Chapter 471
"What's in the bag is what my father kept in the bank safe." Li Xiang looked at Su Yi calmly, "It's all here, brother Su Yi, you can open it and have a look."

"I know what's inside." Su Yi said.

"That would be even better." Li Xiang was stunned, "Brother Su Yi, twelve kilograms of gold is worth about 5 million at the current transaction price. As long as you can answer my three questions, all these golds will be Yours. If you are worried, we can sign an agreement."

"You have courage." Su Yi shook his head, "Do you know that your father bought all this gold with his life? You give it all to me now? As far as I know, the conditions in your family are not so good Do you take such a large sum of money seriously?"

"I can earn money!" A trace of stubbornness flashed in Li Xiang's eyes, "But how my father died, I have to find out! As his daughter, I can't let him die in an unclear way!"

"I told you, you can ask the police." Su Yi said.

"I don't believe them." Li Xiang smiled miserably, "From yesterday's police officer Wang's official look and his usual attitude towards this situation, I can understand that they are going to make up a lie to deceive me! I won't believe a word they say!"

It seems that Wang Weiping's aftermath work will be difficult again.

"Then why do you think I won't lie to you?" Su Yi asked, "Because of it?"

Su Yi pointed to the gold on the table.

"I never knew about my uncle from Weiwei, and I also know that you have made a lot of money by investing in overseas stocks." Li Xiangdao, "When my father took the money home for the first time, he also said that he was investing in overseas stocks. He quit his job half a year ago until now, and has been at home all the time, but now he suddenly has these twelve kilograms of gold."

"Brother Su Yi, I guess, my father's gold and your money are actually from the same source, right? You are doing the same thing as my father, so you know my father, so he That’s why he entrusted you to tell us his last words. Isn’t it?”

Su Yi felt a little emotional, she is really a smart girl.

He pondered slightly, and said: "Li Xiang, I only met your father in the past half a month, and even his name, I only knew it before he died. That's all I can tell you."

Li Xiang asked anxiously: "How did he die?"

Su Yi shook his head.

"I just want you to answer my question!" Li Xiang suddenly grabbed Su Yi's hand, "As long as you answer my question, the gold will be yours!"

"If I wanted this sum of gold, I wouldn't go to you." Su Yi smiled lightly, broke free from Li Xiang's hand and stood up. "Li Xiang, I hope you can come out soon, life will go on."

This girl looks strong and calm, but her heart has long been distorted by resentment and grief. She is very stubborn and extreme now, how could Su Yi not see it?
"Brother Su Yi!" Seeing that Su Yi was about to leave, Li Xiang called to Su Yi from behind, and cried out sadly: "Brother Su Yi, my father has been kind to others all his life, and he believed in the principle that plainness is truth and peace is blessing. He shouldn't have died so vaguely!"

Su Yi's footsteps paused, but he didn't look back, and continued to walk outside.

"I will definitely find out the cause of my father's death, and I will never give up!" Li Xiang cried behind him.

When he walked out of the coffee shop, the sudden murderous intent in Su Yi's heart gradually calmed down.

He was taken aback by his own cruelty and cruelty.

He actually wanted to kill Li Xiang just now to avoid future troubles.

After all, Li Qingzhou would not have died of a recurrence of his old injury if he hadn't tried to play tricks.

He didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of him.

If one day Li wants to know the truth of the matter, will he resent him for it and blame him for Li Qingzhou's death?
It is easy to dodge an open spear, but it is difficult to guard against an arrow in the dark.If Li Xiang really wants to take revenge on himself, can he guard against it?

What if she hurt her sister Su Wei in order to take revenge on herself?
If my younger sister is really killed by her best girlfriend because of this incident, then Su Yi will die without redemption!

So, do you want to kill Li Xiang now, cut the grass and root out, just in case?

Standing by the side of the street, Su Yi's expression turned ferocious and confused.

I am the unscrupulous inspector Su Ping, the all-powerful stepbrother, the spy thrush who fights back from the Jedi, and the chief 203 who reprimands Fang Qiu!

Why should I go back to reality and be Su Yi, a useless ordinary person who is limited in everything he can do?

Why can't I kill someone?
As long as you plan well, the police will never find out!

No no no, I can't lose myself...

I am Su Yi, I am me, I am not someone else!
No, this actor can't do it...

I have enough money...

But is it still possible to quit?

It wasn't until Li wanted to come out that he found Su Yi standing on the side of the road dripping with sweat.

"Brother Su Yi? Brother Su Yi? What's wrong with you?" Li Xiang looked at Su Yi with strange eyes.

Su Yi woke up suddenly.

He fixedly looked at Li Xiang.

Li Xiang was terrified by Su Yi's eyes.

However, at this moment, Su Yi suddenly smiled.

Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, the haze is gone.

Li Xiang was in a daze, but Su Yi turned around and left.

