Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 441 Bai Ru joins the team

Chapter 441 Bai Ru joins the team
When Su Yi learned that the doctor and the dean were behind his back and arranged his affairs clearly, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded even though there was a storm coming over.

This is really...whatever you want.

The mother who wants to breastfeed is here, and the person who wants to be born, the uncle of the child is here.

"Comrade Bai Ru, are you sure you voluntarily join the bandit suppression team and become our medical soldier?" Su Yi couldn't help but asked for confirmation.

"Reporting to the chief, I did it completely voluntarily." Bai Ru said with a serious face and seriousness.

"I have to say the ugly words first. To join my team, you not only have to assume the responsibility of a medical soldier, but you also have to participate in combat with all the team members during wartime."

"Report to the chief and make sure to complete the task!"

Well, the task of inviting Bai Ru was completed in such a daze.

It's not that confused, if it weren't for Su Yi's subordinates having problems, Bai Ru wouldn't be able to join the team.

This drinking and pecking is really a coincidence...

Finally a good thing.

Next, the dean demonstrated in person and dealt with Su Yi's injury in a simple way.

During this process, Bai Ru stood on the side studying. Although her face was flushed with shame, she didn't dare to blink her eyes, because the acupuncture points and techniques could not be careless.

After the treatment, Su Yi asked the dean and others to keep it a secret for him, and he was also a little embarrassed, so he left first.

As for Bai Ru, she won't be able to report to the team's station until tomorrow afternoon. She has to hand over all her work in the field hospital and get the medicines and medical supplies needed by the team before she can officially take up her post.

After Su Yi left, the dean coughed lightly, and said to Bai Ru: "Xiaobai, you will be regarded as the doctor in charge of the young captain in the future. With your contacts, when you are not so unfamiliar, you can also persuade me when you have time." Young captains, young people—that’s understandable, but you still need to know how to control yourself, right? How do you look frozen? Why are you so energetic? Why are you so energetic? You have a chance Advise him, this is a bad habit, you have to change it..."

Bai Ru blushed and agreed indiscriminately.

Su Yi returned to the barracks and announced to everyone that the medical soldiers would be in place tomorrow, giving his trip to the hospital a legitimate meaning.

All the players doubted him.

Sun Dade was restless, always feeling that Su Yi would not let it go, so he came to plead guilty in private that night.

Su Yi told him that such a thing is a fart!

The purpose of everyone getting together is to suppress the bandits. As long as this goal can be achieved, everything else is trivial.

The boldness and informality shown by Su Yi made Sun Dade feel at ease at last, so he reported to Su Yi about today's situation, not only to show his loyalty, but also to ask for credit.

Generally speaking, Sun Dade and the other three are capable. There is no problem with them engaging in special training, at least they are much more professional than Su Yi.

However, Su Yi's eyes were not blind, he had learned a lot from the head of the regiment, Yu Dabao, and used it to review the inspection and inspection results, which was definitely more than enough.

If Sun Dade and the others wanted to fool Su Yi in this regard, then they definitely made a wrong calculation.

"Just follow the current training plan." Su Yi heard that there was no problem, and ordered, "After the seven-day basic training is over, you can announce to the team members that they will sign up to run for arms. The plan is decided by you. Supervision. The assessment and election process must be fair and reasonable, so that everyone can speak on their own merits!"


Not long after Sun Dade went out, Liu Xuncang also came to report on his work.

Then there is Ma Baojun.

In the end, a few ordinary players also came, some under the banner of reporting work, and some under the banner of visiting Su Yi's injury.

This is not organized by Su Yi, but spontaneously.But Su Yi never refused anyone who came, and met and talked to everyone without any impatience.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are conflicts of interest.

Although everyone is an actor, it seems that they are detached, but actors are also human beings, they will throw up when they drink too much, and they will climb trees on motorcycles.

It's not surprising that Su Yi has seen a lot of these goofy things.

The next day, although Su Yi could not train with the team, he was always with the players during the training process, either standing on the sidelines or walking back and forth, watching carefully.

Although the three temporary team leaders arranged everything in an orderly manner, and even though it was freezing outside, Su Yi had no intention of being lazy at all.

One is that this team is the foundation of his life, and there is no room for carelessness; the other is that he must maintain a sense of presence and not give the three team leaders the opportunity to unite to overtake him.

