Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 476 Training Plan

Chapter 476 Training Plan
Su Yi and Tai Sui drank until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. At this time, the mother and daughter who went to work and school from nine to five were [-]% asleep.

Across the living room, "knocking on the door softly" is of no use at all.

Su Yi tried to open it with a key, but it was locked from the inside.

This is no way.

Bang bang bang!
He knocked hard.

After knocking for thirty seconds, hurried footsteps came from inside.

With the sound of the lock spring springing open, the door opened a crack, a little girl with big eyes, wearing a big T-shirt as pajamas, and wearing large flip flops poked her head out from inside, with the awakened His face was full of displeasure: "Why did you knock on the door so hard? Are you illiterate?"

"You are asleep, you can't hear the door knocking softly, and I can't help it." Su Yi explained.

"In the middle of the night, of course we fell asleep!" The little girl said angrily, "Is your name Yang Zihao?"

"it's me."

That's why he reluctantly let Su Yi in, and muttered: "Go home before ten o'clock in the future, once my mother is woken up, she will easily suffer from insomnia!"

Who can guarantee this?
"Then just don't lock the door behind you?" Su Yi said, "I have the key, and if I open the door myself, I won't disturb you."

The little girl turned her head and looked at Su Yi like an idiot: "It's because you have the key, and you can come in and out at will when we are asleep, so I have to lock it! What if you are a bad person and bully us? "

Is the co-author aimed at myself?
Su Yi smiled and stopped talking.

The living room is very dilapidated, refrigerator, washing machine, fish tank, cabinet, sofa, dining table...

A lot of things are placed in a small space, which looks very crowded.

The lights were not turned on, only the lights in the fish tank gave off a dim light, so that the room would not be completely dark.

After closing the door, the little girl hurriedly tiptoed to the bedroom on the left and gently opened the door to take a look. After closing the door, she obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't wake up my mother."

Some scared tone.

Only now did she have time to take a good look at Su Yi.

"What's your name?" Su Yi asked.

"Liang Peidan, you can just call me Xiaodan." The little girl replied solemnly, and then said seriously: "Let me tell you the rules..."

"First, you are not allowed to make loud noises after ten o'clock. Also, you are not allowed to turn on the lights in the living room. Second, everything in the kitchen is ours, and you are not allowed to use it! Third, hang the washed clothes in your room Here, don't hang around!"

Xiao Dan snapped his fingers and told Su Yi one by one.

Su Yi didn't interrupt her, let her finish, and asked her: "What else?"

In fact, according to common sense, Xiao Dan told Su Yi so many rules, Su Yi can completely dismiss them.

Everyone is a tenant and their status is equal, so why should we abide by your rules?Still acting like this for granted?
But Su Yi also knows that he suddenly broke into the lives of their mother and daughter, and broke into their home. At this time, they must be full of repulsion and insecurity. It is also possible to establish rules to swear sovereignty and check and restrain roommates. understand.

"Of course there are! Fourth, the bathtub in the bathroom cannot be used, and the wooden boards on it must not be lifted." Xiao Dan continued, "Fifth, you can't bring some messy people back! If you want to bring friends Come, you must say hello in advance! Sixth, you are not allowed to drink in the living room..."

Xiaodan said "No.14" in one breath, bit his finger and thought hard for a while, but he didn't think of anything, so he gave up.

"Anyway, we were the ones who lived here first, so you have to follow our rules. Xiao Dan finally concluded, maybe because she saw Su Yi as "good", she added: "Everyone will live in the same room in the future, and only obey the rules." You can get along well, and you don't want us to fight because of these, do you?I quarrel very badly!As long as you don't do it, none of the classmates in our school can quarrel with me, even the seniors. "

"It can be seen." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "It's very late, so go to bed early, I will try to keep my voice as low as possible."

"Good night!" Xiao Dan thought for a while, waved to Su Yi, then tiptoed back to his bedroom and closed the door.

The room returned to silence.

Su Yi stood in the living room and looked around.

Dim lights, strange environment, unknown future.

The long-lost feeling of loneliness suddenly surged into Su Yi's heart.

But he immediately shook his head vigorously, putting the hypocrisy behind him.

He carried his things and walked to his bedroom.

