Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 440 I'm Going

Chapter 440 I'm Going
Su Yi looked as if he was facing a big enemy, and he looked shady. The doctor was well-informed and probably guessed something, so he folded his arms and watched Su Yi close the doors and windows with great interest.

Su Yi made sure that he couldn't see it from the outside, and couldn't help but sighed: "Doctor, it seems that you have already guessed it, so I won't hide it anymore."

The doctor nodded with a look of "I understand": "Take it out, let me see what's going on."

Su Yi walked up to the doctor, unbuttoned his trouser belt, and pulled his trousers down to the crook of his legs.

"Hey! What a guy!" The doctor stared wide-eyed, looking at the pitch-black thing, tsk-tsk.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Oh, I'm going, hey hey! This is fresh, is this frostbite?" The doctor couldn't hold back his joy, "I'm afraid you can't freeze like this when you're just peeing? Why don't you play something exciting?"

(Note: The last sentence is a copy of the book review)

Su Yi twitched his face, and said: "It's really cold to pee. I drank a lot of water a while ago and urinated frequently, so..."

The doctor smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "They're all men, don't explain, I understand, I understand."

After all, let's get started.

Su Yi stepped back subconsciously: "Huh?"

"Hey what?" The doctor said angrily, "Think I want to impress you? I don't want to see how Dong is doing?"

"Come on." Su Yi sighed and broke the jar.

The doctor turned and looked at it curiously for several minutes, and said, "Why don't you respond to this play?"

"..." Su Yi couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Ahem, you're holding back your thoughts," the doctor looked at Su Yi's unfriendly eyes, and hurriedly explained, "I just want to see if there is any necrosis. If the nerves are necrotic, then you are finished. From now on, other than urinating, you can play It can only be used as a display."

Su Yi said with a dark face: "Doctor, you can find a way to deal with it so that it doesn't itch, doesn't hurt, and doesn't affect my fighting."

The doctor smacked his lips and thought about it: "Why didn't you come earlier? Look at your wound. You scratched it. The blackness here is due to gangrene caused by tissue necrosis. It needs to be removed. Well, you need a minor operation to remove the necrotic tissue, it’s too late to do it now, otherwise it will affect your normal function.”

"Can you move?" Su Yi asked.

"If you want to affect the removal of the whole root in the future, then don't move." The doctor glared at Su Yi, "Didn't you listen to me? You are late because of this! If you come earlier, you will just wipe some frostbite You still want to procrastinate about the ointment, what are you thinking about?"

Su Yi frowned and asked, "If you have an operation, how long will you be able to move around freely?"

"Three months." The doctor said, "For three months, no water, no strenuous exercise, especially the first month after the operation, you can't see the wind, it's best not to go out of the house, just stay in the house." activities..."

Halfway through the speech, the doctor saw Su Yi Maliu'er lifting his pants, and shut up in surprise.

"Doctor, the operation is not going to work, please prescribe me some pain reliever and itching medicine." Su Yi said, "As long as it can last for a while, and don't make me feel too uncomfortable."

The doctor's expression became a little displeased: "Are you kidding me? Comrade, your condition requires surgery, otherwise you will definitely lose your job! Don't tell me if you can't keep it, it may even endanger your life!"

"Thank you doctor for your concern." Su Yi said, "But you can prescribe me the medicine, and I will bear all the consequences at my own risk."

"Are you conceited? Can you afford it!" The doctor couldn't help scolding, "You are irresponsible now! The body is the capital of the revolution. Do you not understand the meaning of this statement or take it seriously? Surgery is necessary. There is nothing to discuss!"

Su Yi also frowned: "Doctor, I know you have good intentions, but I have my difficulties."

"What difficulty is more important than your life?" The doctor said, "If you don't have surgery, you will either not be a man, or even an adult. As a doctor, since I have seen this situation, how can I refuse to save you? Then I What happened?"

"Really can not……"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it!" The doctor interrupted Su Yi again with a glare, "I don't care what your position is in the army, I have only one status here - that is the patient! Obediently listen to my arrangement and prepare for the operation!"

After saying that, the doctor was about to go out, but Su Yi grabbed his arm.

