Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 472 Conflict

Chapter 472 Conflict
The movie "Guild Wars" is an inspirational movie. It mainly tells the story of two protagonists who are redeemed and find the value of their lives through the martial arts competition of MMA.

The two protagonists, one is the outdated Hong Kong Island boxing champion Cheng Hui, nicknamed Jianhui. He is 48 years old and won a gold belt when he was young. He was heavily in debt, and fled to Haojiang to avoid debt collectors.

Introduced by a friend, he entered the Pioneer Fitness Club and became an aerobics coach for the elderly and a cleaner. He lost hope in life and had no interest in this job. I'm not excited.

Cheng Hui met a mother and daughter in a shared room. The mother suffered from mental illness. The nine-year-old girl not only had to go to school but also took care of her mother. The ghostly little girl became the only color in Cheng Hui's life. They hit it off very well, and gradually ignited his confidence in life.

The other protagonist is Lin Siqi, who was originally a rich second generation, but he still travels around the mountains and rivers all day long, doing nothing.Although he didn't spend his days and nights, he also wasted his time, never worked, and had no goals in life.

Because his father's business failed and went bankrupt, he became a pauper overnight, and he had to find and hide his depraved father.In the end, he found his father in Haojiang, who was obsessed with bars all day long and was drunk.In order to take care of his father's basic necessities, he had to work part-time to earn money.

Later, in order to encourage his desperate father to start life again, to prove himself, and to earn original funds for his father, Lin Siqi signed up for the MMA competition, hoping to win a bonus.

But at this time, there are more than two months left in the MMA competition, and no one is optimistic that he can beat his opponent. They think that even if he is qualified to take the stage, it will be only one round at most.

The coach has his own students signed up for the competition, and he doesn't want to waste time teaching him.

At this time, Cheng Hui saw Lin Siqi's young self from Lin Siqi, and by mistake, he agreed to teach Lin Siqi how to box.

Thus, the brutal training began.

Two and a half months later, Lin Siqi, who trained hastily, won two fights with great perseverance and hard work, although his fighting skills were not high.

But in the third game, he met a master, and was knocked down by someone with a stunt, almost broke his neck and killed him, and was eliminated miserably.

Although his defeat was glorious, his father watched his son fight with life and blood in the arena, and the spirit of never giving up until the last moment was finally touched, and he regained his confidence in life.

And Lin Siqi himself found his own value in life through this experience.

At the same time, Cheng Hui's debt collectors chased after Haojiang, smashed the shared house, and injured the mother and daughter. The little girl was seriously injured and hospitalized. The mother stabbed someone with a knife, and her mental condition deteriorated. The girl had to be separated from her mother and sent away.

He felt deeply guilty, deeply hopeless, and felt that he was a good-for-nothing who harmed others.There is no power to change anything.

However, the apprentice's fiasco and hard work shocked him, and he finally decided to participate in the MMA competition. On the field, he regained his dignity and confidence.

He started training hard.

In the end, the 48-year-old old boxing champion defeated the master who defeated his apprentice and won the championship of the previous competition, which shocked the whole world.

This is a very realistic and delicate film, and it is also a film in which the two protagonists have no aura of protagonists.

The theme of the film is probably to express the positive energy of not losing confidence and enthusiasm for life at any time.

This is quite a match for Su Yi who is in a confused stage.

But in the end, whether Su Yi spit out the bowl of chicken soup, or was healed in the end, that's uncertain.

Character profile:

Name: Yang Zihao
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Birthplace: Haojiang

Relationship status: single (seven ex-girlfriends, click to view identity information)

Occupation: Training partner of Pioneer Fitness Club (monthly salary of 8000 yuan during the trial period)
Family background: Mother died of illness 16 years ago, and father was a professional gambler who was hacked to death on the street 9 years ago due to a gambling dispute.

Character experience: Due to the death of his father, he dropped out of school in the second year of junior high school, lived on relief funds from the Social Welfare Department, joined the local club 14K, and was active in nightclubs in major casinos in Haojiang.

After becoming an adult, he received 20 yuan in compensation from his father, spent it all in the casino that night, and owed 7 yuan in gambling debts.

Three months later, the usury group used the house to repay the debt and forcibly took away the property left by his parents. He hacked the leader of the debt collection society with a knife and seriously injured him, so he was sentenced to three years in prison.

