Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 434 Nomination for Best Newcomer Actor

Chapter 434 Nomination for Best Newcomer Actor

0459. Best New Actor Nomination

The film screening is over.

Su Yi originally thought that there would be a process where the director would bring the actors up for the curtain call, but he overthought.

After watching the movie, most of the audience did not leave, and everyone stayed in the screening hall to discuss the plot or complain about the movie-watching experience.

No. 032 ordered Su Yi to "wait here", and then hurried to the film critic's box.

Su Yi was quietly listening to the audience behind him replaying the plot, when he received a message on his terminal.

"How can there be news at this time?"

When he opened it in doubt, he was suddenly stunned.

"Dear "The Wind" premiere experience, hello, according to the rights and obligations granted to you by the Alpha Time and Space Act, please comment on this film and its actors. One star is rubbish, two stars are poor, and three stars are average. Four stars are excellent, five stars are stunning, six stars are perfect..."

It turned out to be... news received as an audience!

Su Yi was a little surprised!

He always thought that his terminal was only used as an actor's assistant, but now this terminal actually sent him a message that he should receive as an audience member. What does this mean?
This means that this terminal is not just an actor's terminal, maybe it is more important than I imagined.

Su Yi guessed wildly for a while, and there was no use for it other than scaring himself, so he simply put it aside for the time being.

He knew so little about it now that it was useless to think about it.

Then evaluate it.

Su Yi directly gave the movie a six-star perfect rating, and then a prompt popped up - please explain the reason for your perfect evaluation and submit it for review. Your review will only take effect after the review is passed.

Need to review?

Su Yi tried to give a five-star amazing review again, but this time there was no review reminder, only a message confirmation box—are you sure about this review?

what's the situation?
Su Yi was thoughtful, clicked cancel, and tried to write a one-star garbage evaluation, but the reminder that he needed to submit for review popped up again.

Then Su Yi tried them one by one, and found that except for one star and six stars, the rest of the reviews did not need to be reviewed.

Meaning, playing the best or the worst, not without reason?

Su Yi gave a perfect five-star evaluation, but there was no pop-up prompt indicating that the evaluation was successful, but the interface for evaluating actors popped up immediately after.

Four actors lined up one by one.

They are -

1. Bai Xiaonian is played by a professional actor who has no stage name (name is optional).

2. Takeda's actor-professional actors don't eat rabbits.

3. Wu Zhiguo played by professional actor Teetan (deceased).

4. Played by Zhang Yiting—a professional actor with no stage name (deceased).

At this time, all the audience seemed to be scoring quietly, and the entire screening hall was very quiet.

Su Yi wanted to experiment. First, he gave himself the highest score of six stars, perfect, then gave himself a stage name, Pretty Boy Over Flowers, and then boasted about his performance in various tricks, and clicked submit for review.

To Su Yi's surprise, the review was passed in seconds.

The performance of Bu Tutu in the wind is really not good, in Su Yi's opinion, it is only three stars.But for the sake of experimentation, Su Yi directly rated him as one-star garbage, slammed him from various angles, and then submitted it for review.

But this time, it shows that the review has failed, and warns Su Yi that not making an evaluation that obeys the heart is against the order of Alpha Time and Space. It is Su Yi's first offense, and he will be warned once.

The wording is formal and harsh.

Su Yi didn't delve into how the other party verified that he didn't "follow his heart", so he honestly gave a three-star evaluation.

Then he gave Wu Zhiguo's actor Tie Nan an excellent four-star rating, and Zhang Yiting a three-star rating.

To be honest, he felt that Zhang Yiting's performance should be described as two-star bad, but the death is the most important. Under the premise of trying not to open his eyes and talk nonsense, he felt that the three-star evaluation was also suitable.

After evaluating all actors, a dialog box will pop up to remind Su Yi that all evaluations have been successful.

Not long after, Director No. 032 came out of the room of film critics, his expression hard to hide his excitement and excitement.

She waved to Su Yi, signaling Su Yi to follow her out.

After the two walked out of the screening hall one after the other, the film began to restart inside.