Li Xiang looked at Su Yi's back as he left, thoughtfully.

Just then, she received a text message from her mother.

"Think about it. At that time, your brother broke someone and needed a sum of money to compensate them. Your father first said that he received a private job to get the money, but later changed his words and said that he earned it from overseas stock trading. Specifically, What's the situation, I asked him and he didn't say anything. This happened more than half a year ago, think about it, why are you asking this?"

Li Xiang: "Mom, do you still remember what kind of private work Dad took at that time? Do you have the other party's contact information and address?"

On the other side, Su Yi opened a door according to the address provided by the terminal and entered the company directly.

In the lobby on the first floor is the director assistant Xiao Ai who is in charge of reception.

Seeing Su Yi, Xiao Ai smiled and said, "It just so happens that the director is also looking for you, but I didn't expect you to apply for it yourself."

"Didn't the director say that she will be busy for a while?" Su Yi was a little surprised, "Why did she suddenly find me?"

"Things on the deathmatch studio have changed," Xiao Ai said, "The director wants to arrange for you to train your skills in advance."

Has there been a change?What changes?
Seeing 032 again, the latter cut to the chase and said, "Xiao Ai told you, right? The deathmatch studio has made preparations in advance, although they didn't say that the studio will start in advance, but in case you haven't finished the training, Then you will be at a disadvantage, so you have to enter the training set in advance just in case."

This is for his own good, so Su Yi has nothing to do with it.

"I originally planned to let you train for three to five years, specializing in ancient martial arts, but now it seems that the time is uncertain, so I can only shorten your training time and find you a quick training set." No. 032 said, "There is a movie called "Guild Wars", have you seen it?"

Su Yi nodded, he had seen this film.

In fact, his reading volume is very large.

"It's good to watch it. This film can help you improve your skills quickly, but the premise is that you must be willing to endure hardships yourself." No. 032 continued, "I have other things to do, so I will let Xiao Ai watch this film set. I and She agreed that I will only give you one main task, and you can play the rest on your own. You don’t have to worry about the plot, because I planned to make this film a practice film for you. It’s just like what director 031 did. "

"Will the practice film never be released?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"In the future, if you become a movie star, everything you have filmed may be released." No. 032 said.

"You suddenly returned to the company this time, you should have something to ask me?" No. 032 asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Su Yi said: "There is something, I want you to give me some advice. Back to reality this time, there is an organization that wants me to join."

"China Observation?" No. 032 raised an eyebrow.

This is no secret in the company!
Su Yi nodded calmly: "Yes, this should be an official organization, I don't know if I should join or not."

"The company doesn't support or object to this matter, it's up to you." No. 032 thought for a while and said, "If you want to listen to my suggestion, my suggestion is to join, because as far as I know, those who don't join The disadvantages are still huge."

"Will the company..." Su Yi asked worriedly.

No. 032 laughed dumbly: "You are overthinking. There are several first-line actors in this organization, all of whom are qualified to be promoted to actor. For the company, the birth of each actor is the most precious asset, so you are completely Don't worry too much."

"Any question?"

"Yes." Su Yi hesitated slightly, but still talked about the problem he encountered just now.

"I'm lost in self-awareness," No. 032 said after listening, "It's not a big deal, just use this performance to settle yourself. After you come out of this studio, your fan value should also be credited. At that time, spending some fan points will solve your problem."

Seeing that No. 032 really didn't care about this, the original haze in Su Yi's heart dissipated a bit.

"Okay, let Xiaoai take you to the set, I'll go first." No. 032 waved his hand, turned around, opened a door and walked out.

Su Yi returned the same way, and met Xiao Ai in the corridor.

Xiao Ai smiled and said: "The director is using your practice film to train me, Su Yi, I hope you will support me a lot in this film."

"Of course Miss Ai," Su Yi said with a smile, "I will definitely support you, and you can tell me what you need me to do."

"Then I won't be polite to you." Xiao Ai said, "According to the director's request, I will only give you one main task of winning the MMA championship in this film, but I hope you can participate in the plot as much as possible, and The protagonists interact more."

"No problem." Su Yi readily agreed.

"You already know the plot of the film, Su Yi, what role do you want?" Xiao Ai reciprocated, "Except for the two protagonists, you can pick the rest of the roles as you like."

Su Yi carefully recalled the plot of this movie, and couldn't help feeling a little speechless. Apart from the two protagonists, the rest of the characters in this movie have nothing to choose, right?

It's all the same, basically just playing tricks.

"Arrange for me the status of a student in the boxing gym where the protagonist is," Su Yi said, "It doesn't matter who it is, the important thing is to have the opportunity to learn boxing."

"Okay, come with me." Xiaoai turned around and led the way.

 There was a bug in the deathmatch studio before, and it was changed to a studio where first-line actors were promoted, not actor.

(End of this chapter)

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