Less than a month after he was released from prison, he was arrested due to conflicts between social groups and sentenced to half a year in prison.

More than two months after he was released from prison again, he was sent to prison again for stealing a car and was sentenced to one year.

After entering the palace for the third time, his "status" in the society not only did not improve, but was surpassed by those who came after him. In addition, he had no background and was repeatedly bullied. I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to change my mind and quit the club.

He began to try to do a serious job. He didn't have a higher education, and he didn't have any skills. Coupled with his criminal experience, he could only do low-level jobs that no one did.

Waste collectors, fish killers in the kitchen, temporary workers on construction sites, sewer plumbers...

After nearly two years, he was smoothed by life and all hopes were wiped out by reality. He came to this gym ten days ago and became a fighting partner.

To put it bluntly, they are dedicated to being beaten, and they also have to work part-time as a cleaner.

He doesn't have a fixed residence, because he is drunk every month after his salary is paid, or he goes to the casino to squander it all, and he can't afford to rent a house.

Currently, he is either living in a public dormitory of the Social Relief Agency or on the street.

For meals, two working meals are provided in the gym.

To put it bluntly, this person is a numb useless person, eating and waiting to die, muddleheaded.

Standing in the bathroom of the club, looking at his pale and swollen face in the mirror, Su Yi was speechless.

He said that the identity is arranged casually, but there is no need to be so casual, right?

What can such a trash identity do?
The identity he wants is a student, not a training partner.

What made Su Yi even more speechless was the announcement of the performance.

"Actor Su Yi, hello. Here is the performance notification from the crew of "Guild Wars". Your performance task has been confirmed. The notification is as follows:

Performance task: to win the championship of this year's fierce battle million MMA competition, get the bonus, and redeem the house that originally belonged to you.

Special note: It is strictly forbidden to use any performance props in this studio, and it is strictly forbidden to obtain money in any illegal or improper ways, including gambling. Once the rules are violated, the performance task will be directly judged to be a failure.

Assistant Director No. 032 - Number 3356."

The task is nothing, it will be the only task on the set, and it was agreed in advance.

The key is the second half of the special statement - it is strictly forbidden to obtain money in any illegal or improper way, including gambling.

This is very sloppy...

For a long time, Su Yi made money on the set by stealing, stealing, making money, or relying on props.

Because it makes money fast.

The reality is already very difficult, there is no need to work hard on the set for money, so Su Yi has always taken shortcuts when it comes to getting money.

But now, the door is closed.

The announcement of the performance expressly forbids him to take illegal or sideways shortcuts to obtain money.And what is the current wealth of this character?
13 yuan!

Yes, you read that right, with a kick in the butt, he took out a maximum of 13 yuan in his pocket, which was all his property.

13 yuan, not even enough for a decent meal!

So if you don't steal, rob, gamble, or make money, how can Su Yi make money?

Do business?
Doing business also needs capital! 13 Yuan enough money for what?

Is it possible to honestly act as a training partner and make sandbags for others, earning this blood and tears money?

Damn, dignified actor, shameless?

Su Yi can't afford to lose this man!
Even if he starved to death, he would never earn such useless money!

"Resign first to make money, then pay tuition, come in as a student and client!"

"But we have to think of a way to get money..." Su Yi thought hard.

Buy football lottery tickets?
The world studio is in 2006, what kind of game is there in 2006?

Not to mention whether the set is the same as the reality, the key point is Su Yi, a fake fan, who doesn't watch football at all. How can he remember the game scores in 06?

Isn't this talking about it?
Welfare lottery number?Big Lottery?
This is even more ridiculous, Su Yi never pays this kind of IQ tax.

So, is there any serious business that can make a lot of money at a cost of 13 yuan?
Online help, very urgent.

Bang bang bang!
Someone banged on the door.

Su Yi regained his composure and opened the door. Outside the door a muscular young man with short hair stared and opened his mouth and scolded: "Why are you hiding in there and eating shit? Damn, Ah Min has been waiting for you on the ring for more than ten minutes! You Do you know how precious his time is? Your family property..."

"I'm going to Nima!"

Su Yi went up with one punch.

