Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 416 Slander

Chapter 416 Slander

As soon as he hung up Fan Shengmei's call, Wang Baichuan's face collapsed immediately.

If Fan Shengmei didn't say why she broke the appointment, how could he not have guessed it?

He single-handedly concocted the plight of Fan Shengmei's family, and he planned to be a hero when she was most desperate, to save Fan Shengmei from the fire and water, and then take this golden flower with one hand!
And the reason why he took a slanted sword is really helpless.

For one thing, his attraction to Fan Shengmei and his expected development value on the settlement sheet have dropped from more than 75% in the first episode to less than 30% now!
Statistics can’t deceive anyone. Fan Shengmei’s interest in him is getting weaker and weaker, but her attitude towards him remains the same. This can only explain one thing——Fan Shengmei is using him as a winner, a spare tire, and deliberately playing with him .

Secondly, his one-night stand that night actually made it into the "Ten Events" of the previous episode.

This is even more terrible!

Once any of the other four actors came to Fan Shengmei and said that Wang Baichuan went to the bar for one-night stands while he was chasing Fan Shengmei, then he would have no chance with Fan Shengmei.

Wang Baichuan was extremely skeptical. In fact, a talkative actor had already told Fan Shengmei about this matter. Otherwise, how could Fan Shengmei's favorability and expectations for him have dropped sharply?

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Wang Baichuan moved his mind and turned his idea on Fan Shengmei's family.

He found a big gangster from his hometown to play a trick on Fan Shengmei's brother, and let him win continuously, winning nearly [-] yuan.Then, let him lose the house with one card, and lose more than one million with three cards!
He made an agreement with this big bastard named Brother Da Bing, 500,000 flat.

What does that mean?

Just let this big bastard make trouble as he pleases, as long as it doesn't lead to jail time, don't make trouble out of control, wait for Wang Baichuan to come forward, 500,000 to settle this matter, from now on, the two sides will not interfere with each other, and this matter will be over.

Why more than one million debts, 500,000 will be resolved?

Because everyone knew that it was impossible for the Fan family to spend more than one million yuan, even if they forced their lives.

Brother Da Bing's purpose is for money, not for human life, so 500,000 will be credited directly, which is definitely enough for him to accept it as soon as he sees it, without procrastinating, and avoiding long nights and dreams.

And on the surface, 500,000 of the debt of more than one million yuan can be resolved, which also shows Wang Baichuan's ability and makes this matter more reasonable.

Why didn't you call the police when this happened?Gambling debts are not protected by law. If you call the police, you don't have to pay a penny of the debt. Wouldn't it be better?
Only people with no social experience would think so.

You must know that the protection of the law is more of a passive protection after the fact. If the Fan family dares to deny this account, can they withstand the harassment day and night by the debtors?

Can they not be afraid of malicious revenge for debts?
What's more, today's gangsters are not stupid. Although it is a gambling debt, the IOU is written on the payment for the goods, and the goods have indeed gone around in a pretentious manner.Once the judicial procedures are followed, these procedures can reasonably and legally prove that the brother of the Fan family owes money for the goods.

According to the relevant laws, the Fan family has to prove that what they owe is not a gambling debt. They are empty teeth, can they prove it?
So when encountering this kind of thing, unless you have the courage to bear it and the personality to fight it out, the best way is to negotiate with the two parties and spend money to buy lessons.

Fan Shengmei's parents and elder brother and sister-in-law are the kind of characters who bully the weak and fear the hard, and only dare to be stubborn. They have no way to give up, and they don't dare to take it hard, let alone call the police. So there is only one thing left for them Road - take money to make things right.

This is also the premise why Wang Baichuan dared to play such a trick, and it is also the reason why Su Yi didn't mention the method of calling the police.

Yes, it was fine when I called the police, but what about the follow-up?Can the police keep protecting your Fan family from leaving?
Wang Baichuan's calculation was quite good, but what he didn't expect was that Fan Shengmei never asked him for help from Wang Baichuan as he had imagined, and they didn't ask him for help at all.

This made him very depressed.

After thinking about it, he felt that Fan Shengmei's self-esteem and vanity were the cause, and he didn't want him, a suitor, to know the dire situation in her family.

So he began to think about whether he should find an excuse to pick on Fan Shengmei, and then take the initiative to lend a helping hand...


He quickly vetoed this idea. If it is too easy to get, it will often not be cherished. If Fan Shengmei is not allowed to experience what despair is, she will not know how valuable her help is.

