you. Did you forget that you were so angry that you wanted to sever the father-daughter relationship with her? If it wasn't for my stepmother pleading hard, and saying Afraid of hurting Qu Xiaoxiao's self-esteem and making you pretend not to know, can you still be as father-daughter as you are today?"

When Qu Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her whole body was icy cold.

Her face was pale, and her heart was full of panic.

My father already knew about my unbearable and crazy time when I was studying abroad?

Then she has been pretending to be a good girl, isn't it a joke?

Father Qu was very angry: "You still talk about your sister, what good are you yourself? You have been messing around outside all these years, how many times have I wiped your ass?"

"Dad, I'm a man. To put it bluntly, even if I mess around, I won't suffer!" Qu Lianjie said indifferently, "But Qu Xiaoxiao is a woman! Think about it, Dad, Qu Xiaoxiao Over the years in foreign countries, it's just like the women I've had sex with... It's not right, those women are for money, but Qu Xiaoxiao..."

"Shut up!" Qu's father yelled, "Qu Lianjie, no matter what, that's your sister! You're talking about her like that? Why are you acting like she's your enemy?"

"Dad, let's be reasonable?" Qu Lianjie was aggrieved, "Did I treat her as an enemy? She regarded me as an enemy, okay? Let's not talk about it, my company lost some money, and she also investigated it. If you file a complaint, if you don’t tell me, I still don’t know she’s so cunning..."

"Did I tell you to make you hate your sister? I was teaching you a lesson..."

Qu Xiaoxiao stood blankly outside the door, almost unable to hear what was being said inside.

The complaint Qu Lianjie mentioned happened the day before yesterday.

Through Yao Bin, she found out that the annual profits of the two companies under Qu Lianjie's name were directly halved, causing millions of losses, so she directly told her father about it.

Unexpectedly, her father turned around and sold her.

She really couldn't figure out why.

The conversation inside is still going on.

"Okay, I know you will be wronged by giving the GI project to your sister," Father Qu said.

Wronged?Lianjie Qu was wronged?

Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe her ears, Qu Lianjie was incompetent and couldn't do it by himself, so he had his own chance, what wronged did he suffer?

"No, I'll compensate you in another way." Father Qu continued, "There is 10 million in this card, it's your pocket money, take it."

"It's only 10 million..." Qu Lianjie seemed dissatisfied.

"How much more do you want!" Father Qu suddenly raised his voice, "I gave you 20 million a month ago, but you used it to buy a car, and in less than a month, you crashed the car and scrapped it! "

"Okay, okay, 10 million is 10 million, I'll make do with it." Qu Lianjie said impatiently.

Qu Xiaoxiao outside the door suddenly wanted to laugh when she heard this.

She is living abroad with $[-] a month in living expenses, and she no longer knows how she spent the money.

The time my father gave me the most money was the 2 million start-up capital this time.

But what about Qu Lianjie?
10 million pocket money, he still thinks it is too little!
According to their conversation, Jet Lianjie even had 20 million pocket money last month!

Think about her, Qu Xiaoxiao, in order to pretend to be a good girl, driving a second-hand Polo owned by the nanny at home, and living in a low-end community with three households on one floor...

Her mother urged her to come back one after another, saying that when her father transferred assets to his son behind her back, Qu Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously, but now that the facts are in front of her, what her mother may know is only the tip of the iceberg!
All the warmth that her father had brought her before, at this moment, seemed so false and hypocritical!
Qu Xiaoxiao didn't know how embarrassed she was, so she escaped from the spot. She ran back to her small broken car, and couldn't help crying on the steering wheel any longer.

With tears in her eyes, she suddenly recalled what Su Yi said that night.

"If it's just a simple project, it's nothing special. At most, it will make your father happy. It's not interesting..."

"If your ultimate goal is to replace your father and become the owner of Zhengxin Group, then I'm interested in helping you fulfill your wish... But it's a matter of business, what price can you pay for it? "

She suddenly stopped crying, raised her head, and an indescribable look flashed in her eyes.

Then, she dialed Su Yi's phone number.

The phone rang several times, but it was Qiu Yingying's voice that answered it over there.

"Fairy Qu, hum, I knew you would call Brother Yang behind my back, so I caught you, right? Huh, what else do you have to say!" Qu Yingying asked in a bad tone.

"I'm not in the mood to play such childish tricks with you." Qu Xiaoxiao snorted and said, "Give the phone to Brother Bai, I have something to do with him."

Qiu Yingying over there was stunned for a moment, and said, "Are you crying? Why are you crying too? What happened today? Why are you all crying?"

Immediately she hurriedly said nervously: "Are you all right, Qu Xiaoxiao?"

"I'm fine!" Qu Xiaoxiao's heart warmed up, "But if you don't give the phone to Brother Bai, then my problem will be serious!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to him, I'll give it to him right away!" Qiu Yingying immediately said nervously.

Immediately Qu Xiaoxiao heard Qiu Yingying's voice in the microphone: "Brother Yang, Qu Xiaoxiao is looking for you, please listen to what's going on!"


Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Su Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Qu?"

"Brother Bai! I've decided, I'm going to fight! I'm going to fight them to the end!" Qu Xiaoxiao's tone suddenly became decisive, and in the end she almost screamed.

Qiu Yingying stuck the phone to Su Yi's ear, and Su Yi frowned: "Just talk, what are you calling?"

Qu Xiaoxiao felt that her whole mood was disturbed.

"Understood, wait for my call, I will talk to you when I have time." Su Yi said.

"Don't, Brother Bai." Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "The people from GI will come tomorrow, what should I do?"

"What to do and how to do it," Su Yi said lightly, "Let's do this first."

After a pause, Su Yi said: "But what I'm more curious about is, what stimulated you?"

Anything happening now that is different from the original plot can arouse Su Yi's vigilance.

"It's a long story..."

"Then we'll talk about it when we meet." Su Yi interrupted and hung up the phone.

Too long to stop listening...

On the other side, Qu Xiaoxiao was sitting in the car, listening to the beeping blind tone on the receiver, her eyes glazed over.

It was also the first time for Qiu Yingying to come to Fan Shengmei's company. When she arrived at the underground parking lot, she called Fan Shengmei and learned that she was in the corridor on the fifteenth floor.

When Su Yi got out of the car, he thought about it and found a mask from the car.

"Brother Yang, you just said that Qu Xiaoxiao wants to compete with her brother for the property, so how do you plan to help her?" Qiu Yingying asked curiously in the elevator.

"I'm not helping her, this is a deal." Su Yi said, "I helped her gain power, and she must pay the corresponding price."

Seeing that Qiu Yingying's gaze became strange, Su Yi added angrily: "In terms of money and interests, can your little brain think of something healthy for a day?"

Qiu Yingying smirked: "As long as you are involved, I will not be healthy..."

Su Yi smiled in surprise: "Yo, this little love talk is very slippery."

"Is this a love story?" Qiu Yingying asked confusedly.

The two talked and laughed, and soon arrived at the place.

When they reached the stairwell on the fifteenth floor, Fan Shengmei stood by the window with her back to them.

"Sister Fan!" Qiu Yingying yelled and ran over.

Fan Shengmei turned her head, revealing a haggard and painted face.

(End of this chapter)

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