Chapter 479 KO
Awen is an assistant coach of the club and an amateur boxer. He has gained some fame in the amateur circle.

Of course, it won't be too awesome.

It's awesome, and I wouldn't come here to be a teaching assistant.

The so-called teaching assistants are actually senior training partners.

But Ah Wen has all the qualities and skills that an MMA boxer should have, and has quite a lot of experience in the ring. As Su Yi's first actual opponent, it is definitely more than enough.

Before going on stage, Luo Ge specially told Ah Wen not to hit hard as soon as he came up, the important thing is to let Su Yi show the things he has trained one by one.

He was afraid that Ah Wen's KO of Su Yi would frustrate Su Yi's self-confidence.

A bunch of people surrounded the audience, all staff members of the club.

The three-month appointment between Su Yi and Amin was full of turmoil, and everyone in the club knew about it. Even Tai Sui set up a [-]-to-[-] handicap on the banker, accepting everyone's bets.

Of course it's A Minyi and Su Yisi.

Many people bought Ah Min to win, and most of them even bought Ah Min to KO Su Yi in the first round.

Tai Sui panicked a lot, because no one bought Su Yi at all. If this continues, the village will lose a lot of money.

When he first saw people, he tried his best to brag about how good Su Yi was, how hard he trained, and how talented he was.

But the more he said that, the less people believed him, and some people even put up bets to buy Ah Min to win, which made Tai Sui very constipated.

Logically speaking, Su Yi KO'd Amin three times before, there should be some people who are optimistic about him, but there really isn't one.

The reason is very simple, Amin is the top card of this club, if his reputation is too damaged, it will further affect the club's business.

Okay, your family's top card was dealt with by a gangster in twos and twos, and you still said that your tutor didn't show fists and embroidered legs?
In order to prevent this from happening, Brother Luo and his boss immediately made remedies after the incident, and asked assistant teachers such as A Ben and A Wen to go around and "analyze" why A Min capsized in the gutter from a professional perspective.

It is equivalent to a real navy, part-time evaluation and control.

To put it simply, Amin fought against Su Yi with a professional spirit, but Su Yi didn't understand the rules and made a sneak attack and foul from the very beginning. Hit the trick.

Then explain how bad Su Yi's foul behavior was, and how serious the consequences would be if he really went on stage to do so.

Finally, suppose again, what would happen if Su Yi obeyed the rules...

After this set of rhetoric, everyone took it for granted that if there was a real fight, Su Yi would not even be worthy of carrying Amin's shoes.

Therefore, when Tai Sui opened the market, everyone bought A Min to win, not even speculators who were unpopular.

Can Huaxia Football Team beat Brazil and Germany?
Is it necessary to guard against upsets in such a disparity in the game?
It's not necessary at all, is it?

So everyone is very stable in their hearts, and they are all waiting to make a fortune in Tai Sui.

But steady and steady, Su Yi's first actual combat, everyone still has to take a look.

It is mainly based on Su Yi's performance to judge how long Su Yi can last on stage.

"It seems that this kid, Ah Hao, has really turned upside down." Someone was amazed, "He used to always look like he was hollowed out, but now look, how strong is he?"

"That's right! I said earlier that he is a genius," Tai Sui answered immediately, "Trust me, you can win if you buy him! Hey, you pay four for one! Very funny!"

"Cut, you can win if you develop some muscle?" The man sneered, "I'm only a fool to buy Ah Hao to win!"

Just as Tai Sui was about to speak, the phone rang suddenly.

He answered with a casual tone at first: "Hello, who is it?"

"Damn, Chi Hui!" Immediately raising the volume, "Why did you remember to call me? What? Damn, wait a minute, I'll go out and talk!"

When Tai Sui left, the competition on the ring just started.

The two confronted each other on the stage, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Ah Wen didn't seem to want to act first, he seemed to be planning to strike later, and wanted to teach Su Yi a good lesson.

Seeing that Su Yi just wandered away without attacking, he simply hooked his fingers and made a provocative gesture.

The boos from the audience suddenly rose one after another, urging Su Yi to go up.

When Su Yi came to power for the first time, he originally had conservative thoughts, but seeing this, he was naturally not polite.

He stepped forward and made a feint to lure Ah Wen into fooling him, but the latter was unmoved at all.

