Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 415 A Small Experiment

Chapter 415 A Small Experiment
Although each of the five golden flowers in Ode to Joy has its own merits and competes for beauty, but when it comes to coquettishness and graceful demeanor, Fan Shengmei is the most beautiful.

Whether it's the glamorous Andy, the enchanting Qu Xiaoxiao, the pure Guan Juer or the stupid and cute Qiu Yingying, they are all inferior to Sister Fan in this respect.

But now Fan Shengmei's hair is messed up, her eyes are loose, and her beautiful makeup is gone.

The smudged makeup made her delicate face look like an impressionist-style oil painting with splashes of ink, which normal people can't appreciate.

Su Yi has always seen Fan Shengmei as a woman, and always feels that this woman has that vigorous posture, but now, she is full of embarrassment and haggardness.

Under the heavy pressure of life, she had to let go of all her defenses and all her disguises.

"Xiaoqiu, Mr. Bai..." She avoided the eyes of the two of them, "I'm really sorry to let you go, but when I was on the phone, my legs were so weak that I couldn't even stand up. Son, I really have no face to face people..."

"Sister Fan, what's wrong with you?" Qiu Yingying couldn't see this, she cried and hugged Fan Shengmei.

Fan Shengmei hugged Qiu Yingying and wept silently.

Su Yi stepped forward and handed the mask to Fan Shengmei, and said calmly, "Go home first."

Half an hour later, Su Yi took the two daughters back to Ode to Joy.

Su Yi got off the elevator on the 21st floor.

"Yingying, you and your sister Fan go back to have a rest first, and come to my house directly later." Su Yi said.

"Brother Yang, let's go up first."

Su Yi didn't wait long when the doorbell rang.

Su Yi opened the door, only Fan Shengmei was standing outside the door.


Su Yi was not surprised by this scene. Fan Shengmei's inferiority complex would never allow her "ugliness" of asking for help to be seen by a third person, so she would definitely persuade Qiu Yingying to stay at home.

"Come in." Su Yi pretended not to know, didn't ask, turned around and asked Fan Shengmei to come in.

On the contrary, Fan Shengmei, who was ready to explain, had to hold back the opening remarks that had been brewing.

Su Yi poured her a glass of water. After thanking her, the latter sat on the sofa, pondered for a moment, and said with embarrassment: "Bai, Mr. Bai, you must have guessed the purpose of my seeking you..."

"Something happened to my family and I urgently need a large sum of money. I know we've only known each other for a short time. It's inappropriate for me to say this, but I really can't help it..." Fan Shengmei burst into tears as she spoke.

"How much do you need?" Su Yi asked calmly.

"One hundred 300,000,"

Fan Shengmei opened her mouth with difficulty, and seeing Su Yi's shocked expression, she hastily added: "Maybe the money won't be needed, or it won't be so much, Mr. Bai, the only friend I know who can give out so much money at once is you." , if I hadn't been desperate, I would have no face to tell you this."

"It takes more than one million yuan to solve, it's not a small matter." Su Yi said.

He was indeed a little shocked. He originally thought it might be a matter of hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but he didn't expect Wang Baichuan to make such a big deal.

"Is it convenient to talk about it?" Su Yi asked.

Fan Shengmei laughed at herself: "What inconvenience do I have now? The thing is like this..."

Immediately, she explained the situation of receiving the call today in detail.

While talking, Fan Shengmei cried again.

"I really hate my family, but I can't make up my mind to ignore it. After all, my parents raised me..." Fan Shengmei poured out her nose and tears, crying very sadly .

The elder brother lost money in gambling, and Hei Shi would come to the door to force the debt to collect the house. The parents called the daughter who was working out of town and asked the daughter to find a way to pay back the money to make up for this huge hole. The daughter had no choice but was scolded for being unfilial...

Su Yi already knew what happened to Fan Shengmei's wonderful family, so he was not surprised.This family is a godsend. In the original plot, all kinds of disgusting things were done. It can be said that Fan Shengmei has been in her family for the first half of her life.

But the point of this matter is not her weird family, but her weird brother, how did she owe more than one million yuan?

A moth who relies on his father's pension and his younger sister's salary to support his wife and children can only spend thousands of dollars a month.If you let this kind of person lose more than one million yuan, where will he lose it?

Is it true that anyone can lose 1 million?

Even if you are willing to lose, others may not be willing to win you so much!
If I win more than one million gambling debts from you poor man, do I have to get it back?

Why should I owe you a huge sum of money that I can't even sell your family?
Poor people, even if they want to lose 1 million, they are not eligible!

So it's a delicate matter.