"Film critics need a second review, as do the audience who didn't leave." No. 032 said excitedly to Su Yi, "I'll send you back first, let Xiao Ai teach you some common sense, and besides, you'd better prepare an acceptance speech! "

"Is our chance great?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"It's great!" No. 032 said excitedly, "Ten film critics have not given us a low evaluation, and it is estimated that the audience's ratings and feedback at the premiere should not be too bad. We have a high chance of being nominated for an award, especially you The performance is very gimmicky, it will definitely cause a certain amount of enthusiasm, and your chances of winning the best new actor award are definitely not small!"

While talking, No. 032 brought Su Yi to a back door. She stood in front of the door for a while, then opened the door and said, "You go back first. If our film is nominated, you can come directly to present the award." hall."

Su Yi actually wanted to ask some questions, but No. 032 was excited and anxious now, obviously not willing to leave Su Yi to answer his doubts, so Su Yi simply shut up and stepped into the door.

Looking around, he arrived at director 032's office again.

And Xiaoai was standing in front of him with a smile.

Before Xiao Ai could speak, Su Yi's terminal received another message——

"Hi actor Su Yi, because more than 100,000 people have given you the stage name Brother Shit, congratulations on getting your first stage name in your acting career."

"..." The smile on Su Yi's face gradually stiffened.

"Actually, don't worry too much about it." Xiao Ai seemed to see through what Su Yi was thinking, and said to Su Yi with a smile, "This is just your first stage name, and most actors' first stage names will not be kept forever. The better the role, the audience will come up with a new stage name for you."

"It's also more than [-] viewers who choose another name, will this stage name be changed?" Su Yi asked expectantly.

"No, it's 1 million." Xiao Ai said.

"..." The light in Su Yi's eyes dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ai introduced some general knowledge of the film festival to Su Yi, and Su Yi listened carefully.

He also understood why his terminal received messages as a viewer.

His terminal is indeed an actor's professional terminal, but it is also his identification terminal, which is equivalent to his ID card, so he can receive any news about himself in the future.

After 10 minutes, Su Yi received two messages again.

"Hello actor shit, congratulations. The movie "The Wind" you participated in won 7 five-star amazing reviews from film critics, 2 four-star excellent reviews, and one three-star general review. The audience voted six-star perfect reviews 5.32 , 46.87 five-star amazing reviews, 29.78 four-star excellent reviews, 16.44 three-star average reviews, 1.55 two-star poor reviews, 0.04 million one-star rubbish reviews..."

"The composite index of the premiere evaluation of "The Wind" was 862.05, ranking second among the films screened in the rookie section of this year's Alpha Heavens Film Festival. , will compete for the award with five other excellent films."

"The role of Bai Xiaonian you played in "The Wind" received 3 amazing five-star reviews from film critics, 5 excellent four-star reviews, and 2 general three-star reviews. Audience votes received 13.66 six-star perfect reviews and five-star amazing reviews. 68.49, 3.27 four-star excellent reviews, 0.01 three-star general reviews, 0.12 two-star poor reviews, 14.45 one-star rubbish reviews..."

"The final comprehensive index of your debut performance is 688.11, ranking sixth among the newcomer actors in the same period in the rookie section of this year's Alpha Heavens Film Festival. According to the award nomination rules, you won the Best Newcomer Actor Award at this year's Alpha Heavens Film Festival Nominated, you will compete for the award with five other outstanding new professional actors."

Su Yi already knew that according to the rules, to be nominated for an award, one had to be in the top six.

These six nominees are then voted on by [-] final review film critics to vote for the final winner.

Here comes the key question. The nominee who ranks first in the comprehensive evaluation index will get [-] more votes in the final vote.

The second-ranked nominee adds [-] votes, the third-ranked nominee adds [-] votes, the fourth-ranked nominee remains unchanged, the fifth-ranked nominee loses [-] votes, and the sixth-ranked nominee loses [-] votes. ticket.

Therefore, "The Wind" was nominated for the best rookie film, because it ranked second in the comprehensive evaluation index, and had a chance to win.

However, Su Yi, the best newcomer actor nominee, because the comprehensive evaluation index was shot at sixth, and [-] votes were subtracted in the final voting. It is basically certain that he will miss the best newcomer actor award.