All old houses have a common shortcoming, that is, there will be a very bad smell.

I can't tell if it's wood mold or something else, but it doesn't smell good.You have to wait for you to live for a long time and get used to it before you get used to it and you won’t be able to smell it.

Haojiang is a subtropical area, and the weather has been extremely hot these few days. When Su Yi arrived in the bedroom, he was already covered in white sweat.

He glanced at the air conditioner hanging on the wall and was startled.

I'll go, the air conditioner was broken in the original plot...

He tried to turn on the air conditioner with a third chance.

The result is hot air blowing, not cooling at all.

Made a crime.

Su Yi was a little annoyed, he took off his shirt, started tidying up the room, made the bed, then took a basin of water, wiped his body with a towel, and then lay down.

But lying down for a while is unbearable.

In the original plot, Cheng Hui's solution was to move someone else's refrigerator in, and open the refrigerator door to face himself, so as to achieve the cooling effect.

Thinking of this method to replace the air conditioner, is it a ghost?

But the result is that the mother and daughter have a bad impression of him, and Xiao Dan is very angry with him.

Besides, tampering with other people's things is not good after all.

After thinking about it, Su Yi simply got up and walked out.

When he got to the door, he thought of something, and went back to the bedroom, carefully wrote a piece of paper, left it on the living room table, and then went out, closing the door gently.

Turning across a street, Su Yi knocked on the door of a hotel.

The old man who opened the door smelled of alcohol and was very impatient: "Made, what time is it? What's the matter?"

"Of course you're staying in a hotel, don't you come to eat late at night?" Su Yi was not polite, "Open the door!"

He kicked the door hard.

The old man was shrewd and shy, he hesitated to open the door.

After Su Yi went in, he looked around, the environment was so-so.

"Give me a room with air-conditioning, the air-conditioning must be cool enough!" Su Yi ordered, "If it's not cool, I'll destroy your shop!"

"Third floor! 301." The old man smiled apologetically, quickly took out the key and handed it to Su Yi, "This room is the most air-conditioned, quiet, and absolutely comfortable! I'll give you a 300% discount on the price, [-] yuan for you."

Su Yi counted out three pieces of money and slapped them on the counter, picked up the keys and didn't go back upstairs.

The old man didn't mutter until Su Yi's figure disappeared: "It's really unlucky, I don't know where this little Ah Fei came from, I haven't seen it before..."

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, after Xiao Dan got up, he found that the door of Su Yi's bedroom was open. When he looked around, there was no one inside.

"Going out so early?" The little girl muttered in confusion, going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Then she saw the note left on the table.

"Hello Xiaodan, the air conditioner in my room is broken. I will ask the master to fix it today. Please open the door for the master. I have paid the door-to-door fee. If the master asks for any fees, please don't bother. In addition, I noticed that the ceiling There are traces of rain leakage. It’s almost the rainy season. It will be very troublesome if you don’t deal with it. I will find a waterproofer to repair the roof. I will also pay the fee first. If you have time, please take care of it at home. Thank you. Yang Zihao .”

Xiaodan couldn't read, and couldn't read many words, so he ran to ask his mother who just woke up.

After her mother finished reading, Xiao Dan couldn't help cheering: "Great! Finally someone repaired the roof! Mom, we don't have to collect water at home when it rains! There is also an air conditioner... Ah Hao paid for it Fei, can the master fix our air conditioner together? We won’t be so hot when we sleep at night..."

His mother, Wang Mingjun, was very quiet when she was not ill. She smiled lightly, but her focus was different from her daughter's: "You saw this man last night, do you think he looks like a bad guy?"

Xiaodan bit his finger and thought for a while, then said: "It doesn't look like him, but it doesn't necessarily mean that he is not! Alas, in this society, bad people don't write on their faces. But judging by his good attitude, it shouldn't be Bad guys, wait to see."

Wang Mingjun smiled and nodded, she was used to her daughter talking like a grown-up.

Su Yi got up from the hotel refreshed, and when he passed by a home appliance repair shop, he told the address and paid the fee, and asked the master to come to repair the air conditioner.

Then I found a home to do waterproofing, and let them go there today.

After finishing these, he came to the club.

Everyone in the club looked at him strangely today, obviously they all heard about Luo Ge's plan to take him as an apprentice.