Seeing this, Su Yi had no choice but to attack with a tentative jab.

Ah Wen immediately moved like a rabbit, dived out of the way, and then hit him with a right uppercut.

Su Yi's tactical retreat made the punch miss, but Ah Wen followed up like a tarsus with a left swing.

But in fact, this punch is an empty punch, and the focus is on his back punch. At this moment, Ah Wen has adjusted his footwork and swung his right fist. He just waited for Su Yi to block or dodge his left swing punch, and then hit Su Yi hard with a right swing. The left rib!

In the arena, a qualified boxer will predict the opponent's next move in the blink of an eye, and respond decisively.

Because of Su Yi's conservativeness when he came to power, and Su Yi's purposeless temptation, Ah Wen decided to disown Su Yilai. This combination is simple and fast, and he played very decisively.

However, what Ah Wen didn't expect was that when Su Yi dodged his right uppercut, he judged that his second blow was a false punch based on the adjustment of his footwork and the angle of force, and decided to seize the opportunity immediately!
He didn't care about the left swing at all, and pulled his left leg back to make the backward swing immediately become a power reserve. Then, in a flash, his left arm exerted force, and a left diagonal swing punched Awen's right neck!

The next second—

A Wen's left pendulum hit Su Yi's face softly.

And Su Yi's heavy punch landed on Awen's neck almost at the same time, making a loud "bang".

Awen fell straight up straight.

In MMA competitions, there is no rule that the opponent should stop attacking when he falls to the ground. Usually, after the opponent falls to the ground, the boxer's method is to immediately rush to the ground and punch.A considerable part of the match was due to punches on the ground, the one who was hit was unable to parry, and then the referee judged TKO to decide the winner.

At this moment, Arwen fell straight and straight, and it was definitely the best time for Su Yi to go up to make up punches, but this was just actual combat training, not a competition, so naturally he didn't do it.

He didn't have to.

Because Ah Wen was directly KO!
He hit Awen's carotid sinus, causing Awen to go into shock on the spot and lose consciousness.

The cheers and screams from the audience stopped abruptly!

Luo Ge, who was acting as the referee, was also stunned, but he reacted immediately and rushed to Awen to give first aid.

There was an uproar in the audience!
Ah Wen was actually KO'd!
Who can believe this result?

It's so magical!
You know, Su Yi didn't foul at all this time, he played so beautifully.

From the beginning to the end of the match, he punched twice, the first punch was a random test, and the second punch KO opponent!

It's easier than playing professional and amateur!

"I'll throw it! I'll throw it!" Someone in the audience was so excited that he couldn't speak, his face flushed, "It was too fierce! It was too fierce! Did you see his punch just now? It was as fast as lightning!"

"This is outrageous! Ah Wen is not a soft persimmon! I have lost nine out of ten fights with Ah Wen..." an assistant coach yelled, holding his head and breaking down.

"Genius, this kid is definitely a genius! Made, Tai Sui is right!"

"Damn, I bought 1000 yuan and Ah Hao lost..."

There was a sudden silence.

"I bought two thousand..."

"I also bought five hundred..."

As a pair, they all cried out when they realized that they had all been cut with leeks.

At this time, Tai Sui came in just after talking on the phone, seeing that Su Yi was standing on the stage and Awen was lying down, he was taken aback for a moment.

He widened his eyes in surprise, and pulled the person next to him: "Hey, what happened?"

When the man saw that it was him, his eyes lit up immediately: "Tai Sui! I want to bet, buy Ah Hao to win! Five hundred -- no, 1000 yuan!"

"I also buy Ah Hao to win, I buy him to KO Ah Min within three rounds!"

"And me, I'll buy Ah Hao to win too!"

Tai Sui also reacted at this moment, and laughed excitedly: "Now the handicap has changed, one pays one!"

Naturally, it caused some scolding.

On the stage, Ah Wen woke up leisurely, but his consciousness was still a little fuzzy.

But this is already considered a small problem, nothing to do.

After ordering two staff members to carry Awen away, Brother Luo looked at Su Yi who was crossing his arms thoughtfully, and finally couldn't help laughing.

He felt that the most correct thing he did was to teach Su Yi how to box.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Ge asked.

"Brother Wen has always been my training partner. I know her ability, but his strength has not been displayed at all..." Su Yi frowned and said, "But the opportunity just now... Shouldn't I do this?"