It is impossible to say that there is no disappointment in my heart, but Su Yi can still face all this with a normal heart.

According to No. 032 and Xiao Ai, there are tens of thousands of new films that want to participate in this film festival.

However, only [-] films were qualified to be shortlisted.

Those who actually got the opportunity to be screened were reduced to more than [-].

Among these more than 5000 films, the new actors and actresses add up to more than [-] people.

Su Yi ranked sixth among so many people. Although he has the bonus of the film, his own performance is definitely outstanding.

Moreover, judging from the percentage of votes cast, Su Yi’s performance was quite polarized in the eyes of the audience. Among the 1 million audience, there were nearly 150,000 people who thought Su Yi’s performance was rubbish.

But there are more than 130,000 people who think that Su Yi's performance is perfect, and more importantly, 70.00% of the audience think that Su Yi's performance is amazing!
Su Yi's score was pulled down. The main reason was not the 150,000 people who hit one-star garbage, but that among the film critics, five only gave Su Yi an excellent evaluation, two rated it as mediocre, and three rated it as a stunning.

Su Yi's performance didn't get a high score from the film critics, which is the main reason for his deductions.

According to Xiao Ai's introduction, each actor has only one chance to win the best newcomer award in his life, and if he misses this time, it means that Su Yi will miss this award forever.

It's impossible to say no regrets.One can imagine with his nose that once he wins this award, Su Yi will definitely benefit greatly.

But now, he can only sigh.

"Although your chances of winning the Newcomer Award are very slim, you still have to attend the awards ceremony." Xiao Ai said, "Directors will compete for the Best Newcomer Film and Best Newcomer Director awards. She has been nominated and has great hopes of winning the award. You must be with the director, and you cannot let her accept the award alone."

"I understand." Su Yi had already adjusted his mentality.

Half an hour later, Su Yi was teleported to the scene of the awards ceremony, where he sat with director No. 032.

The latter comforted him and said, "Being nominated is actually a kind of victory. I watched the performances of the first five best newcomer nominees, and the one who ranked first gave an amazing performance at the cost of his life. This actor is dead, even if he wins the prize in the end, it won't help..."

"The second place is an actress. This actress was devastated during the performance, and she was tortured physically and mentally. She succeeded in reversing the fight when she was dying. It is really wonderful. She won the award, and it is also Deserved."

"The third place is also an actress. Her film is a war film. She has one gun and changed the outcome of a war. It is very shocking."

"The fourth male actor led the people to revolt and became the overlord of one side."

"Even the little boy in the fifth place set up a shocking situation and killed all the enemies. It can be called brutal!"

"Su Yi, do you know where your biggest problem is in the wind show?"

"You are too stingy, you are too low-key, even if it is the final victory, your victory is not glorious. If it is not because of your unique behavior, which makes the audience very curious, and your cautious and forbearing character is very outstanding, I have gained a lot. A group of fans, only talking about the performance itself, in fact, you are not outstanding."

"But you don't have to be discouraged. Do you know what impresses me the most?"

"It's true feelings! An actor who can only act forever without showing true feelings will have no future."

"In the wind, you have given your heart. This is your most difficult shining point, and it is also the point where the three film critics who gave you amazing evaluations praised you..."

Perhaps in order to relieve his nervousness, No. 032 talked a lot with Su Yi until the ceremony began.

This awards ceremony opened Su Yi's eyes.

In the end, no surprise, he missed the best newcomer award.

This award was finally won by the tortured actress who succeeded in fighting back when she was dying. When the actress gave her acceptance speech, she just said thank you numbly, and then left the stage without looking back. The host refused all the interviews, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

What's even more embarrassing is that director No. 032 got nothing in the end.

The best picture was won by the war film.Best director, the director of the film made by the actor who gave his life to perform the performance, went to the director.

The crew of "The Wind" finally came in high spirits and returned with nothing.

Of course, you can’t say nothing, at least "The Wind" is officially released, as a film that was nominated for the best newcomer film in one step, and with the gimmick of "Brother Shit", there is no doubt that "The Wind" will achieve good results , and Su Yi will also have a large amount of fan points.

The most important thing is that even if it is a nomination, Su Yi still has a "consolation prize" to take.

(End of this chapter)

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