Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 435 The New Show

Chapter 435 The New Show
No matter how much unwillingness there is, tomorrow will still come again.

No. 032 and Su Yi, who returned from the Alpha Heavens Film Festival after summarizing their experience and lessons, packed up their mood and started a new job again.

"The film I'm going to shoot this time is a war-related film." No. 032 said, "I discussed it with you before, and your biggest problem now is the fear of death, and the shortcoming of the emotional drama. "

"Although there is nothing wrong with being afraid of death, as an actor, you must learn to dance on the edge of death. You must not fear death. Only in this way can you advance as soon as possible, become a higher-level actor, and have more opportunities to avoid death."

"At that time, you will find that all your adventures are worthwhile!"

"Of course, I won't throw you directly into a close call." No. 032 continued, "I'll give you a chance to avoid death... Don't get excited, it's not a prop, but to use my director's right to shout Ka , let you do it all over again before you die."

"I remember that No. 031 once told me that in each film, the director has the right to yell three times?" Su Yi asked suspiciously, "After three yells, will the actor fail?"

"I have the right to stop it," No. 032 said lightly, "but the price is so high that most directors are not willing to pay."

"Let's put it this way, if I yell once in the last "The Wind", my income will be cut in half at least. If I yell twice, I will basically not get any income, and there is a high probability that the film will not have a chance to be released. Once I yell three times, This film will be declared a complete failure, not only will it affect the evaluation and promotion of the director, but also the actors who shout out will pay a very serious price. Believe me, it is not death, but it is better than death."

"But you don't have to bear any burden. I want to train you to be my follow-up actor, and I will shout for you once. This price is what I have to pay, otherwise it will be difficult for you to grow rapidly." No. 032 finally said, " I have only one request for you—this time, don’t be afraid of death, just try! No matter what you do, I can save your life!"

Su Yi's face was solemn, even if there was a hundred reluctance in his heart, he could only nod slowly.

In fact, he still has some doubts about No. 032. Although it seems that No. 032 is very sincere, it is his nature to be suspicious.

However, he couldn't refuse 032's request, and 032's request was reasonable.

"I know you have a chance-type permanent item called Ji Ren Zi You Tian Xiang," No. 032 said, "I suggest you not use it this time, this item is not suitable for use in this movie."

"In addition, you can try to fall in love with this film. You don't have to worry about privacy issues. This kind of film does not rely on alternative sensory stimulation to attract the audience. I will block what should be blocked, and the scale will be relaxed. Very small."

Su Yi nodded in response.

"I will use a lot of actors for this film." No. 032 said, "Probably more than [-] actors, this is a test of my director skills, but for you, you not only have to stand out among the more than [-] actors , You also have to give full play to your organizational and coordination skills, so that more than [-] actors with different ideas can be twisted into one rope, with you as the mainstay, united around you, and complete the final performance task."

Su Yi frowned, this would be difficult.

Rather than dealing with other actors, he prefers to do it alone.The actors' minds are too complicated, and each of them is unwilling to be inferior to others. It is too difficult and too difficult to bring so many actors together to accomplish one thing.

"Don't worry too much." No. 032 said, "There are more than [-] actors, most of whom are contracted. There are only three professional actors. You just need to let the other two professional actors listen to you."

Su Yi frowned and nodded, not feeling much relieved.

"This film is a test for you and me! But you and I have to go through it!" No. 032 warned, "Don't think that you can always rely on caution and avoidance to get through every crisis safely. Performance, if you hold on to this idea, it will only happen sooner or later!"

"Su Yi, the actors have been changed one after another, but there are only a few hundred movie stars, which can be said to be one in a billion! Although directors are not as fierce as actors, when it comes to the degree of danger, they are not low at all!"

"Being on this road, we are doomed to pay the price of death at any time. But cowards are afraid of death and must die. Even if you are lucky, the company will regularly clean up such maggot actors who just want to dawdle. If one day the company Lower your evaluation level to below negative points, even the gods will not be able to save you..."

"The company still has ratings for our actors?" Su Yi couldn't help asking, "What is the standard for ratings? Is it the rating announced to the public, or..."

"This is just an internal rating standard of the company's actor department, and it will not be announced to the public. Except for internal personnel, no one else can see it, including the parties involved." No. 032 looked deeply at Su Yi, "But I can tell you, As a director, I also often receive the task of cleaning up actors with negative ratings, and I have the obligation to cooperate. Among the more than [-] actors this time, there are such actors."

Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring.

"The reward for the newcomer award nomination, you should think about what you want." No. 032 said, "Tell me the answer after your film is finished."

Su Yi was nominated for the best newcomer actor and got an unconditional three-year study opportunity.

Further study is to go to the script for further study, choose a skill that you think you need to learn, and then choose a suitable identity from several specific scripts, and study quietly in this identity for three years.

Such an opportunity is rare.

"Also, when you come out of this studio, "The Wind" will also be offline." No. 032 continued, "When the box office is counted, your fan value system will be activated, and the actor mall will also be activated. The rewards obtained can also be cashed in."

"Okay, I understand, thank you director." Su Yi nodded seriously.

No. 032 took out a document and handed it to Su Yi, saying: "This is your identity in this film, you should take a good look at it first. I'm going to assign performance identities to other actors. After half an hour, the three of you As a professional actor, he will first enter the set and start a three-month role adaptation period."

"Remember, don't spare your life!"

Do not spare your life?

But there is only one life, what should I do if my life is gone?
Su Yi felt a little heavy.

I have to admit that the warning of No. 032 is justified.

But human nature is difficult to change. Su Yi is indeed afraid of death, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with being afraid of death.So if you really want him to become a desperate Saburo, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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