Chapter 417

Bai Muyang playing with women outside?
Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?
Fan Shengmei's eyes widened subconsciously, this...

is that true?

She subconsciously glanced at Su Yi, but found that the latter was also a little dazed.

"You, saw Mr. Bai Piaochang?" Fan Shengmei asked, "When did it happen? Where is it?"

"Only two days ago, when I was socializing in the bar, I saw him enter the hotel opposite with his arms around two scantily clad women." Wang Baichuan said, "I haven't told you about this. Guan Ji, the second is that I don’t want to talk about others behind my back, but now that he’s entangled with you, I don’t think I can stay silent anymore.”

Su Yi laughed when he heard this.

This Wang Baichuan really just opened his mouth...

, I heard Wang Baichuan continue: "Xiaomei, people like Bai Muyang are not in the same world as us, and he does nothing for profit. Don't think that Tan Zongming has a good relationship with him, but he is just using him." You don't understand a lot of things, and I can't say too much, but Mr. Tan and I are doing something about Bai Muyang recently. I can only tell you, don't get too close to Bai Muyang. When he is unlucky, he will easily implicate you. !"

Fan Shengmei's expression suddenly changed.

She looked at Su Yi in surprise, and didn't know how to reply for a while.

If what Wang Baichuan said was true, wouldn't she have set up a big secret tonight?

What's even more depressing is that Bai Muyang is listening on the sidelines, so is the secret of Wang Baichuan and Tan Zongming still a secret?

Does that count as breaking Tan Zongming's major event?
She felt that she was involved in a huge conspiracy, and she was so confused that she didn't know what to do.

Su Yi saw Fan Shengmei's emotional change, smiled, and mouthed: "Consider, consider."

Fan Shengmei immediately understood: "Bai Chuan, I, I am very confused right now, I will think about it and call you back."

"Okay." Wang Baichuan said, "Xiaomei, let me add one last word. Bai Muyang is a devil who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones. All his sacrifices to others seem to be free, but in fact, he has already marked a high price secretly. I really can't figure it out, why would you rather ask an outsider for help than come to me?"

He sighed and said: "I have already prepared the money. I will fill up the gas in the car now and wait for you downstairs. If you can figure it out, just go downstairs to my car and I will drive you." Go home and settle this matter. I really don't want you to get hurt."

"I see, I'll call you again."

Fan Shengmei hung up the phone and let out a long breath, feeling her heart beating very hard.

"Mr. Bai, what he just said..." Fan Shengmei hesitated to speak.

Su Yi smiled and said: "When he said that, you don't need to take it seriously."

The topic changed: "But he accompanied you home to deal with this matter, and you just happened to be able to observe him closely."

"Then what do you do?" Fan Shengmei asked.

"Me?" Su Yi said, "What should I do?"

Fan Shengmei was taken aback, and then realized that what Su Yi said about going to Nantong was just to scare the snake away, not because she really wanted to go with her.

"I was confused." Fan Shengmei suddenly said, "I thought you would accompany me back to Nantong."

"Since Wang Baichuan volunteered, don't mention the money you borrowed from me." Su Yi said, "Let's see how he solves it. This is his moment."

Fan Shengmei heard the sarcasm contained in Su Yi's words, and she realized that Su Yi had actually determined that Wang Baichuan was responsible for her family's affairs.

"Mr. Bai, if he really did it, what should I do?" Although Fan Shengmei is still dubious, she has to think about what she should do if things are really as Su Yi said.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "You can call me."

Half an hour later, Fan Shengmei got into Wang Baichuan's car.

"Xiaomei, I'm very glad that you still chose me." Wang Baichuan said while starting the car, "Don't worry, I've already understood the matter pretty much. With me here, I will definitely not let you and your uncles and aunts suffer any harm. "

Fan Shengmei lowered her head, hiding the complexity in her eyes.

If this man is really the chief culprit who caused the catastrophe in her family, then this man is really too bad and terrible.