In the afternoon, a car came from the field hospital. Besides Bai Ru, it also brought a batch of medicines, which were all prepared for the squad.

Of course, there is also the batch of medicine from Su Yi.

"I'll go, little white dove!"

"Ya Ya is here!"

"My goddess..."

The players were so excited that they even stopped training.

Bai Ru walked up to Su Yi with a big bag and a small bag, and saluted solemnly, "Report to the chief, Bai Ru, the health worker from the field hospital, is here to report!"

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, he suddenly heard someone blow a hooligan whistle.

His expression changed immediately.

Turning his head to look around, he shouted sharply, "Who blew the whistle?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Su Yi's eyes flicked across everyone's faces one by one, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Who whistled?" he asked again word by word.

In addition to the howling north wind, you could hear a needle falling.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this sudden scene made Bai Ru, who had just arrived, a little at a loss, at a loss what to do.

Seeing that no one had spoken yet, Sun Dade stood up and shouted sharply: "Don't you dare to admit it? Do you think that if you don't speak, no one will know that you are bragging?"

"I blew it." A team member stood up and said expressionlessly.

He seemed calm, but his tense body and dodging eyes showed his nervousness at the moment.

All eyes fell on him.

Su Yi looked at this special actor named Chen Jiasheng coldly, not having much surprise in his heart.

He had noticed this guy a long time ago!
In a group, there must be a few restless elements.

As a leader, as long as he is not stupid, he will definitely notice these restless elements.

Although this Chen Jiasheng usually smiles at Su Yi, Su Yi still remembers what he said to Su Yi when he met him for the first time: "I'll go, buddy, you play Shao Jianbo? It's too good, isn't it?" ? Are you smoking from the ancestral grave?"

Although the tone was joking, the resentment and jealousy contained in the words were obvious.

On weekdays, this guy laughs and mingles with everyone, pretending to be informal. Whether he is talking to Su Yi or the three temporary team leaders, he always speaks in a familiar and casual tone, or is it a bit harmless? joke.

On the surface, he seems to be bold and generous, without any scheming, but in fact, he is jealous, and uses this method to make up for the gap with Su Yi and others.

His thoughts, if many people really can't understand him in reality, but here, not to mention Su Yi, there are several experienced actors who look at him as if they are watching a joke, only he himself is completely unaware. I just don't realize it.

At this moment, Chen Jiasheng obviously also realized that his whistle was inappropriate and a little too much.

Although he was nervous, he just felt unlucky, and hoped that Su Yi would be able to scold him a few words, so he quickly turned this matter over, don't go too far.

"Apologize to Comrade Bai Ru." Su Yi said calmly.

Chen Jiasheng was stunned, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, facing Bai Ru and said, "Comrade Bai Ru, I was very disrespectful when I whistled just now. Although I welcome you, it is easy to cause misunderstanding. Sorry, I hope you can forgive me."

After all, without waiting for Su Yi to reply, he saluted Su Yi again, and said loudly: "Report 203, the apology is over, my behavior just now was very bad, and I am willing to accept any punishment from the chief!"

All eyes fell on Su Yi, waiting for his reaction.

Su Yi looked at him for a while and said, "Don't have another time, understand?"

"Understood! I promise there will be no next time!" Chen Jiasheng said loudly, completely relieved in his heart, and seemed to have escaped a catastrophe.

"Let's go back to the team." Su Yi waved his hand.

Chen Jiasheng is meticulous and strives to return to the team.

It's nothing more than a matter, but at this time, he felt a little resentful towards Su Yi, thinking that Su Yi deliberately found fault and made a fuss out of a molehill, just to show his prestige.

"Wait for me..." He thought bitterly in his heart.

On the other hand, Su Yi seemed to really not care about this matter anymore, Rumu Chunfeng introduced Bai Ru to all the team members, and told everyone: "Comrade Bai Ru is not only a medical soldier, but also a heroic fighter. She will train with us." Let's kill the enemy together. As the saying goes, women don't give way to men, I hope that everyone will not treat her differently just because she is a lesbian, but treat her the same as everyone else!"


Bai Ru stepped forward to salute seriously.

Su Yi said: "Okay, you start training with the team from tomorrow, and go to your dormitory with my security guard Xiao Zhao to clean up."

"Yes, Chief!"