Wang Baichuan decided to hold on.

However, just as he was thinking this way, he received a call.

"Doctor Zhao?" Wang Baichuan answered the phone and said with a smile, "Why did you call me if you didn't go to dinner with Bai Muyang?"

"I've been let go." Zhao Qiping on the other end of the phone said angrily.

"Tsk tsk... This Bai Muyang really doesn't take our Dr. Zhao seriously..." Wang Baichuan tsk tsk.

"Why do I hear you gloating?" Zhao Qiping said.

"No, how could it be." Wang Baichuan said with a chuckle, "We are allies, and I can only empathize with you, not gloat."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you feel empathy or gloat." Zhao Qiping said leisurely, "But if you know why Bai Muyang let me go, I don't believe you can still laugh."

Wang Baichuan was startled: "What do you mean?"

"Do you know why Bai Muyang let me go?" Zhao Qiping said, "He said he was going to Nantong. If I remember correctly, Nantong should be your hometown, right?"

Wang Baichuan's complexion changed drastically, his eyes flickered with surprise and uncertainty.

Zhao Qiping continued: "He went to Nantong, either for you or for Fan Shengmei. Of course, Mr. Bao is also in Nantong, and the Red Star Group is also in Nantong. He may also be for these two reasons."

Xiaobao is always one of the male protagonists in the original plot, the "Prince" of the Bao Group, a capable second-generation rich man, he is Andy's second boyfriend, and he can be regarded as Andy's real son.

"Thank you for your news." Wang Baichuan said in a deep voice, "I will help you with your affairs."

"Help each other." Zhao Qiping smiled and hung up the phone.

Bai Muyang!
A trace of resentment flashed in Wang Baichuan's eyes.

This Bai Muyang is too bad, too disgusting!

I just ignored him for a while with blind eyes, but soon lowered my posture and apologized, but what about Bai Muyang?
First, they dismantled him in public, slapped him in the face, and cut off his future.

It's good now, he even dares to fight Fan Shengmei's idea!

What Lin Jing said was indeed correct, this Bai Muyang was a hundred times more dangerous than Tan Zongming!
This kind of person must completely get down on the ground!
A ruthless look flashed in Wang Baichuan's eyes, but he was anxiously thinking about the solution in his heart.

He set up a good game, and Bai Muyang must not let Bai Muyang pick the peaches!

So we must prevent Bai Muyang from going to Nantong!
no no no...

Wang Baichuan's face suddenly changed and his eyes widened. He thought of a worse possibility - what if Bai Muyang lent money to Fan Shengmei?
If so, the outcome couldn't have been worse!

With Fan Shengmei's personality and three views, once Bai Muyang is uneasy and kind, she has no objection to making her an underground lover with this huge debt!

Wang Baichuan was too anxious to sit still.

He immediately took out his phone and called Fan Shengmei.

At the same time, Su Yi and Fan Shengmei were also sitting on the sofa waiting for the phone call.

The difference is that Su Yi is leisurely and calm, while Fan Shengmei is restless.

"Mr. Bai, if Wang Baichuan really calls, can't it be concluded that he set up a trap to harm our family?" Fan Shengmei is actually still a little confused about the logic here, and still can't believe that Wang Baichuan, who has been flattering her in every possible way, will do this. Such a vicious thing came out.

"He and I are from the same village. Perhaps his friends in his hometown heard something and knew that he had a crush on me, so they called him to tell him. Is this possible?"

Seeing Fan Shengmei's hopeful eyes, Su Yi smiled slightly.

"Of course there is such a possibility." Su Yi said, "Because of the deviation of information, my judgment and your judgment cannot be completely consistent. So even if the logic line of this matter is complete here, there may be no evidence for you None. In the same way, you can use a hundred reasons to prove that Wang Baichuan is not, but here, there is no reason."

"You can trust him or not." Su Yi said with a smile, "I just said that this is just a small test."

Fan Shengmei hastily explained: "Mr. Bai, I'm not questioning you, I just can't believe that Wang Baichuan can be so bad. He behaved really well in front of me! He is gentle and polite, and he will never The appearance of losing his temper, and he is very self-motivated..."

As she was talking, her cell phone rang.

Fan Shengmei just glanced at it, and her face immediately turned pale.

"It's... Wang Baichuan!" She said tremblingly.

She kept convincing herself in her heart that even if Wang Baichuan called and talked about it, it didn't mean that he really did such a thing.

But when Wang Baichuan's call really came, she found that she couldn't convince herself to believe this person at all!