"I have already rejected Mr. Bai." Fan Shengmei said, "Bai Chuan, you are the only one I can rely on now."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Wang Baichuan said.

After sending Fan Shengmei away, Su Yi called Qiu Yingying and asked her to go out for dinner.

But Qiu Yingying said that she made scrambled eggs with tomatoes very well, and wanted to give Su Yilu a hand.

"Then come to my house to show off." Su Yi said, "There are too many people there, so it's not easy to show off."

Su Yi had a very relaxed and happy afternoon.

Five golden flowers, five suitors, everyone has their own troubles, except Qiu Yingying.

This girl has a kind of heartless and silly energy, she can't restrain all her emotions, she laughs, cries, and loves wantonly, as if she came to this world just to have fun in everything look.

In the evening, Qiu Yingying fell in love again and didn't want to leave, so she pestered Su Yi to offer a kiss, as if she was free to ask for it, and she was free to pick it up.

Su Yi also made some sense. He is a normal, vigorous man, and he can't stand being so proactively teased by Qiu Yingying all the time.
The two of them stared at each other first, then heard Andy's voice from the video doorbell: "Xiaobai, are you home?"

"It's Andy." Su Yi said helplessly, "She must have talked to me about something that day."

"Can't she come at another time!" Qiu Yingying yelled frantically.

But he got up quickly and straightened his clothes.

Seeing that her blush was very attractive, Su Yi couldn't help but rubbed her hair with a smile.

Qiu Yingying embraced Su Yi with some embarrassment, and shouted vaguely: "Don't laugh at me!"

A minute later, Su Yi opened the door, and Andy was standing at the door carrying a bag of apples. She was taken aback when she saw Su Yi and Qiu Yingying behind the door, and said, "Xiao Qiu is here too."

"Sister Andy." Qiu Yingying forced a smile and waved hello.

Andy sniffled, looked at Qiu Yingying's red cheeks again, and realized something: "I... am I bothering you?"

"No, no, no!" Before Su Yi could speak, Qiu Yingying hurriedly waved her hands to deny, "We didn't do anything, we just sat and watched TV."


Andy and Su Yi looked at the closed TV in the living room.

Qiu Yingying sneered: "Then I'll go up first, you guys talk about yours, hehe..."

She fled the door uncomfortably.

I didn't dare to go to the elevator, so I went straight to the stairs.

When she did this, Su Yi, who didn't feel anything at first, was a little embarrassed.

"Please come in." Fortunately, he had a thick skin and didn't show anything, he said naturally.

After entering the room, Andy shook the apple in his hand: "Is the door-to-door gift I brought this time qualified?"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Actually, there is no need to be so deliberate, just casual."

"It's not intentional." Andy said, "I just want to correct my mistake last time. If I visit you again in the future, I probably won't bring anything with me."

Su Yi shrugged: "If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, tell me, what's the matter?"

Andy's expression became more serious: "I still came to you for help. Lao Tan told me today that he found a clue to my brother. Originally, my brother was in a nursing home in Daishan, but he was picked up now. "

Su Yi was startled, and immediately realized that this was a change from the original plot.

"And then?" he asked calmly.

"Old Tan said that my brother left very suddenly," Andy said with some concern, "he is now checking who picked up my brother and where, he asked me if anyone else knew about my brother, and he said insinuatingly A lot, I think he is pointing the finger at you. He wants me to think that you took my brother."

Su Yi smiled, but didn't speak.

"I know it's not you." Andy looked at Su Yi, "I now suspect that either Old Tan lied to me, or the mysterious person who called me did it, Xiaobai, what do you think, what Old Tan said Did the situation really happen, or did he deliberately lie to me for another purpose?"

Su Yi pondered slightly, shook his head and said: "Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Now we can't be sure whether Lao Tan hanged you on purpose, or it is true. But my suggestion to you is to wait."

"Wait?" Andy said incredulously, "I finally got news about my brother, but now that something like this happened, how could I just wait without doing anything?"

"Your heart is disturbed," Su Yi sighed, "Your emotions are of no help to the resolution of the matter."