Su Yi didn't hide his words, and directly expressed his doubts to Fan Shengmei.

If this matter was really done by Wang Baichuan - he has no obligation to cover Wang Baichuan at all.

It was the greatest kindness for him not to put some shit on the sole of his foot before stepping on Wang Baichuan.

"Your brother has fallen for someone else's trap." Su Yi said, "And this person's purpose is very strange, obviously not only for money."

Fan Shengmei, who was crying so loudly, suddenly widened her eyes and froze on the spot.

Su Yi first explained to Fan Shengmei the truth that "poor people are not qualified to lose 1 million", and then said: "The house in your hometown should only be worth 300,000, right? This is your family's biggest asset. If you gamble with your brother People here are really just for money, as long as they win 300,000, they can go to your house to take back the house and sweep you out. Is it necessary to win 1 million so exaggerated?"

"Maybe, maybe they don't know about my brother's situation..." Fan Shengmei was confused and didn't know what to say.

"Of course there is such a possibility." Su Yi smiled, "But when you encounter things, you can't think about it in a simple way. This is asking for trouble for yourself."

"Mr. Bai, what other purpose do you think they have besides money?" Fan Shengmei asked.

"Actually, it's easy to think about." Su Yi looked at Fan Shengmei, "Your family deserves what others want to get, except money, and you are the only one."

"Me?" Fan Shengmei pointed at herself in disbelief.

The shock in her heart at this moment made her forget her sadness and fear.

"You are very beautiful." Su Yi said bluntly, "but you are also very proud. Maybe some people think that it is difficult to get you without some tricks, so they made a bad move."

Fan Shengmei's complexion changed drastically.

The first thing she thought of was Wang Baichuan.

Recently, Wang Baichuan has been thinking about that, he has an extreme greed for her body.

Fan Shengmei is a sensitive person, and she knows this very well. Although she is proud of her own charm, she is very disgusted with this kind of men with sperm and brains. Therefore, her original good impression of Wang Baichuan has dropped a bit.If Wang Baichuan hadn't been considered a potential diamond man, and this man was very good at coaxing women, Fan Shengmei really wouldn't have bothered to talk to him.

Fan Shengmei is hanging on to Wang Baichuan, using him to eat, drink, and name brand, and enjoy the other party's pursuit and compliments, but refuses to give the other party any sweetness.

But to say that Wang Baichuan would take risks because of this, frantically use her family to set up traps, and force her to submit, Fan Shengmei absolutely does not believe it!

She didn't believe that Wang Baichuan was this kind of person.

"Mr. Bai couldn't be talking about Wang Baichuan, right?" She said in disbelief, "It's impossible, it's too ridiculous!"

Su Yi said: "He is very suspicious. First of all, he is pursuing you, and you seem to have not agreed to him, so he has the motive to do so; secondly, he is a fellow villager with you, and he knows your family's situation very well, so he did this. Moreover, he is a person who can start from scratch and build a family business, and now he has left everything behind and ran to Shanghai to start over again. He also has no shortage of ability and courage; finally, the most important thing..."

Su Yi looked at Fan Shengmei: "Originally I shouldn't have told you this, but you encountered such a situation in your family..."

"This Wang Baichuan is not as simple as you think," Su Yi said, "The relationship between me and Lao Tan has become very cold recently, and I suspect that he is the one who got in the way, and I have always suspected that he and another guy who harbored ill intentions towards me There is a connection, secretly plotting something."

"Simply put, I've always suspected this guy would be bad for me."

"Wang Baichuan is not good for you?" Fan Shengmei felt as if she was listening to the Arabian Nights, "Why? Just because you gave him face at the dinner that day? He is not such a stingy person! Mr. Bai, I think there must be a misunderstanding ..."

Su Yi smiled.

He pondered slightly, and said: "Actually, it is very simple to prove this matter. As long as you cooperate with me to do a small experiment, you will know what kind of quality Wang Baichuan is."

"But before that, give me your bank card number." Su Yi said, "I can lend you the money. You need money no matter what."

Fan Shengmei couldn't believe her ears.

Although she came to Su Yi with great luck, she never expected that Su Yi would lend her money so easily.

That's one hundred 300,000!Instead of one hundred and thirty yuan!

Many people can't save so much money in their entire lives!

And she and Su Yiman have only known each other for a few days?Strictly speaking, the two are not even friends!

But Su Yi really planned to lend her money.

She was stunned for a long time, her mind was in chaos, and for a while, seeing Su Yi frowning and looking at her strangely, she woke up in a start, hurriedly flipping through her phone while talking incoherently: "The card number, the card number is in my phone, I, I'm looking for it... I'm looking for it."