"From now on, just call me by my code name, 203."

"Yes, 203!"

When Bai Ru left, many people watched her back.

In this harsh and cold world, Bai Ru is like a ball of fire that warms everyone's heart. She is beautiful, simple, pure, and full of energy. I am afraid that there is not a single man present who is not interested in her.

"Okay, everyone is gone, don't look at it!" Sun Dade said loudly, "Everyone, let's continue training!"

Su Yi looked at it for a while, then turned and left.

As soon as he left, Liu Xuncang came to Chen Jiasheng's side, patted him on the shoulder, and gave him a sympathetic look, but said nothing.

Not far away, Sun Dade narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

In the evening, when Sun Dade came to report the day's situation to Su Yi as usual, he hesitated for a moment and said: "There is another situation, I think I should report to you, the chief. After you left this afternoon, Liu Xuncang patted Chen Jiasheng's Shoulder, and after dinner, the two of them went out for a walk together, and came back about ten minutes later."

Su Yi glanced at him, nodded and said, "Understood."

This is not the first time Sun Dade has sued Liu Xuncang. Last night, Sun Dade told Su Yi that Liu Xuncang had undergone bayonet training with Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword". The method was taught to all the team members and was immediately welcomed by everyone.

When Sun Dade wanted to say more, the guard knocked on the door and reported: "Report to the chief, Comrade Bai Ru is here."

"Ask her to come in." Su Yi said casually.

Sun Dade was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Yi suspiciously.

Bai Ru quickly came in with a medical kit.

Seeing that besides Su Yi, Sun Dade was also there, he was startled, and then hurriedly explained: "Group leader Sun, I'm here to see a doctor for the chief."

"Oh, so that's the case." Sun Dade reacted very quickly, and hurriedly said with a smile, "The chief, I won't bother you."

"You go first." Su Yi nodded.

Sun Dade walked out of the house. It was already dark at this time. He walked out of the yard in the dark. When he reached the gate, he couldn't help but look back and found that the guard Xiao Zhao had also come out of the house. , and closed the door very intimately.

At this moment, Sun Dade's mind was full of indescribable images, and the expression on his face was uncertain for a long time.

Finally, he let out a long breath, put a smile on his face again, closed the door gently, and walked out.

In the room, Su Yi took off his pants with a serious face, then pretended to pick up a book to read, and let Bai Ru do the work underneath.

The little girl may have made several mistakes during acupuncture due to panic or raw hands, but seeing that Su Yi didn't respond at all, she blushed and said nothing.

After 10 minutes, Bai Ru blushed and said in a low voice, "Chief, Chief, today's treatment is over, so, then I'll come back tomorrow?"

"Thanks for your hard work, Bai Ru told me!" Su Yi said seriously.

"This is what I should do, then, sir, I am leaving."

Bai Ru hurriedly packed up her things, and fled away as if flying.

As soon as Bai Ru left, Su Yi put down the book and rubbed his face vigorously, looking down at himself with a wry smile.

This is a shame...

Fortunately, it was confirmed that it is normal...

The next day, the classification assessment of arms began.

In Su Yi's plan, except for the special medical soldiers, each team should be equipped with six arms, namely heavy machine gunners, machine gunners, blasters, snipers, signal soldiers and infantrymen.

Among them, snipers are the most popular, because snipers mean long-range attacks and are more secure in terms of security.

Followed by Demoman and two types of arms with heavy firepower output, and finally Infantryman.

The most unpopular is the communication soldier, because the communication soldier also has the responsibility of transporting ammunition, and has to run around on the battlefield, which is more dangerous than any other branch of arms.

However, no matter which arms the team members want to become, they need to be assessed, and they will be employed based on their ability.

In the end, after being screened layer by layer, the team members who achieved good results in the assessment all got the positions they wanted as they wished, and those who wanted a good position, but their abilities did not match, had to stay until the end and become ordinary infantrymen. Or a correspondent.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Jiasheng, the assassin, originally wanted to become a sniper, but in the end, he could only "resign" to the position of the infantryman, looking very unhappy.

 Let me report to everyone first, I will go to Xinjiang with my family tomorrow, and I will probably come back on the 24th. During this time, I can only update [-] words a day. I hope everyone will forgive me. I will try my best to make up when I come back.

(End of this chapter)

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