He got up and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water for Andy, handed it to her and continued: "No matter what your brother's real situation is, you can't help much now. If you act rashly, it will only make things worse No. Instead, you don't do anything, and whoever wants to make a fuss about your brother will contact you."

Andy drank half a bottle of water, took a few short breaths, and finally eased his mood, and said, "Is it true that I don't do anything?"

"Of course you can't do nothing." Su Yi smiled, "What do you think they want to achieve by threatening you with your brother?"

Andy hesitated slightly, and said, "Either it's bad for Lao Tan, or it's bad for me."

"No matter what the possibility is, you can take some precautions." Su Yi said, "I suggest that you set up a procedure to avoid risks in emergency situations now. This procedure is best hidden so that only you know the meaning. With your Smart, isn't it difficult?"

Andy took a deep breath, and seemed to have calmed down completely, looking thoughtful.

At the same time, Nantong, Fan Shengmei's home.

Fan Shengmei and Wang Baichuan, who were busy in the world, went all the way home, and saw three strong, flesh-faced gangsters sitting on the sofa in their living room, punching and drinking, making a lot of noise.

It was Father who opened the door, and Mother was in the kitchen, wearing an apron, cooking for the three thugs.

"Xiaomei, you're back!" Father Fan originally had a livid face, but when he saw his daughter, he was overjoyed, "I knew you were a filial child and would not ignore the family."

During the conversation, Fan's mother in the kitchen also ran out when she heard the movement, and she burst into tears when she saw Fan Shengmei: "You heartless girl, you still know to come back? It's because you didn't talk to others well. Speak up, look what you have done to us!"

Fan Shengmei, who wanted to cry when she saw her parents, widened her eyes in disbelief when she heard this, and said in disbelief: "Mom, what are you talking about? I killed you? Did I cause this? It was me." Did you go out to gamble?"

"You don't gamble, but you still talk sarcasticly when something happened at home! If you hadn't told people on the phone today that you don't care about this or that, would they have tormented our old couple?" Mother Fan patted her thigh and cried, "I'm getting old, and I'm doing laundry and cooking for others. Your dad is so old, and he wants to serve them tea and wine, because you made them angry, and they took their anger on me. It's a crime. , how did I give birth to such an unfilial daughter like you..."

Fan Shengmei was so distraught that she almost wanted to turn her head and leave.

But seeing three gangsters bullying her parents at home, how could she just walk away?
"Mom, I won't tell you first." She wiped away her tears, pushed her mother away and walked in, her eyes fell on the three gangsters.

"You three, who is the leader?"

At this time, the three gangsters stopped drinking and looked around with half-smiles.

"Young girl from the Fan family, isn't it?" A fat man with bare arms and big flower arm tattoos smiled and picked up the wine, "Zi'er" drank it in one gulp, then smacked his lips and said leisurely: "The money belt come yet?"

Fan Shengmei said with a sullen face: "Where are my brother, my sister-in-law, and my nephew? I want to see them first!"

The fat man chuckled and said, "If you want to see me, go and see me. Are you talking about chicken feathers? It's as if I kidnapped them."

After a pause, he squinted his eyes and said to Fan Shengmei: "By the way, if you find them, tell me, the rules of the road, 100,000 yuan for an arm, your brother owes me 36 million, there are three members of their family, twelve arms and legs , not enough for me to unload..."

"Oh, oh, oh... you've committed a crime!" Fan's mother trembled and cried again, "Don't dare, don't dare! Xiaomei, think of a way, think of a way!"

Fan Shengmei still wanted to speak, but Wang Baichuan stood up behind her, and said with a smile, "What's the name of this elder brother?"

"Who the hell are you?" A younger brother stood up holding a wine bottle, walked up to Wang Baichuan, and asked with an unkind expression.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Wang Baichuan said with a smile, "The important thing is that I'm here to settle things."

He looked around and said, "I don't think any of us want to make a big deal out of it, right? If that's the case, why can't we sit together and have a good discussion about how to solve this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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