"Doctor, do you know that our military region is going to form a bandit suppression team?" Su Yi asked helplessly.

The doctor was stunned, and said: "This matter is causing a lot of trouble. We are about to fight the white devils. Everyone is unwilling to go to the deep mountains and old forests to fight bandits at this time..."

"I am willing to go." Su Yi said lightly, "I have already pulled up a team, and after fifteen days of training, I will set off to suppress the bandits, so it is impossible for me to perform surgery at this time, and I cannot use it as an excuse to do it." deserter."

"But your illness is real, it's not an excuse, it's a fact!" The doctor said anxiously, "If you don't deal with it, you're really doomed. Let me tell you, this is no joke!"

After a pause, he continued: "Who is your leader? How about I call him to prove it for you and explain the situation!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I accept it with good intentions, doctor, but I have made up my mind. It is not so easy to change the commander in the middle of the battle, and it will take a lot of time. My personal safety is less important than the revolutionary work! I am one day late , the people in the Mudanjiang area will suffer just one more day, and I don’t know how many more people will die!"

"The matter of suppressing the bandits cannot be delayed. If you really want to help me, doctor, you can prescribe me some analgesic and antipruritic medicine, so that I can sustain it temporarily until the bandit suppression is over. That's all."

The doctor was so moved that his eyes were red.

He held Su Yi's hand, and said excitedly: "Do you know, if you stop being silly, you won't be able to marry a wife and have a descendant in the future? There are three unfilial acts, and having no descendants is the greatest, you..."

"I can't take care of that much anymore." Su Yi interrupted him, "Doctor, please prescribe me medicine."

"You, you child..." The doctor was very excited, holding Su Yi's hand firmly and refused to let go.

"One more thing, doctor." Su Yi thought of his purpose, took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and handed it to the doctor.

"This is a warrant from Commander-in-Chief Li," Su Yi said, "I now need to transfer a medical soldier with field nursing experience from our hospital to follow my bandit suppression team to suppress bandits. I should find out about this matter." Your dean? Or who are you looking for?"

The doctor looked at the warrant, then at Su Yi, and said, "What's your name?"

Su Yi said: "Shao Jianbo, the staff officer of the Second Independent Regiment of the Mudanjiang Military Division, is currently the captain of the 203 Bandit Suppression Squad of the Mudanjiang Military Division."

"Young Captain, wait in my office for a while, I'll go and ask about the medical soldiers for you first." The doctor said, "Don't go away, ten minutes, ten minutes at most, and I'll be back."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Su Yi said.

After the doctor went out, Su Yi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He didn't want to do this either, but there was no way, he couldn't really have an operation and recuperate in the hospital bed for three months, right?

Then this performance will be completely ruined.

Anyway, as long as you leave the set, everything will recover, so even if the whole strip is really dead, it's just a temporary pain...

Su Yi comforted himself with some anxiety. Although he was prepared, it was strange that he didn't feel it at all. After all, it was a symbol of a man, and even a man would not really feel indifferent.

Now he only hoped that the analgesic and itching medicine prescribed by the doctor would be effective, but it would be embarrassing to shoot while scratching his crotch during the war.

Su Yi's second purpose for coming to the hospital was for Bai Ru.

Su Yi had no idea about the task of "getting the favor of the health worker Bai Ru, and she offered to join the bandit suppression squad", and he was busy with training and establishing prestige in the team, so he didn't have time to think about a plan. Little girl, after weighing things up, Su Yi decided to focus on the big and let go of the small, and give up this task.

But giving up this mission does not mean giving up Bai Ru. After all, Bai Ru is on the list of 36 people, and Su Yi also wants this person. In the original plot, she not only plays the role of a medical soldier, When it comes to fighting bandits, that's unequivocal, and it's no exaggeration to say that they are heroes among women.

Su Yi thought about it, and when he met the dean later, he proposed to look at the list of nurses in the hospital first, and then pretended to "pick" Bai Ru, so that this matter seemed logical...

Just when Su Yi came up with Bai Ru's idea, in the director's office of the hospital, the doctor also told the director about Su Yi's "touching deeds".