The two were busy for ten minutes, during which Su Yi called the bank, and Fan Shengmei received a text message that the money had arrived.

One hundred 500,000!

Five 15s after 0!

Fan Shengmei counted five times before she was sure that she had counted correctly and that she had really borrowed money.

At this moment, she wept with joy, stood up and bowed to Su Yi again and again: "I really thank you Mr. Bai, I don't know how to express my gratitude, really, I am too..."

Su Yi said: "Xie Yingying. Although I regard you as a friend, to be honest, the friendship between you and me is not enough for me to lend you 500,000."

"I know, I know you are looking at Yingying's face." Fan Shengmei said excitedly. At this moment, she felt a little disappointment inexplicably in her heart, but she was quickly dispelled by the touch, "But your generosity really saved Yingying. I want to remember the lives of our family and Yingying's love, and I must never ignore your love, Mr. Bai, I really don't know how to thank you! Don't worry, I will definitely pay back the money. ——By the way, I'll give you the IOU right now..."

"It's not urgent." Su Yi waved his hand, "Let's go back to our previous topic, Xiao Fan, would you like to try Wang Baichuan's fineness with me?"

He looked at Fan Shengmei: "Look at this matter in your family, does it have anything to do with him?"

Fan Shengmei sorted out her emotions and asked, "Mr. Bai, how do you try?"

Now Su Yi let alone test Wang Baichuan's quality, even if she turned against Wang Baichuan, she would not hesitate.

Moreover, Fan Shengmei has already decided at this moment, she will not hang on to Wang Baichuan anymore, and just break up with this person directly.

Not for anything else, just because she owed Su Yi 500,000, and Su Yi didn't like Wang Baichuan.

As for the claim that Wang Baichuan directed the tragedy facing her family, Fan Shengmei still didn't believe it.

She even thinks that Su Yi thinks too much and thinks too badly about people.

"You didn't call Wang Baichuan about your family, did you?" Su Yi asked.

Although he was asking, Su Yi's tone was very firm.

If Fan Shengmei had really called Wang Baichuan, then Su Yi would have nothing to do with this matter.

The reason why Fan Shengmei didn't ask Wang Baichuan for help was also very simple. She subconsciously didn't want her suitors to see her miserable situation, and Wang Baichuan's own conditions were indeed not good. Fan Shengmei didn't think that Wang Baichuan had the financial strength to come up with such a More money.

"I... I didn't tell him." Fan Shengmei was a little nervous, "Mr. Bai, I think he doesn't have that much money, he can't take it out all at once..."

"I didn't mean to blame you." Su Yi shook his head, "Just to confirm. Also, do you have an appointment with him tonight?"

"Yes." Fan Shengmei hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully, "He asked me to eat Siamese food tonight."

"Call and decline, saying that you can't make the appointment because of something, but don't say too much." Su Yi said
"Okay, I'll make a call now." Fan Shengmei took out her mobile phone.

One of them ordered, one followed, and both took it for granted.

Soon, Fan Shengmei called Wang Baichuan.

In order for Su Yi to hear clearly, Fan Shengmei even put on the speakerphone.

"Hello, Xiaomei?" Wang Baichuan's voice on the other end of the phone was very gentle.

Fan Shengmei took a look at Su Yi, and said according to what Su Yi taught, "Bai Chuan, I can't have dinner with you this afternoon. I have something to do and I can't get away."

Wang Baichuan asked concerned: "Xiaomei, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Fan Shengmei said, "I...I still have something to do, so let's do it first."

After all, he directly pressed the phone.

Fan Shengmei looked at Su Yi suspiciously, and asked, "What should I do next, Mr. Bai?"

"Wait a moment." Su Yi smiled, picked up the phone and called Zhao Qiping.

He's also on speakerphone.

After the call was connected, Su Yi said directly: "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry, I have to miss my appointment this afternoon, so I can't have dinner with you. I have something to do here suddenly, and I have to go to Nantong urgently."

Zhao Qiping was taken aback: "Nantong? Brother, what are you doing there?"

"A little personal matter." Su Yi smiled and didn't say much, "I'll treat you to dinner when I come back. Okay? That's it for now."

After all, he hung up the phone directly.

He looked at the bewildered Fan Shengmei, and said, "If Wang Baichuan doesn't call you next, it means that this person is fine; but if he calls next, he must find out what's the matter with you, even Say, he has heard about your family."

Su Yi looked at Fan Shengmei whose face gradually became terrified, and said slowly: "Then there is no doubt that what happened to your family was done by him."

(End of this chapter)

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