After beating Luo Ge's apprentice and assistant, not only was he fine, but he also turned into Luo Ge's apprentice.

How did this magic work?

Everyone was curious to death.

He went straight to Brother Luo's office, and when he entered, Ah Min and Ah Ben were there, both of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, and they were both beaten by Su Yi.

They seemed to be talking about something, Ah Min and Ah Ben looked very unhappy, Luo Ge saw Su Yi coming, and said straight to the point: "Ah Hao, apologize to Ah Min and Ah Ben."

"Yes, Brother Luo!"

Su Yi turned his head and said to the two: "Ah Min, Ah Ben, I was wrong to hit someone yesterday, I apologize to you, I'm sorry. If you are angry, you can do whatever you want, but I hope to get over as soon as possible after the embarrassment is over. , everyone will be their own people in the future, if there are still conflicts, it will only make things difficult for Brother Luo."

"That's right! Ah Hao has such an attitude! You two, can you be more broad-minded?" Luo Ge said, "From now on, you will be your own, and it's not a big deal, isn't it just being beaten? You don’t know each other without fighting, right?”

Amin snorted coldly, looked at Su Yi and said displeasedly: "Brother Luo said just now, you and I will be in the ring again in three months, if you still dare to foul by then, I will definitely not be as easy-talking as I am now!"

What can you do to me if I make a foul?Bite me?

Su Yi was disdainful in his heart, but on the surface he nodded sincerely and said: "Don't worry, Amin, Brother Luo accepted me just to show me how to fight without fouling."

This sounded comfortable, Luo Ge nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Okay, you two go out first, Ahao and I still have something to say."

After the two of them went out, Brother Luo ordered again: "In a few days, your relationship will ease up a bit. If you buy them a drink, all problems will be gone! Ah Hao, you can't be so impulsive in the future, and just call me casually." people."

"Understood, Luoge."

"From today onwards, you are going to start formal training." Luo Ge said solemnly, "Ahao, first of all, you must correct your own mentality. You may think that you are very good at fighting, but you must understand that in the professional In front of MMA boxers, you are a rookie who doesn't know anything!"

"If you don't foul, you are nothing! Even your current physical fitness is not up to standard! Whether it is strength, endurance, or speed, you are seriously lacking. You need all-round training. Physical fitness first, by the way, you How much do you weigh now?"

"About 60 kilograms." Su Yi replied.

"You don't have enough weight, you have to gain muscle." Luo Ge said, "This MMA competition does not set up competitions below the lightweight. The lightweight standard is between 66 kg and 70 kg. You'd better increase your muscle to 70 kg, otherwise you will not be qualified to practice in the ring."

"Okay." Su Yi has nothing to do, he is a layman, and he will listen to what others say.

"Next, you must quit smoking and drinking, and you must also have a regular schedule. You must not stay up late!" Luoge said, "You must follow the recipes for muscle building and physical training. I will tell the kitchen and let them give you the menu I gave you. Prepare three meals a day and two teas, except for training meals, you can only drink water, and you can’t put anything in your mouth, understand?”

"Understood!" Su Yi nodded.

"Very good," Luo Ge nodded in satisfaction, "I will make a three-week muscle-building and physical training plan for you. During these three weeks, your task is to stay healthy and become stronger! Wait for your physical fitness and fitness training plan. When the weight reaches the standard, I will teach you boxing again."

"However, I will say the ugly words first. Your training process will be very painful. I guarantee that every day will make your life worse than death! It is too late for you to regret it now, but if we sign the agreement later, if you If you regret it, you will need to pay high liquidated damages!"

"Where is the agreement?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Su Yi didn't care about the content of the agreement, his only purpose was to let Luo Ge teach him boxing, as for the others, it didn't matter at all.

After signing the agreement, he saw the first training plan that Luo Ge made for him.

A thick book!
It seems that it has just been bound, and there are still a lot of handwritten content inside. Su Yi opened it and looked at it, and only saw two words - professional!
From Monday to Sunday, the training content is different every day.

There are six hours of high-intensity training in the morning, noon and evening every day. From sprinting, rope skipping to various weight training, the training items are varied and extensive.

And there are corresponding recipes for different training subjects every day, five meals a day, one meal is not a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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