The gray-haired old dean was moved to tears, and was so excited that he spoke incoherently: "Sacrificing one's life for righteousness, this is the fearless spirit of sacrificing one's life for righteousness! It is because of such a great hero that our party can be invincible and invincible. Gram, only then can the people support and love it!"

"We must not allow such a hero to go to the battlefield with such pain and illness!" The dean waved his hand firmly.

"That's what I mean, Dean!" The doctor said excitedly, "You and Commander Li are old friends, if you call Commander Li to explain the situation in person, I think Commander Li will definitely take back the order and assign someone else to go Performing the task of suppressing bandits!"

The dean pondered slightly, but shook his head and said, "I can't call Commander Li."

"Why?" asked the doctor anxiously.

"After all, I'm just a doctor. How can I interfere with the appointment and military orders of the army? This is a big taboo!" It's also inappropriate. After all, the young captain's illness is a bit—it's hard to talk about it. If we reveal it to the outside world and cause a lot of trouble and everyone knows it, then the person who was supposed to be a hero will become the laughing stock of the entire military region. In that case, Our sin is great!"

"That's right, that's right, I thought it was easy..." The doctor broke out in cold sweat, and was afraid for a while.

"Then what should we do now?" The doctor wondered, "I don't think this young captain is willing to listen to advice."

"We can only change the treatment plan." The director said, "I know a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, which uses acupuncture to stimulate the acupoints, sends the medicine into the skin, and then supplements it with moxa therapy, which is very effective in treating frostbite. Okay, but this method needs at least three courses of treatment to take effect, which means about twenty days."

"That won't work either," the doctor said, "The Bandit Suppression Squad will leave in about ten days."

The dean showed a wise smile on his face: "No delay! Didn't he just want a medical soldier? This is an order from the commander-in-chief, and we must cooperate unconditionally to carry it out, so we must appoint someone to him. This medical plan does not Complicated, as long as we teach it to the medic assigned to him, they can treat it anywhere, anytime."

"Besides, it's more trouble-free. After today, he won't have to go to the hospital every day!"

"That's right!" The doctor's eyes lit up, but then he looked embarrassed: "It's because our male nurses have been dispatched. If the female nurses...wouldn't be inconvenient?"

"In the eyes of doctors, there are only patients, regardless of gender!" The dean said solemnly, "I believe that all of our hygienists have such awareness!"

"That's the only way to go." The doctor nodded, "But I'm going to suppress bandits in the deep mountains and old forests, and I also have to rule there for the young captain...I'm afraid no one will want to go. This persuasion work is not easy to do..."

"This is indeed a headache..." The dean also rubbed his forehead.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the doctor: "I think of someone, tell me, Comrade Bai Ru, how about it?"

"Her?" The doctor was startled, "She used to be a medical soldier in the guerrilla army, and she also served as a security guard for a certain female chief. She has excellent skills and high ideological awareness, so she is a suitable candidate."

The dean slapped the table: "That's her, call her over! I'll convince her myself!"

Bai Ru arrived quickly, her little face was flushed, her big eyes twinkled, and she was wearing a ponytail, looking very lively.

The dean kindly asked her to sit down, then sighed, and talked about Su Yi's "touching deeds" in an eloquent voice.

The little girl has shallow eye sockets, so she couldn't hear such heart-breaking stories, and she was moved to tears immediately.

The dean saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart. He struck while the iron was hot and told Bai Ru what he thought.

But finally pretended to sigh and said: "Bai Ru, if there is no other way, I really don't want to send you. After all, men and women are different, and it is very dangerous to follow them to suppress bandits, but if you don't go, Shao Jianbo Qing Then the lower body will be necrotic, and you will not be able to be a man in the future, and in severe cases, you will completely lose your life due to inflammation and infection..."

"Dean, stop talking, I'll go!" Bai Ru wiped away her tears and stood up, her face full of divine light.

At this moment, the dean couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Bai Ru, don't force yourself... If you don't want to go, I'll think of a way."

"I didn't force it!" Bai Ru said firmly, "The young captain would rather bear such a huge pain and price in order to suppress the bandits, even risking his life! He is a hero of the party and the people! Such a hero, I can clearly If I help him, but if I shrink back because of fear and other reasons, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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