"When you hit that punch, did you have time to think about whether it should be punched?" Luo Ge's expression became serious, "Don't say you are too late, if you really think about it, then you will lose badly!"

"When it comes to the ring, nothing matters, you either lose or win, it's that simple! You think Ah Wen's strength has not been brought out, so what? This is MMA!"

"If you don't concentrate on the stage, if you underestimate your opponent, or if you are careless, a small negligence will cause you to lose the whole game! In the ring, no one cares how much you suffer, No matter how much sweat you sweat, no one cares what you are thinking! Boxers, referees, coaches and spectators, everyone has only two words in their hearts - win or lose!"

"Awen's skills are fine, and his mentality is fine, but the reason why he has been unable to become a professional boxer and can only fight in amateur matches, do you know where his problem lies?"

"It's because he thinks too much! A game is a game, not chess. Why think so much?"

"Yes, Brother Luo, I understand." Su Yi honestly admitted his mistake.

He just has a sense of disobedience. During normal training, Ah Wen speaks clearly and logically. During demonstrations and sparring, whether it is strength or speed, he can stabilize Su Yi.

Su Yi has always felt that if he fights Ah Wen, he will definitely lose, and it is impossible to win, but he never thought that he would knock out Ah Wen with two punches, so he has such emotion.

"Don't be superstitious about strength on paper," Luo Ge seemed to understand what Su Yi was thinking, and said lightly, "If whoever is stronger and faster wins, then what kind of competition is there? Why don't you just show the ranking of the data? "

He patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "But don't be complacent, if Ah Wen fights with you again, it will definitely not be so simple."

That's natural, the probability of capsizing twice in the same gutter is still very low.

If Ah Wen fights again, he will definitely play more cautiously. With his stability, it will be difficult for Su Yi to KO his opponent.

"The three-month period between you and Amin is coming soon." Luo Ge's eyes sparkled, "Now that you have graduated, the daily training naturally cannot be stopped, but if you want to go further, what you need most is experience in the ring. I will Arrange for Ben and Amin to fight with you, and then me. After the fight is over, I will find you another opponent!"

"Before the big competition starts, besides training, you have to fight every game and then sum up your experience!"

"Then my job..." Su Yi asked after pondering slightly.

"Still working!" Luo Ge said angrily, "I'll go to the boss to discuss, register your professional certificate as soon as possible, and then sign you. In the future, you will play games on behalf of the club and get dividends and bonuses!"

Su Yi suddenly lifted his spirits.

This game made everyone look at Su Yi with admiration.

Because it was another "second kill", Su Yi's true ability was still not revealed, so some people still questioned Su Yi, but it didn't matter, because more people began to look forward to Su Yi's performance.

Although he was in the ring during the day, and Ah Wen no longer supervised Su Yi's training, Su Yi still consciously practiced for two hours.

Habit is a terrible thing, but now Su Yi is used to self-torturing training.Without sweating or suffering, he always felt that something was missing.

After the training, it was almost eleven o'clock again, and it was another fulfilling day.

In fact, Su Yi himself didn't even notice it. Unknowingly, his mentality had undergone some silent changes.

He no longer takes it for granted that everything he does is for performance tasks, and the previous boredom and withdrawal are also quietly fading away.

All his efforts now, all his hard work, have become a part of his life. He doesn't want to prove anything, nor is it just to achieve the final goal.

He cares more about the process now.

He rejoices in the obvious changes in his body and the progress he can see with the naked eye.

He fell in love with this kind of fist-to-flesh violence, and he yearned for the feeling of his opponent falling in front of him.

That is not victory, but conquest!

A real man should conquer everything!
What Su Yi didn't expect was that Tai Sui actually called him. At this time, Su Yi was almost at the door of his house.

"Uncle Tai Sui, it's so late, what are you doing?"

"Rongji food stall, remember? The place where you invited me to drink last time, come here, a friend introduced you to it."


Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Counting the time, the main character, Cheng Hui, should be here.

This is a two-time gold belt winner and an old boxing champion. He is definitely a good opponent.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Su Yi thought for a while, and agreed.

The director told me to get more involved in the plot.

But if you count the time, the other protagonist, Lin Siqi, should have also arrived in Haojiang, and should be doing temporary work at a nearby construction site.

(End of this chapter)

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