He is really suspicious!
Otherwise, this call is too coincidental, right?
Fan Shengmei took a deep breath before answering Wang Baichuan's call.

It's still on hands-free.

She glanced at Su Yi, said with a heavy face, "Bai Chuan, what's the matter?"

"Xiaomei, I just received a call from a friend in my hometown." Wang Baichuan said in a heavy voice, "He eats more openly in his hometown, so he is very well informed. He told me about your family, saying that your brother lost in gambling. Now, people are blocking your house to ask for debts, Xiaomei, tell me, is this true?"

Fan Shengmei's heart has sunk to the bottom!
If Su Yi hadn't told her about Wang Baichuan's doubts, then there would undoubtedly be nothing wrong with what Wang Baichuan said.

But now she actually felt that Wang Baichuan was too suspicious in her heart. Listening to Wang Baichuan's words just now, it was simply too suspicious!
As soon as Wang Baichuan came up, he first explained his source of news, which was very reasonable.

But under normal circumstances, when you are in a hurry to verify this matter, shouldn't you say - I heard that something happened to your family, is it true?

Who starts by explaining their sources before asking questions?

This is very abnormal!
Fan Sheng is as beautiful as falling into an ice cave, and his whole body is cold.

She sat there blankly with her mobile phone in her hand, her mind went blank at the moment.

"Xiaomei? Xiaomei? Are you listening?" Wang Baichuan called on the other end of the phone.

Only then did Fan Shengmei come back to her senses.

"I, I'm listening, I can hear you." She stammered a little, looking very nervous, she subconsciously looked at Su Yi for help.But Su Yi pointed at himself, then nodded to her.

"Xiaomei, tell me the truth, is something wrong with your family?" Wang Baichuan asked.

"Yes, yes." Fan Shengmei trembled.

"It's really like this..." Wang Baichuan over there sighed, "You said you don't have time to eat in the afternoon, so you want to rush back to your hometown to deal with this matter?"

"Yes." Fan Shengmei took a deep breath and said.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Baichuan said, "Why don't you ask me to help you? Xiaomei, do you still treat me as an outsider?"

"I..." Fan Shengmei looked at Su Yi again.

Su Yi pointed at himself again, and nodded to her.

Only then did Fan Shengmei realize what Su Yi wanted to say.

"Thank you, Bai Chuan..." Fan Shengmei said, "But I have already asked Mr. Bai to help me. He... He promised to accompany me back to Nantong to deal with this matter."

Su Yi gave Fan Shengmei a thumbs up, indicating that she spoke well.

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and then said: "Xiaomei, are you with Mr. Bai now?"

Su Yi shook his head at Fan Shengmei.

"No." Fan Shengmei said, "I'm at home, packing my things."

Wang Baichuan on the other end of the phone immediately said: "Xiaomei, do you have a good relationship with Mr. Bai?"

Fan Shengmei said: "We haven't known each other for long, but Mr. Bai is a..."

As soon as Su Yi heard it, he knew that Fan Shengmei wanted to praise him, so he hurriedly shook his head, signaling Fan Shengmei not to say more.

If you talk too much, you will be wrong. Besides, Wang Baichuan only asked if you are on good terms, but you keep praising how good I am. Doesn't this seem strange?
Fan Shengmei immediately shut up and said, "Mr. Bai is Little Earthworm's boyfriend. I begged Little Earthworm. It was Little Earthworm who asked Mr. Bai to help me."

"How does he plan to help you?" Wang Baichuan asked.

"He plans to accompany me back to Nantong first, and then make plans." Fan Shengmei looked at Su Yi and said.

Wang Baichuan sighed and said: "Xiaomei, actually I hate to speak ill of others behind their backs, but today I have to say it. Xiaomei, Bai Muyang has absolutely no good intentions for you!"

Fan Shengmei took a look at Su Yi and said, "Bo Chuan, you are overthinking."

"Xiaomei, believe me, only men understand men's thoughts best," Wang Baichuan said, "If he doesn't like you, why did he accompany you to Nantong to take this flood? He is the most cold-blooded and heartless person. , I don't believe he has such a warm heart."

"Bai Chuan, you really overthink it. Mr. Bai is Xiao Earthworm's boyfriend." Fan Shengmei said, "Little Earthworm has always regarded me as his own sister."

Wang Baichuan said in a deep voice: "Xiaomei, Bai Muyang is very nasty, you may not know, I have seen him play with women outside Piaochang!"


(End of this chapter)

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