Damn, it's like eating poop, spraying dung, can this be tolerated?
The other party obviously didn't expect Su Yi to make a move, and before he even had time to react, he was punched in the nose, and the nosebleed spurted out immediately!
Without waiting for him to react, Su Yi grabbed his neck and lifted him up and pressed him against the wall. This guy was about to reach out and grab Su Yi subconsciously.

Su Yi hit him on the temple with a right uppercut, and the guy was stunned immediately, his eyes were blurred, and his limbs drooped weakly.

As soon as Su Yi let go, he immediately slid down the wall and collapsed on the ground.

This movement immediately attracted several people.

The first one was a black-faced cripple who looked to be in his forties.

He opened his eyes and ran over screaming: "Hey, hey! What are you doing! You are crazy, Zihao!"

He pushed Su Yi away, and hurriedly squatted on the ground to check: "Ben, are you alright? Wake up!"

This man named Ben looked a little unconscious, his face was full of confusion, and half of his face was covered in blood.

When he regained consciousness, a group of people had already gathered around the door of the bathroom.

There are students and staff.

A strong young man came out more and more, looked at the scene, his face darkened, and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's okay, it's okay, hehe, there is a little problem, brother Luo." The black-faced cripple hurriedly apologized with a smile, "You are busy with your work, you are busy with your work."

This sturdy young man is the head fighting coach of the club and one of the shareholders of the club. His name is Jiang Luo, and he is known as Brother Luo.

"Tai Sui, shut up, it's none of your business!" Brother Luo pointed at him and cursed unceremoniously.

This black-faced cripple's real name is Yang Qingxin, and his nickname is Tai Sui. He is the friend of the protagonist Cheng Hui.

Brother Luo's eyes fell on Su Yi, his eyes were gloomy: "Did you hit him?"

"It's me." Su Yi naturally wouldn't deny it.

"Do you think you are good at beating, bad boy?" Brother Luo pointed at Su Yi's nose and cursed, "Is it because you are paid to beat people?"

"What do you want?" Su Yi frowned slightly.

"How?" Luo Ge sneered, "You beat someone in my territory, do you think you can beat someone for nothing? You have to pay for doing something wrong!"

"Uh, Brother Luo, I heard Ah Ben scolding Zihao before, and it was terrible..." Tai Sui hurriedly explained, "I think there is a reason for the incident, both of them are at fault..."

"Shut up! Tai Sui!" Brother Luo pointed at him dissatisfied and shouted, "If you talk nonsense, get out!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say, but this matter really can't be entirely blamed on Zihao, young people, who is still not angry?" Tai Sui said with a smile.

Brother Luo looked at Su Yi with disgust in his eyes, and said coldly: "You have been in prison, bad boy, you come to apply for the job, and it stands to reason that we would not want you at all! It is the boss who takes you in because of pity on you. Now You actually caused trouble and dared to hit your colleagues?"

"You must get out!" He pointed at Su Yi's nose, "But you can't beat someone for nothing! No matter how you beat someone, you have to pay me back twice! Don't say I won't give you a chance, come on!" In the arena, survive a round under Ah Min's hands, and I'll let you go!"

A Min is Luo Ge's proud disciple. Although his talent is not very good, his fighting level is solid.

"This won't work, Brother Luo!" Tai Sui hurriedly persuaded, "How powerful is Amin? He will beat Zihao to death! Brother Luo, since you don't want him, just let him go and let him fend for himself... "

"Then call the police!" Luo Ge sneered, "Call the police, get an injury check, this is at least a concussion, right? Intentionally hurting someone, I see how long he will squat this time!"

Tai Sui looked at Su Yi with a bit of resentment, and pointed at him: "You bad boy, I told you that forbearance will be calm for a while, but you just didn't listen. Now it's all right! Is it worth the trouble?"

does it worth?
In fact, it's not worth it. If it were in reality, Su Yi would never be so impulsive, but instead confront him and spray him to death.

But this is a set, so try not to make noise if you can.

He looked at Brother Luo and said, "It's my fault for beating someone, so call the police. I should go to jail, so I'll go to jail."

"Why, dare not go to the ring?" Luo Ge said disdainfully.

"It's not that I don't dare." Su Yi shook his head, "It's unnecessary. If I hurt Amin again, wouldn't it make you lose face?"

The scene suddenly fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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